They told us words matter

This past week Joe Biden made three consequential gaffes and Kamala Harris delivered up another word salad.
Here is what Biden said:
"On Thursday, Biden was asked if the U.S. would respond if Russia were to use chemical weapons as part of its invasion of Ukraine. Biden said such a move by the Russians would "trigger a response in kind."
On Friday, Biden was speaking to U.S. troops in Poland, and he said the Ukrainian people "have a lot of backbone" before appearing to suggest that the troops would soon be in Ukraine itself – something U.S. officials have repeatedly ruled out.
"And you're going to see when you're there… you're going to see women, young people standing – standing… in front of a damn tank, just saying, 'I'm not leaving. I'm holding my ground,'" Biden said.
And Saturday, Biden appeared to call for regime change in Russia, declaring, "For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power," in reference to Russian President Vladimir Putin."
All of which had to be walked back by Biden's handlers in one way or another. Even after he was prepped and sent out with notes in hand Biden simply claimed it never happened.
"Each time, the White House had to issue clarifications after the president’s comments — but on Monday the Commander-in-Chief also appeared to be completely unaware that his team had amended any of those statements, asking Doocy, “What’s getting walked back?”
Doocy asked Biden if he was “worried that other leaders in the world are going to start to doubt that America is ‘back’ if some of these big things that you say on the world stage keep getting walked back?”
“What’s getting walked back?” Biden responded.
“Just in the last couple days … it sounded like you told troops they were going to Ukraine, it sounded like you said it was possible the U.S. would use a chemical weapon, and it sounded like you were calling for regime change in Russia, and we know …” Doocy said before Biden interrupted.
The president interjected, denying that had happened at all, “None of the three occurred.”
“None of the three occurred?” Doocy asked.
“None of the three … You interpret the language that way,” Biden continued. “I was talking to the troops. We were talking about helping train the troops, the Ukrainian troops, that are in Poland. That’s what the context … I sat there with those guys for a couple of hours. That’s what we talked about.”
“So when you said, ‘You’re going to see when you’re there,’ you were not intending to …” Doocy asked before Biden interrupted again.
“I was referring … with meeting with and talking with the Ukrainian troops that are in Poland,” Biden said.
“And when you said, ‘A chemical weapon use by Russia would trigger a response in-kind’?” Doocy asked.
“It will trigger a significant response,” Biden said, before declining to answer the Fox News reporter’s inquiries as to what he meant.
“I’m not going to tell you. Why would I tell you? You got to be silly,” Biden said.
Doocy responded, “The world wants to know.”
“The world wants to know a lot of things. I’m not telling them what the response would be, then Russia knows the response,” Biden declared."
Then we had the spectacle of the vice president speaking about covid relief for Jamaica. This is how our vice president, the inept Kamala Harris explained it to Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness:
"We also recognize just as it has been in the United States, for Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way of its impact has been the pandemic," Harris said. "So to that end, we are announcing today also that we will assist Jamaica in COVID recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential to, I believe, what is necessary to strengthen not only the issue of public health but also the economy."
Say what?
Yes, you all heard it. That is just some of the catastrophic results of the media blaming the previous President for the pandemic along with a cast of other powerful entities who used all their power to defeat him. This is what America, the inflation nation ended up with. The democratic party is dead in the midterm election and so is this puppet regime in 3 years.
Only one question remains: Can America survive another 3 years of radical rule?
Which is the worse speaker? Biden or Harris?
How about people who vote blindly against someone?
It's time for some soul searching.
hilarious watching an alleged mentally feeble old man put that FOX moron peter douchebag in his place.
You're not getting better Vic, you're getting worse. What part of he asked a war criminal to help him against his political opposition do you not get ?
We all know why you voted the way you did. You got everything you wanted. Most of the country is suffering. I want to hear from independents or moderate democrats who voted for this big POS.
I voted against Trump because he is not fit to hold ANY office in the United States of America. He belongs in prison.
Again, we've heard it before. We don't have many moderate democrats. I'd like to hear from them.
Right along side Brandon and Hunter.
So you are saying that the Dems will lose big in the midterms, that the republicans will take over congress yet we will be under radical rule?
Yes. The left's robot will still be in the White House.
So the same will be done as with Obama.
What do you mean "nothing?"
I think it is self explanatory...
Thanks for stopping by. Have a good night.
It means that China Joe and the Dems will get nothing more that they wanted and their ability to ruin the country will be greatly reduced
It means the repubs will not allow anything from the Dems to come forward and the WH will veto anything the repubs push through.
Very simple.
Your hyperbole about ruining the country is just that.
We will be at a standstill for two years with your side complaining about every fucking thing.
Unless the Republicans decide it is time for payback when they assume control and impeach the mindless duo. Democrats have set the bar so low for impeachment that Brandon and the Hyena could be impeached for literally anything.
If you are a dumbass far right winger you might believe that because conservative media has brainwashed you. The truth is that both impeachments of Trump were not only justified, they were strong enough to have him removed from office if it were not for Republican solidarity to protect him at all cost. Numerous Republicans in Congress said Trumps extortion of Ukraine in 2019 was utterly deplorable , but they did not vote him out because their party leadership wouldnt allow it and those who deviate will get primaried by a farther right candidate at their next election. Both impeachments were proven by the impeachment managers. Trump survived because of a failure of political will by the republicans.
"it sounded like you told troops they were going to Ukraine, it sounded like you said it was possible the U.S. would use a chemical weapon, and it sounded like you were calling for regime change in Russia" - Douchey
"Well then you better get your fucking ears checked..." - President Biden (paraphrased)
Biden forgot what he said and lashed out. That's about all he does anymore. I guess when you are senile everyday is a new day and today's Biden can't be responsible for yesterday's Biden.
The fact is he did say it. Everybody knows it including you.
Everybody knows it including you.
Of course he did. It's a great example of how much Kool-Aid the members of Joe Biden's People's Temple have drunk. Biden can spit in their faces and his cult members will claim it's raining if Biden asks them to.
They are beyond shame at this point.
"On Thursday, Biden was asked if the U.S. would respond if Russia were to use chemical weapons as part of its invasion of Ukraine. Biden said such a move by the Russians would "trigger a response in kind."
Did he say the US would use chemical weapons? No. Were his words more aggressive than Trump's when facing Iran using chemical weapons? Perhaps, but let's look at what Trump said, “I’m not looking for war, and if there is, it’ll be obliteration like you’ve never seen before". Did that comment require clarification? Of course it did, just like Biden's comment did.
"You’re going to see when you’re there – some of you have been there – you’re going to see women, young people, standing in the middle, in front of a damn tank, saying, ‘I’m not leaving.'" - Biden
Are the soldiers he was speaking to in Poland going to be training Ukrainian soldiers in Poland? Yes. Will those soldiers see the Ukrainian people standing up to Putin's aggression? Yes. Did Biden say "We'll be sending you into Ukraine to fight along side them? Clearly not.
"For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power," - Biden
Did Biden directly say the US would be involved in overthrowing Putin? No. Did he come out and say the US will support military action to remove Putin from power? No. He expressed a sentiment that is frankly shared by rational informed people around the world. Too bad some right wing conservative fascists apparently want to keep Putin in power and are now attacking our own President over semantics.
Lol. What do you think a "response in kind" means? Aren't you embarrassed to stoop to such a transparently dishonest argument? If Biden says "I will murder you," will you rush here to deny he threatened to kill anyone, because he didn't use the word "kill"?
W ere his words more aggressive than Trump's
The classic "but Trump" deflection. 3:16 in the People's Temple of Biden's bible.
Did that comment require clarification? Of course it did, just like Biden's comment did.
Yes and Biden lashed out when like an angry toddler sent to bed when Doocy asked him to clarify. ..
r e the soldiers he was speaking to in Poland going to be training Ukrainian soldiers in Poland?
Don't get your news from President Biden? Not a good idea.
Also, do you think people in Poland are being attacked by tanks? Otherwise Your spin doesn't make sense. " You’re going to see when you’re there , and some of you have been there , you’re gonna see — you’re gonna see women, young people standing in the middle in front of a damned tank just saying, ‘I’m not leaving, I’m holding my ground, ’” Biden said. That only makes sense if (1) people in Poland are being attacked by tanks and refusing to leave, or (2) the Americans are going to Ukraine where people are being attacked by tanks.
ower and are now attacking our own President over semantics.
Even staunchly pro Biden outlets like the Washington Post realized what a gaffe that was. It shows how far gone you are when you wage war on the English language to defend 'dear leader'.
Biden will be gone soon enough. You'll have to live with the embarrassing propaganda you are stooping to on his behalf for the rest of your life. Biden ain't even gonna thank your for it.
They have a harder decision that Republicans come 2024. For Republicans it's a question of the risk of another Trump candidacy with Ron DeSantis prominently waiting in the wings, but for democrats there is the dire prospect of allowing Joe Biden to run again with nobody in the wings.
That's a defense that even children wouldn't accept. That's why I used the title that has become a progressive cliche'.
For 4 years the left told us that words matter and now you have Biden and you want to change it. We won't let you.
The most stressing thing in Joe Biden's week should be sitting on the couch and boring his grandchildren with stories in between naps. That's his speed right now. That someone that verbally incontinent is President is a sick joke on our nation. All hi handlers ask him to do at this point is read cue cards and he can't even do that without sparking international incidents. If nothing else, his incompetency makes a mockery of all the hysteria we saw from the left over Trump. It's like he's playing a game of one upmanship with Trump and Trump isn't even competitive.
Harris makes Palin look like a Rhodes Scholar. She's lucky she's black and a Democrat, because she'd be destroyed by popular culture if she wasn't.