
Police: Teen shot dead by shopper wanted shoes


Category:  Other

Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  13 comments

Police: Teen shot dead by shopper wanted shoes

Police: Teen shot dead by shopper wanted shoes

CINCINNATI Police were studying mall surveillance video Tuesday in their investigation of the fatal shooting of a 16-year-old Ohio boy authorities say tried to rob a shopper in his quest to obtain popular, limited-edition athletic shoes.

Miami Township police said a man with a concealed weapon permit fired his gun after he and another man were accosted Saturday morning by three teens on a sidewalk outside the Dayton Mall. Police said one teen had showed a gun.

Jawaad Jabbar of Middletown died a short time later of a gunshot wound to his torso, authorities said.

Police said the two groups the three teens and the two men didn't know each other, but had all had gone to the mall south of Dayton for Nike Air Jordan sales offered by multiple stores.

Police Chief Ronald Hess said Tuesday the stores had set up systems to avoid long, tense lines that have led to problems elsewhere when the popular brand has released new versions, and the three Middletown teens apparently missed out.

Police said the teens were outside on a sidewalk when the two men left the mall carrying newly bought shoes.

"They did have the boxes from the stores that were having the limited-edition sales," Hess told The Associated Press on Tuesday. Police said Jabbar displayed a gun and demanded their merchandise, then the man with the concealed weapon permit pulled out his gun and shot him. No one else was injured.

The other two teens remained held in juvenile detention while the investigation continues. Police haven't released the identity of the man who fired the shot, and are still investigating his actions.

"We'll review the whole case with the county prosecutor, and if they determine he violated some law, then yes (he could be charged)," Hess said. There was no estimate on how long the investigation would take, he said.

Jabbar's father, Wallace Jabbar, told The Hamilton-Middletown Journal-News in a brief telephone call Monday evening that he was "obviously devastated" and has been out of town working. The newspaper said Jabbar's mother declined to comment.

Jawaad Jabbar was a student and athlete at Middletown High School, which is on holiday break.

The Nike shoes named for retired basketball superstar Michael Jordan are prized by both athletes and collectors, and entrepreneurs often sell shoes bought for around $200 at double that or more online.

Police in New Jersey and Louisiana reported armed robberies in recent months involving Air Jordans, and a Springfield, Massachusetts, man was sentenced to up to four years in prison for a shooting that wounded an 11-year-old girl waiting in line at an Air Jordan sale in 2013.

News media outlets in the Toledo, Ohio, area reported last week that police used pepper spray to disperse crowds gathered for an Air Jordan shoe sale at Franklin Park Mall.

A spokesman for Nike's Jordan Brand said in a statement Tuesday that it encourages people seeking its products to do so in a "safe and respectful" way.

"Consumer safety is of paramount important to us," Brian Facchini said in response to an AP request for comment. "We continue to work with our retail partners to share best practices and refine our launch process to improve the buying experience for our consumers."



jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Over a pair of shoes....how sad...

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    10 years ago

At least the story has a happy ending. Good guy with concealed weapon permit taking out the trash.

Freshman Silent
link   jennilee    10 years ago
If you try to rob someone, you know the risk. If you get shot dead while committing a crime, you knew that might happen. Dont want to get shot ,don't rob someone
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

They will never end as long s there is greed...

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago


Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

I'm not certain what the cause of all of this killing is stemmed from..greed....poverty...poor up bringing...maybe all of the above. I pray that this madness will cease.

Freshman Silent
link   jennilee    10 years ago
So just how do you go about finding a cop when a criminal is holding a gin on you to rob you.? And say you report it, the cops catch up to the guy, he draws on the cop, cop shoots him. Same result, dead robber.
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

You give up the shoes and report the crime. After you poop in your pants!!

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Smile.gif Smile.gif Smile.gif

Jason T
Freshman Silent
link   Jason T    10 years ago
Nope they shouldn't take the law into their own hands. But when someone tries to threaten me with a gun he better not just show it to me. He better use it because I'm not going to give him a second chance. If I feel someone is going to try to hurt me or someone I care for I will not hesitate to kill them.
Jason T
Freshman Silent
link   Jason T    10 years ago
Ok so civilians should not be able to carry guns. But criminals can. So the cops that you have absolutely no faith in will always be there right? Who was it the night that they decided not to charge officer Willson that said "I HOPE THE STREETS ARE COVERED WITH THE BLOOD OF COPS TONIGHT"?
Jason T
Freshman Silent
link   Jason T    10 years ago
But they would have to be cough first after they threaten the life and maybe take it from someone who could have protected themselves. Yea I'm not sure of it was you or someone else on this site. Anyways for someone that has no faith or support cops you sure do sound like you expect them to do their job.

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