
A history making address amid an epic tragedy


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  vic-eldred  •  3 years ago  •  58 comments

A history making address amid an epic tragedy
Zelensky tells British lawmakers “we will not give up and we will not lose,” in a speech that evoked Churchill’s stirring “never surrender” speech during the darkest days of World War II.

He won’t be the first world leader to speak to both the House and Senate when he speaks virtually today. It could be the most important speech made before congress by a world leader ever. It's what the kids might describe as a "mega zoom call." This morning the nation and the world will watch.

Who is this man?

The Players:

The Brave

Before becoming Ukraine’s president, he had been a comedic actor whose best-known role was as a teacher who rose to Ukraine’s presidency thanks to a viral video. He is the son of an engineer and computer-science professor. He is Jewish, in a country with a brutal history of antisemitism, and his first language was Russian, as is the case for many Ukrainians. He ran for president in 2019, via a populist campaign. Since his country was invaded, he rose to the occasion, rallying his people and vowing to remain in the nation's capital, where he may die for his country.

What does he want?

Everything the US is willing to give, including what the Biden administration says it won't give. He does have bipartisan support in congress for most of what he wants, but not warplanes or the no-fly zone.

The Bold

One of the world leaders who is sure to be watching is the man who
was born in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg) and studied law at Leningrad State University. The same man who once worked as a KGB foreign intelligence officer for 16 years, (mostly in East Germany) rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel, before resigning in 1991 to begin a political career in Saint Petersburg. The same man now prepared to raze every city in the Ukraine for the highest stakes of his political career.

The Timid

Last and least is the old man who found a way into the White House. The feeble old man responsible for all the great crisis facing the US. He is easily, some say correctly perceived as weak and has been very clear about what he can't do and slow to do what he felt he could do. Without him this grand tragedy may have never have taken place.

In the Ukraine civilians, women and children are being killed. Three million people have already fled. The young nation's cities are under siege and are being bombed relentlessly. The world has been inspired by the courage of the Ukrainians. A month ago Germany wouldn't help, then it's leader made a dramatic turn around in defiance of that nation's post WWII policy. The EU stepped up on sanctions. Poland is taking in many of the refugees and has offered it's warplanes. It is in the US interest to see Russia bogged down in the Ukraine, but how much longer can they resist. It is nuclear weapons that gave evil regimes acceptance and it is why the west stands by as it all plays out. That is the sad plot twist to this tale.

We can hope for a miracle, but we know better.


jrDiscussion - desc
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill spoke to Congress on December 26, 1941 — weeks after the U.S. entered WWII, following the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He too had once stood alone. In that speech Churchill warned the US of what it would be like: "many disappointments and unpleasant surprises await us."

Professor Principal
2  Hallux    3 years ago

           "The Bold"

@!@ ... a fool that rushed in where angels feared to tread.  [removed]

Professor Principal
3  JohnRussell    3 years ago

I'm waiting for these people to blame Biden for the weather. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
3.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @3    3 years ago

Let's just hold him to what he did for now.

Moose Knuckle
Freshman Quiet
3.2  Moose Knuckle  replied to  JohnRussell @3    3 years ago
I'm waiting for these people to blame Biden for the weather.

why not, we blame everything else on climate change ROFL

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

Sen. Braun says U.S. must continue to help UKR repel the Russian invaders, while adding: "United States and NATO military leaders must be reminded to take every precaution to avoid escalations that will result in war with Russia and American soldiers being put in harm’s way.”

They do?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
5  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

Reacting to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's address to Congress, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy called on the Biden Administration to provide Ukraine with the "armament they need" to continue to "fight a war that they did not create" against the Russian army.


"I thought the video was one of the most moving moments in there," McCarthy said during a news conference after the speech, referring to footage of the war that was played during the address. "It made the case of the murdering of innocent people. War crimes are being committed. America and the world cannot sit by and ignore it. We need to put a stop to this."

McCarthy called for "greater presser" and "greater armament."

The California Republican questioned why MiG-29 jets were not provided to Ukraine weeks ago as lawmakers had requested. He said the delay has put Ukraine at a "disadvantage." 

McCarthy also said Ukraine can "create a no-fly zone" if the U.S. provides Ukraine with MiG-29 jets.

House Republican Whip Steve Scalise described Zelenskyy's address as "incredibly powerful."

"People got to see once again what we've been seeing for weeks and that is just why President Zelenskyy is inspiring the people of Ukraine and people all around the world who are rallying around these incredibly strong, tough people during a brutally difficult invasion by Putin," he said. 

In a social media post after the address, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrote that "Congress and the country remain unwavering in our commitment to the people of Ukraine as they courageously defend democracy."

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Sen. Jim Risch said Zelenskyy is a "courageous leader who is truly grateful for what the United States has done to help Ukraine" so far.

"But I agree with him completely – we have to do more. Congress, and more specifically, the Senate, stands with the Ukrainians. Let’s send them airplanes, let’s send them air defense systems, and let’s do it faster," the Idaho Republican said.

"Today’s speech was clearly intended for an audience sitting in the White House, and I hope they were listening. The administration needs to step up and lead. The actions it has taken so far have been positive, but it has had to be shamed into action every step along the way. It is critical the administration stop foot-dragging and do more," he added.

Former Vice President Mike Pence, who visited the border of the Ukraine recently, called for "additional sanctions" to economically isolate Russian leader Vladimir Putin. He also said the U.S. should transfer the MiG jets.

"The world has been inspired by President Zelenskyy," he said. "Putin must pay for the violence he is visiting upon the people of Ukraine."

Pence said the Obama administration provided "blankets and boxed meals" for Ukraine but "lethal aid" was provided during the Trump administration. He said the Biden Administration must continue to provide Ukraine with more "lethal aid."

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
6  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago


AFT President
@rweingarten and @AFTEVPDeJesus stand with Ukraine .


Zelensky's last thought might just be "they were with me!"

Professor Participates
6.1  bugsy  replied to  Vic Eldred @6    3 years ago

The dumb bitches have the flag upside down

Professor Quiet
6.1.1  Sunshine  replied to  bugsy @6.1    3 years ago


Professor Principal
6.1.2  Ender  replied to  bugsy @6.1    3 years ago

A flag is flown upside down when...

dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.”

Professor Principal
6.1.3  Kavika   replied to  Ender @6.1.2    3 years ago

Ha, seems we have some people that are ignorant of that fact.

Professor Quiet
6.1.4  Sunshine  replied to  Ender @6.1.2    3 years ago

yeah ok  🙄

More than two dozen labor union executives were seen holding the flag posters upside down

AFL-CIO Photoshops Ukraine flag after being mocked for having it upside down

Professor Principal
6.1.5  Ender  replied to  Sunshine @6.1.4    3 years ago

Just because fox news blasts it does not take away what the true meaning is.

Professor Quiet
6.1.6  Sunshine  replied to  Ender @6.1.5    3 years ago

Apparently you didn’t bother to read the article.

If you don’t like that source, there are plenty more.

knock yourself out.

Professor Principal
6.1.7  Ender  replied to  Sunshine @6.1.6    3 years ago

I don't care if it was a mistake or not. It fits the situation.

I am not getting my panties in a wad over something like that.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
6.1.8  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  bugsy @6.1    3 years ago

Dumb and well financed with total control of the public schools.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
6.1.9  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ender @6.1.7    3 years ago

It seems like you went out of your way to make sense of it?

Professor Quiet
6.1.10  Sunshine  replied to  Vic Eldred @6.1.9    3 years ago


Professor Participates
6.1.11  bugsy  replied to  Ender @6.1.2    3 years ago

That is the US flag.

Show where it is any other flag, especially Ukraine.

Professor Principal
6.1.12  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @6.1.9    3 years ago

Nope. The upside down flag is a true thing.

Fun with flags by Sheldon Cooper.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
6.1.13  Split Personality  replied to  bugsy @6.1.11    3 years ago

It's a nautical thing, traditional among the UK, USA and Australia

which are much more recognizable than say 

Ireland and Italy which would be ignored... 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
6.1.14  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ender @6.1.12    3 years ago

Are you here to defend Weingarten?

Then you still have a ways to go because the leader of the Teacher's Union also misspelled Ukraine:


Professor Participates
6.1.16  bugsy  replied to  Ender @6.1.2    3 years ago

Well, as expected, silence from you concerning 6.1.11

Professor Principal
6.1.17  Ender  replied to  Vic Eldred @6.1.14    3 years ago

I was not defending shit. I was showing what I showed.

That an upside down flag is a real thing.

I am sorry you all didn't know that and are all butthurt about it.

Stop trying to make it something other than it is.

Professor Principal
6.1.18  Ender  replied to  bugsy @6.1.16    3 years ago

Really? Your question is idiotic. So you think that US flag protocol could or would not be used in other circumstances.

Professor Participates
6.1.19  bugsy  replied to  Ender @6.1.18    3 years ago
Your question is idiotic

Your response is idiotic.

These two bitches had the Ukraine flag upside down and were called on it.

Only the US flag code has the flag upside down during a crisis.

BTFW, Ender, if that is what you believe it to be, then why when another picture of the leaders of the same dumbass union all held the Ukraine flag upside down, and when THEY were called on it, the picture was republished with photo shop of the Ukraine flag turned the right direction?


Professor Principal
6.1.20  Ender  replied to  bugsy @6.1.19    3 years ago

My response was that there was a true code of flags being upside down.

Keep trying to read more into it. It doesn't make me look bad...

Did my initial response say anything else? No it did not.

So take your hidden meaning and made up scenarios along with your feigning being upset about something so stupid.

Professor Participates
6.1.21  bugsy  replied to  Ender @6.1.20    3 years ago

There is no "feigning " or "hidden meaning" of anything.

You tried to defend their stupidity by saying maybe they turned the flag upside down because of crisis in Ukraine, but when you are called on it, you call others idiotic.

I asked you to show other countries' flag code to show to fly the flag upside down is a sign of crisis.

You can't do that.

Professor Principal
6.1.22  Ender  replied to  bugsy @6.1.21    3 years ago

Show me where I defended them. You cannot.

So stop making up scenarios.

What difference does it make if not all countries do it? None at all.

I can still use an upside down flag as some sort of example and symbol.

And MOST people would know what it means.

You are grasping at straws for some gotcha moment that is never going to come.

Professor Participates
6.1.23  bugsy  replied to  Ender @6.1.22    3 years ago

6.1.2, 6.1.5 and 6.1.7....

For starters.

You lost

I'm done

Professor Principal
6.1.24  Ender  replied to  bugsy @6.1.23    3 years ago

Again, reading shit that is not there.

It is I that is done. Welcome to ignore.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
7  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

FIRST ON FOX:   Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., reacted to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's   address to Congress , saying the Biden administration is "failing to lead" and must provide Ukraine with the planes and weaponry necessary to defend itself against Russia.

Zelenskyy, in an address to Congress Wednesday, pleaded with the United States to "do more" by implementing a no-fly zone, providing additional aircraft and air defense systems, and creating a new security alliance.

Hawley spoke with Fox News Digital immediately following Zelenskyy's address, calling it "very powerful" and accusing the Biden administration of "dragging their feet" and failing to take immediate action on some of the Ukrainian president's demands.


Professor Expert
8  Nerm_L    3 years ago

When Churchill addressed Congress, we knew what we were fighting for.  What are we fighting for in Ukraine?

Civilians, women, and children have been dying in Ukraine since 2014.  14,000 have been killed during the eight year war in Donbas.  The people whose homes are in Donbas are terrorists because they are pro-Russian.  Volodymyr Zelensky has told us so and it must be gospel truth.  The Ukrainian government is still fighting the war in Donbas in the midst of an invasion.

Soviets are fighting Soviets.  The Soviets are killing each other.  Let them.  We don't need to be involved in this fight.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
8.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Nerm_L @8    3 years ago
Soviets are fighting Soviets. 

The way I like to put it is Putin is killing people who look so much like him.

Professor Expert
8.1.1  Nerm_L  replied to  Vic Eldred @8.1    3 years ago
The way I like to put it is Putin is killing people who look so much like him.

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia started when the USSR was created.  Joseph Stalin held the USSR together by killing millions of Soviets.

What does the United States hope to accomplish in Ukraine?  Ukraine is not going to force the Russians out of Ukraine.  Ukraine is not going to defeat Russia no matter how much military aid is provided by the United States.  If Ukraine could defeat Russia they would have done so during the Soviet era.

How did Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, and Chernenko deal with political instability in the USSR?  Boris Yeltsin is responsible for what happened during the Chechen war during the period of Glasnost.  Hard liners have controlled the USSR and Russia from the beginning.  Vladimir Putin is another hard line leader that follows the examples of his predecessors.  Putin is doing what has been done by the USSR and Russia since the 1917 revolution.

Why does anyone believe that removing Putin would end the hard line government in the Kremlin?  Everything indicates that Putin softening his position would only result in Putin be removed and replaced by another hard liner.  Look at what happened to Gorbachev.  The end of communist activity and communist control of the Russian government in 1991 did not soften Russia's hard line government.  Boris Yeltsin was forced to make concessions to hard line Russian nationalists (who happened to be neoliberals and not conservatives).

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
8.1.2  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Nerm_L @8.1.1    3 years ago

Is Putin a Communist?  Or a Nationalist?

Professor Expert
8.1.3  Nerm_L  replied to  Vic Eldred @8.1.2    3 years ago
Is Putin a Communist?  Or a Nationalist?

Vladimir Putin is a hard line nationalist.  The long list of US brands curtailing operation inside Russia does not align with communism.  And it's not really that important whether or not Putin is communist.  

Russia is still divided over the decommunization efforts begun by Boris Yeltsin.  Communist parties are back but their influence has changed considerably in Russian politics.  Hard line nationalism has emerged as a unifying doctrine during the political conflicts surrounding decommunization.

The war in Donbas is an outgrowth of the Ukrainian politics of decommunization.  Viktor Yanukovch was a pro-Russian Ukrainian nationalist.   Volodymyr Zelensky is a pro-European Ukrainian nationalist.  Volodymyr Zelenski has been using nationalist rhetoric to unify Ukraine against Russia.  Zelensky has declared pro-Russian sentiment in eastern Ukraine a terrorist threat against national unity.  Zelensky's political rhetoric isn't that different from Vladimir Putin's.  Zelensky has also been using nationalist rhetoric to seek support from Europe and the United States.

Zelenski isn't talking about democracy or democratic values; Zelensky's message has been about national sovereignty.  Zelensky's 'Ukraine for Ukrainians' political rhetoric isn't that different than Putin's 'Russia for Russians' political rhetoric.

And we've seen how effective nationalist appeals have been in Europe and the United States.  The US, NATO, and Europe are falling all over themselves supporting Zelensky's Ukraine for Ukrainians politics.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.4  Split Personality  replied to  Vic Eldred @8.1.2    3 years ago

Putin is the storm

and Ukraine is Europe's storm door.

Millions of ethnic Caucasians of different religions killing each other because

Putin believes in the archaic writings of Ivan Ilyin's pre-WWll Chistian rantings

against the Bolsheviks. Ilyan believes in the ascendancy of Mother Russia

as an entity where people are just the cells of an organism wielded by a God like

strongman that will "restore" Russia to her rightful place as the world's only


Putin reads Ilyan like the Pope reads the Bible.

He believes.

Professor Silent
8.2  mocowgirl  replied to  Nerm_L @8    3 years ago
What are we fighting for in Ukraine?


How Does a War Affect the Stock Market? - RealMoney (thestreet.com)

There are many ways a battle or war can shape the future of the stock market. History has proven the short term pain often leads to long term gains here in the U.S. But it's these moments of fear and doubt that are visible in our actions that spurs a regrettable response - indiscriminate selling. We're talking here about our long term stock investments, 401K plans, and retirement accounts.

But history is on your side if you're taking the side of the bulls. Over the last 100+ years we have seen the stock market rise sharply following a prolonged war. Most recently, the war in Afghanistan (2002-2021) saw huge stock market swings but if you strapped in and stayed for the duration your accounts were sharply higher. The SPX 500 was up more than 300% during that stretch, an average gain of 15% per year. Pretty amazing, historical average annual returns are about half that number.

Following the Vietnam War, inflation and higher gas prices were a problem for about six years but then the stock market boomed from 1982 until 2000, nearly 500% gains during that period. That was an average return of more than 27%. You just needed to be patient and wait it out.

During this current war, which has yet to include the U.S. in a 'boots on the ground' battle, we see the markets wobble here as the uncertainty and worry start to build. But if we can remember our history lessons from the past, we know what our next move is (or isn't!).
Professor Silent
8.2.1  mocowgirl  replied to  mocowgirl @8.2    3 years ago

Is the US puppet master relying on another long term war to pay down a $30 trillion (and growing) national debt?

Will enough of the world align with China and establish a new global currency in order to end the US dollar financing endless war and making the world pay for it?

I don't know how US citizens, who play the stock market, feel about relying on war profits to subsidize their lifestyles or if they even know how much their stock profits rely on endless war.

From 2009....

China calls for new global currency - ABC News (go.com)

BEIJING -- China is calling for a global currency to replace the dominant dollar, showing a growing assertiveness on revamping the world economy ahead of next week's London summit on the financial crisis.

The surprise proposal by Beijing's central bank governor reflects unease about its vast holdings of U.S. government bonds and adds to Chinese pressure to overhaul a global financial system dominated by the dollar and Western governments. Both the United States and the European Union brushed off the idea.


United Nations Proposes New "Global Currency" - CBS News

The United Nations would like the dollar, euro, yen, and other national currencies to be succeeded by a new "global currency."

That recommendation appears in a U.N. report released this week, which suggests the dollar's outsize role in international finance has ended -- and says that it's time to invent a successor currency that would be managed by a "Global Reserve Bank."

The U.N. report grew out of the financial problems that swept the world in the last year or two, which it diagnoses as arising from too much speculation in commodity markets, a bubble in stock markets and housing markets, and trade imbalances between countries like China and the United States. Its prescription? "More stringent financial regulation" and "diversification away from dollars" as part of a new system of constant exchange rates. (Supachai Panitchpakdi, UNCTAD's secretary-general, also wants "vigorous" global actions, including "managing" energy prices through taxes, to dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions.)

The diversification-away-from-dollars idea is a close cousin to what the Chinese government has been   saying recently . China, of course, can now claim the   dubious honor   of being the largest foreign holder of U.S. Treasurys worth a total of $776.4 billion as of June 2009. According to a   U.S. government report from 2007 , China was the top foreign owner of Freddie and Fannie bonds too.

Professor Guide
8.2.2  evilone  replied to  mocowgirl @8.2.1    3 years ago
Will enough of the world align with China and establish a new global currency in order to end the US dollar financing endless war and making the world pay for it?

Anyone thinking the world is united enough to establish a global currency is off their meds. 

Professor Silent
8.2.3  mocowgirl  replied to  evilone @8.2.2    3 years ago
Anyone thinking the world is united enough to establish a global currency is off their meds. 

Does it have to be the world or just the largest economies? 

China is worried about having their wealth depending on the solvency of the US dollar and openly called for a new world currency in 2009. 

Is it inconceivable that the major economies of the world are concerned after the gambling on the US stock market brought the world to its knees in 2008?

Professor Guide
8.2.4  evilone  replied to  mocowgirl @8.2.3    3 years ago
China is worried about having their wealth depending on the solvency of the US dollar and openly called for a new world currency in 2009. 

The US Dollar is the global standard and it pisses off China. They might be worried the US will stop importing their cheap crap OR start more manufacturing in the US. US consumers are largely responsible of the huge rise in the Chinese middle class. 

Is it inconceivable that the major economies of the world are concerned after the gambling on the US stock market brought the world to its knees in 2008?

It wasn't the JUST the US stock market that contracted in 2008. These markets are designed to bubble and bust. No matter what argument you think you have - China and the US (the 2 largest economies) don't like each other and are competing economic entities. They are NOT going to agree to a universal monetary system. 

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
9  Right Down the Center    3 years ago

Since Biden is constantly telling Putin what he won't do it will cement Biden's legacy as "Biden the impotent". 

Professor Principal
10  JBB    3 years ago

If you peek outside this far rightwing bubble you will see that disparaging President Biden, The Leader of the Free World who happens to currently be winning high marks for uniting NATO and pretty much everyone except China and North Korea against Vlad Putin's madness, is really not playing very well out in Peoria!

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
10.2  Right Down the Center  replied to  JBB @10    3 years ago
The Leader of the Free World

is held in such high regard some world leaders won't take his call and a few democrats say they are too busy to be seen with him when he visits their state.  Joe was better thought of when he stayed in his basement.

Professor Expert
10.3  Krishna  replied to  JBB @10    3 years ago
The Leader of the Free World who happens to currently be winning high marks for uniting NATO

Putin-- the "leader of the free world"?

Because its Putin who gets the credit for the recent uniting of NATO-- not any American politicians (or for that matter American business).


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