
Political Party That Encouraged People To Commit Crimes Surprised At All The People Committing Crimes


Category:  Satire

Via:  gregtx  •  4 years ago  •  48 comments

Political Party That Encouraged People To Commit Crimes Surprised At All The People Committing Crimes
“There is an attitude of lawlessness in our country that springs from I don’t know where,” said Nancy Pelosi after 18 months supporting local and state campaigns to pull hundreds of millions of dollars from funding police departments, while also urging officials to pardon violent criminals.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

U.S.—As violent crime has skyrocketed to historically high levels, particularly in democrat-run cities, democratic leaders expressed shock and dismay at the rampant crime they have openly, blatantly, and very specifically promoted.

“There is an attitude of lawlessness in our country that springs from I don’t know where,” said Nancy Pelosi after 18 months supporting local and state campaigns to pull hundreds of millions of dollars from funding police departments, while also urging officials to pardon violent criminals. “We are investigating possible causes, such as irresponsible retail owners displaying products that people want, or reckless republicans legalizing crowbars.”

San Francisco mayor London Breed courageously pledged to fund more policing less than one year after pulling $120 million from the city’s police department, promising to fire the person responsible for creating a city of unmitigated crime.

When speaking of the skyrocketing rise in crime rocking Minnesota just months after pushing to decimate the police force, Ilhan Omar stated, “The blame for rampant crime sprees lies with the state’s 17 remaining police officers who are obviously not fulfilling their oath to protect and serve.”

Rashida Tlaib could not be reached for comment regarding the deadly results of her calls for violence in the name of racial equity, as well as her campaign to defund local police departments, because she was surrounded by a phalanx of private security professionals.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Guide
1  seeder  GregTx    4 years ago
 “We are investigating possible causes, such as irresponsible retail owners displaying products that people want, or reckless republicans legalizing crowbars.”
Professor Participates
2  bugsy    4 years ago

Amazing, isn't it?

Now, the far left loons, [deleted,] are getting pissed that many of the far left mayors are seeing the err of their ways and reinstating funds.

You will soon see the loon left eat their own by calling for the outing of their loon left mayors because they are not loon left enough.

Professor Expert
3  Tessylo    4 years ago

This is satire.

Satire is supposed to be funny.


Professor Guide
3.1  seeder  GregTx  replied to  Tessylo @3    4 years ago

Yes, this is..... wait hang on a sec

Professor Guide
3.1.1  seeder  GregTx  replied to  GregTx @3.1    4 years ago

Yes, this is political satire. I wouldn't think that a partisan that identifies with the target of the satire would find it funny. Personally, I find it funny.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
3.1.2  Split Personality  replied to  GregTx @3.1.1    4 years ago

Much funnier things come out of the Onion which compared to the BEE...

well it just isn't fair to compare it to the BEE.

The Onion publishes balanced news, sports and entertainment

slipping in an occasionally delicious bit of satire that fools a few people for a few minutes.

The Bee has declined into a christian (sic) conservative drum beat of one sided ridicule

of politics and politicians.  Predictable thoughtless, unChristian like drivel.

Sometimes funny, but not enough to publish daily.

Sorry neighbor.

Professor Guide
3.1.3  seeder  GregTx  replied to  Split Personality @3.1.2    4 years ago
Sorry neighbor.

No need to apologize for expressing your opinion neighbor. As I mentioned, I find it funny. I would suggest that those who find my seeds not quite to par simply move on.

Professor Guide
3.1.4  seeder  GregTx  replied to  Split Personality @3.1.2    4 years ago

Split Personality
Professor Guide
3.1.6  Split Personality  replied to  GregTx @3.1.3    4 years ago

Before I do that, I will leave you with an actually funny Bee article.

Actual Christian satire.

Episcopalians Permanently Switch To Cardboard Parishioners | The Babylon Bee

Good Night or morning whatever.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
3.1.7  Split Personality  replied to  GregTx @3.1.3    4 years ago

Hoo fucking Rah!

Senior Guide
3.1.8  XXJefferson51  replied to  GregTx @3.1.3    4 years ago

I think that it is great satire… 

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
3.2  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Tessylo @3    4 years ago

It's what right wing conservatives often do, put words in others mouths and then call it "satire" because they can't actually back up their bogus claim with any facts, just assumption and conjecture and then act shocked that anyone would take their bogus claims as anything but a joke. Like any low IQ school yard bully their excuse always becomes "What's your problem? Can't you take a joke?"... The bully can never understand the fact that they're not being funny, they're just being a lying asshole.

Here's a headline that is just as accurate as the headline above:

"Republican Party That Encouraged Rural Conservatives To Fuck Sheep Surprised At All The Rural Conservatives Fucking Sheep".

Professor Guide
3.2.1  seeder  GregTx  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @3.2    4 years ago

Goodness! Has there been an outbreak of that? If not, then I'm not sure that headline would be just as accurate. Are you?

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
3.2.2  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  GregTx @3.2.1    4 years ago
If not, then I'm not sure that headline would be just as accurate.

The bullshit in the above headline making it patently false is that Democrats have NOT encouraged people to commit crimes. That's why they had to post this under satire when they say in the seed "democratic leaders expressed shock and dismay at the rampant crime they have openly, blatantly, and very specifically promoted". Because they know that is a blatant lie they claim it's "just a joke" same as my headline comparison. Sure, there are rural folk getting caught fucking sheep, but I've never heard the Republican party encouraging it thus it's just a harmless joke, right?

Professor Quiet
3.2.3  Jack_TX  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @3.2    4 years ago
Like any low IQ school yard bully

The low IQ belongs to people only able to laugh at humor that agrees with their politics and who attempt to bully all others out of existence.

Those people are the worst kind of morons.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
3.2.5  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Jack_TX @3.2.3    4 years ago
only able to laugh at humor that agrees with their politics

If it's actual comedy then I don't care which side of the political divide it lands on. The BabylonBee is notorious for simply sticking words in the mouths of those they disagree with and then calling that "funny" when in actuality its just poorly concealed partisan anti-liberal rhetoric. It's saying out loud what many right wing conservative Christians are thinking even though they don't have any actual evidence of their claims, which of course the Bee provides by voicing their partisan lies and getting their readers to nod in agreement saying "Well, that's what Democrats would have said!" which doesn't fall on their ears as satire but as a validation of their wild conspiracy theories and devilish perception they have of their political opponents. Clearly comment 2 proves my point.

If these were just more of the many pointless conservative memes or political cartoons at least they are easily recognizable as attempts to be funny. The Bee mimics a media outlet and while, with tongue in cheek, put some clearly outrageous articles that are obviously meant to be satire, but at the same time post shit like this which without a careful examination looks like any other right wing media article which if not on the Bee website would be easily believed by right wing conspiracy theories. One might wonder if it wasn't some right wing supposed satire bit that started the whole "Democrats have child sex slave dungeons under pizza parlors" rumor that had a right wing conservative busting in the door of a pizza parlor opening fire with his assault rifle.

This isn't really satire for many right wing conservatives, it's a validation of their baseless beliefs and plays into their high susceptibility to conspiracy theories and other right wing fantasies.

" a survey conducted by Citizen Data found that 62 percent of conservatives  believe in at least one core conspiracy theory  born from the (Qanon) movement ."

I see very little difference between the BabylonBee's "satire" and the widespread Qanon conspiracy theories, they're both right wing conservative fantasy fan fiction.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.2.7  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.6    4 years ago
BTW, the article IS satire,

It's sad that this even has to be said. 

Junior Silent
3.2.8  squiggy  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @3.2    4 years ago
Professor Participates
3.3  bugsy  replied to  Tessylo @3    4 years ago
This is satire.

Well, nice to see you actually read part of the seed.

A first?

Junior Silent
3.4  squiggy  replied to  Tessylo @3    4 years ago

It's bullshit. Bullshit. All bullshit, I tell ya.

Junior Silent
3.4.1  squiggy  replied to  squiggy @3.4    4 years ago

... and she was attacked because she was Gay.

Professor Guide
3.4.2  seeder  GregTx  replied to  squiggy @3.4.1    4 years ago

C'mon man, everyone knows criminals are all-inclusive....

Senior Guide
3.5  XXJefferson51  replied to  Tessylo @3    4 years ago

In this case the satire is so believable because when it comes to that political party and it’s elected members it is 100% true!  

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4  Sean Treacy    4 years ago

 Ilhan Omar stated, “The blame for rampant crime sprees lies with the state’s 17 remaining police officers who are obviously not fulfilling their oath to protect and serve.”

She's probably mad she didn't think to say that yet.  

Professor Quiet
4.1  Ozzwald  replied to  Sean Treacy @4    4 years ago
Ilhan Omar stated, “The blame for rampant crime sprees lies with the state’s 17 remaining police officers who are obviously not fulfilling their oath to protect and serve.”

Because 16 or those 17 were arrested at the insurrection last January?

Professor Participates
4.1.1  bugsy  replied to  Ozzwald @4.1    4 years ago

What insurrection?

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.1.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  Ozzwald @4.1    4 years ago
ause 16 or those 17 were arrested at the insurrection last January?

Back to attacking cops, huh? I guess it was nice those few months were liberals pretended  to be outraged that cops were hurt because they could exploit it politically.   Since  the lie about a cop being murdered at the Jan 6th riot  fell out of the headlines,  it's been back to the  2020 attitude of disdain, when hundreds of cops were injured and so many liberals celebrated. 

Professor Quiet
4.1.3  Ozzwald  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.1.2    4 years ago
Back to attacking cops, huh?


Tell you what, I will admit to attacking cops when you show me a state in this country that only has 17 police officers.  Since that is what we are talking about, a state that has only 17 remaining police officers.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
4.1.5  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Texan1211 @4.1.4    4 years ago

Beyond amazing. Some people need a life.......................

Professor Guide
4.1.7  seeder  GregTx  replied to  Texan1211 @4.1.4    4 years ago

It certainly seems to trigger some, doesn't it?


Professor Guide
4.1.8  seeder  GregTx  replied to  Texan1211 @4.1.6    4 years ago

Yeah I have noticed that.

Professor Guide
4.1.11  seeder  GregTx  replied to  Texan1211 @4.1.10    4 years ago

Maybe...or perhaps they're triggered more than they're not.


Professor Quiet
4.1.12  Ozzwald  replied to  GregTx @4.1.11    4 years ago
Maybe...or perhaps they're triggered more than they're not.

Agreed, it is sad.  I asked Sean a simple question about his fictional, satirical, state, and he gets all triggered on me.

Junior Silent
4.1.14  squiggy  replied to  Ozzwald @4.1.12    4 years ago

“…and he gets all triggered on me.”

Is this where you roll over and play victim?

Professor Quiet
4.1.16  Ozzwald  replied to  squiggy @4.1.14    4 years ago
Is this where you roll over and play victim?

Learned it from the best....thanks for the lessons.

Junior Silent
4.1.18  squiggy  replied to  Ozzwald @4.1.16    4 years ago

As geez, “I’m rubber, you’re glue…”.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5  Sean Treacy    4 years ago


Junior Silent
5.1  squiggy  replied to  Sean Treacy @5    4 years ago

Sorry. I didn't look. Ya had me beat by an hour jrSmiley_86_smiley_image.gif


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