Polls Show 'Bidenflation' Is Killing Democrats With Minority Voters
Category: Op/Ed
Via: vic-eldred • 3 years ago • 26 commentsBy: Christopher Jacobs (The Federalist)

As the Federal Reserve's Federal Open Markets Committee meets on Tuesday and Wednesday to consider the fate of American monetary policy, they should consider the plight of people like Roger Stephens. The retired airline mechanic who lives in a Los Angeles neighborhood recently told a reporter inflation is taking a toll on his lifestyle.
Referring to the president, he commented that "Uncle Joe has put us on a diet….I like to have steak once or twice a month. I can't do it now."
A Wall Street Journal poll out this week shows Stephens' situation mirrors those of millions of families across the country. Out-of-control federal spending and loose monetary policy are definitely having an effect—but not in the way Democrats promised. While people like Joe Biden remain firmly ensconced in their palatial estates, the working class continues to suffer from the harmful effects of leftist policies.
Disproportionate Impact
The poll results should make for bracing reading for Democrats, because they show how the party's policies have not only harmed the economy, but alienated their political base. For starters, notwithstanding the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine, twice as many voters (50%) consider "inflation and the economy" the top priority for the president and Congress as the Ukraine conflict (25%). (Only 5 percent of voters consider Covid the top priority issue.)
Nonwhite voters (60%) listed inflation as a top priority by a higher margin than white voters (47%), quite possibly because they reported suffering from inflation's effects in greater numbers. A total of 35% of non-white voters in the Journal poll said inflation is "creating major financial strains" for their family, compared to the same from 28% of white voters. African American women and Hispanic men demonstrated the highest rate of major financial strains for their families, at 44 percent.
Just as telling: "Almost half [of respondents] with incomes of less than $60,000 reported major financial strain, while just 13% of those making $150,000 or more did so." In other words, while elites in Washington—home to some of the wealthiest counties in the United States—face little discomfort from skyrocketing prices, ordinary families are getting their proverbial teeth kicked in every time they head to the grocery store or try to fill up at the pump.
Democratic Base Fracturing
Little wonder then that people like Stephens, an African American who voted twice for Barack Obama, "said he was more likely to back Republicans than Democrats in this year's [congressional] election." He has plenty of company. The Journal poll found that nearly three-quarters (71%) of independent voters think the economy has gotten off on the wrong track; almost four in five Hispanics (78%) take that view.
Because nonwhite voters have soured on Biden's economic policies, the Democratic coalition could face a crack-up come November. Democrats' lead on the generic congressional ballot among African Americans has shrunk by a whopping 21 percentage points just in the four months since the Journal's last poll. Just as surprising, Republicans now hold a nine-point lead among Hispanics, 46 percent to 37 percent.
The poll results should shock Democratic consultants who for years believed in the mantra of "demography is destiny"—that growth of non-white populations would guarantee them political power for years and decades to come. Doubtless those consultants didn't anticipate the way Biden's policies would crush working-class households of all colors, in a way that could cause them to abandon the Democratic Party.
SOS: Stop Over Spending
Over the past year-plus, voters have gotten a (re-)education in the fact that the left's big-government policies end up harming the populations that leftists claim to want to help. Yet, while the American people have seen how government spending and printing money leads to sky-high inflation, most (but thankfully not all) Democratic lawmakers still want to ram a $5 trillion spending bill through Congress that would raise inflation still higher.
Here's hoping that the Federal Reserve has—after more than a year of dithering—finally come to its senses. Beginning the process of raising interest rates, and shutting the (metaphorical) printing presses that have created money for the past two years of the pandemic, would begin the long process of restoring some stability into fiscal policy in Washington—and the budgets of ordinary American families.
Chris Jacobs is founder and CEO of Juniper Research Group, and author of the book, "The Case Against Single Payer." He is on Twitter: @chrisjacobsHC. Previously he was a senior health policy analyst for the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a senior policy analyst in The Heritage Foundation's Center for Health Policy Studies, and a senior policy analyst with the Joint Economic Committee's Senate Republican staff. During the debate over the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, Jacobs was a policy adviser for the House Republican Conference under then-Chairman Mike Pence. In the first two years of the law's implementation, he was a health policy analyst for the Senate Republican Policy Committee. Jacobs got his start on Capitol Hill as an intern for then-Rep. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.). He holds a bachelor's degree in political science and history from American University, where he is a part-time teacher of health policy. He currently resides in Washington, D.C.

Obama's "Rainbow Coalition" has finally reached it's end.
Yep. February inflation year over year 10% last month......
It really hurts the low income people, as Biden continues to "build up and out!"
Now you know you're gonna have the supporters from the left come in to denounce this seed and anything that it says bad about their superman....
So many people want to ignore that most voters will vote based on kitchen table issues that are right in front of them. And inflation is one of those things that is going to greatly impact the party in power, it always does regardless of which party is in power at the time. Add in the normal losses for the party in power that also holds the White House, and this could be a very large turn-around in Washington. Wonder who will show up on this site on Nov 9th?
That's the ultimate question!
It has been predicted for a while the repubs will most likely take the House. Maybe the Senate. With all the redistricting that took place a lot of it was expected. Some people were squeezed out, others thrown into red districts etc.
You all may jump with glee but we will only have several years of do nothing obstruction. The repubs bread and butter.
Yes, because the party in power loses seats in midterms most of the time. It will be shocking if they don't retake both. It is the amount of seats that they should gain that will be shocking. The human fuck up machine has Democrats fleeing office to avoid the coming midterm slaughter.
Please, of all the stupid reasons this has to be the dumbest. Think that Democrats aren't redistricting as fast as they can? Look at Penn and Mich. They tilted hard left and the only thing that changed was the moronic way they come up with districts. The number of voters didn't change; but basing districts only on number of people in them vastly changed the layout. Think Republican voters aren't being disenfranchised? Think Democrats aren't overjoyed by districts it will hardly take any votes at all to win?
If only the Republicans would get a special prosecutor to dig into Biden, his family, friends, and every last person that has ever had contact with him. Dig into all of their business dealings at every damn level. Then conduct months worth of hearings based on the non findings of that special prosecutor. After that launch two baseless impeachments of Biden- freezing the Democrats out of every damn step. Not letting them question witnesses and gutting every rule in the House and Senate. After that fails launch a special committee made up of only hand picked Republicans and 2 Democrats yes men to harass Biden and his backers for his final days in office; and hound them all well after he is out of office. Where were you for the last 5 and half years and counting of Democrat obstruction and bullshit? Democrats love obstruction just as much as the Republicans do. They just love to put the country through circuses far more while doing it.
I never denied a left wing governor would not do the same.
You are inventing things I never alluded to.
Dig into Biden. Like they did to Clinton for twenty years?
I know you are upset about your savior yet he was investigated for a lot of reasons. The next thing will be him shipping WH documents to his resort.
Yes, and incumbent Presidents get reelected.
With Trump picking the gop's candidates all bets are off. Midterms are still up in the air...
People rally round our leaders in a crisis too.
With Ukraine going on nobody can call it yet.
We can all only wish they investigated the Clintons like they did Trump; instead of screaming "Lock them up" they would already be "locked up"! Clintons were treated with kid gloves because of the dirt they had on everyone else. The Clintons haven't faced nearly the shear amount or depth of investigations that Trump has. No more FBI agents fawning over her during interviews for investigations.
As for Biden, again investigate him like he is Trump. That will be more than enough to ruin him; Hunter; Biden's brother; and everyone associated with them.
First, I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary in 2016. I voted and campaigned for Gary Johnson because I couldn't stand either those two assholes. I only voted Trump in 2020 because I went straight Republican ticket for the first ever as the lesser of two evils. If another Republican would have been the nominee my vote would have been for them. I will vote for Trump in 2024 if he is the Republican nominee; because the Democrats have screwed the pooch so damn hard. "But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!" is the only damn thing they have to run on. Not border security (there is none); not immigration (why have laws if they aren't enforced); not the economy (high gas and inflation is drowning out any wage gains); not crime (unless you like the rate sky high); not the law (our two tier justice system is worthy of third world dictator status); not foreign policy (When will Biden get the last US citizens, Green Card holders, and Special Visa holders out of Afghanistan? His "turning the page" doesn't get them the hell out, that is for sure. Claim that Russia would have moved on Ukraine no matter who was in office. Fact is that Putin waited until after Biden's fuckup in Afghanistan to do so. Chances are China will take Taiwan before Biden leaves office. No amount of "But Trruuummmmpppppp!!!!!" will ever change that!)
As for the whole shipping WH documents to his resort. Who the hell does he think he is Hillary Clinton using a private personal server to receive and send all communications including classified documents? All the time using an unsecured line.
Which is the reason so many Democrats are retiring; fleeing the sinking Biden ship before midterms.
Like they did with Bush Sr during the first Iraq War; where we actually had troops in combat? Oh wait, he was a one term president.
People vote with their wallets. With gas and inflation at record highs their wallets aren't happy. Biden can scream Putin all he wants. This has been going on for months before Russia invaded Ukraine. Things will get nothing but worse now. Biden is responsible for it; just like Bush Sr was. There is no spinning away from this.
Investigate her like they did donald?
Are you really suggesting that her being investigated by the senate, her undergoing about ten hours of interrogation, etc was all not as bad as what they did to donald.
Get a grip.
Your disdain for Biden is only that. You only bring up right wing talking points and sky is falling bullshit to find anything and everything to blame on him.
Biden caused the war, Biden caused inflation, on and on...
It is really weird to me that would would vote for a man just to piss off the Libs...
You actually think donald could turn the country around. He was handed an improving economy. The only adversity that he had that was not of his own doing was covid, which he handled very poorly.
By the way, donald and his team used unauthorized cell phones and back channels. Even ripped up documents.
But that is all ok because Biden is the fault in our stars....
No Clinton has held office since Jan 2013...
Dream on...