
Etva has passed away. Reopened for comments.


Category:  Other

Via:  dowser  •  10 years ago  •  24 comments

Etva has passed away. Reopened for comments.

I have been requested to delete the article about etva, as someone considered it a violation of her privacy.

Therefore, the article is gone. Thank all of you for your concern and care for her. Donations to her children may be made as specified in her obituary , which is public information.

If you wish to fuss at me, please contact me via email.

Thank you.


jrDiscussion - desc
Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    10 years ago

It has come to my attention, that someone sent Dowser an unkind email regarding etva's passing. etva had been a member of NT and also has many friends here, who no longer go to NV and were friends with her. Had Dowser not written her obit to etva's passing, many of the people here who cared about her would never have known.

Dowser didn't write anything harmful of different than was on two articles on NV. It was all public knowledge and part of a public obit. The fact that Dowser felt compelled to delete her lovely dedication to etva, says much more about Dowser's consideration, than the person who wrote the nasty email to her. I will not disclose the name of that person, but shame on you for taking an innocent kind gesture, and making it something it wasn't.

The members of NT had every right to know and mourn etva's death. I am hoping that this reaction to Dowser's article wasn't about NT and those who are here. That would be the pettiest act of them all.

Professor Silent
link   Nona62    10 years ago


Freshman Silent
link   LynneA    10 years ago

Perrie, thank you for opening this. I didn't have the pleasure of knowing Beth but plainly many on NT had come to know, respect and even love this lady.Knowing Dowser, herdedication was no doubt beautiful, only sorry I was unable to view.

To those who knew Beth, I'm sorry you've lost a friend...she looked like a woman I'd have liked to have known. Mayshe be at peace, praying herchildren and familyfind solace.

To the one who felt compelled and sent an unkind email to Dowser, perhaps an explanation of your behavior to her would be appropriate.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah    10 years ago
I'll second that. How unnecessary.
Professor Silent
link   Nona62    10 years ago

I'll third that....

Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    10 years ago

So many have no knowledge of the depth of Dowser's sensitivities/love/caring/compassion for other people, critters - life in general and specific.

Beth was a wonderfully intelligent and caring woman - RIP Beth - you are loved by many.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

There is no word in my language for Good Bye. So my dear friend Beth, I'll remember the stories that we wrote together, the laughs and good times. I'll never forget the ''Earth Pigs'' running wild with Wiki in their grand adventure.

Waanakiwin (peace)

Professor Quiet
link   MalamuteMan    10 years ago

...shame on you for taking an innocent kind gesture, and making it something it wasn't.

Shame indeed!!!

Thank you Dowser for posting your original article and this article!!! Although I cannot speak for ET, I sincerely doubt she would take any offense from Dowsers kind tribute.

I too posted a tribute to ET, and I have no intention of taking it down.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

Thank you, dear Mal, and all of you! I said nothing that wasn't posted, by etva herslef, on her facebook page, or in her obit. It was all a matter of public information, most of which came from her facebook page, while we waited to hear about her obit.

I loved etva, very much, and grieve for her. I had hoped to meet her one day, even if I had to drive to her home town to see her. I feel a deep sense of loss, and if onlys...

Thank you again.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

Thank you, dear friend, for your stalwart defense. I was lost and at sea.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

Dear 1st and Kavika-- thank you so much for your kind and generous support, and your loving tribute to our dear friend. I am in tears.

Broliver "TheSquirrel" Stagnasty
Freshman Silent
link   Broliver "TheSquirrel" Stagnasty    10 years ago

(While Inhaling) Bless us all...

......(you know what you are supposed to do here)


Peace and many blessings!

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    10 years ago

There was no need to delete your tribute to Etva. I found it to be heart warming and a wonderful remembrance of a lady I liked, admired and corresponded with. I grieve for her and her sons. What will they do without her? I can't imagine losing my mom at such a young age. It would have changed who I am in many unfortunate ways.

deepwater don
Freshman Silent
link   deepwater don    10 years ago

I agree with all here. Dowser did nothing wrong in honoring etvas' life and we all mourn her passing. I for one was shocked, as she was always kind to me, I loved here photo contributions, and remember her Boy Scout camping trips with her son. Showed me what a fine mother and person she was.

Dowser, you are certainly one of my personal favorites here. Thank you for originally letting us know of her passing. I know I commented on the article posted then. She was a friend to all who knew her.

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    10 years ago

True, DD.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

Thank you, both of you. All of this has been more than a little upsetting...

Professor Silent
link   Nona62    10 years ago

Dearest Dowser, all of us here know that your intentions were nothing but honorable ,and loving. Anyone who knows you knows that you are one of the kindest and thoughtful people here on NT. We all love you very much...

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

Thanks, Nona. All this makes me want to crawl into a hole...

I'm still grieving for both etva and Rottlady... And my mother. And for Connie, her friend. And for all the other people that have walked on this year.

Professor Silent
link   Nona62    10 years ago

I don't know who did this, but, who ever it is, obviously doesn't know you at all.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

Or maybe they do, and don't like what they see... Smile.gif

I learned long ago that 99% of the world's people are ready, willing, and able to believe the worst in you, no matter how patently false. The 1% are your true friends, who know better...

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    10 years ago

Always remember:

Those who matter don't mind and those who mind, don't matter.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

Absolutely! That's the ticket!

Professor Silent
link   Nona62    10 years ago

Dowser and Perrie...that's 100% right!!

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

Thanks, Nona!


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