Clarence Thomas and the racism of the woke elites

Why has Clarence Thomas become the target of so much flak following the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v Wade ? It’s because he’s black. It’s because, as someone with black skin, he is not meant to hold conservative views on issues like abortion. In the eyes of the furious woke agitators who are haranguing Thomas even more than they are the other Roe -sceptical justices, he has not only made a bad legal decision – he has also betrayed his race. His sin is twofold: he has undermined the right to abortion and he has failed in his racial duty to nod unquestioningly along to every ‘progressive’ idea. He’s a racial transgressor, a bad black man, and therefore he must be reprimanded even more severely than the white folk on the Supreme Court. Ladies and gentlemen, behold the scourge of woke racism.
We have just witnessed one of the clearest examples yet of identity politics crossing the line into flagrant, undeniable racism. No sooner had it been announced that the Supreme Court was ditching Roe v Wade than so-called progressives were gunning for Thomas. They’ve never liked Thomas, who has been serving on the Supreme Court since 1991. Sure, he might be just the second African American to sit on the court, but for the identitarian elites he’s the wrong kind of African American, so his historic achievement doesn’t count. He’s Catholic – ‘decidedly and unapologetically Catholic’, as he says – and he’s not down with abortion or same-sex marriage. ‘Wait, I thought all blacks were BLM-supporting, pro-trans, sassy progressives like the ones I know from Twitter?’, you can almost hear the upper-middle-class left say. Thomas doesn’t compute for them. To paraphrase Biden , ‘He ain’t black!’.
And so it was inevitable he would get it in the neck following the fall of Roe . Vile racial hatred has been hurled his way since the ruling. Angry woke Twitter has even used the N-word. Thomas is ‘just another dumb field nigger’, said one tweeter. Another called him a ‘nigger slave’ to his white ‘nutcase’ wife. He’s a ‘coon-ass motherfucker’, apparently. And of course he’s an Uncle Tom. Or ‘Uncle Clarence’, as Samuel L Jackson called him. As a result, ‘Uncle Clarence’ trended online for hours. Welcome to the twisted moral universe of Silicon Valley, where you can be banned for life for saying ‘he’ about someone with a penis but you can happily surf a wave of retweets for using racial slurs about high-ranking black men.
The poisonous belief that there is only one, correct way for black people to think is no longer the preserve of the radical fringe. It has become worryingly mainstream. Indeed, Biden’s ‘You ain’t black!’ line – which he said about black people who were considering voting for Trump rather than for him – suggests the White House itself might now be in the grip of the baleful racial determinism that passes for progressive politics these days. Black Trump voters were frequently talked about as race traitors. Remember when comedienne Chelsea Handler said she had to ‘remind [50 Cent] that he was a black person’ when he said he was thinking of voting for Trump? Whitesplaining, much? Here in the UK, the Guardian , voice of the chattering classes, has used the phrase ‘ministers with brown skin wearing Tory masks’ about the ethnic-minority members of Boris Johnson’s Cabinet. That’s just a wordy way of saying ‘Uncle Toms’.
Lurking behind this woke slamming of blacks who have the ‘wrong’ views, and behind the racialised animus heaped on Thomas in recent days, is a very ugly idea: that blacks belong to ‘progressives’. That blacks should be woke, or at least Democratic or Labour, in their outlook, and if they aren’t then there must be something wrong with them. They must have been ‘got at’, whether by their crazy white wives or by their own ‘field nigger’ instinct to please their mastahs in the elite. This is deeply demeaning to black people, whether it’s everyday voters or Justice Clarence Thomas, who, contrary to the racial prejudices of the woke set, are perfectly capable of coming to their own conclusions about politics and morality. It is an intrinsically racist idea, given it reduces an entire race of people to a monolithic bloc who must all think and behave in the same way. And if they don’t, they’ll be called the n-word.
A broader problem has been exposed by the overturning of Roe – the extent to which identity politics has corroded progressive politics as we once knew it. Battles that would once have been political in nature, and reasoned and rational too, have become petty, vindictive stand-offs motored more by identitarian grievance than by moral conviction. So alongside the racial shaming of Thomas, there have been protests outside the private residences of Supreme Court justices. The protesters used megaphones to call the justices wicked and hateful. These home protests that tended to focus on the justices’ alleged character flaws spoke to the shrinking of the political landscape, to the replacement of a clash of principles with increasingly personalised spats over who is good and who is evil. Even the pro- Roe set’s insistence that the new ruling will hurt women of colour most of all confirms that nothing can now be spoken of at the level of ideas, or of the state, or of the nation. No, everything must be reduced to race, to identity, to yet another tussle in the Oppression Olympics.
There are serious discussions to be had about what happens now, following the cancellation of Roe v Wade . Questions of liberty, morality and equality are raised by the new ruling. Yet it seems pretty clear that the noisy protagonists of today’s culture war lack the political and moral equipment to engage in such difficult, future-defining debates. So instead they hurl insults, play the victim card, and even yell the n-word at their opponents. What a dispiriting spectacle.
e have just witnessed one of the clearest examples yet of identity politics crossing the line into flagrant, undeniable racism.
No doubt. It's amazing how much of the progressive hatred has been focused on Justice Thomas as opposed to any of the other justices who supported the result in Dobbs. The actual author of the opinion, Alito, skates by in comparison.
USA! USA!, Wait, this rag is from the UK....
Yep, progressive racism is being noticed worldwide.
be proud.
Nope, just more conservative bullshit that some swallow hook line and sinker as they have no thoughts themselves.
When you know you can't successfully debate the topic...go after the source.
What is to debate? A partisan hit piece that you all revel in. It is a known fact that he is extremely partisan. Something you all are trying to hide behind with stupid pieces like this.
And yet it's more factual than what you provided to counter it. Oh wait. You provided NOTHING.
Is it that this article is from the UK that bothers you? They not permitted to have an opinion and voice that opinion about how fucked up the left is?
Honestly, you're just here to cry for the sake of crying.
This whole article proves nothing and is in no way factual.
Keep acting like it is something from a Rhodes scholar....
And please keep up with bullshit memes, they are not permitted to have an opinion? Did I ever say they weren't?
It is you getting bent out of shape because I don't fall for bullshit.
Anyone that votes with republicans on any and every matter has zero room to call others fucked up.
Comparing it to what you've provided. It is. But then again, you've given nothing (not a real surprise)
Yet you provide....oh that's right NOTHING in opposition to this article. And you expect to be taken seriously.
Again, the article is nothing. It is a shitty opinion piece that you all think is some kind of gospel.
Also, not one of your comments has been about this shitty piece. It has all been about me. Trying to deflect away from it?
Yes, notable Democrats, such as Hillary Clinton, are deploying 'angry Black man' demagoguery against Clarence Thomas. Not long ago those same notable Democrats were castigating Republicans over 'angry Black man' racist dog whistles.
It seems the crows of the Democratic Party are coming home to roost. Democrats now, Democrats tomorrow, Democrats forever. Toe the Democrats' party line or you'll be segregated just like Clarence Thomas.
Do you all intentionally make shit up?
You actually think it is only 'white' people that think he is a biased, partisan asshole?
You all are the ones bringing his race into it as if it is some kind of cover for his actions.
This is called gaslighting.
What is gaslighting is this article. Sad that you all call others what you actively engage in.
It's only the opinion of white Democrats that matter. Black people are expected to agree with white Democrats - or - be segregated out of the party.
Black people don't have a choice. They're either a Black Democrat or an Uncle Tom.
What bullshit. I should expect nothing less though.
Revealing that you all think Black people cannot think for themselves.
You are going to remain on ignore texan so just keep talking to air...
No, it's crowshit. Those crows are coming home to roost.
Hillary Clinton is the one making the case that Clarence Thomas is an 'angry Black man'.
Democrats don't allow Black people to think for themselves. Either agree with white Democrats or be segregated out of the party as an Uncle Tom.
They have to march to the polls and vote for whom they are told to vote for!
I think this is how they bond with each
What another load of shit. Yep, them sneaky Dems have now mastered mind control.
Sorry to burst your bubble but the Dem party, as we all can see, does not walk and vote lockstep like the party you all vote for.
There are people that disagree with the Dems all the time.
Do you see them being ostracized from the party like the reps did to Cheney?
Again, really sad that you all think Black people cannot think for themselves.
Black people are Better Together.
What is really sad is "you all" seem to think that Black people are too stupid to get ID. Or maybe you think they are just inherently lazy????
There's this:
Samuel Jackson Rips 'Uncle Clarence' Thomas For Risking Interracial Marriage In Roe Reversal
That has nothing to do with the racist proclamations you all are making.
If you all were serious about voted ID, then a card should be given to every person when they turn 18.
What is really sad is the way you want them used
What is idiotic is the false accusations you make because you all cannot defend the racist comments you are making.
Sure we will put it above the visor of the new sports car they get for free with absolutely no effort of their own at the same age........./s
No effort, no reward. Oh, wait. Everyone gets a participation trophy in some people's world.
Now would seem to be an appropriate time to point out white Democrats constant lockstep whining about Republicans being racist. White Democrats know more about racism than do Black people. Why is that?
Only bigots, racists, and white supremacists disagree with Dems. And, don't forget, Uncle Toms disagree with Dems, too.
Democrats don't ostracize; Democrats segregate. That's the heritage of the Democratic Party.
Does that make me a racist? Or an Uncle Tom? Or a Red Commie?
Which dog is being whistled up?
The same dog whistle as this article.
While Hillary Clinton stereotypes him as an angry black man, this is the reality:
Notice how stories that don't fit the narrative pushed by notable white Democrats quickly fades away?
Notice how stories that don't fit the narrative pushed by notable white Democrats quickly fades away?
It's sad. But the narrative controls them. Dismissing someone as an "angry black man" is one of the great racist paradigms.
Democrats demonizing the only black man on SCOTUS should not surprise anyone.
Old habits die hard.