Newsmax Goes There: Says Obama Is Hitler /2021/10/newsmax-says-obama-hitler
Newsmax Goes There: Says Obama Is Hitler
John Amato 2-2 minutes 10/26/2021
On the Newsmax' “Cortes & Pellegrino,” radio host Eric Metaxas said President Obama spoke like 'Hitler wanting to wipe out the Jews' when he claimed the culture wars are a trumped-up fake outrage.
Fired CNNer and former Trumper Steve Cortes began the segment by claiming the left (!!!1!) started the culture wars in America in the 90's.
"They spilled first blood," he said.
Whenever Republicans discuss their differences with "the left," their phrases always trend violent and extreme.
Cortes is upset that it's not the 1590's any longer; gays and women have rights and religious folks finally pay a price for being homophobic, anti-Semitic, racist a-holes.
Really. There is no end to their lunacy.
After being riled up by Cortes, Eric Metaxas, an evangelical radio host took it further and painted Barack Obama as evil incarnate.
Metaxas said, "Well, I wanted to start on a moderate note, but I have failed because here's what I'm gonna say. His saying that is as if Adolf Hitler had said, "We need to put an end to anti-Semitism. Enough." If Hitler said something like that, you wouldn't think it was funny, you wouldn't think it was hypocritical, you'd think it was evil. It's a level of lying that unfortunately rises to evil."
Metaxas went on and on about how Obama was "profoundly divisive as it gets."
Didn't you know TraitorTrump was a uniter?
It's too bad Metaxas was born in my home city of Astoria, NY. Sorry!

I'd like to see these far right nutjobs goad Obama into getting more involved in politics. It'd be good for the Democrats.
If i had a nickel every time a liberal insulted a conservative like that i wouldn't need Obama's money.
Obama is not Hitler, but Trump is the Anti Christ.
Lol .... thx for more empirical evidence.
Not that we need any more of that here on NT.
Newsmax is embarrassing itself in an attempt to remain even slightly more credible than OANN
They are now attacking Fox as being too moderate and doubling down on loyalty to 45.
Only a matter of time before they call Biden something similar.
Newmax is no worse than any of the industrial mass media complex ..... CNN, MSNBC, NBC, etc, etc
All partisanly liberal to a fault. They all are embarrassingly ineffective sources of "real" unbiased news
They dont really have a choice. Newsmax cant gain viewers by moving towards the middle.
The only plus for NM is that they will no longer run Lindell ads.
Wait... Obama is Hitler? It's a good thing he's termed out.
I am so sick of people comparing anything here to Hitler or the Jews. Until I see genocide, they are not equitable and an insult to all 12 million who died under the Nazis.
Where is Godwin's Rule when you need it?
Godwins law is a real thing unfortunately.
(Obviously a dated article, but Godwin says that if they act like Nazi's, comparing them is perfectly fine by him)
The creator of Godwin’s Law explains why some Nazi comparisons don’t break his famous Internet rule
Godwin’s Law, as every good Internet citizen knows, reads as follows: “As an online discussion continues, the probability of a reference or comparison to Hitler or Nazis approaches 1.” When Mike Godwin created it in 1990, he was trying to address the widespread phenomenon of glibly comparing someone else to Hitler or Nazis to win an online argument.
It’s one of the most invoked rules on the Internet to this day. But how does Godwin’s Law apply when you’re literally talking about Nazis?
Hundreds of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klan members descended on Charlottesville this past weekend. One man, described as a Nazi sympathizer , is accused of plowing into a crowd of counterdemonstrators with his car, killing one woman and wounding several other people. And so a stranger asked Godwin to weigh in: When it comes to the white supremacists in Charlottesville, is it okay to compare what they believe and do to what the Nazis believed and did?
Unfortunately, always among us in online discussions. As MrFrost points out that rule or law states, "As an online discussion continues, the probability of a reference or comparison to Hitler or Nazis approaches". It IS the rule or law that you, and I, are sick of.
It is the end result of extreme partisan groupthink that seeks not to rationally support a cause or agenda, but rather to demonize or tear down others who might differ with that agenda in any way. What better way to bring down an opponent, or someone of a different opinion, than to compare him/her to Hitler, the anti-Christ, or the devil? It is the last ditch effort of a partisan to win an argument they can't intelligently support without ad hominem. Those who use it should be ashamed of themselves because as you say it is insulting to those who have indeed suffered at the hand of Hitler and the Nazis, and it does nothing to advance (and may indeed sully) what might have been a worthy cause.