Dithering, Lawlessness, A hate-crime hoax and the week that was

With many crises still unresolved and Biden's "Build Back Better deal" stalled in the Senate, the nation faced new challenges from it's enemies. Last seen, Joe Biden was delivering a tribute to the late Bob Dole. At the end he read the instructions to himself out loud, as if it was part of the text.
The week:
The week began with the president seeking a way to stop Vladimir Putin from invading the Ukraine. The Russians now have about 120,000 troops on the Ukraine border. Those figures, updated Wednesday, include some 98,000 ground troops and about 22,000 air and naval forces, according to the INTELL assessment. While the latest assessment does not indicate the likelihood or timeline of a potential invasion, Brig. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, head of Ukraine’s defense intelligence, claims that Russia is preparing for an invasion by late January or early February. Nobody knows what was said In their private meeting together, but president Biden had few cards to play and may have simply guaranteed that the Ukraine would never be a member of NATO. The ultimate decision rests with the man whom Biden has constantly insulted.
A verdict was reached last night in the Jussie Smollett trial. Smollett was found guilty of five counts of lying to police and staging a fake hate-crime hoax. Of course, the majority of normal human beings thought Smollett's story sounded like a hoax right from the beginning, but not the lefties around us. They bought it hook, line and sinker. Our biased media, which claims to be against "disinformation" had been the leading purveyor of it. BLM released a statement last night saying that they could never trust the police.
“In our commitment to abolition, we can never believe police, especially the Chicago Police Department (CPD) over Jussie Smollett, a Black man who has been courageously present, visible, and vocal in the struggle for Black freedom,” the director of BLM Grassroots said in a statement.
At least 12 major U.S. cities have broken annual homicide records in 2021 -- and there's still three weeks to go in the year.
A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that although Trump retained some authority to claim executive privilege, it was not strong enough to overcome President Joe Biden's decision that Congress has a legitimate need for the material.
Attorney Eric Kaardal, special counsel with the Thomas More Society representing the Wisconsin Voter Alliance, is challenging the $8.8 million the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life sent to local election managers in Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Racine, and Kenosha last year. “We just need to go to the circuit court judges and get them to agree that we can’t have election officials in Wisconsin taking $8.8 million for increasing votes in their respective jurisdictions without legislative approval,” Kaardal explained.
In other stories:
Fox News celebrated the rebuilding and lighting of a second Christmas tree:

‘The Five’ kick off an ‘All-American Christmas Tree' relighting ceremony
The Senate voted Wednesday night to repeal President Joe Biden's vaccine mandate on private businesses with over 100 employees by a vote of 52-48. Two Democrats crossed party lines and voted with all Republicans present to repeal the mandate.
The Senate agreed on a framework to raise the debt ceiling with a simple majority.
Another radical Biden nominee squeaks by the Senate, as VP Harris is used to break a tie vote. Rachel Rollins, the angry bigot MA DA was appointed as US Attorney for MA.
What have we learned?
Jussie Smollett has become symbolic of the American left. He stood before the nation and told a vicious lie. There is that cadre on the left who will continue to believe that lie, as they worship at the alter of AOC, Marx, Pelosi and BLM. Joe Biden and the globalists have hijacked democracy in the name of democracy. And finally, there is no way that anyone can stop Russia from taking back the Ukraine.
Here, we still have those who live in denial. They deny that crime is rising or that the Russia hoax was a hoax.
Let’s hear it for toxic masculinity:
Cartoon of the Week:
Honorable mention:
The Smollett Jury, which had more integrity than our elected officials.
Robert Joseph Dole
Meanwhile the White House is still talking about Biden’s vaccine mandates for private businesses and federal contractors like the courts haven’t issued any injunctions against the mandate.
Thank you for providing the official statement
What they said about Smollett:
Ready, shoot, aim. What a bunch of dumbasses.
What a disgrace they are to everything this country stands for!
It's nothing new for that radical ilk. Remember when Obama stuck his nose into ongoing investigations? Remember Covington, Kavanaugh, Coney-Barrett, the everlasting Russia Hoax?
The noose was still around his neck when the police showed up.
And don't forget, he was running out for eggs at 2 AM when he met two white guys on a Chicago street, who told him it was "MAGA" country!
His friend told him to put it back on before the cops came. He did so, and even neatly tucked it under his shirt color. LOL!
During a 30 below zero polar vortex!
And ran into to big black men posing as whites.
A Biden Christmas:
This Just In:
Supreme Court won't stop Texas abortion law from being enforced, allows clinics to sue over ban.
The Supreme Court ruled Friday that abortion providers in Texas will continue to be allowed to challenge the state's restrictive abortion law but decided to not stop the law from being enforced.
The opinion , authored by Justice Neil Gorsuch, emphasizes that the question of whether the Texas law is constitutional is not the one before the court. The ruling allows lawsuits by the clinics to go forward in lower courts, while leaving the law in place for now.
Eight of the nine justices said the abortion providers may continue bringing legal challenges, and Chief Justice John Roberts, writing on behalf of himself and the court's three Democrat-appointed justices, encouraged the district judge should act quickly.
"Given the ongoing chilling effect of the state law, the District Court should resolve this litigation and enter appropriate relief without delay," wrote the Chief Justice.
Separately, the court dismissed the federal government's separate challenge to the Texas law.
It's not ripe for judgment yet... The main problem with it is twofold, the district court hasn't rendered an opinion yet and the law hasn't been applied to anyone yet...
The challenges are on constitutional grounds and until the lower court rules on it there is nothing to decide... If the district court rules and there are no challenges then it will have to work it's way through the state courts as actual plaintiffs sue and defendant's present their evidence... A process that can take decades...
It's not ripe for decision on the supreme court level.. Dismissal was the only possible option....
I'm sure the SCOTUS would love to stop hearing abortion cases.
I think that's the point of the Mississippi case, It cuts right to the core holding in Roe, where this case is more a 10th amendment case...
How they decide the MS case will determine just how many abortion cases they are confronted with... I think they are looking for a way to clear their docket... Come to a sort of finality... Much like Miller did for the gun rights cases....
I think that is the all important case. I'm guessing that one of two things will happen, Either the MS law will be upheld as a sort of compromise or Roe is overturned.
I think the more likely result will be the MS law will be upheld as a compromise as all it does is define the period of time that one can get an abortion. To turn RvW over I think may be a mountain too high.
You may be right, I think we can only predict what at most 6 justices will do. It's those 3 Trump appointees who will be the deciding factor.
It's a possibility, it's pretty clear that at least five of the justices are set on O/T, 1 on sustaining without O/T and three dead set on dismissal with one undecided at this point... I think if the five make compelling arguments they very well could overturn... But it is a stretch...
Yeah that's the easy way out, it brings us into line with the rest of the world.. Not that that isn't a good or bad thing, but it would be the quickest way to clearing the docket.... It depends on how much sway Roberts still has....
I only count 2 set on O/T, with Trump's 3 undecided.
It also brings us in line with Europe and the original spirit of the decision.
I think it's toss up. I guess there are four votes to overturn Roe completely, with Roberts wanting to uphold the Mississippi law without completely overturning Roe. My guess is he's going to try to push Kavanaugh to join him with a new standard that simply ignores the currently controlling Casey case and returns to a modified Roe framework, where strict scrutiny will be applied to any regulation in the first trimester, but the State will only have to meet a rational basis test for any regulation thereafter. The end result being the "right" to an abortion would exist only in the first 12 weeks.
How that can be squared with the Constitution is beyond me, but that's the sort of compromise result Roberts usually favors.
Has Biden, Harris etc.. apologized for their embrace of Smollett yet?
Sigh ... Negationist History 2021 and All That. Meh, back to W. C. Sellar's and R. J. Yeatman's frolic with history.
Last night we heard the sad truth on inflation:
"There's a lot about modern economic theory that's important but difficult to understand. In fact, many people formulating these theories don't really understand them, and that's why they can never explain anything clearly. But there is one core economic fact that everybody, even those of us with poor math skills, grasps instantly, and that's when we're getting poorer. How do you know when you're getting poor? You know you're getting poor when you don't have enough money to do the things that you once did. You are moving backward. It is a very scary feeling.
Short of armed robbery. Nothing makes Americans poorer faster than inflation does. Now, finance moguls who borrow money for a living love inflation. It makes their debt cheaper. It's a good thing for them, but everyone else hates it because it crushes them in ways that are very obvious day to day.
So with that in mind, the new inflation numbers are out and they're the worst this country has seen in nearly 40 years. According to the Consumer Price Index, inflation is up almost seven percent over the past 12 months. It's very high. The problem is the reality is much worse than that, and that's because the consumer index is useless as a guide to life in America, it doesn't actually measure the cost of living. In that way, it is a lie. It's a rigged government number one of many. Now, the CPI is calculated by assigning relative weight to different categories of goods. It's a very complex series of formulas. Some of them were formulated in good faith. Others were designed to deceive you. But in effect, the bottom line is, the CPI does a very bad job of measuring how much it actually costs to live in this country.".....Tucker Carlson
Yep it's rising at almost a percent per month now.... Every month your $100.00 bill is worth $99.00... That's the REAL effect it has on REAL people's wallets...
If inflation stays elevated for too long, it can lead to what economists call hyperinflation. It can even lead to a collapse in a currency’s value.
Yep at the current rates we will start seeing the need to print larger and larger denominations of currency again as it's worth keeps deflating...
Everyone remember the $1,000,000 Deutschmark loaf of bread?
Bob Dole statement being read by daughter includes joke about Chicago’s notorious problems with election integrity. Says he’ll now be voting from there.
Sen. Joni Ernst: "If like Mariah, you don't want a lot for Christmas and don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree, this may be your year. That's because Biden-omics is causing everything to be back-ordered, delayed, unavailable or just plain unaffordable."
"Cue Gov. Ron DeSantis, who plans to deport illegal migrants flown secretly into Florida from the southern border by the Biden administration.
Destination: Delaware , the president’s home state, or Martha’s Vineyard, Barack Obama’s holiday paradise.
“If you sent [them] to Delaware or Martha’s Vineyard, that border would be secure the next day,” DeSantis said Friday.
To that end, he allocated $8 million in last week’s state budget to fly the migrants back to elite Democrat enclaves, including Washington, DC.
It was a masterful piece of trolling, but with a serious purpose that other states should emulate.
After all, we know from open-source flight maps that “Biden Air” has been secreting illegal migrants all over the country , not just sending them to White Plains, but to Jacksonville, Fla., Alexandria, Va., Chattanooga, Tenn., Long Beach, Calif., and other destinations far and wide.
If the federal government is intent on keeping the southern border open and refuses to notify states when it dumps a new bunch of unvetted, unvaccinated migrants on their doorstep, it is up to governors to stand up for their communities and stop their services being overwhelmed by the influx.
Ever since The Post revealed that charter planes packed with illegal migrants were being secretly flown from border towns in Texas and Arizona into Westchester via Jacksonville, DeSantis has been on the warpath.
Unlike New York authorities who ignored the story, DeSantis snapped into action and enacted laws to “protect Floridians from the Biden Border Crisis.”
“You’re having 200,000 people illegally enter every month. That’s a medium-sized American city every month coming in illegally,” he said.
One of the smartest measures he announced last week was a crackdown on companies and nongovernmental organizations that facilitate illegal immigration into his state.
“Whether it’s buses, or charter planes, [anyone] involved in facilitating this type of illegal migration in the state of Florida [will be] barred from doing any business with any state or local government agency … We just cannot be doing contracts with companies that are knowingly and recklessly facilitating bringing people into our state illegally.”
DeSantis also will demand “restitution” from any private entity that transports or “harbors” illegal migrants, in order to pay for the extra cost of law enforcement, health and other services “because when you have a huge number of people, that costs a lot of money for taxpayers.”
Florida also will not provide taxpayer benefits to anyone who arrives illegally.
As a deterrent to illegal migration, Florida also will ramp up enforcement of the law banning employers from hiring workers not authorized to work in the United States.
DeSantis also issued an emergency rule to prevent foster homes and other agencies in Florida catering to illegal-migrant minors unless the state has a proper agreement with the federal government, because he says local kids are missing out.
“The problem is that it’s much more lucrative to take foreigners into these places than it is to help our own kids here in Florida. For instance, it’s $158 for a foster kid but it’s $500 to $1,400 if someone’s illegally here from a foreign country, and we want to make sure that those … facilities are going to [help] people in Florida that need the help.”
He says 78 “Biden Air” flights arrived in Florida between June and September with an average of 36 “unaccompanied minors” on each flight, all without the state’s consent or any advance notice.
While the Biden administration has claimed its migrant flights around the country carry only children, a number of passengers observed by The Post on two planes that landed in White Plains in October looked to be men in their 20s.
Sure enough, a 24-year-old Honduran immigrant charged with murder in the brutal stabbing death of a Florida man is believed to have crossed the southern border illegally posing as an unaccompanied minor before being flown into Jacksonville on one of the Biden flights.
The clandestine flights into White Plains stopped after The Post’s reports, and DeSantis’ office says the Jacksonville flights stopped six weeks ago, around the time that the Honduran murder case started to get media attention.
But illegal migrants keep flooding over the southern border — 1.8 million this year at last count. The only reason the Biden administration gets away with facilitating this invasion is that states, both red and blue, are helping to hide the evidence."
Dr. Jill Biden thinks it's 'ridiculous' that Americans have some questions about the president's mental fitness
He's noticeably declined even more since that event. What some women will do for political power is astounding.