"McConnell: Jan. 6 Was 'Violent Insurrection' After A Legitimate Election"

Sen. Mitch McConnell told reporters he believed the January 6 Capitol riot was a "violent insurrection" to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.
Why are Republicans so miserable?
In case you missed it:
1. Conservative National Review Calls GOP 'Morally Repellent' For Latest Jan. 6 Response
2. Nikki Haley Kisses Trump's Ass (Again)

Sen. Mitch McConnell told reporters he believed the January 6 Capitol riot was a "violent insurrection" to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.
He also criticized the Republican National Committee for "singling out" members of his party.
Sen. Mitch McConnell told reporters he believed the January 6 Capitol riot was a "violent insurrection" to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.
He also criticized the Republican National Committee for "singling out" members of his party.
Can't help but wonder: Why are Republicans so miserable?
Not long ago I predicted that unless things changed, the Republicans would probably squeak by with a narrow win in the Mid-terms.
But seeing all the ever-increasing divisiveness in the Republican Party (as well as the nastiness of some of their attacks on each other)-- its starting to look like I might have been wrong in my predictions!
Hat tip: Tessylo
There seems to be no bottom to the depravity on the right, but they just keep trying to dig themselves out of their hole.
At least the right is trying. That's more than can be said for the hard core liberal left. Most of them cannot even see daylight...
Trying to do what? Other than re-write history?
At least the left doesn't punish their members for a difference of opinion.
Trying to install a dictator and do away with this pesky democracy thing that goes against everything they have evolved towards.
Can't deny that. And conservative politicians are doing their damndest to rewrite the history about it. Tourists....
I find both comments to be part of the problem. The extremism of both parties has lead us to this point. The RNC was wrong for what it did, but Sen. Mitch McConnell, as the Senate minority leader, leads the party and what he did took guts and show he is a man of principle. Kudos to him.
What party extremism do you see from the left? Sure there are a few individual examples, but as a party?
I'm sorry, but one atta boy does not wipe out all of his aww shits.
Been saying that about Biden for the last year, but it's hard to come up with even one atta boy!/Sarc
We shall see what he says tomorrow. If he were truly a man of principle, he would stick with one story, not change depending on which way the wind blows.
There's a whole 'nother aspect to this that apparently most folks here have missed. 😐
Tell me about it. I almost seeded this story myself but was afraid of what would have been read into it. I think that McConnell did the right thing, and is trying to lead his party back into the rational world. Credit should be given where it is deserved.
pffft, he sees the writing on the wall and is just trying to save his wrinkled obstructionist ass
Or donation money is drying up.
Yes, there's that.
The problem I see with most social media sites is that most people are "on automatic". As soon as they see an article that's political (or even one that isn't political but they think they can make political)...they become robots. They immediately look at things from the most superficial viewpoint. For Democrats...how can they use it to bash Republicans.
For most Republicans, they see everything as an opportunity to bash Democrats.
What's missing? The opportunity to go beneath the superficial...and see what's really going on. But they could care less-- they just want to see who to blame. Point fingers. Attack people. And totally miss the larger picture.
(Its been changing to some degree...given the growing split in the Republican Party-- as exemplified by people like Kinsiger, Liz Cheney...and now possibly McConnell-- its becoming a tad more complex).
But the first thought in peoples' heads on Social Media sites is where to point fingers? Who to blame? And most important of all-- who to get angry at-- who do attack personally.(As opposed to looking a bit deeper).
Some of the more perceptive people are aware of the nature of Social media sites-- as opposed to, say, select Twitter feeds..or even some of facebook.
Cobalt Blue is a perfect example-- I believe she came by to touch base with some old friends. She's one of the smartest people I've met online.
But once people find hi calibre Twitter feeds...well, let's see what happens.
And then there's something else.
I totally agree!
I totally agree!
I think that McConnell did the right thing, and is trying to lead his party back into the rational world.
Which rational world is that? The one where duly a elected D POTUS is denied the same SC opportunity as any R POTUS? The one where how much fed money your state gets for infrastructure projects is a function of who your senator is married to? The one where it is acceptable to openly state that the main goal of your Party is to make the winner of the recent election a one term POTUS? Mitch is hardly the guy who deserves to be hoisted up on your shoulders. He was instrumental in shaping the current state of politics.
Can you guess the similarity?
Donald Dumpling is getting the bus ready. Look out Mitch.