There are a lot of stupid people in America, unfortunately.
"We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated," - Donald Trump
I guess from a politicians standpoint, the less educated your base of voters is the easier it is to manipulate them into supporting anything no matter how insane. The blind loyalty is also a big plus. In a way they are the perfect followers, the kind who not only don't question the cup of cool-aid they're handed, they're already asking for a second cup before they've downed the first.
Cow's thought bubbles as they're led into the slaughterhouse - "Let's Go Brandon!"...
There are a lot of stupid people in America, unfortunately.
igknorantz continues to rule
far too many...
"We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated," - Donald Trump
I guess from a politicians standpoint, the less educated your base of voters is the easier it is to manipulate them into supporting anything no matter how insane. The blind loyalty is also a big plus. In a way they are the perfect followers, the kind who not only don't question the cup of cool-aid they're handed, they're already asking for a second cup before they've downed the first.
Cow's thought bubbles as they're led into the slaughterhouse - "Let's Go Brandon!"...
Guess that explains why Obama ran up his biggest margins with those voters with less than a HS degree, huh?
What do you imagine the correlation is between precincts with the highest percentage of HS dropout and democratic votes is?