Is Harris on her way out?

A strange thing happened last night on the Fox News show called "Primetime." That is the show that has a different host every week. This week it's Jesse Waters and Waters for the first time speculated on a rumor. It seems that Fox News Congressional correspondent Chad Pergram heard something from his sources. Pergram is an American award-winning journalist in Washington D.C. who has been a political reporter at Fox News, and a chief correspondent for Capital News. For his efforts in the broadcasting field, Pergram won the Edward R. Murrow Award and the Joan Barone Award for reporting on Capitol Hill.
Chad Pergram
'So I got a message recently from someone who knows Capitol Hill very well and they suggested I should familiarize myself with the process to confirm a vacancy for the vice president in the Senate and in the House,' Pergram claimed.
A recent CNN article claimed that the Biden-Harris relationship had soured:
(CNN) Worn out by what they see as entrenched dysfunction and lack of focus , key West Wing aides have largely thrown up their hands at Vice President Kamala Harris and her staff -- deciding there simply isn't time to deal with them right now, especially at a moment when President Joe Biden faces quickly multiplying legislative and political concerns .
The exasperation runs both ways. Interviews with nearly three dozen former and current Harris aides, administration officials, Democratic operatives, donors and outside advisers -- who spoke extensively to CNN -- reveal a complex reality inside the White House. Many in the vice president's circle fume that she's not being adequately prepared or positioned, and instead is being sidelined. The vice president herself has told several confidants she feels constrained in what she's able to do politically. And those around her remain wary of even hinting at future political ambitions, with Biden's team highly attuned to signs of disloyalty, particularly from the vice president."
Followed up by this:
So the question of what Pergram's sources told him is upon us. Democrats, in congress are in serious trouble when it comes to the 2022 midterm elections. A generic poll has Republicans with a double digit lead over them. At least one congressional democrat announced that she won't bother running next year. The presidential prospects for democrats aren't much better as the president has a 38% approval rating and the vice president has a 28% approval rating, so maybe, just maybe somebody has to go. There are even rumors of the Harris people calling the Biden staff "racist." Although that is what many progressives tend to do, Biden can't afford that label. He depends on the black vote, so maybe that is all the more reason for a change.
Jesse Waters last night:
'Our Capitol Hill Correspondent Chad Pergram tells us he's been hearing whispers suggesting there could be some new high-profile confirmation hearings on the horizon in the House of Representatives,' said Watters during the segment."
'Why is this a big deal? Because the house does not confirm normal nominees. But it does confirm vice-presidential nominees. Does this have something to do with Kamala Harris? It's been no secret she's been running out of favor with the Biden team, ' he added.
I suppose the best way would be to convince Harris to resign.
Time will tell.
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This is a rumor, nothing more.
It is an issue to be considered along with all the other rumors/unknown sourced stories we have discussed over the past 5 years.
Is this what happens when a presidential candidate picks a running mate for no other reasons than her sex and race?
A couple more on this subject.
It makes you wonder if these rumors would have occurred if the McCain / Palin ticket would have won. That was a similar situation, Palin was primarily picked based on being a woman. It was a smart move given the time as McCain camp was looking to pull the female vote from the Dem ticket once Clinton ceded. And they were successful to a point. Admittedly that was the 1st presidential election in which I really paid attention to both sides and weighed the pros / cons, with many cons on each side.
Palin was selected, as I recall, based on a single speech she had made. The McCain campain never properly vetted her. They only knew she connected with common people and had a good record as Alaska governor. It didn't take long for them to realize that she had little general knowledge on many topics. The media also picked up on it. She then became a target. McCain had little chance of winning that election. The big nail in the coffin was the October surprise AKA "the financial crisis."
That's your opinion. As far as I was concerned, the minute the market went through the floor with the financial sector in crisis the election was over. All that was left was for Obama to say thanks, I'll take it from here.
Agree 100%, vetting was non-existent. Add the infamous Katie Couric interview...
The financial crisis, housing bubble, banking fiasco, market implosion, whatever it's labeled, Ray Charles saw that coming, and he was blind and DEAD. But that's a whole 'nother topic for another day.
Harris isn’t going anywhere, unless she want to. The Democrats are bound by their own racism. She was selected simply because of her race and gender. The merits of any individual are of course meaningless in party consumed by racial identity poison, so to replace a black woman with a white person would throw the party in a shambles.
I doubt the Democrats can a find a black woman who will push her out.
They're floating Pete Buttigieg. Obviously still a minority thing so typical in the land of Pandering Bears.
I think race trumps sexual preference in the diversity Olympics. I expect the party would implode if Harris was replaced by the second coming of FDR, let alone someone as unaccomplished as the mayor of south bend
And nobody can say more in saying so little.
I don't follow Washington as closely as others on this board, so this is the first time I've heard this rumor.
But I don't believe she would want to, she is smart enough to know that leaving the WH would be an almost death knell for her political ambitions. It would be a very hard time to restore her standing in the Democratic party if she were to do so.. I may not like her but I don't think she's stupid.
I agree. She knows she’s a heartbeat or dementia finding away from the presidency for the next few years. Shes not going to walk away from that.
IF the RUMOR is true and pans out , it can be for one of 2 reasons for looking into how another VP would be selected ..
1. she is unhitching her wagon from the admin or she is not producing the desired outcome , in that case it could be either or .
2. and the one i think is more likely , she is stepping up and taking another office which means she cant hold both offices , question is which office is considered a step up , and what would have to happen for that to happen ?
as for the process? the president would nominate someone with the assistance and advice of their party , and congress would have to confirm(approve) the choice.
pretty simple actually .
Whether she stays or goes, her presence in this position has been and will continue to be a disaster for the Democrats. The optics are awful. Blacks would be outraged if she were shoved aside
This daily obsession with Kamala Harris is very strange, but I suppose we all have bigger things to worry about.
That would be on CNN, wouldn't it?
I just removed thread 9.2 for nasty personal comments. Consider this a gift. Next time they will get double the points for the infractions.
Why did you address that to me?
This would not surprise me if it turned out to be true. Harris is clearly uber-ambitious and with Biden's weakened popularity she would be less likely to defer to his every request. I can see her routinely offering her 'alternative opinion'.
An "award-winning journalist" who doesnt have a wikipedia page. Yeah, sure.
Anyone can write for wikipedia. Currently it seems there are mostly lefties doing the writing. Why try to deny a fact?
He got his regional "Edward R Murrow" award 15 years ago for local reporting in Ohio.
I've never heard of this guy. He is not a journalistic heavyweight. To the contrary.
What's that have to do with Harris?
Facts are facts.
I've never heard of this guy.
Notoriety isn't always an indicator of competence. Many have herd of Jenifer Ruben and she is the dumbest person in journalism.
This story very much seems like Fox News click bait.
Biden cannot replace Harris. She would have to be impeached.
The seeded article is vitriolic nonsense.
What about convincing her to resign?
She was wallpaper, nothing more. After they won the election? I can't even say that she is wallpaper anymore. Daniel Tompkins was more visible than she has been.
Presidential candidates always pick VPs to help them win voters they might not win otherwise, been that way for decades, so why is it suddenly a big deal to Republicans. Harris did her job regarding getting voters to vote for Biden, and is still doing her job as VP, Republicans have been disparaging her since she was selected, not a surprise, but it doesn't mean diddly squat.