Michigan GOP Condemns Candidate's Comment to 'Lie Back and Enjoy' Rape
Category: News & Politics
Via: sister-mary-agnes-ample-bottom • 3 years ago • 32 commentsBy: Erin Brady

R epublican officials in Michigan are condemning one of their own after a candidate for the state House made a controversial comment about sexual assault.
Robert "RJ" Regan is under fire for what he said during a livestream on March 6. When asked about how sexual assault is perceived as inevitable and unpreventable, he said: "Well if rape is inevitable, you should just lie back and enjoy it."
The comment has received bipartisan condemnation. Michigan Republican Party Chairman Ron Weiser released a statement saying that Regan should have known better than to comment like that on such a sensitive topic.
"We are better than this as a party and I absolutely expect better than this of our candidates," he wrote.
The Associated Press reported that Michigan Speaker of the House Jason Wentworth condemned Regan's comments as well. Newsweek has reached out to Wentworth to obtain his full statement.
Other Repu bli cans in the state have made their ire with Regan's comments known.
"As a Christian, a public servant and a father of two daughters, I find Robert Regan's comments about sexual assault to be revolting and immoral, and I strongly denounce them," state Senator Mark Huizenga said.
Regan is running to represent the 8th Congressional District. Its former representative, Kent County Chairman Rob VerHeulen, also condemned the comment.
"As a former representative of this district, I am appalled to hear the comments from Mr. Regan. These comments are offensive, dangerous and unbecoming of any candidate for public office," VerHeulen said. "The Kent County Republican Party stands with the Michigan Republican Party and I believe Mr. Regan owes an apology immediately."
Despite the criticism, no state lawmakers have called for Regan to withdraw from the race.
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Regan couldn't even use an original disgusting comment. Clayton Williams said the same freaking thing years ago when he ran for Governor of Texas. He lost.
Creeps, both.
GOP family values. their 2nd favorite phrase is "don't you want to be awake for this?"
ezpz, long ago I used to be a republican...
Do you acknowledge that there has now been 2 republicans stating this remark?
Me too. For many years. But that was back before the republican motto was "I got mine, fuck you".
Are you in denial again Texan? I was a republican for longer than you've been born. I am kind of embarrassed it took me so long to discover the true direction republicans are trying to go.
This sounds exactly what the dimwit in Missouri said a few years back and it cost him the election.
What a fricking moron this guy is.
It's amazing to me how some men just don't get it. They should tar and feather him and run him out of town on a rail
How about this Regan. You get ganged banged and see if you just lie back and enjoy it.
Regen's stock just went up among the Trumpy gop!
It appears that they have a potential sexual assaulter running for office there.
It is not the first time as evidenced in 2016.
Stephanie Regan, the daughter of Republican state House candidate Robert Regan, writes, "If you're in Michigan and 18+ pls for the love of god do not vote for my dad for state rep. Tell everyone."
June, 2020
That's cold
Paul Gosar had most of his family doing the same thing. It’s a Republican thing.
Didn't Rep. Gosar's (AZ) family do a similar thing to him for being such a shit.
Always the best and brightest running for office...
I wonder if anyone informed that jackass that men get raped as well.
I wonder if he would lay there and enjoy it...
over the years That remark has backfired on most who have said it. One of those things it is probably wise not to say. Basketball Coach Bobby Knight even got in trouble for saying that
Dumb to think, even dumber to express out loud.
The GOP needs to start pulling all party support from candidates who say shit like this. If it's an incumbent instead of a candidate, they need to start calling for resignation.
I mean, the GOP censured Cindy McCain for saying Trump lost the election. They surely should be censuring members who pull this shit.
I assume you continue to believe that the GOP is a legitimate participant in the politics of this republic?
"Well if rape is inevitable, you should just lie back and enjoy it." Republican Robert "RJ" Regan
“If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” - Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin
Texas Republican Rep. Jody Laubenberg said women don't need access to abortion due to rape because of “what’s called rape kits, where a woman can get cleaned out.”
“Even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that . . . is something that God intended to happen,” Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock
Right-wing conservative Republican pundit Dana Loesch didn’t see what the big deal was with a Virginia law that would have required a trans-vaginal ultrasound before any abortion, according to her women should have “no problem having similar to a trans-vaginal procedure when they engaged in the act that resulted in their pregnancy.”
“Watch a sonogram of a 15-week baby . . . If they’re a male baby, they may have their hand between their legs. If they feel pleasure, why is it so hard to believe that they could feel pain?” Texas Republican Representative Michael Burgess
"We are better than this as a party and I absolutely expect better than this of our candidates," Michigan Republican Party Chairman Ron Weiser
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news Ron, but the Republican party is not "better than this", their brand is this.
Just let them go. Lais-sez faire this GOP. Let them bite and snarl on rape, Choice, gays and guns.
Are you though?
Not a party. Cult.