Thompson's claim that Jan. 6 committee won't criminally refer Trump or others to DOJ meets resistance from committee
Category: News & Politics
Via: gulliver • 3 years ago • 13 commentsBy: Ryan Nobles, Annie Grayer and Zachary Cohen

The chairman of the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol told reporters Monday that the panel will not make any criminal referral of former President Donald Trump or anyone else to the Justice Department -- a claim that met swift pushback from members of the panel.
"No, you know, we're going to tell the facts. If the Department of Justice looks at it, and assume that there's something that needs further review, I'm sure they'll do it," Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson said when asked whether the committee would refer Trump or others to the department.
Pressed again on whether the committee would ever make a formal referral to the Justice Department, the Mississippi Democrat said, "No, that's not our job. Our job is to look at the facts and circumstances around January 6, what caused it and make recommendations after that."
While Thompson drew the distinct line, his statement drew quick reactions from members of the committee, revealing the panel is split over how to handle a potential referral of the former President and his associates for prosecution.

(CNN)The chairman of the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol told reporters Monday that the panel will not make any criminal referral of former President Donald Trump or anyone else to the Justice Department -- a claim that met swift pushback from members of the panel.
If they don't make a criminal referral at the end of this prime-time and daytime TV production I will stay home on election day in 2022.
yea, that will show em'
Do you think I would be alone in my disgust?
don't know, as never disgusted
Pants on fire.
nope, im not wearing pants
let me help u out here, my reply never discussed it, purposely spelt, like a cast spell, but not voting....will show who...? Which witch would ewe be putting a cauldron in too ? Causeways can sometimes bridge under my tunnels connected to illogical ports, on my bow tied tight, cause not tied to ther "right: of way of thinking, unless, ewe two too, have bin drinking...
Are u ok?
Ask Texan
If it was the committee that made "recommendations" that contempt of court charges be laid against those who ignored the committee's subpeonas (I'm not sure of whether that is so) then the "recommendations after that", that a criminal be tried and sentenced, should damn well BE their job or this committee is just another useless game being played by politicians to establish their necessity.
When the incompetent obtain power then diversion and appeasement become the governing priority.
That's how the Roman Republic fell and the Roman Empire began.
As it happens, "Bread and Circuses" works, and it's not incompetent to make use of that reality. It's when people get hungry that bad things happen. Just as Jean Valjean.