LAPD identifies UCLA student Brianna Kupfer's murder suspect
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 3 years ago • 110 commentsBy: Marjorie Hernandez (New York Post)

Los Angeles police identified the man they say stabbed UCLA student Brianna Kupfer to death inside a high-end furniture store where she worked, hours after offering a record-breaking $250,000 reward for information leading to the suspected killer.
Shawn Laval Smith, 31, was considered armed and dangerous and "highly likely to be using public transportation," the LAPD announced Tuesday.
Covina Police Department officials said Smith was arrested and released from jail without paying bail in October of 2020 after being cited for a misdemeanor, but the father of the victim told The Post he "heard his rap sheet is much worse."
Kupfer, 24, was killed the afternoon of Jan. 13 in a random attack as she worked alone in the store at Croft House on North La Brea Ave., police said.
Police are searching for 31-year-old suspect Shawn Laval Smith, who is considered armed and dangerous and "highly likely to be using public transportation."LAPD
She had texted a friend to say someone came into the store and was "giving her a bad vibe," LAPD Lt. John Radtke said at a news conference prior to the release of the suspect's identity.
The killer then stabbed Kupfer in what cops said was "a random act of violence," then left through the back door without taking anything, cops said. He was seen calmly walking down the street, according to cops.
A would-be customer later found Kupfer dead. Police had released surveillance footage of the suspect and announced the large reward — a combination of municipal reward money and community donations.
Prior to her murder, Kupfer had texted a friend to say someone came into the store and was "giving her a bad vibe."APEX / MEGAKupfer was working inside Croft House, a high-end retail store, when Shawn Laval Smith allegedly came in and stabbed her to death.AP
Todd Kupfer said he felt some relief that police were able to identify the suspect who killed his daughter and hoped an arrest will be made soon. He said investigators told him they had a solid break in the case.
"The detectives felt really confident that the surveillance videos and various information they had would lead them to positive identification," Kupfer told The Post Tuesday night.
"I don't know exactly what the break was but the detectives told me they were working. These are good detectives who really care about their jobs and who were working very diligently and they were reassuring me that this was something they're working on 24/7."
According to Sgt. David Rodriguz of the Covina Police Department, Smith was arrested on Oct. 27, 2020 at a Home Depot for misdemeanor receiving stolen property. Smith bought an item at the store, but employees stopped him after they found other things from the store in his possession, Rodriguez said.
Covina Police released Smith the same day without bail but cited him to appear back in court. However, the LA County District Attorney's Office decided not to file any charges for that arrest, Rodriguez said.
According to Charleston County court records, Smith was charged for felony discharging a firearm on Nov. 14, 2019. He posted a $50,000 bond on Nov. 23, 2019. As part of his release, Smith was ordered not to contact victims or any family members of the victims, and not to verbally harass them on social media.
Shawn Laval Smith has been released from jail on $1,000 in October of 2020 after being charged with a misdemeanor, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department records show. Los Angeles Police Department
The grieving father said that police told him Smith should have been behind bars.
"I heard his rap sheet is much worse than that, but that tells you that somebody is not doing their job and there needs to be a change," Kupfer said.
"We all recognize that this could have happened to be anybody's child. It's just senseless. My daughter was a completely innocent victim and there was 100 percent no provocation.
"This touched a really raw nerve. This needs to be a reminder for everyone to ask themselves, 'Look, do we really want this kind of danger in our lives? What are we doing here?' This has to change."
The killer stabbed Kupfer, as cops said was "a random act of violence," then left through the back door without taking anything, cops said.LAPD
Kupfer was studying architectural design and worked at the store as a design consultant.
The 6'3" 190 pound Smith had recently been in Pasadena, Santa Monica, West Hollywood and other southern California locations, according to a poster released by LAPD.
The department said "special attention" should be given to bus stops and train platforms in the search.

He is still at large and is considered armed and dangerous. The liberal/progressives turned him loose.
If you see him, give the police a call.
Senseless bullshit once again....................
Where in the story does it say liberals or progressives turned him loose?
We all know who the DA is in LA...or are we going to pretend that this incident wasn't avoidable?
He was released from jail without paying bail in October of 2020 after being cited for a misdemeanor.
Random black person most wanted poster.
If you see him, give the police a call.
Oh, so your motive is to help the police locate this black guy by engaging the huge membership at NT to be on the lookout. Smart. The bad black guy should be caught in no time now.
You focused on his race!
Lol!! You posted this totally random black people are bad article, [Deleted] you asked NT members to be on the lookout for him. This is next level trolling. Respect!
So you think he should be left alone because he is black?
Do the random white people are bad seeds upset you this much? This is the first I have seen an article about who the perp is and it is good to know but you want to turn this into your own self-righteous bullshit.
Get a life!
No, really Vic - I want to thank you for bringing this important national news story to everyone’s attention here at NT. If not for your valiant efforts to bring this perp to justice, nobody would even have known that this violent black man was on the loose. Thank you for keeping us safe, and keep up the good work. Lord knows how many more violent black people most wanted posters you could dig up.
It was Hal. All he needed to see was a wanted poster with a black face and he flipped out!
Clearly you are upset that the picture of the perpetrator was posted. It bothers you for some reason. I wonder what that reason is?
You did say "black man," right?
Really Hal, I want to see how you get out of this one.
Wait - why are you being so mean? I’m laying praise on your efforts to bring this violent black man to justice. Why are you doubting my sincerity? You and I aren’t the type to be disingenuous - we need teamwork to rid the streets of the violent black people.
He'd be even more worried if I started posting pictures of victims.

She was only 24 years old:
A graduate student
The word is honest and I'm only delivering some of your own medicine to you......for all to see
Oh … my … God!! He killed a white person!!! I can’t believe his audacity!! Good thing you got the opportunity to squeeze that photo in. Teamwork makes the dream work! You’re welcome for the assist.
He killed a young girl with her life ahead of her.
And the point was that he was out on bail.
Why are you squirming?
They are upset that I posted a wanted poster.....because as Hal points out its a "bad black guy."
Why would that upset him?
The crime or the hate?
That's the point. Behind this tragedy is a progressive District Attorney by the name of George Gascon.
You will be totally vindicated when an NT member finds this bad black man and turns him in. I know I’ll be on the lookout in my neck of the woods, only 2,600 miles away from the crime scene. Wait, I knew a guy in college who had an aunt that lived in northern CA - let me contact him to contact her to cover that end of the state. We’ll get him.
That's right. This particular young woman's death is going to make a common story into a front page story.
Yep, but they would rather make it about you. Classic liberal deflection.
So you're making jokes about a young woman's murder?
It's almost as bad as stirring up racial animosity. We do remember what happened in Wisconsin, don't we?
Is that the way it looks to you?
You still have the old Jabali glasses?
Only in the world of those who pretend to be ignoring people.
What happened to your oath?
Let's not spill the beans again.
You're asking Hal?
You are going to have to actually break your oath and face me if you want an answer.
Hal, you probably remember that we used to have a member here whose name rhymes with wish who would regularly post pictures of black violent criminals. The more degenerate the black violent criminal looked the better for the purposes of posting the picture. He's not fooling anyone.
Neither are you. You are another obsessed with race.
Open the link JR. That picture is part of the damned article. Grow the hell up. And your little dog too.
Remind us of all the articles you've seeded about white murderers Vic
I saw this article in my news feed this morning. The sort of crime that happens every day in a nation of hundreds of millions of people, with perps and victims of all ethnicities. It never occurred to me that NT could use its vast resources for good. Good thing we have a crack(head) team of quick thinking justice warriors at the ready to suss out this particular perp.
I never have, but just look at those who came running through the door over a wanted poster.
The key words are justice warriors. I'll be very kind to the three of you today. At least until high noon.
They have to be white, huh? How about the most recent: the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, or did you forget that I did an article on that?
My turn:
Why are you obsessed with race?
I don't understand what about the poster seems random to them. It shows a very clear picture that should make it easy to identify him and even includes his name. Apparently (according to some) it's racist to show a picture of a murderer on a wanted poster if that murderer happens to be black.
Apparently in their little minds all blacks look the same. And calling them out on it is "trolling".
These horrific crimes have become so common under the left, I think I'll post one every day!
Another great idea! Isn’t is obvious that perps like this violent black man purposely wait until Democrats are own the White House, Senate, and House to launch their murderous rampage? I mean this stuff never happens when Republicans are in charge.
Crime is up under police defunding and these progressive DA's:
So yes, It is on progressives. They are directly responsible.
I'm stating a belief. [Deleted]
Nah, it isn't liberals or liberal policies /s
There's a whole bunch more from all over the country with just a simple search ...

Rail Theft up 160%, 90 Containers Hit Every Day - Including Law Enforcement Supplies.
That's beautiful LA.
Why not steal, if the DA won't prosecute what do they have to lose. If I were the railroads insurance company I'd refuse to pay, they're parking containers right where they've been broken into before, they're just giving the stuff away.
Big railroads are self insured
Union Pacific has cut it's police force to get operating ratio lower
Theft like this should not be allowed to continue
This just in Smith was just arrested at a bus stop in Pasadena. Will anything happen to him?
When a man has this many mug shots from previous arrests, what are the odds he would still be at large? What is wrong with our district attorneys that they simply won’t do their jobs? This young woman’s murder is a heinous stain on the records of all who enabled it.