
Here's how conservatives have prolonged the COVID-19 pandemic


Category:  Op/Ed

Via:  john-russell  •  3 years ago  •  8 comments

By:   Josh Axelrod (The American Independent)

Here's how conservatives have prolonged the COVID-19 pandemic
Nearly two full years after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, Americans' lives are still being dictated by the

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

By Josh Axelrod - January 20, 2022 4:35 PM437

It didn't have to be this way.

Nearly two full years after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, Americans' lives are still being dictated by the virus.

Hundreds are still dying every day, largely the unvaccinated, whose refusal to take a life-saving medicine has turned herd immunity into a faraway fantasy.

But it didn't have to be this way.

More lives could have been saved. Interruptions that have come to mark daily life in the 2020s could have been mitigated.

At every turn, conservatives — from President Donald Trump down to local lawmakers — undermined the seriousness of the virus, politicized public health measures, and worked tirelessly to subvert guidelines that would have kept people out of hospitals.

Below is a running tally of the myriad ways in which Republicans have prolonged this seemingly unending pandemic, now in its third year and still overwhelming hospitals.


Within two months of taking office, President Joe Biden managed to corral support for a historic $1.9 billion stimulus package that sent $1,400 direct-mail checks to every American, supported struggling small businesses, lowered health insurance premiums, extended unemployment benefits, and expanded tax credits designed to lift children out of poverty.

Republicans were united in their opposition to The American Rescue Plan.

But beyond their legislative intransigence, GOP senators and representatives promoted coronavirus misinformation at every turn, turning apolitical scientific facts into culture war topics.

Members have touted unproven drugs to their constituents, questioned the effectiveness of vaccines, and made ahistorical comparisons between public health measures and the Holocaust.

Republicans have also repeatedly antagonized public health leaders.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has used congressional hearings to lob falsehoods at Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Paul has accused him of being part of a team that created the virus in a Chinese laboratory.


Governors have served as the lead architects of their states' COVID-19 responses. But in GOP-led states, governors have forcefully fought back against common-sense public health requirements.

In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis ruled by executive order that only parents can decide if their children wear masks in school in defiance of CDC recommendations. Virginia's newly seated governor, Glenn Youngkin, followed suit last weekend.

In Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott banned private companies from mandating their employees receive the vaccine to work.

Last summer, GOP governors also mobilized to cut off $300-a-week unemployment assistance for their residents to encourage people to get back to work, even though experts warned the move would reduce income and consumer spending while hurting workers of color.

Months later, DeSantis and state lawmakers in multiple other states did propose expanding unemployment benefits, but just for residents who were fired for refusing the vaccine.

Governors including DeSantis, Abbott, and Missouri's Mike Parson have also pushed alternate treatments for their residents like expensive antibody treatments in lieu of masking and vaccines.

And they've flouted public health guidelines themselves, setting an example for unvaccinated residents to go out in public unmasked and spread the virus.

In South Dakota, Gov. Kristi Noem trumpeted her state's Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in 2021, making a dramatic entrance on horseback and waving an American flag, despite public health experts' warnings that an event drawing half a million people could be dangerous amid the spread of the Delta variant.

Following the event, COVID-19 cases spiked in the area.

State and local lawmakers

Across the country, conservative state and local elected officials have banded together to strip Democratic and Republican governors of their emergency COVID-19 powers over issues like spending federal relief money or plans to reopen the economy.

State lawmakers have worked to curtail public health measures and ban vaccine and mask mandates. They've also invited vaccine skeptics and conspiracy theorists to state capitols, and have questioned vaccine effectiveness to an audience of vulnerable constituents.

GOP Pennsylvania state Rep. Stephanie Borowicz argued the pandemic may be "punishment inflicted upon us for our presumptuous sins," and introduced a resolution in March 2020 calling for "A State Day of Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer."

Idaho state Rep. Heather Scott declared "the pandemic is over" at the start of the 2021 legislative session, and later accused the National Governors Association of being run by "globalists" after the organization released a statement with tips about virus misinformation.


A new movement has sprouted up among the nation's law enforcement officers, which has resulted in more anti-public health fervor across the country.

The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, a right-wing anti-government group, claims membership from hundreds of sheriffs nationwide. These officers assert the power to interpret laws however they see fit, answering only to voters and not to state or federal authorities.

As a result, sheriffs have been meeting public health guidelines delivered from governors with staunch opposition and a refusal to enforce the rules.

Officers have also faced lawsuits for their treatment of people in prison throughout the pandemic.

The ACLU filed a lawsuit against a sheriff in Arkansas after a prison doctor treated COVID-positive patients with the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin, which research shows can cause serious harm and has not been approved for COVID-19 treatment.

Sheriffs have also been sued in states like California and Colorado for failing to properly social distance people in jails, report positive cases, or administer testing.

Right-wing media

The right-wing media, including outlets like Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News Network, have broadcast misinformation about the pandemic that's having a strong effect on their viewers and further politicizing what began as apolitical public health guidance.

The misinformation began in March 2020, when Fox News first started downplaying the virus's threat. On March 9, Fox host Sean Hannity said the virus was being used to "bludgeon Trump with this new hoax."

With each new development, Fox News was there, villainizing public health leaders and their suggestions. Conservative pundits mocked masks and minimized the virus's threat throughout the fall of 2020.

Since COVID-19 vaccines became widely available for Americans, these outlets have continued to caution Americans against getting inoculated, despite the fact that the vaccine has been shown to be highly effective in fighting the virus in countless clinical studies.

Polling has demonstrated just how widespread the right-wing media's disinformation campaign has been on the American electorate.

A December 2020 analysis conducted by political scientists found nearly 4,000 examples of stories with COVID-19 misinformation from Feb. 1 to March 23.

And almost 80% of Americans believe or are unsure about pandemic-related misinformation, according to a November Kaiser Family Foundation survey. Those who believed in COVID-19 conspiracies also noted their trust in right-wing outlets, who've promulgated these theories throughout the last two years.

The survey found that numerous respondents believed the government to be exaggerating the number of COVID-19 deaths in addition to a slate of other vaccine mistruths, like that it alters your DNA, can infect you with the virus, or contains a microchip.

Donald Trump

Of course, the progenitor of COVID-19 misinformation and pandemic mismanagement is the de facto leader of the Republican Party, former President Donald Trump.

He frequently undermined his own public health advisors, promoted falsehoods about the virus, interfered with public health agencies, violated guidelines, and failed to take seriously a life-threatening pandemic in its early days.

Research from Cornell University found that Trump's statements questioning masks, boosting unscientific treatments, and accusing the Food and Drug Administration of being part of the "deep state" and misrepresenting testing results to be the most widespread source of pandemic misinformation in 2020.

In 2020, Trump insisted a vaccine was coming much sooner than scientists predicted, before the November election, blamed the media for reporting on supposedly inaccurate testing totals, labeled unproven treatments as cures, and promised the virus was "going away" and that he ended the pandemic when it was, in fact, still raging.

He also sought to interfere with public health leaders who were trying to get the pandemic under control.

Trump, Dr. Scott Atlas, Trump's pandemic advisor with no public health experience, and Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law, worked to sideline the CDC, according to emails and transcripts unveiled by a House committee investigating the administration's pandemic mishandling.

Trump withdrew from the World Health Organization, cutting off crucial funds from the global health agency after it failed to meet his demands like promoting travel restrictions and investigating China's role in the pandemic.

He also personally contradicted his own public health advisors. Trump would frequently criticize Fauci, who was the nation's primary public health messenger at the time, and lambaste his recommendations to social distance and wear masks.

Trump set a poor example for Americans, by frequently violating CDC guidelines, hosting numerous rallies with unmasked attendees, meeting with advisors and guests in close proximity with no masks, and holding a Rose Garden ceremony and indoor reception for then-Supreme Court Justice nominee Amy Coney Barrett. Trump and other attendees later tested positive for COVID-19.

Former White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Deborah Birx told the House last October that Trump very well could have saved more than 130,000 lives if he had taken heed of guidance from his public health advisors.

A UCLA researcher measured the casualties of Trump's mismanagement much higher, estimating 400,000 lives could have been saved if Trump implemented widespread testing and mask mandates.

With about 850,000 total dead from COVID-19 in America, that means if Trump had chosen to listen to the science instead of demeaning it, he could have halved the death toll of America's deadliest pandemic.

Instead, with the help of conservative allies intent on demonizing public health figures and amplifying conspiracy theories, the toll continues to rise, as Americans wonder whether an end to this pandemic will ever be in sight.

Published with permission of The American Independent Foundation.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    3 years ago

Conservatives have delayed the end of the pandemic and are still at it. 

Professor Guide
1.1  Gordy327  replied to  JohnRussell @1    3 years ago

The pandemic has been prolonged because people have been stupid, irresponsible, and inconsiderate by fighting vaccinations and/or recommended precautions, regardless of political ideology. 

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.2  Greg Jones  replied to  JohnRussell @1    3 years ago

Don't forget about Biden's ongoing super spreader event at the border. This article is just another example of left wing propaganda.



Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.3  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @1    3 years ago

It won't work John. Biden had the Trump vaccine, antibodies, masks & equipment and a firm vaccine mandate, yet more people died in the US from covid in 2021 that in 2020, when we didn't know what hit us and had little to fight it with. I think it's time to admit that we are going to have to live with this thing.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
2  Right Down the Center    3 years ago

Really?  We are supposed to take an op ed from the American Independent Foundation seriously?

Professor Guide
3  Tacos!    3 years ago
In South Dakota, Gov. Kristi Noem trumpeted her state's Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in 2021, making a dramatic entrance on horseback and waving an American flag, despite public health experts' warnings that an event drawing half a million people could be dangerous amid the spread of the Delta variant.

OK, it’s time to stand up in defense of South Dakota. All year long, states like New York and California have Major League Baseball games, NFL football games, NHL hockey games, music concerts, live theater, parades, full beaches, New Years’s Eve celebrations and so on, and it’s all just fine. Those states make billions of dollars and tens of millions of people get regular entertainment.

Sturgis is all South Dakota has. It lasts for about 10 days, and it’s a big boost to the local economy. It’s not worse that South Dakota has its one big event while other states have lots and lots of big events all year long. Lay the fuck off South Dakota.

And I don’t even live there (although I have ridden to Sturgis for the rally). I’m just tired of seeing this stupid attack being used as if somehow Kristi Noem or the state of South Dakota (or just bikers in general) are singularly responsible for the Covid pandemic.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4  Sparty On    3 years ago

The fallacy here is as follows, the proven problem with break through infections.    I had one, I have several friends who had one and I have unvaccinated friends who still haven’t caught it once.

The left just needs to let it go.    Enough with the tyrannical narratives.    If you like that kind of life I suggest you move to a country like China who has that move down pat.

You’ll be much happier ....

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
4.1  Right Down the Center  replied to  Sparty On @4    3 years ago

Problem is the left need someone/something to blame for all their shitty policy decisions.  In this case blame the Republicans for covid not being eradicated as Biden promised.  Truth is there is no way he should have made that promise since there are so many unknowns with covid.  But he and the dems sure aren't going to admit that so blame it one something else.


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