
The Lies Putin Tells to Justify Russia's War on Ukraine - The New York Times


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  jbb  •  2 years ago  •  11 comments

By:   Steven Lee Myers and Stuart A. Thompson (nytimes)

The Lies Putin Tells to Justify Russia's War on Ukraine - The New York Times
The Kremlin has used a barrage of increasingly outlandish falsehoods to prop up its overarching claim that the invasion of Ukraine is justified.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

The Kremlin has used a barrage of increasingly outlandish falsehoods to prop up its overarching claim that the invasion of Ukraine is justified.

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has tried to create an alternative reality. Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times

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By Steven Lee Myers and Stuart A. Thompson

  • March 20, 2022, 5:00 a.m. ET

In the tense weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, Russian officials denied that it planned anything of the sort, denouncing the United States and its NATO allies for stoking panic and anti-Russian hatred. When it did invade, the officials denied it was at war.

Since then, the Kremlin has cycled through a torrent of lies to explain why it had to wage a "special military operation" against a sovereign neighbor. Drug-addled neo-Nazis. Genocide. American biological weapons factories. Birds and reptiles trained to carry pathogens into Russia. Ukrainian forces bombing their own cities, including theaters sheltering children.

Disinformation in wartime is as old as war itself, but today war unfolds in the age of social media and digital diplomacy. That has given Russia — and its allies in China and elsewhere — powerful means to prop up the claim that the invasion is justified, exploiting disinformation to rally its citizens at home and to discredit its enemies abroad. Truth has simply become another front in Russia's war.

Using a barrage of increasingly outlandish falsehoods, President Vladimir V. Putin has created an alternative reality, one in which Russia is at war not with Ukraine but with a larger, more pernicious enemy in the West. Even since the war began, the lies have gotten more and more bizarre, transforming from claims that "true sovereignty" for Ukraine was possible only under Russia, made before the attacks, to those about migratory birds carrying bioweapons.

Russia's message has proved successful domestically, where the Kremlin's claims go unchallenged. Surveys suggest a majority of Russians support the war effort. Internationally, the campaign has seeped into an information ecosystem that allows them to spread virulently, reaching audiences that were once harder to reach.

"Previously, if you were sitting in Moscow and you wanted to reach audiences sitting in, say, Idaho, you would have to work really hard doing that," said Elise Thomas, a researcher in Australia for the Institute of Strategic Dialogue, referring to disinformation campaigns dating to the Soviet Union. "It would take you time to set up the systems, whereas now you can do it with the press of a button."

The power of Russia's claim that the invasion is justified comes not from the veracity of any individual falsehood meant to support it but from the broader argument. Individual lies about bioweapons labs or crisis actors are advanced by Russia as swiftly as they are debunked, with little consistency or logic between them. But supporters stubbornly cling to the overarching belief that something is wrong in Ukraine and Russia will fix it. Those connections prove harder to shake, even as new evidence is introduced.

That mythology, and its resilience in the face of fact-checking and criticism, reflects "the ability of autocrats and malign actors to completely brainwash us to the point where we don't see what's in front of us," said Laura Thornton, the director and senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund's Alliance for Securing Democracy.

The Kremlin's narratives today feed on pre-existing views of the war's root causes, which Mr. Putin has nurtured for years — and restated in increasingly strident language last week.

The strategy to deceive, or at least confuse, international observers was used after the bombing of a maternity ward in Mariupol on March 9.

The day after the bombardment, official Russian accounts falsely claimed that a pregnant woman seen in photos from Mariupol had faked her injuries.

The story appeared on the official accounts of more than a dozen Russian embassies, according to data collected by FakeReporter, an Israeli group that studies disinformation, and ricocheted across Twitter, Facebook and Telegram.

Many of the posts used the exact same media and similar language, suggesting a coordinated campaign.

Twitter and Facebook eventually removed the posts, but gruesome photographs, stamped "Fake," continued circulating across the internet, including on the chat app Telegram.

Another meme gained even more traction, relying on a yearslong campaign in Russia to stoke unfounded fears that the United States was manufacturing biological weapons in Ukraine.

The claim gained ground in English-language social media just two days into the invasion after a Twitter post by the account WarClandestine went viral. Until the account was suspended, it peddled QAnon conspiracy theories about secretive government plots. These theories fester and then seep into the mainstream.

By early March, the Russian Defense Ministry claimed it had uncovered "traces of a military biological program" in Ukraine, which it said was "financed by the U.S. Defense Ministry."

The Fox News host Tucker Carlson soon floated the idea on his show, airing Russia's statement and dismissing the explanation from United States officials that they were diagnostic and biodefense laboratories used for research, saying, "Whether you call them weapons or not is completely irrelevant, because they can be used as weapons."

Mr. Carlson's commentaries were then picked up in Russian media, including in a Telegram post by the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti that received over one million views.

China's government and state media parroted the claim too, in what was clearly an effort to discredit the American government's frequent criticism of China's behavior.

Notes: The tweet from WarClandestine is presented in two parts. Posts from Telegram were translated into English.

When Russia took such claims to an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council, however, it faced withering criticism. "Russia has today brought into the Security Council a series of wild, completely baseless and irresponsible conspiracy theories," the British representative, Barbara Woodward, told the Council. "Let me put it diplomatically: They are utter nonsense."

Russia's accusations about nefarious American activities in Ukraine date back decades, resurfacing in new forms with each new crisis, like the political upheaval in 2014 that led to Russia's annexation of Crimea.

Ukraine is waging an information campaign of its own, aiming to discredit Russia, exaggerate its own military successes and minimize its losses. It has also circulated false reports of heroism, including the martyrdom of soldiers defending an island in the Black Sea and the exploits of an ace fighter pilot in the skies over Kyiv.

Imagemerlin_203931387_cc6fabc7-ef80-476b-90ff-eb0da9eee356-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine delivered a virtual address to Congress on Wednesday.Credit...Sarahbeth Maney/The New York Times

By most accounts, Ukraine has so far been winning the information war, led by a powerful social media operation that flooded the internet with its own jumble of anecdotes and myths, bolstering morale among Ukrainians and uniting the Western world behind its cause.The most central figure in their campaign has been President Volodymyr Zelensky himself, whose video messages to Ukrainians and the world have combined bravery with the stage presence of the television performer he once was.

Russia, though, has more tools and reach, and it has the upper hand with weaponry. The strategy has been to overwhelm the information space, especially at home, which "is really where their focus is," said Peter Pomerantsev, a scholar at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Agora Institute at Johns Hopkins University who has written extensively about Russian propaganda.

Russia's propaganda machine plays into suspicion of the West and NATO, which have been vilified on state television for years, deeply embedding distrust in Russian society. State media has also more recently echoed beliefs advanced by the QAnon movement, which ascribes the world's problems largely to global elites and sex traffickers.

Those beliefs make people feel "scared and uncertain and alienated," said Sophia Moskalenko, a social psychologist at Georgia State University. "As a result of manipulating their emotions, they will be more likely to embrace conspiracy theories."

Russia-Ukraine War: Key Things to Know

Card 1 of 4

Russian forces appear stalled. With Russia's advance on Ukraine's major cities stalled and satellite imagery showing soldiers digging into defensive positions around Kyiv, a consensus is emerging in the West that the war has reached a bloody stalemate.

Mariupol is still suffering. Russian forces continued to bombard the besieged coastal city, hitting a drama school where 400 people were hiding, according to local officials. The city's mayor said thousands of residents had been forcibly deported to Russia.

A Ukrainian base is hit. A missile attack on barracks in the southern city of Mykolaiv killed more than 40 marines, a Ukrainian official said. That would make it one of the single deadliest attacks on Ukrainian forces since the start of the war, and the death toll could be much higher.

Putin does not want direct negotiations. President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine has repeatedly called for direct negotiations with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia in the hope of ending the war, but Mr. Putin does not think the time is right for talks, according to a senior Turkish official.

Mr. Putin's public remarks, which dominate state media, have become increasingly strident. He has warned that nationalist sentiment in Ukraine is a threat to Russia itself, as is NATO expansion.

Yet when the invasion began, it seemed to catch the organs of the propaganda apparatus unprepared. Officials and state media had just spent weeks accusing the Biden administration of exaggerating what Russia claimed were simply regular military exercises, not the buildup of an invasion force.

"Clearly, they did not prepare the information warfare machine," Mr. Pomerantsev said. "It takes months to prepare something like this."

That could explain the changing, disjointed nature of Russia's campaign. The threat of biological weapons in Ukraine — let alone secret American weapons factories producing them there — was not cited as a rationale for the "special military operation" that Mr. Putin announced at dawn on Feb. 24. These falsehoods emerged only later.

"They throw stuff out and they see what works," said Ms. Thomas, the researcher from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue. "And what's really working for them at the moment is the biolabs stuff."

The Kremlin's campaign has gone beyond simply propagating its message. It has moved swiftly to silence dissenting points of view that could cut through the fog of war and discourage the Russian population.

For now, the campaign appears to have rallied public opinion behind Mr. Putin, according to most surveys in Russia, though not as high as might be expected for a country at war.

"My impression is that many people in Russia are buying the government's narrative," said Alexander Gabuev, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Moscow Center. "They have doctored images on state-controlled media. Private media don't cover the war, fearing 15 years in prison. Same goes for people on the social media. Russia has lost information warfare globally, but the regime is quite successful at home."

The question is for how long.

Cracks have appeared in the information fortress the Kremlin is building.

A week after the invasion began, when it was already clear the war was going badly for Russian troops, Mr. Putin rushed to enact a law that punishes "fake news" with up to 15 years in prison. Media regulators warned broadcasters not to refer to the war as a war. They also forced off the air two flagships of independent media — Ekho Moskvy, a liberal radio station, and Dozhd, a television station — that gave voice to the Kremlin's opponents.

Access to Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and most recently Instagram has also been severed inside Russia — all platforms the country's diplomats have continued to use outside to misinform. Once spread, disinformation can be tenacious, even in places with a free press and open debate, like the United States, where polls suggest that more than 40 percent of the population believes the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald J. Trump.

"Why are people so surprised that this kind of widespread disinformation can be so effective in Russia when it was so effective here?" Ms. Thornton of the German Marshall Fund said.

As the war in Ukraine drags on, however, casualties are mounting, confronting families in Russia with the loss of fathers and sons. That could test how persuasive the Kremlin's information campaign truly is.

The Soviet Union sought to keep a similar veil of silence around its decade-long quagmire in Afghanistan in the 1980s, but the truth seeped into public consciousness anyway, eroding the foundation of the entire system. Two years after the last troops pulled out in 1989, the Soviet Union itself collapsed.

Claire Fu contributed research.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JBB    2 years ago

Would Vlad Putin lie? He is no George Washington...

Professor Principal
2  Kavika     2 years ago

It's difficult to keep up the torrent of lies coming out of Putin/Russia.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
3  Buzz of the Orient    2 years ago

Speaking of lies, how many Americans STILL support Donald Trump?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
4  Buzz of the Orient    2 years ago
"Disinformation in wartime is as old as war itself, but today war unfolds in the age of social media and digital diplomacy. That has given Russia — and its allies in China and elsewhere — powerful means to prop up the claim that the invasion is justified..."

" Never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity * to demonize China even if the story is about another nation.

* A quote of what Abba Eban said about the Palestinians

"....powerful means to prop up the claim that the invasion is justified..."

Which in fact China has NOT been doing in its tireless efforts to maintain neutrality for damn good reasons.

"China's government and state media parroted the claim [biological laboratories] too, in what was clearly an effort to discredit the American government's frequent criticism of China's behavior."

What the article did not do was finish the sentence with "...because China is NOT ENTITLED to report the exact same news that is reported elsewhere, including by American media.


It's pretty obvious to me why The New York Times is banned in China.

Professor Principal
4.1  seeder  JBB  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @4    2 years ago


Professor Principal
4.2  seeder  JBB  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @4    2 years ago

Do you even recognize these already iconic images?


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
4.2.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  JBB @4.2    2 years ago

What's your intent of intentionally pushing those into my face?  Have I ever supported the war in Ukraine?  Have I not been supporting of neutrality rather than taking sides in that war?  What makes you think I'm Arlo Guthrie in Alice's Restaurant?  Have I not already posted that the war happened because some people are trying to prove how big their balls are?  Have I not said that negotiations are under way that appear to be heading towards an end to the conflict?  Have I not said that had the same compromise been reached BEFORE all the fighting started as will probably be reached soon then all the deaths, all the physical destruction, all the displacements, all the misery, all the expense and problems experienced by the rest of the world as well, the 109 prams in the middle of the street, would NOT have happened, but those prams would still have been used on nice days to take the children for a walk. 

You have a lot of nerve implying that I'm a warmonger.  I'd venture to say that the happiest people over what has been happening are the American arms manufacturers and their lobbyists.

However, I am a little amused that the New York Times publishes an article about lies being told to start a war, when I think back about weapons of mass destruction.

Professor Principal
4.3  JohnRussell  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @4    2 years ago

Buzz, I think people here are tiring of your bottomless anti-Americanism. 

And very few Americans share your love of China and Canada too for that matter.  ON NT these topics get out sized attention. 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
4.3.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  JohnRussell @4.3    2 years ago

I don't hate America, John.  Have I ever said I hate America?  I've probably been to and through more of America than a lot of Americans.  I even owned a home in America.  The first time I was in America was when my mother took me in a basket, as an infant, to Baltimore.  Coincidentally enough, the last place I was ever in in America was that very same city for my son's wedding.  I'm critical of anyone who burns or spits on or stomps on the Stars and Stripes or who does not stand and respect the Star Spangled Banner because they represent America the country, the land from California to the New York island, from the redwood forests to the Gulf Stream waters, that Woodie wrote and sang about, NOT only a temporary administration.  There are also a lot of Americans that I like, but I don't see why you should deny me the right to criticize what and who I don't like when you do that very thing yourself.  I thought America demanded freedom of speech and expression - or is that as long as it isn't Buzz who is exercising that privilege that Americans insist upon not only for themselves but for everyone in the world to the extent of demonizing those who don't permit it?  Is it just that Americans are entitled to criticize but nobody else has that privilege?  Why don't you ask Perrie to change the NT motto to "Speak Your Mind (unless you're Buzz of the Orient)"?  You want to criticize me for being critical?  Because you did I will do what I would not have done otherwise and say that nobody, and I mean nobody, was ever as critical of my movie quizzes, no other person ever bitched about every single one of them, and quit doing them because of....well, YOU know who, don't you.

Professor Quiet
4.4  shona1  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @4    2 years ago

How can we accuse China of this??

Easy...because they are all flying on the wrong side of the road...🐨🐨

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
4.4.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  shona1 @4.4    2 years ago

Don't Australians drive on the left like Great Britain, which is considered the wrong side of the road by most of the rest of the world?

And besides, those could be Israeli space lasers.


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