What is the LAST thing you would give up?
Category: Other
Via: buzz-of-the-orient • 3 years ago • 6 commentsBy: Buzz of the Orient
A poll to determine the choice of the members as to the last thing they would give up has been posted at this link -> https://thenewstalkers.com/buzz-of-the-orient/poll/58/what-is-the-last-thing-you-would-give-up
You are given four choices, and you can vote for only one of them by clicking on the little circle to the left of your choice and then clicking on the "VOTE" link at the bottom.
Contribute your vote to the poll at this link ->
If the voters are actually being serious this is quite a revelation. Here is today's count on the poll:
A little more than a day to go, but here are the standings at this point in time. I am glad to see that the NT members who DON'T consider guns to be the most important things in their lives are 5X as many as those who do.
So now you have 8 to 3 that would dump their spouse for their "car?? and house??".
The way I look at the gun, is, with an armed populous the gov't will have a hard time in trying to take your car or take your house, (green new deal), or as in other countries they can even take your spouse, [r][emoved]
Final numbers