A Florida man applied for 60 entry-level jobs in a month to prove the so-called 'labor shortage' is a myth
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 4 years ago • 23 commentsBy: Alex Galbraith (Orlando Weekly)

PostedByAlex Galbraith on Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 5:06 PM
In a bit of pushback to the all-around lie that people don't want to work anymore, a Florida man applied for more than 60 entry-level jobs in his area and only heard back from one.
Joey Holz said he was inspired to apply for two jobs a day the entire month of September by increasing coverage of the so-called labor shortage. After hearing several local business owners complain that they can't find employees for hourly work, Holz set about his experiment, documenting the results in a spreadsheet.
Holz, who has experience in food service and retail, began his experiment by applying for a job at two restaurants that he had seen be pretty vocal about the staff shortages and a supposed laziness among the workforce.
Holz saw a discrepancy between the rhetoric of employers and the facts on the ground in Ft. Myers. Many pointed to the expanded unemployment benefits as a reason they weren't seeing applicants, but jobless claims have steadily dropped and Florida ended the enhanced benefits several months before he even began applying.
"If this extra money that everyone's supposedly living off of stopped in June and it's now September, obviously, that's not what's stopping them," he told Insider .
He continued to find jobs tied to owners who publicly complained about a lack of applicants. He said he only received one interview, at which point the business owner attempted to walk back the pay of $10/hour offered in the listing.
"Are they desperate for HELP? Yes, according to their loud lamentations on Facebook, but so far 1 interview (where the advertised hours and pay were misrepresented) after 58 applications says y'all aren't desperate for workers, you just miss your slaves," he concluded in a Facebook post that has since gone viral.

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Mohawk Joey
Companies don't want to hire people at higher wages and that includes the hospitality industry. They've become so used to paying people poor wages with no benefits that they are not willing to give up that slave labor mentality
I know this all too well. My son works as a bartender/server at a well know sports bar/gaming eatery. First off he applied as a bartender - was hired as a bartender and spent 3 months as a server before stepping foot behind the bar. The pay rate was inflated in the advertisement & the hours also were inflated. Now a new edict from corporate has been implemented: increase "open" hours, but decrease the number of servers working the floor. His last few shifts have had him tending bar, mixing drinks for the servers for the dining room & serving people in the bar area. He has gone past his punch out time every day he has worked.
They always say that the low hourly rate is made up for in tips, but he has to split tips with the busboys & food runners even though those people make minimum wage while he is on waitstaff wage which is less than minimum. Not to mention some people do not tip. And waitstaff has to report the total food/drink sales for income tax purposes - it is no longer into their pocket. ANd the assumption is made that all clients leave at least 15% - total lie.
If a guy in Florida posts something on Facebook, it must be true.
Some details left out of his "experiment" like what did he show for previous experience. That could be the reason for the $8.65 instead of $10 and also the reason the hours were shorter. Training time to evaluate.
Those details are very important in this scenario. Yes they were entry level but some entry level people are more entry level than others.
Too many details not there. Story is a nothing burger..........which he won't even be flipping
I was thinking the same thing. His experience could be limited to dishwashing, sign spinner or bus boy. He could have been fired from another business and word got out about what he was fired for.
At the same time, over-experience could be why he wasn't contacted or hired as well. I wouldn't bring in somebody that would possibly be there a short time.
Exactly. I've run into that in the past. "you're really over qualified for this position". And as an employer in the same position, I did the same thing at times due to the fact that the position I was hiring for required training and I didn't want to have to do it again in six months because this person found something in the field they really desired.
IMO, there are many details omitted, not the least of which is if his prior food service and retail experience was successful. Did he provide a well-written or sloppy résumé? If he dropped off his résumé in person, was he decently dressed? He claimed that this was a "blind study" but doesn't provide data.
BUT ... As Joey Holz (Mohawk Joey) proudly proclaims on his Facebook page ...
AND ...
He obviously doesn't know that potential employers research our social media history.
Here in northeast Florida we have seen a major increase in young people standing at freeway exits begging for money. I don't think there is a shortage of workers, there is a shortage of people who actually want to work.
For instance, at one particular off ramp, there is a team of 4 or 5 people taking turns holding up the same sign. I gave a girl ten bucks a couple of weeks ago, told her to get something to eat, and told her 3 fast food restaurants only a couple of hundred yards away were practically begging for help, so she should apply. She thanked me and I moved on.
Since then, I have seen this same girl almost everyday at the same off ramp. I asked her if she ever applied and she told me to go fuck myself.
These are nothing but little liberals who think good ole Uncle Joe will take care of them for free the rest of their lives.
Please provide evidence that they are liberals.
So... You told her to apply for a job and she didn't apply for a job. She told you to go fuck yourself. [deleted]
So homeless people in a red state have to be Liberals...
Hell you would think they would be happy because as far as I know homeless people don't, or can't, vote...
I think I should start saying how Florida and the republicans fuck things up and have a homeless problem.
We heard for years how the Dems screwed up in blue states and the homeless are their fault.
Well guess what, when it happens in a red state, they don't get to change the rules and the blame.
Don't have to. It's common knowledge.
Who said they were homeless? Is there a requirement that you have to be homeless to beg on the side of the street? This is a sham for many. Hell of a lot easier than going out and finding jobs.
BTW...I never said anything about the whole of Florida, just the NE part. This area voted blue the last election. That's when the beggars started to really show up.
Coincidence? maybe not
Of course, your little map does not take into account the number of military bases in Florida, who are soley financed by federal dollars.
Pretty much shoots a huge hole in your quest for "gotcha".
Too bad for your fail.
Voted blue the last election? So does you area have reps or dems in charge?
Ah, the mating cry of the extinct dodo bird, "caw caw imadetheshitup caw caw".
Ah, so you are familiar with the liberal dodo bird.
I just checked. "Joey Holz" is the # 1 trend on Facebook. That's definite proof his story is true!
Mrs. Gee and I have been eating out at least once a week throughout the pandemic. We do a happy hour every Thursday with a small group of friends. Back when things were locked down we were supporting our favorite restaurants by getting take away and eating in the park. I've noticed that recently, when you get seated you find the restaurant half empty. If they don't have the servers they close portions of the restaurant but there's really not a line to get in. I think they're reducing staffing because there's still not enough people eating out.