And now for a bedtime fable

I dream of going up to her, and sitting down next to her.........
Yesterday we had yet another performance from the woman who still feels that she was robbed of a win in 2016. It will forever be remembered as her turn. You know, breaking that glass ceiling and vote for me because I'm a woman!
Rather than trying to describe it, I thought I'd just let our readers enjoy it for themselves:
On December 9, she will share her experiences, teaching a Master Class course on “the power of resilience”:
I’m excited to invite you to join my new Master Class. I’ll be teaching the skills I developed throughout my career—the challenges, the triumphs, and all the rest. I hope these lessons will help you chart your own path with passion and purpose.
All part of the never ending saga of the female insider who got away with everything.
And you think you have it tough?
And this LOL
"Hillary Clinton told “Today” she had not prepared a concession speech ahead of election night."
Now THAT is arrogance. LMAO. Guess she shouldn't have listened to the pollsters
As I recall she didn't show up on election night
And you recall correctly
She was too busy trashing her hotel suite like a fading rock star .....
Wasn't it estimated at more than $50k worth of damage..... A real down home baby screaming in the grocery cart temper tantrum...
No worries, her donors paid for it.
I listened to it on the radio yesterday, crocodile tears of what might have been, if she wasn't such a corrupt crook... The Talking head actually said that! her loss was due to her being viewed by the electorate as corrupt!
Gotta be tough for a crook when you almost get the keys to the treasury in your hands...
Oddly enough, she was fairly callous when talking about the dead in Benghazi.
Gotta be tough for a crook when you almost get the keys to the treasury in your hands...
Two shots at it. Obama derailed her the first time and Trump shocked her the second time.
Plus she openly insulted a large percentage of her electorate.
That is the epitome of ignorance AND arrogance.
Thank God she chose ..... poorly .........
I think she would make more money teaching people how to turn a $1,000 Investment into $100,000 in less than a year.
The Clintons financial turnaround after they left the White-house was nothing short of miraculous.
From in the poor house to multi millionaires in such a short time
They were an amazing couple...The CCP might have described them as the gang of two!
Pot belly futures?
lmao, what skills would those be?
1. How to avoid fake sniper fire.
2. Setting up a private email server
3. Wiping a server clean in 3 easy steps
4. Being a first class bitch who thinks her shit don’t stink
5. How to let an ambassador be killed
oh my the things we could learn
6. How to wobble like a weeble and not fall down
May I add
6. How to do a southern accent
7. Setting up a quid pro quo (William Buckley's favorite term!) charitable “foundation” as a cash cow.
8. How to stay with a serial adulterer if you think it will help you politically
9. How to bash the very women your husband cheated with
10. How to secretly hate the military while faking like you love it.
11. How to act like you have a bottle of hot sauce in your purse when you are talking to a black audience.
About number 8, he always said that she got more of that than he did during their careers. Clearly an open marriage.
When it was first woman in the White House it openly showed and displayed her contempt for the military including those at the White House
Too funny, meanwhile the ''other guy'' is still claiming that he won the election, despite numerous lawsuits that say differently. A serial adulterer, con man and grifter.
A hero to many on the right.
Why the right fetishes on Hillary Clinton will go down as one of the great unsolved mysteries of our era.
JR wrote: "Why the right fetishes on Hillary Clinton will go down as one of the great unsolved mysteries of our era".
For the same reason the left fetishes on Trump
The left has 25 more years of catch-up. Grin and bear it.
The fear of Trump is strong in this group
"Fear is the path to the dark side.
Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate
Hate leads to suffering."
Very wise words, even if from a fictional Jedi Master.
They are off to a very strong start.
Trump will be long dead; and we will be getting, "But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!!" posts and articles.
You need to remember that folks on the right have been going after Hillary since well before the 'Great Cookie Scandal' and that was some 30 years ago; Systemic Derangement Syndrome (SDS) has been America's fave disorder ever since.
What's worse than kicking a man while he's down? Kicking a woman while she's down... For 5 years.
Hillary is down? She's never shut up.
She has to shut up now? [deleted]
Bullet dodged.
Boy some folks suck at photoshop.
Lol ... no doubt