Biden to request $2.6B to promote gender equity worldwide | TheHill
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 3 years ago • 107 commentsBy: Alex Gangitano (TheHill)

President Biden will request $2.6 billion for foreign assistance programs that promote general equality worldwide, he announced on International Women’s Day on Tuesday.
The funds will be part of his fiscal 2023 budget request to Congress and will double the amount requested for gender programs last year.
"On this day and every day, let us recognize that all of us have a better future when women and girls can reach their full potential — and together, let's renew our efforts to advance dignity, equality, and limitless possibilities for all," Biden said in a statement.
The president said International Women's Day is a time to recognize the achievements of women and girls, celebrate progress, and recommit to work that needs to be done.
"Ensuring that every woman and girl has that chance isn't just the right thing to do — it's also a strategic imperative that advances the prosperity, stability, and security of our nation and the world. Yet too often, in too many places, women and girls face obstacles that limit their possibilities and undermine their participation in economic, political, and social life," Biden said.
He noted that barriers women face were exposed and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which impacted women's labor force participation, showed the burden on caregivers, and increased gender-based violence.
Tuesday also marks the one-year anniversary of Biden creating the White House Gender Policy Council through executive order, which is responsible for leading a government-wide effort to advance gender equity and equality in the U.S. and globally.

They really hate this country!
They? Are you sure it is not you and projection theatrics?
"On this day and every day, let us recognize that all of us have a better future when women and girls can reach their full potential — and together, let's renew our efforts to advance dignity, equality, and limitless possibilities for all," Biden said in a statement.
What a crock of lying bullshit. Transgender males should not compete against biological females. Lia Thomas is not a "she"
Not no, but HELL NO! There are other more important things at home that money should be spent on.
These are the same idiots that allow boys/men that identify as girls/women to compete in girl's/women's sports.
Which makes this statement over the top hypocrisy.
Do these idiots ever look in the mirror and practice giving these speeches to know exactly how stupid and condescending they sound?
Great minds think alike, you beat me by 42 seconds. You must type faster than my four finger approach.
They don't and that is what makes them great.
Then that leaves all the lock step thinkers on the left out of the great minds club.
See 2.1.4
Maybe a diet would help
Just couldn't leave me on your blocked list, could you.
If you look at the numbers with a disinterested mind, you will find a parity on both sides.
Some, but very little. It is easier to just agree with the party line or what your favorite cable station says on the subject than it is to actually think for oneself. There is alot of intellectual laziness out there.
Indeed there is and one example of that is taking a minor itch (gender switchers) and purposefully scratching it into a major infection.
It might not be a big deal for everyone but it might be a big deal for the girls and parents of girls that are effected by it. I wonder why all the sympathy for one group and ignoring the biological females while saying how important equity is for the biological females..
But I understand your point. It is like all the people that have walked by statues without giving it a thought for years all of a sudden feel the need to take the statue down because a few wokesters deciding people should be insulted by it.
They may have miscalculated the number of votes they will get for embracing this vs the number of votes they will lose by pissing off women in general, women affected by this and their parents.
I saw a unicorn poop a rainbow in the 70's!! I can't remember if I took a blue pill or a pink pill before I saw it though.
I doubt it, nothing in this article is about transgenders but down that Boulevard of Slippery Squirrels y'all went.
But the minute it affects them they'll start crying and attempt to pass blame to anybody but themselves.
Sorry, didn't realize there were rules about pointing out hypocrisy. I look forward to you calling out people on the left when they do it.
You didn't know? You can't point out the hypocrisy of the left. It makes them cry.
The pace of the verbal diarrhea from the right is picking up.
Yet is still pales in comparison to the shit talking coming from the left.
Thanks for making my point. Now, don't you have another fictional Trump piece to seed?
And where were you when 8+ years of 'I Hate Obama' was spewed by 'fine' folks? Derangement Syndrome is cyclical and does not recognize. partisan borders.
I like to watch sQuad skating.
No a diet wouldn't help. Something that big would require extensive surgery to make smaller and even that may not help.
Well that explains why the leftoes are not great in any way.
The first rule is pointing out your own.
Really? Can I have a copy of your rule book?
I guess so, I always thought rule 1 of their book was "It doesn't matter what it is, it is OK when we do it and not OK when they do it".
I don't know about others but I was giving Obama the benefit of the doubt for about the first year of his first term. After that I came to the conclusion he did not deserve it.
Probably would not help. Most likely all blank pages in it...
"On this day and every day, let us recognize that all of us have a better future when women and girls can reach their full potential — and together, let's renew our efforts to advance dignity, equality, and limitless possibilities for all," Biden said in a statement.
"Yet too often, in too many places, women and girls face obstacles that limit their possibilities"
Kind of a funny thing to say from a party that promotes the obstacle of letting biological males compete with women and little girls' in sports.
Just more lip service and the left are dumb enough to believe it.
I'm investing in urinal manufacturers. Every women's room in America is going to have them now.
Cool ... will they come with a Flushing-4-Dummies manual writ by the Merde-et-Lardo?
They will probably want to install sanitary napkins and tampon dispensers in the men's room for the females that think they are makes but are waiting to get pregnant to use.
Did all the right wing bigots here misread the title of this article? There’s no “trans” in the title or what is posted from the article, but they just can’t stop their bigotry when the word “gender” pops up. It’s like they have a case of Transtourettes.
Fox News fact checks Joe Biden’s statement that America is producing the most oil it ever has at this moment. In Dec. 2019 America was producing 12.9M barrels a day. In Dec. 2021 we were producing 11.5M.
I have to wonder if anyone is counting the number of times Joe or Jen lie. It has to be way over 1000 by now. Although it is hard to know with Joe since it is often hard to understand what he is mumbling.
Thread @7.1 locked for slap fighting.
Anoon sandy...slap fighting?? An American expression or is it something you do??
Hi, shona. I don't know if it's an exclusively American expression. Basically, it's just trading insults rather than discussing the topic. It might start with a discussion of the topic, but devolves.
Anoon... thanks for that...
No problem. It's funny how a single language changes from one country to another, isn't it?
Yes the one word you mob use and could get your head punched in here is rooting...
You are rooting for your team etc..say that in a pub and it would be an all in brawl..
Here it is barrack (support).. you barrack for your team etc..
Could lead to an international incident..
What does "rooting" mean that's so bad it could get your head punched in?
If you are rooting for a Rugby team for example it refers to sexual relations..
Want to stop a pub dead in its tracks..that would do it ..🤣🤣
Most Aussies know what it means but if you are in the sticks it is not so commonly known...
Ah. Yeah, that's a pretty big difference from what we mean by "rooting".