
LIVE - Russia-Ukraine war news: Live updates - The Washington Post


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By:   Washington Post

LIVE - Russia-Ukraine war news: Live updates - The Washington Post
"We do not have a strategy of regime change in Russia - or anywhere else, for that matter," Secretary of State Antony Blinken said.

It has become ever more clear many hereabouts must be trapped inside internet news iron bubbles inside Russia and China. Peek from inside your iron news bubbles and see the outside free world...

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

JERUSALEM — President Biden's biting comments calling Vladimir Putin a "dictator" who "cannot remain in power" have drawn the world's attention, including a warning from French President Emmanuel Macron about escalating rhetoric, even as the White House sought to clarify the remarks.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken stressed that there is no U.S. "strategy of regime change in Russia" and that Biden's point was that Putin "cannot be empowered to wage war or engage in aggression against Ukraine or anyone else."

Macron warned against an "escalation of words and actions," adding that he wouldn't "use those kinds of terms" as he continues to communicate with Putin.

Ukraine's deputy prime minister praised Biden's overall message from Warsaw, saying it was "important to have the sense of an international leadership and understanding of the tragedy which is happening."

Hours before Biden's speech, two powerful rockets struck Lviv, a western Ukrainian city that has been mostly spared from attacks. Russia confirmed that it had struck what it said were military targets.

Here's what to know

  • Russian forces appear to be trying to encircle Ukrainian troops in separatist-held regions in eastern Ukraine, advancing from the direction of Kharkiv in the northeast and Mariupol in the southeast, a British intelligence report said Sunday.
  • The head of Ukraine's military intelligence accused Russia on Sunday of trying to divide his country in two — "to create North and South Korea in Ukraine" — with the eastern part controlled by Russia.
  • Russia's communications regulator warned Russian media not to publish a new interview with the Ukrainian president and said it will investigate outlets that conducted it. A Ukrainian presidential adviser called the agency's actions "cowardly and shameful."

Russian agency warns media not to publish Zelensky interview

Russia's communications regulator and Internet censor, Roskomnadzor, has warned Russian media outlets not to publish a new interview with the Ukrainian president.

The statement posted on the agency's Telegram page comes after President Volodymyr Zelensky participated in an interview with Russian journalists — posting the discussion to his own Telegram channel on Sunday.

In the interview, Zelensky called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to meet him in a neutral country for eventual negotiations to end the war. He also called on Russians to "support the truth."

Roskomnadzor referred to outlets, "including those that are foreign media outlets, carrying out the functions of foreign agents," that participated in the interview. It said it had begun to investigate outlets that conducted the interview "to determine the extent of responsibility and the taking of measures of response."

Russia's crackdown on media has intensified during the war. This month, Putin signed into law a measure prohibiting what Russia calls "fake" news about its military as well as language calling the invasion an "invasion" rather than a "special military operation." Violators could face a 15-year prison sentence. Roskomnadzor had already warned outlets to delete pieces that used terms such as "invasion" or "war."

As a result, major media organizations announced plans to curb activity in Russia over concerns about consequences for those reporting accurate news.

In a tweet thread, the U.S.-based managing editor of the English-language site for Russian independent outlet Meduza shared some of what Zelensky discussed in the recent interviews. He said, Kevin Rothrock posted, that entire suburbs around Kyiv had been obliterated: "No more homes. No more streets."

Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak said Roskomnadzor's actions to prevent the sharing of an "interview in which the reasons for the barbaric war started by the Russian Federation Against Ukraine are studied in detail" are "at a minimum … cowardly and shameful."

Russian troops' tendency to talk on unsecured lines is proving costly

Russian troops in Ukraine have relied, with surprising frequency, on unsecured communication devices such as smartphones and push-to-talk radios, leaving units vulnerable to targeting, and further underscoring the command-and-control deficiencies that have come to define Moscow's month-long invasion, observers say.

"We're seeing them use a lot more unclassified communications because their classified communications capability … for one reason or another, is not as strong as it should be," a senior U.S. defense official, speaking on the condition of anonymity under terms set by the Pentagon, told reporters in a recent news briefing.

The Russian military possesses modern equipment capable of secure transmission, but troops on the battlefield have reached for simpler-to-use but less-secure lines because of uneven discipline across the ranks, an apparent lack of planning for conducting a sustained fight over long distances, and Russian attacks on Ukraine's communication infrastructure that it, too, has relied on, experts say.

A woman describes her narrow escape from Irpin

German authorities move to ban political use of letter 'Z'

European authorities, responding to Russian disinformation campaigns around the invasion of Ukraine, are increasingly scrutinizing the use of the war's most recognizable pro-Russian symbol: the letter "Z."

Authorities in at least two of Germany's 16 federal states have said they will actively investigate anyone suspected of using the symbol for political purposes. Bavarian Justice Minister Georg Eisenreich told the German Press Agency on Friday that police in the state will investigate anyone "who publicly approves of the war of aggression, in violation of international law."

Meanwhile, Switzerland's Zurich Insurance company told Reuters on Saturday that it had temporarily removed its long-standing "Z" logo from its social media accounts to prevent the posts from being "misinterpreted."

The symbol first caught the world's attention when it was spotted on military vehicles clustered along the Russian border with Ukraine in the days ahead of the invasion, which began Feb. 24.

Experts and social media users have speculated on the meaning of the Z, as well as other letters, including O, X, A and V, that have appeared on Russian tanks, sometimes framed by squares, triangles and other painted shapes. Some have suggested that it is an official way to delineate infantries or identify enemies from allies.

But the letter Z of the Latin alphabet — which does not exist in the Cyrillic Russian alphabet — has also been deployed beyond the military, pointing to what some experts say is a state-led effort to ramp up support for the war. The Russian Defense Ministry in recent weeks has posted graphics with the Z on Instagram — in the first such case, it appeared with the phrase "Za pobedu," or "For victory." And later, "For peace" and "For truth."

Paulina Villegas and Sammy Westfall contributed to this report.

Ukraine and Russia to meet for in-person talks this week

Return to menuBy Brittany Shammas3:39 p.m.Link copiedLink

The next round of in-person talks between Ukraine and Russia will be held this week in Turkey, Ukrainian negotiator David Arakhamia said Sunday.

Discussions are set to take place from Monday to Wednesday, he said in a Facebook post, adding that more details would be forthcoming. Anadolu Agency, a Turkish state-run news service, said on Twitter that talks would take place in Istanbul.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stressed his desire for a cease-fire in a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the outlet said.

Negotiations have continued for much of the month-long Russian invasion of Ukraine, and officials from both countries have at times expressed cautious optimism about the possibility of coming to a consensus for an end to the war.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said last week that the two sides were "close to an agreement on fundamental issues," while noting that "it is not easy to come to an agreement while civilians are dying."

Putin 'cannot remain in power': Biden's ad-lib sparks uproar

With nine ad-libbed words at the end of a 27-minute speech, President Biden created an unwanted distraction to his otherwise forceful remarks by calling for Russian President Vladimir Putin to be pushed out of office. "For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power," Biden said.

It was a remarkable statement that would reverse stated U.S. policy, directly countering claims from senior administration officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who have insisted regime change is not on the table. It went further than even U.S. presidents during the Cold War, and immediately reverberated around the world as world leaders, diplomats and foreign policy experts sought to determine what Biden said, what it meant — and, if he didn't mean it, why he said it.

Shortly after the speech, a White House official sought to clarify the comments. "The president's point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin's power in Russia or regime change," the official said.

Biden's line was not planned and came as a surprise to U.S. officials, according to a person familiar with the speech, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive situation. In the immediate aftermath of the remark, reporters rushed to find Biden aides and seek clarity on the president seemingly supporting a regime change in Russia. But Biden aides demurred, refusing to comment as they scrambled to craft a response.

Russia's invasion faces limitations in military, energy and economy

RIGA, Latvia — As Russian President Vladimir Putin enters his second month of war against Ukraine, questions are mounting about what limitations he could face as he presses ahead with an invasion that has already inflicted great costs on the Russian military and left the country deeply isolated.

Putin for years has snuffed out dissent, muzzled independent media and bolstered a security state to prevent protests, meaning he faces far fewer domestic constraints in waging such a war than the leader of a democratic nation would. Continued revenue from foreign oil and gas sales — despite Western sanctions — also is helping him ease the blow of harsh economic sanctions at home.

But the Russian president does face certain tactical strictures on the battlefield, as well as some geopolitical and economic constraints. They all will probably make his ability to wage a longer-term war in Ukraine more difficult — but far from impossible.

"Time is not on Putin's side," said Russian political analyst Tatiana Stanovaya, founder of the Russia-monitoring consultancy R. Politik. She noted that, as the war grinds on and the sanctions set in, the fallout on Russia from the war is likely to compound.

U.S., Japanese leaders visit Hiroshima as Russia nuclear tensions rise

HIROSHIMA, Japan — As Russia threatens the possibility of a "nuclear dystopia," Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel paid tribute Saturday to victims of the atomic bombing here and warned of the human devastation caused by nuclear weapons.

During a somber moment in the rain, the men each laid a wreath at the Hiroshima victims memorial. They visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, near ground zero, and its exhibitions documenting the human toll of the atomic bombing. In 1945, the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, vaporizing the cities and instantaneously killing tens of thousands of people, mostly civilians, in each.

Emanuel and Kishida's visit was personal and symbolic, particularly in the face of rising regional tensions over nuclear threats from Russia and North Korea.

Mayor of hard-hit Chernihiv worries 'worst is still ahead'

The mayor of Chernihiv, a city 95 miles north of Kyiv that has been under near-constant attack, is worried the "worst is still ahead of us."

In an interview with Ukrainske Radio shared on Telegram, Vladyslav Atroshenko spoke of the "humanitarian catastrophe" in his city and said that "we don't know what will happen in a week or two," given the food shortages and dwindling supplies.

In recent days, after Russian forces reportedly bombed a major bridge, Chernihiv has become even more isolated — with another potential path for evacuations and aid cut off.

When residents have tried to evacuate, they have faced artillery shelling. Those in the city have struggled with declining food supplies, while power, water and gas have been largely cut off.

A U.S. citizen, identified by friends and family as James Whitney Hill, was among those killed in Chernihiv in recent weeks, with Ukrainian police reporting that he and several others died when Russian troops shelled the city.

Still, Atroshenko lauded the "general patriotism" among residents who have remained in the city. Although he does not expect the war to end soon, he said, once it does, he hopes to "be able to bury everyone" in a respectful manner.

Kangaroos evacuated from Kharkiv zoological park as shelling continues

Eight kangaroos were evacuated from the Feldman Ecopark in Kharkiv amid what staffers said is continued shelling over the besieged city, according to videos the preserve posted to social media over the weekend.

Early Sunday, park staff shared images of what they said were the remains of shells fired at the park — one of which struck a mandrill named Stepan.

Other animals, including the recently evacuated kangaroos, have been more fortunate.

"Today is a month since the beginning of the war, and we're continuing the evacuation of the animals," a man driving a passenger van full of marsupials says in one of the videos posted. It was unclear whether the driver was a staff member or volunteer with the park, but he also appears in other videos evacuating other animals, including turtles and monkeys.

(English below) Спасение животных с территории Экопарка продолжается! Этих кенгуру удалось вывезти позавчера, то есть сейчас уже они находятся в безопасности. Это очень приятно, ведь их вольеры, к сожалению, неоднократно подвергались обстрелам. Верим, что теперь у них все будет хорошо! Огромное спасибо волонтерам и сотрудникам, рискующим ради спасения животных, а также многочисленным нашим друзьям - обычным людям, бизнес-структурам и общественным организациям, помогающим нам финансово и делающим возможными наши спасательные операции. Ваша поддержка действительно спасает жизни! Пожертвования можно отправлять по реквизитам, размещенным на нашем сайте: https://feldman-ecopark.com/donation/ Rescue of animals from the territory of the Ecopark continues! These kangaroos were taken out the day before yesterday, that is, now they are already safe. This is very nice, because their enclosures, unfortunately, were repeatedly shelled. We believe that now they will be fine! Many thanks to volunteers and employees who take risks to save animals, as well as to our many friends - caring people, businesses and NGO's who help us financially and make our rescue operations possible. Your support truly saves lives! Donations can be sent using the details posted on our website: https://feldman-ecopark.com/donation/ Posted by Фельдман Экопарк on Saturday, March 26, 2022

Park staff said that although the kangaroos were safely removed Friday, shelling of animal enclosures continues. An alert on Feldman's website Sunday soliciting donations was accompanied by a message saying: "Ecopark animals under fire! Help evacuate them to safety and provide them with food!"

Last week, the staff shared images of other animals killed in airstrikes, including deer, Welsh goats, large cats, primates and birds.

Zoos and animal parks have been collateral damage in cities such as Kharkiv and Kyiv, both of which have been heavily bombarded by Russian forces over the past month.

NBC poll finds Americans worried about gas prices, conflict with Russia

An NBC News poll published Sunday finds that Russia's war in Ukraine is fueling domestic worries in the United States.

According to the poll, 83 percent of respondents say they are concerned about the war causing a spike in prices for goods and services, such as gasoline. Nearly as many, 82 percent, worry that the war could eventually involve nuclear weapons, while nearly three-quarters of Americans say they fear U.S. combat troops could end up fighting in Ukraine.

The poll, which was conducted between March 18 and 22, before President Biden's trip to Europe to meet with NATO allies and visit U.S. troops in Poland, found that roughly 2 out of 5 respondents (41 percent) believe that the United States could be at war with Russia within the next year, while 16 percent believe it already is.

The poll also found that only 12 percent of respondents say they have a "great deal" of confidence in Biden's ability to manage the crisis in Ukraine, while 16 percent say they have "quite a bit" of confidence in his handling of the war.

Twenty-seven percent say they have "just some" confidence in Biden, compared with 44 percent expressing "very little" confidence in his ability to respond to the war, NBC found.

Pope calls for end to 'cruel and senseless war'

Pope Francis on Sunday urged an end to the "cruel and senseless war" in Ukraine, saying that it, "like every war, represents a defeat for everyone."

Speaking to the public gathered at St. Peter's Square, he noted that the fighting has continued for a month. Without naming Russia as the aggressor, he condemned the war's devastating toll on children and families and repeated his calls for it to stop.

"We need to reject war, a place of death where fathers and mothers bury their children, where men kill their brothers and sisters without even having seen them, where the powerful decide and the poor die," the pope said.

Citing reports that 1 of every 2 children in Ukraine has been displaced, Francis said the aggression is "destroying the future, causing dramatic trauma in the smallest and most innocent among us." He described war as a "barbarous and sacrilegious act."

The pontiff called on political leaders to commit to ending war and "erase it from human history before it erases human history."

"I renew my appeal: Enough. Stop it. Silence the weapons. Move seriously toward peace," he said.

Macron warns against 'escalation' after Biden's pointed Putin comments

Speaking to France's public broadcaster, French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday warned against an "escalation of words and actions," after President Biden characterized Russian President Vladimir Putin as a "butcher" and said Putin cannot stay in power.

"I wouldn't use those kinds of terms, because I continue to speak with President Putin," Macron said.

The two have stayed in public contact, even after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, in what Macron's team has described as a de-escalation attempt.

Biden's remarks — in which he said, "For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power" — were the latest in increasingly pointed rhetoric on Putin. Earlier this month, Biden said the Russian president is "a murderous dictator, a pure thug who is waging an immoral war against the people of Ukraine." Biden's administration has sought to clarify the president's latest ad-libbed words, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken saying that there is no "strategy of regime change in Russia."

During his Sunday interview, Macron said he would speak with Putin again in the coming hours or days.

Ukrainian official praises Biden but says more is needed than forceful words

Ukraine's deputy prime minister said President Biden delivered a much-needed message over the weekend in a speech condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine and saying that democratic nations must remain united in opposing such aggression.

"It was really important to have the sense of an international leadership and understanding of the tragedy which is happening," Olga Stefanishyna said on ABC News's "This Week."

But Stefanishyna added that beyond such forceful rhetoric, Western leaders must ensure that Ukraine gets "any possible assistance, including military, to be capable to defend itself and to hold the European sky safe while the broader political consensus on how to stop this aggression" emerges.

She added that allies must concentrate on one overarching goal as the war continues: "To make sure that Ukraine is capable, financially stable, to resist and defend [itself] until the political solution — how to restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine and a peace around Europe — is there."

Asked about the latest on the situation in Mariupol, the coastal city that has been devastated by the Russian military in recent days, Stefanishyna said that the government had evacuated more than 150,000 people but that many residents remain without access to food and water supplies.

"And 85 percent of the whole town is destroyed," she said. "So it simply does not exist anymore."


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JBB    2 years ago

President Joe Biden, The Leader of the Free World...

Professor Principal
2  seeder  JBB    2 years ago

President Biden nailed his forceful speech in Poland!

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
3  Buzz of the Orient    2 years ago
"It has become ever more clear many hereabouts must be trapped inside internet news iron bubbles inside Russia and China. Peek from inside your iron news bubbles and see the outside free world..."

LOL.  If you posted that with me in mind, I find it to be awfully amusing since I watch and read every day the news posted by CTV (Canada Television Network), npr (both American and World news sites), Microsoft Bing News, USA Today, and have no trouble accessing Jerusalem Post, FOX NEWS, GROUND (which actually provides bias ratings to the stories) and tons of other western news web sites.  What I'm sure you and most other members of NT DON'T do is read the China Daily, for China's take on issues of the day.  After all, no reason to not take in a balance of propaganda and think your way to probable truth rather than employ only half of one's brain power having to work your way through all the misinformation, disinformation, bias and outright lies.

So posting all that you did is a total waste of your time since I already had read those stories elsewhere, but hey, why should I care about your wasting your time - keep it up.  Would you like me to post the China Daily home web page for you?


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