
Biden Cried Trump


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  xxjefferson51  •  2 years ago  •  7 comments

By:   Rep. Scott DesJarlais

Biden Cried Trump
On day one, President Biden issued 17 executive orders to thwart all progress made under President Donald Trump. The American people were put first under President Trump, not harmed by virtue-signaling policies as a result of pressure from the far left. The economic devastation, weakened foreign relations, and rampant coronavirus case rates under Biden’s reign seem to still be blamed on former President Trump, despite the reversal of his policies. Biden is the president who cried Trump.



S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Rep. DesJarlais: Biden Cried Trump


One year ago, today, President Joseph R. Biden was sworn into office. Over the past year, his team has attempted to paint a fairy tale picture of countless failures and the chaos that ensued. With each failure came the blame game.

President Donald Trump has been at the forefront of the Biden administration’s messaging. Instead of owning the decisions that caused devastating impacts on the economy, the southern border, foreign policy, military capabilities, COVID-19 response and everything in between — Biden senior officials, cabinet members, the vice president and president all blamed Trump.

Inflation throughout the Biden administration has risen to its highest mark in 40 years, and, month after month, the U.S. jobs report has been less than expected.

President Trump inherited a failing economy from the Obama days and created a booming workforce. Trump crafted policies aimed at getting the American people back to work.

In his first year in office, gross domestic product had the longest – 3% or above – growth since 2005; his $1.5 trillion in tax cuts inspired major corporations to give employees pay raises; and he cut costs by eliminating useless regulations that cost Americans over $8 billion.

Biden spent his first year adopting progressive payday policies aimed at incentivizing the American worker to stay home and become dependent on government handouts. His team has laid out multi-trillion-dollar spending plans over year one, despite economic growth slowing to 2.3% in the third quarter of 2021.

Consumer spending plummeted as gas prices climbed a dollar from the start to the end of 2021 and grocery prices rose upwards of 15% or more.

Our crisis at the United States-Mexico border is a direct result of President Biden’s rhetoric espoused throughout his campaign.

Millions of illegal migrants began making the trek toward the border from the moment the media declared he had won the election. They knew that they would not face repercussions for tempting to cross illegally as they would have under President Trump.

When Biden assumed office, he immediately, by executive order, halted construction of the border wall, one of the first lines of defense to deter illegal aliens from crossing our border and protecting our citizens.

Last year we lost 100,000 Americans to drug overdoses and close to 60% was due to fentanyl. Biden’s own DEA administrator even said that the cartels in Mexico were mass-producing fentanyl to bring across our border.

The administration cannot even be bothered to visit a border detention center. Vice President Kamala Harris laughed off the fact that she has not stepped a foot inside once since being appointed our border czar.

Under Trump, we built over 400 miles of wall, which brought illegal crossings down 87% where the wall was constructed, ended catch-and-release programs, and enacted the "Remain in Mexico" policy so that asylum seekers are not allowed entry into the U.S. before their designated hearing.

He also made regular visits to the border as a show of strength and his commitment to supporting the needs of law enforcement agencies to protect our country.

Biden’s lack of support for law enforcement encouraged progressive mayors, governors, and other state and local elected officials to create policies aimed at putting criminals back on the streets and leaving innocent people vulnerable.

Defund the police rhetoric has caused crimes rates across the country to skyrocket.

In Chicago, which has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, the murder rate is up 22% from this time last year, aggravated battery is up 71%, and theft is up 61%.

A man in Wisconsin was released on just $1,000 bond after he punched a woman and ran her over with his car, a direct result of a lax cash bail system. Only five days later, he plowed through a Christmas parade in Waukesha killing six people and injuring 62 others.

Trump stood for fully funding the police and believed in being tough on crime. This resulted in crime rates falling across the country.

Former President Trump was respected by our allies and feared by our adversaries.

When he negotiated a withdrawal from Afghanistan to end a 20-year war, the Taliban had a real fear of what would happen if they did not adhere to the predetermined guidelines. Trump always had a plan and a commitment to follow through.

When Biden assumed office, he quickly showed his hand to the world stage that he would be weak. Just three months into his presidency, he began talks of adopting a “no first use” policy when it came to nuclear weapons.

His own appointed U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin agreed with me in a House Armed Services Committee hearing that every option should be on the table for the president.

Nuclear weapons act as a means of deterrence and show strong military capabilities.

This type of blunder led to the unmitigated disaster that was the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden already had shown that he could be walked on by our enemies.

The lack of forethought the administration showed proved that it would have no plan for evacuating Americans, diplomats and U.S. military members from Afghanistan.

We lost 13 U.S. service members due to the incompetence of our president and left countless Americans behind stuck in a country that was overtaken by a terrorist organization. And where was Biden when all this was taking place? Hiding.

He refused the face the American people.

When he finally emerged, he was dismissive of reports that his team had ample warning a month prior that more needed to be done to withdraw safely.

Instead he chose to blame former President Trump for negotiating the deal in the first place.

President Biden’s handling of the pandemic has been largely led by fearmongering, not science. He has allowed Dr. Anthony Fauci to run the show, despite his multiple ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Biden has issued arbitrary executive orders mandating vaccines and testing requirements, masks on planes and trains and encouraging schools to keep children masked despite extremely low infection and death rates among kids.

Biden’s HHS also targeted "red" states they considered under-vaccinated by limiting their supply of monoclonal antibodies by mandating this life-saving treatment be distributed on the federal level. Instead of focusing on ramping up the production of therapeutics, the administration has led from behind and only pushed vaccinations.

President Trump followed the science.

He immediately enacted Operation Warp Speed to produce a vaccine, opened the country’s economy back up after the lockdown to slow the spread, and fought for students to return to in-person learning in the fall of 2020.

President Biden made a promise not only to the American people but to the world that he would repeal every Trump-era policy.

On day one, President Biden issued 17 executive orders to thwart all progress made under President Donald Trump. The American people were put first under President Trump, not harmed by virtue-signaling policies as a result of pressure from the far left.

The economic devastation, weakened foreign relations, and rampant coronavirus case rates under Biden’s reign seem to still be blamed on former President Trump, despite the reversal of his policies.

Biden is the president who cried Trump.

Rep. Scott DesJarlais is a sixth-term Republican congressman representing Tennessee’s 4 th Congressional District across East and Middle Tennessee southeast of Nashville.


jrDiscussion - desc
Senior Guide
1  seeder  XXJefferson51    2 years ago


A.F. BrancoJanuary 20, 2022

Slow-Mo Joe

Trump gave us Warp-Speed COVID policies compared to Biden’s fail slow programs. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2021.

Read More »
Senior Guide
2  seeder  XXJefferson51    2 years ago
President Biden’s handling of the pandemic has been largely led by fearmongering, not science. He has allowed Dr. Anthony Fauci to run the show, despite his multiple ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Biden has issued arbitrary executive orders mandating vaccines and testing requirements, masks on planes and trains and encouraging schools to keep children masked despite extremely low infection and death rates among kids.

Senior Guide
2.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  XXJefferson51 @2    2 years ago
Biden’s HHS also targeted "red" states they considered under-vaccinated by limiting their supply of monoclonal antibodies by mandating this life-saving treatment be distributed on the federal level. Instead of focusing on ramping up the production of therapeutics, the administration has led from behind and only pushed vaccinations.

President Trump followed the science.

He immediately enacted Operation Warp Speed to produce a vaccine, opened the country’s economy back up after the lockdown to slow the spread, and fought for students to return to in-person learning in the fall of 2020.
Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3  Jeremy Retired in NC    2 years ago
Former President Trump was respected by our allies and feared by our adversaries.

When he negotiated a withdrawal from Afghanistan to end a 20-year war, the Taliban had a real fear of what would happen if they did not adhere to the predetermined guidelines. Trump always had a plan and a commitment to follow through.

When Biden assumed office, he quickly showed his hand to the world stage that he would be weak.

And countries like Russia and terrorist groups like Taliban, al Qaeda and ISIS have free reign to do what they want because they KNOW the Biden administration won't do anything.  

We lost 13 U.S. service members due to the incompetence of our president and left countless Americans behind stuck in a country that was overtaken by a terrorist organization. And where was Biden when all this was taking place? Hiding.

And still Biden, Democrats or the left refuse to admit the "withdrawal" from Afghanistan was a horrid clusterfuck.

We also have to remember.  Obama and Biden cried Bush for 8 straight years to cover their failures.

Senior Guide
3.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3    2 years ago

I remember that.  Obama and Biden are the boys who cried “wolf” three times but Biden got caught doing it while Obama largely got away with it.  

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.1.1  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3.1    2 years ago

I don't think it's so much that Obama got away with it as much as we're tired of it and finally called them out on it.

Senior Guide
3.1.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.1.1    2 years ago

You are right.  We the people got a taste of control back over our lives the three years pre pandemic rising wages, lower taxes, higher standard of living, a belief that government was responsive to we the people, with that being stripped away from us and government openly showing its contempt for the governed it was easy to confront and call out leaders of the current regime and we no longer fear telling them what they can do to themselves to their faces.  


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