Donald Trump Jr. says his father only praised Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Xi Jinping in order to 'play' them

Donald Trump Jr. says his father only praised Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Xi Jinping in order to 'play' them
3-3 minutes Invalid Date
- Donald Trump Jr. said his father's flattery of world leaders like Russia's Vladimir Putin doesn't equate to "capitulation."
- Trump Jr. said his father knows how to deal with "powerful men" who might "blow up deals over ego."
- "He knew exactly how to play these guys, and he played it like a fiddle," said Trump Jr.
Donald Trump Jr. said on Wednesday that the praise his father, former President Donald Trump, showered on world leaders like China's Xi Jinping, North Korea's Kim Jong Un, and Russia's Vladimir Putin was all part of a strategy to "play" them.
In a video posted on his Rumble account, Trump Jr. said his father is someone who knows how to deal with "powerful men" and that he "had it right all along" when it came to dealing with foreign leaders.
"So my father understands that, you know, men will blow up deals over ego. I've seen it my whole life, and my father's certainly seen it. Because he's dealt with powerful, egotistical people his entire life. He's built a brand around dealing with those people. World leaders aren't any different," Trump Jr. said.
"He knew exactly how to play these guys, and he played it like a fiddle," he added, while also noting that his father's flattery of foreign leaders was not an act of "capitulation."
Related video: Trump on Putin invasion plan: ‘This is genius’ (MSNBC)
Appearing to mock Trump's dissenters, Trump Jr. described a typical critic as "some nerd in his mom's basement who's never dealt with anything, never actually had any power, never understood those people."
Trump has praised authoritarian world leaders like Kim, Putin, and Xi during his presidency and even after leaving office.
During a Florida fundraiser in 2018, then-President Trump called Xi a "great gentleman" and "the most powerful [Chinese] president in a hundred years" after China scrapped its two-term limit for the country's presidency.
That same year, he expressed his admiration for Kim , describing the latter as a "tough guy" who was able to "take over a country" at the age of 27.
More recently, Trump has been slammed by numerous parties — including veteran diplomats — for calling Putin's justification for invading Ukraine "savvy" and "genius."
On February 24, the day Russia's attack began, he also released a statement on Twitter — via his spokeswoman Liz Harrington — claiming that Putin was "playing [President Joe] Biden like a drum."

"He knew exactly how to play these guys" slurp, gag, slurp..."and he played it like a fiddle,"...
More like a flute....
Skin flute?
Ewwwwwwww! Uh, yeah...
the family wore out the "he was joking" excuse years ago...
So when he calls Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan "great Americans" we can assume (and they can assume) he is just "playing " them.
Pretty much but no. Not completely. He's sucking up for support. I guess that is SOME kind of playing but..................You have seen what happens to people that cross him.
Some of them come to their senses.
80 million americans and counting so far...
Like him withholding support from Ukraine because Zelenskyy wouldn't play along with his Hunter Biden hoax?
No. Guess again. It would have been illegal for him to do so but who wouldn't test the water? It wouldn't have flown. Just like when Mr. Biden did it trying to "get rid of corruption" ploy which was "don't investigate my son and Barisma" in reality. If they were part of the corruption they should have been.
Whataboutisms only work when you list an actual whataboutism, and not a made up scandal that didn't exist in real life. And even then, they usually don't work.
You mean like every time you and yours always deflected back to the Russian hoax for 3 years?
That whataboutism that didn't exist?
Maybe you didn't mean to, but...
You did
Isn't his 15 minutes up yet?
At this point the whole family's 15 minutes are up as far as I'm concerned but some just like to hang on every word from them. Pretty damned sad too.
If they would just shut up and go live in a cave somewhere then there would be no opportunity to mock them
I see you are as some of the like minds here. You are not obligated to read them or listen to them by any stretch of the imagination. That you choose to do so puts them ball right back in your court. If it weren't for this place and the few who simply abhor what they see and posting/seeding it here, I wouldn't know they were even still in the supposed limelight.
these assholes put themselves in the limelight. And if they are going to continue to do that then I will continue to comment, call them names, and mock them
Are there any "conservatives" on this site who can actually address the material in a seed? It sure doesnt seem like it.
Trump and his family must really embarrass you guys.
You do you. You are free to do so in this country. Fine just don't see the need in torturing one's self is all. It isn't going to change them. Or make them go away. I wish the press didn't hang on their every move and word but as you can see, it generates them clicks from those who can't stand them and just makes them more apt to follow them for the sake of those clicks which generate ad revenue.
What would you think they would say John? How about he is probably right. If you think about a couple of the statements. You attract more flies with honey than you do with vinegar and Trump was good at it. Who else went to the Norks? Who else said hell no to Iran? Mr. Biden just doesn't communicate with them at all. Weak as he is or strong at all. Except of late, Putin because he has to to save face. How many times has he talked to him? Once? And it probably wasn't very productive.
They can get up and say what ever they want, when ever they want. 9 times out of 10, the only people that seed anything about him are those like yourself. Take a look around this site, for example. A very large chunk of the Trump material on this site are from those like yourself. And it's always in freak out mode. "Trump said this" or "Trump said that". How much of it has any bearing on your life? Really, none of it does. Like you all on the left like to cheer - he's not in office. But yet here you are, in freak out mode over something somebody said.
You do have an option. You can always change the station or turn it off. You don't like what he's saying ? Change the station or turn it off.
You, and many others, fail to realize that many of us have actually moved on from Trump. There are far more important things to worry about. Running around with your hair on fire because something you chose to watch / listen to is not the fault of others. You have been keeping him in the limelight.
Moved on from donald? Every single one of you has said they would vote for him again.
Moved on my ass.
We have?
How about pulling up posts that say exactly that.
How much of the Trump content on this site are seeded by the right. HINT: Very little. A very large chunk of the Trump material on this site are from those like yourself. And it's always in freak out mode. "Trump said this" or "Trump said that".
Depends on who actually ends up running and getting the nomination. I for one, shock of all shocks, am seriously looking at a particular female and a couple guys on the GOP side and if I don't like what they come up with, I have a female on the Dem side should she get the nod.
And yes moved on. You don't see us seeding this bullshit "he hurts my feelings but really not my life in any way that I can communicate" bullshit daily. Nor a "Ra Ra Trump" bullshit article.
He's right on the money.
I got a ticket for calling out "mods" who do that.
Freak out mode? Way to exaggerate.
You all brought him to power. You all praised what he did. You all defended everything he did.
Now you all are going to say it is the left that has an obsession.
Weak bullshit.
Take blame for things you all have done for once in your fucking lives.
No, better to blame others...
Then you all could easily stay away from such articles yet here we are.
The "alternate reality/Bizarro World." is right here on NT. Everyday there are more seeds from somebody who can't change the station or turn it off and in freak out mode. Then there are the trolls who repeatedly make random, unrelated, unfounded claims and memes in very feeble attempts to deflect a conversation. In both cases, they don't realize how childish they appear to others. I've seen better from toddlers.
Yea I expect one too, especially from the one that usually comes to other like mind rescue.
So where are those posts from EVERY ONE OF US that said we would vote for him again?
As President of the US, you damned right. Why wouldn't we? Except for downplaying the pandemic to try to keep panic down, a noble but stupid move, what did he fuck up and how did he touch you and yours lives negatively except he was mean and uncouth? Well we needed some mean and uncouth for once. Tha candyass pussyfooting had to stop and someone needed to start telling shit like it was.
And no, I am not going to stay away from such articles. If you saw my first comment on this one, you would understand. I'm trying to save some of you from yourselves and your obsession with someone who has NO effect on ANY of us right now. Period
Stop with the bullshit. Really...
That's no exaggeration. Every one of the seeds I mentioned above are seeded by somebody in freak out mode over something a person who has no bearing on their lives said.
And he's not in power now. But you wouldn't realize that looking at a lot of the seeds here. A certain group act as if Trump said we are going to invade Guam, they'd be at the beach looking for warships to be on the move.
Umm. Yes. I've been saying that for a long time now.
And exactly what have I done that I've denied? Did I vote for Trump both times? Yes. I knew that if his opponent in 2016 made it into office the country would turn to shit. I knew that if his opponent in 2020 made it into office the country would turn to shit. And here we are.
I'm not placing blame on anybody. What I am doing is calling out the BS. The fact you felt the need to attempt to prove me wrong tells me a lot about you.
What bullshit and nope in advance.
Glad to know you think our country is shit.
You are not calling out BS, you are actively working it.
How dare you all talk about donald...
You all just can't stop talking about donald...
Oh another seed about donald....
Yes, you all are the ones that can't let it go.
And exactly what did Jim say that was BS?
Everything both of you are saying is total BS and might as well come from RT news.
I am done with you all. Go back to watching fox news...
Bullshit. If the Donald hit pieces weren't here NO ONE would make the statements you just made, fictitious as they may be, Nor would they ever enter into anything.
So you can't supply the posts you claim EVERY ONE OF US WILL VOTE FOR DONALD again.
Why even make such BS posts?
If you think I am going to look for old posts think again.
Tell me you would not vote for him again.
If you say no I know you are lying.
Then your post was bullshit.
And BTW..
No, I would not vote for him again. There are younger and better out there, but I did support him twice and don't regret it.
Now, call me a liar and see if the leftist mods will do their jobs and ticket you for calling me a liar.
I won't hold my breath.
If it is donald against Biden you are not going to vote?
That's for me to know and damn if I'm going to tell you ...
You understand there are third party candidates, right?
Or are you obligated to vote loon left every election?
What's pathetic is you don't realize or you willingly choose to ignore that it all started on / about January 20, 2021. It's not Venezuela or N. Korea level but Biden's only been office a little over a year. He'll get us there unfortunately.
Hyperbolic, hyper-partisan, sky is falling bullshit.
Were you not the ones saying donald could not subvert the country because of checks and balances.
I guess those checks and balances are there and gone when you all want them to be.
Only if you ignore facts. Oh wait...
Where did I say that? Not that you can find a link.
Ignore facts? You would think getting a pimple is Biden's fault.
Sell your shit to your comrades.
How's the search for that link coming?
How's the right wing hate doing you?
I ain't looking for shit for you.
Doing me just fine.
Not or can't?
"Yeah, That's It! That's The Ticket" - The Liar
Once again we see the conservatives, right-wing if you will , that come on a seed like this and don't even spend a second talking about the content of the seed but only troll it by complaining that Trump or his family is being talked about . This is a news story , this is newstalkers. It's not for you to decide that Trump is or is not a topic
He's in the news almost every day so he's a topic. Stop trolling these goddamn articles
Bullshit. What did I do up there?