
Fox Nation’s Lara Logan Suggests Theory of Evolution Is a Hoax Funded by Jews


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  john-russell  •  2 years ago  •  21 comments

Fox Nation’s Lara Logan Suggests Theory of Evolution Is a Hoax Funded by Jews
Logan said last week on a right-wing podcast. “Vladimir Putin has been very calculating, he’s been very careful … he’s said for 15 years that he would not tolerate NATO expansion.” “He’s the man standing between us and this New World Order,” she added after rambling about Ukrainian biolabs funded by Hunter Biden.

video at link

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

www.msn.com   /en-us/news/opinion/fox-nation-s-lara-logan-suggests-theory-of-evolution-is-a-hoax-funded-by-jews/ar-AAVBqFH

Fox Nation’s Lara Logan Suggests Theory of Evolution Is a Hoax Funded by Jews

3-4 minutes   Invalid Date

I t wasn’t long ago that Lara Logan was a correspondent for CBS News, which is a little hard to believe considering the types of conspiracy theories she’s been pushing since she left the network. The latest came during an appearance on the right-wing podcast “And We Know,” during which Logan suggested that the theory of evolution is the result of a wealthy Jewish family paying Charles Darwin to devise an explanation for what gave rise to humanity.

“Does anyone know who employed Darwin, where Darwinism comes from?” Logan, now with Fox News’ streaming service Fox Nation, asked. “Look it up: The Rothschilds. It goes back to 10 Downing Street. The same people who employed Darwin, and his theory of evolution and so on and so on. I’m not saying that none of that is true. I’m just saying Darwin was hired by someone to come up with a theory — based on evidence, OK, fine.”

Logan rambled for a bit longer, but her point was that evolution is a “chicken or the egg” debate and “you can’t answer it scientifically” and, while we’re here, Jews are trying to control the world with their money. Media Matters caught the claim on Monday:

The Rothschilds, who Logan says is responsible for the theory of evolution, are a Jewish family that often shows up in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Rep.   Marjorie Taylor Greene   (R-Ga.) famously wrote on Facebook that the Rothschilds   funded a space laser   that started the California wildfires.

Logan and Greene share more in common than anti-Semitic comments. Both the Fox Nation host and the bigoted, virulent conspiracy theorist lawmaker have   pushed Russian propaganda   since Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine last month. Greene has blamed Ukraine for the invasion, while suggesting the nation’s military is rife with Nazis. Greene, however, at least made some sort of superficial effort to insist she’s not a Putin supporter. Logan made no such effort.

“Whether you like Putin or don’t like him, Putin is not willing to be a part of whatever global governing structure is coming our way,” Logan said last week on a right-wing podcast. “Vladimir Putin has been very calculating, he’s been very careful … he’s said for 15 years that he would not tolerate NATO expansion.”

“He’s the man standing between us and this New World Order,” she added after rambling about Ukrainian biolabs funded by Hunter Biden.

The idea of a “New World Order” constructed by Jews is   a trope of anti-Semitic rhetoric . We’re starting to notice a pattern in Logan’s conspiracy theorizing.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    2 years ago

In the end, it always comes down to "new world order" paranoia for these people. 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
1.1  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  JohnRussell @1    2 years ago

… and throw in some Jews for good measure.

Professor Principal
1.1.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @1.1    2 years ago

Another Fox News host praising Putin. Do they get a bonus for doing so? 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
1.1.2  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  JohnRussell @1.1.1    2 years ago

They get an extra floating holiday to be used on the school shooting memorial of their choice.

Professor Principal
1.2  Hallux  replied to  JohnRussell @1    2 years ago
"new world order"

I thought it morphed into 'The Great Reset' that was re-morphed into 'MAGA' by the 'Great Charlatan'.

Professor Quiet
1.3  Ronin2  replied to  JohnRussell @1    2 years ago

Quick someone tell Brandon!

“Now is a time when things are shifting,” Biden told a crowd of CEOs  at the Business Roundtable's quarterly meeting on March 21. “There’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it.  And we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.”

Seems Rubio is on board. He seems to like the current New World Order; and doesn't want a new New World Order (whatever that will be) that China and Russia envision; or maybe even Biden. 

“I had a lot of people this week asking about Ukraine. ‘Why does it matter? What should we do about it? Why do we care?’ First of all, why it matters is that Beijing and Moscow are making an argument that they want a New World Order,” Rubio said. The “New World Order” phrasing is deliberate. The verbiage was made famous by former President   George H.W. Bush , who hailed military action in Iraq in 1991 as an example of the New World Order.

Seems that is correct- they are both following Bush Sr's lead.

The 1991 Persian Gulf War was, according to President Bush, about "more than one small country; it is a big idea; a new world order," with "new ways of working with other nations . . . peaceful settlement of disputes, solidarity against aggression, reduced and controlled arsenals and just treatment of all peoples." Not long after the war, however, the flow of White House words about a new world order slowed to a trickle.

Maybe someone should tell dumbass politicians to stop talking about the "New World Order". Because they all either want it; or to maintain it; or to save it from a different "New World Order". But she couldn't have meant the same thing as these politicians; including the left's beloved Brandon? I mean that would be too damn logical given it's repeated us by both sides.

she added after rambling about Ukrainian biolabs funded by Hunter Biden.

The author might either want to do some research; or buy a mirror to help see what they are doing while wiping the egg off their face.

Russia’s assertion that President Biden’s son Hunter was “financing . . . biological laboratories in Ukraine” was based in truth, according to e-mails reviewed by The Post.

A trove of e-mails on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop — the existence of which was exclusively reported by The Post in October 2020 — found that he played a role in helping a California defense contractor analyze killer diseases and bioweapons in Ukraine.

However, Russia’s new claim that the first son’s investment fund was involved in raising money for biolab projects in Ukraine was accurate, according to e-mails involving Hunter Biden’s dealings in Ukraine, first obtained by The Post and initially reported on by The Daily Mail Friday.

Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners invested $500,000 in the San Francisco pathogen research company Metabiota and raised millions more through firms that included Goldman Sachs, according to the e-mails found on the computer, which was abandoned at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019 as Joe Biden ran for president.

Hunter introduced Metabiota to officials at Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company where he was a board member , for a “science project” involving biolabs in Ukraine, the e-mails show.

A memo from a Metabiota official to the then-vice president’s son in 2014 said the company could “assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia.”

Metabiota vice president Mary Guttieri also wrote to Hunter about geopolitical issues involving the company’s research in the former Soviet republic in April 2014, two months after Russia invaded and annexed the Crimea region .

“As promised, I’ve prepared the attached memo, which provides an overview of Metabiota, our engagement in Ukraine, and how we can potentially leverage our team, networks, and concepts to assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia and continued integration into Western society,” her memo read.

Days later, Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi wrote to Biden about a “as you called ‘Science Ukraine’ project.”

“As I understand the Metabiota was a subcontract to principal contactor of the DoD B&V [engineering firm Black & Veatch],” his e-mail read. “What kind of partnership Metabiota is looking for in Ukraine?”

The US awarded $23.9 million to Metabiota later in 2014, with $307,091 allocated for a “Ukrainian research projects,” government spending records showed .

The younger Biden bragged to investors that his company organized funding for Metabiota and helped it “get new customers” including “government agencies,” according to e-mails.

What am I thinking? Chances are the author ran out to buy some more eggs to splat in their face. 


Professor Quiet
1.3.1  Ronin2  replied to  Ronin2 @1.3    2 years ago

In case anyone would like it below is a link to Bush Sr "New World Order" entire speech.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2  Buzz of the Orient    2 years ago
"The Rothschilds, who Logan says is responsible for the theory of evolution, are a Jewish family that often shows up in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Rep.    Marjorie Taylor Greene    (R-Ga.) famously wrote on Facebook that the Rothschilds    funded a space laser    that started the California wildfires."


Hah!!!  That figures - Leonard Nimoy was JEWISH, and not only that but his captain William Shatner is as well.   It all goes to prove Marjorie Taylor Greene was right about the Jewish space lasers, so that means Lara Logan must be right as well.

Professor Quiet
2.1  Ozzwald  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2    2 years ago
Hah!!!  That figures - Leonard Nimoy was JEWISH, and not only that but his captain William Shatner is as well.   It all goes to prove Marjorie Taylor Greene was right about the Jewish space lasers, so that means Lara Logan must be right as well.

NO!!!!!  If that were true, the fires would have been started by Jewish Space PHasers........!

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2.1.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Ozzwald @2.1    2 years ago

Actually, there are a lot of Jewish phRasers around.

Professor Principal
2.1.2  Gsquared  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2.1.1    2 years ago

We've got a few fressers, too.

Professor Guide
3  evilone    2 years ago

Why do people give time promoting such stupidity? I wouldn't even know this chick's name were it not for this posting. 

Professor Principal
3.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  evilone @3    2 years ago

While not a household name necessarily, she is not a nobody either. She has been a television news correspondent sine the "Arab spring" 12 years ago, and she once was one of the rotating reporters on 60 Minutes. 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3.1.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1    2 years ago

Wasn't she raped when she was a correspondent there? Shortly after that she left CBS News. All these crackpot theories by her could be a result of mental trauma.

Reporting from Egypt and sexual assault

Logan and her CBS crew were arrested and detained for one night by the Egyptian Army on 3 February 2011, while covering the Egyptian revolution . She said the crew was blindfolded and handcuffed at gunpoint, and their driver beaten. They were advised to leave the country, but were later released. [19] [20]

On 15 February 2011, CBS News released a statement that Logan had been beaten and sexually assaulted on 11 February, while covering the celebrations in Tahrir Square following Hosni Mubarak 's resignation. [21] CBS 60 Minutes broadcast an interview with her about it on 1 May 2011; she said she was speaking out because of the prevalence of mass sexual assault in Egypt , and to break the silence about the sexual violence women reporters are reluctant to report in case it prevents them from doing their jobs. [22] [23] [24] [25]

She said the incident involved 200 to 300 men and lasted around 25 minutes. She had been reporting the celebrations for an hour without incident when her camera battery failed. One of the Egyptian CBS crew suggested they leave, telling her later he heard the crowd make inappropriate sexual comments about her. She felt hands touching her, and can be heard shouting "stop", just as the camera died. One of the crowd shouted that she was an Israeli, a Jew, a claim that CBS said, though false, was a "match to gasoline". She said that they tore off her clothes and, in her words, raped her with their hands, while taking photographs with their cellphones. They began pulling her body in different directions, pulling her hair so hard she said it seemed they were trying to tear off chunks of her scalp. Believing she was dying, she was dragged along the square to where the crowd was stopped by a fence, alongside which a group of women were camping. One woman wearing a chador put her arms around Logan, and the others closed ranks around her, while some men who were with the women threw water at the crowd. A group of soldiers appeared, beat back the crowd with batons, and one of them threw Logan over his shoulder. She was flown back to the U.S. the next day, where she spent four days in the hospital. [23] [24] She was contacted by President Obama when she arrived home. [26] CBS said that the identify of the attackers remained unclear, and that it was unlikely that any would be prosecuted. [23] [24]
Professor Principal
3.1.3  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Trout Giggles @3.1.2    2 years ago

I think she was raped in Egypt, yes. As far as why she became an unhinged conspiracy nut after working for 60 Minutes, that might be as good a theory as any. 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3.1.4  Trout Giggles  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.3    2 years ago

A lot of good people have worked for 60 minutes and remained mentally stable.*

She's also from South Africa...which might explain a lot

*Never mind. I read your comment more thoroughly

Professor Principal
4  Hallux    2 years ago

I had no idea that Unitarians were Jewish. No Lara, Charles got his money for the trip from Daddy and Mommy who was an inheritor of Wedgewood wealth.

Professor Guide
5  Gordy327    2 years ago

Someone saying evolution is a hoax generally tells me all I need about their mental capacity or state, or the lack thereof.

Freshman Silent
6  RU4Real    2 years ago

Can I get fries with that order?

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
7  Paula Bartholomew    2 years ago

Just because she never evolved from an ignorant sea slug, that does not mean that evolution never happened.

Professor Quiet
8  Freefaller    2 years ago

Lol is there a full moon out or something?  Seems to be a lot of loons coming out of the woods lately


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