Liberals gave us Trump, who gave us Biden — make it stop!
Category: Op/Ed
Via: gregtx • 3 years ago • 105 commentsBy: Bernard Goldberg, Opinion Contributor (The Hill)

They say that in a great country like the United States, anyone can grow up to be president. And it's apparently true, because Donald Trump and Joe Biden did just that. And if those two can become president, it's a safe bet that just about anyone can. But when a free country like ours elects two of the most unpopular (and arguably, worst) presidents in our entire history — back-to-back, no less — then you have to wonder what the heck is going on.
How this came about, I think, has a lot to do with the law of unintended consequences, whereby actions of individuals or groups lead to things that are unanticipated, things that no one saw coming — even if, in retrospect, we should have.
For example, we got Joe Biden because we elected Donald Trump. And we elected Donald Trump because of liberal condescension aimed at all sorts of people the elite left didn't think were worthy of their respect.
So, maybe we should have seen it coming. Maybe we should have anticipated that if college-educated, supposedly sophisticated liberals looked down their noses at the "great unwashed" who live in "flyover country," those "ordinary" Americans just might feel disrespected — and latch on to someone who they think understands them and cares about them. Enter Donald Trump, who was giving the elite establishment the middle finger, and so were his new acolytes.
A lot of Americans who liked Trump were tired of being seen as hayseeds and dolts. They remembered that Barack Obama in 2008 said they were the kind of people who cling to "guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them."
They remembered watching television in 2014 and 2015 and seeing anti-police riots in places like Baltimore and Ferguson, Mo. — and hardly hearing a word of condemnation from Democrats.
They noticed that pampered college students, many of whom came from well-off liberal families, were shouting down conservative speakers on campuses, claiming they made them feel unsafe.
And they intuitively knew that there was no conspiracy composed of rogue white cops to shoot unarmed Black men, a lie that more than a few on the left were peddling.
By the time Donald Trump glided down that elevator at Trump Tower in Manhattan, millions of "ordinary" Americans had had enough. Their messiah had arrived.
And then we got four years of virtually non-stop chaos, non-stop dopey tweets, non-stop name-calling. How many of us really knew how crazy it was going to be? Trump has been called a narcissist and a sociopath and, while I'm not an expert in such matters, it sounds about right to me.
This leads us to the next bad move Americans made. Trump, thanks to about 80 million voters, gave us Joe Biden. Outside of Biden's immediate family, who actually thinks that he got that many votes because Americans saw him as a brilliant statesman with great ideas? Not many, I'd bet. We got Biden because voters had had enough of Trump.
And what exactly did we get with "middle-class Joe"? Well, we got someone who ran as a moderate and, in no time flat, convinced himself that he could be the next Franklin Roosevelt. He championed trillion-dollar legislation that fueled inflation that made Americans angry, and so, instead of uniting the nation as he promised, he has divided it — just like the guy who preceded him in office.
Now we're hearing rumblings about how the next presidential election may be a rematch between Biden and Trump. This raises a question: What in God's name did we do to deserve this? One doesn't have the requisite competence to be president, and the other doesn't have the requisite character.
But if it happens, I know what I'll be doing — the same thing I did in 2016 and 2020. I sat out both elections and, if these two are the nominees in 2024, I'll sit out the next one.
The last Democrat for whom I voted in a presidential election was Jimmy Carter, and that was the first time he ran. Even when I agree with Democratic policy on some issues, I no longer want to be on their team. They annoy me for many reasons — and it's not only their progressive politics. It's also their sanctimony, their holier-than-thou mentality, that grates on me.
As for voting for Donald Trump, I don't care how much I approved of his policies — on cutting taxes, slashing regulations, and his policies that helped minorities get good jobs — none of that trumps, well, Trump himself.
My fervent hope is that neither man runs again. And if Trump decides not to run, there's a good chance that Biden won't run, either — because even he must realize that the only Republican he has a chance of beating is Donald Trump. So, no Trump, no Biden.
One can hope, right?

Don’t hold your breathe, Buttcrack is leading likely Dems for POTUS right now and he couldn’t even run South Bend without screwing it up. ......
You mean Pete "Beaver Cleaver" Buttigieg?
Then they have nothing!
Reminds me more of Alfred E Newman.......
There is a great resemblance there and I'm sure both bought their clothes in the little boys department. I guess what sets Buttigieg apart is his ability to talk for hours without saying anything.
Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter say hello.
I’m surprised no one else has brought them up.
I suppose we’ll have to wait a couple of years to see, but it seems a good bet to me that they have them beat out.
Are you going by the numbers you posted? If so, the lowest average approve rating % is as follows (showing the lowest 7):
Yes I was.
Doesn't your data suggest that Trump and Truman were the most unpopular presidents?
Yes, currently. That’s why I said…
Le me clarify further, “they” would mean the subjects of the seed and “them” would mean the subjects of Jack’s post.
Okay. So your position is that Trump and Biden have likely supplanted Nixon and Carter. It seems that way to me too.
I am tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. I hold out hope that will not be the case in 2024 but I am not confident.
This is a new one. People claiming that the GoP was forced by 'liberals' to elect Trump.
It is true. During the 2016 primaries, democrats were quickly changing parties to vote in Trump as the Republican nominee figuring Hillary was a show in and Trump was the easiest to bear. Unfortuneately for the Democrats they nominated a candidate who was even less likeable and possibly the only candidate Trump could beat.
The GoP is responsible for the nominee it chooses; same goes for every other party. Give me (everyone) a break.
Yes they are responsible for nominating trump. The democrats are responsible for nominating the only person he could beat.
I guess you didn't read the whole comment. Seems you only read the parts you wanted .
Yes the GoP is responsible for nominating Trump. Glad that is settled.
You should consider not presuming to avoid getting things wrong.
Nothing in your comment @7.1 rebutted my comment @7. So, again, give me a break with this nonsense that the GoP was forced by 'liberals' to elect Trump. The GoP controls their nomination process and are responsible for their votes in the general election. Ds, liberals, demons, etc. do not force GoP voters to vote a certain way.
And dems got him elected president.
But nominating Hillary got independents to hold their nose and vote for trump which is one of the main reasons he won
Who nominated Trump; who voted for Trump in the general election? It was certainly not the typical D voter. So why try to play these silly games?
If you want to argue that Trump was elected because the Ds nominated a weak candidate then do so. I would certainly agree. But don't engage in ridiculous semantic contortions in an attempt to leave the GoP blameless for its nomination and election of Trump.
Yes Hillary was a weak candidate and that helped Trump. Trump was a weak candidate and that helped Hillary. Both candidates sucked, in my humble opinion, and one of them managed to win (as we knew).
So if the D party had provided a candidate better then Hillary, then Trump would likely not have been elected.
Similarly, if the R party had provided a candidate better than Trump in 2020 then Biden would likely not have been elected.
This is obvious.
Do you believe the following happened or is it just political propaganda?
I fully expect crap like this taking place all the time. I do not see this as making a significant impact and certainly would not use this (as some are) as an argument that the Democratic party is responsible for Trump's nomination.
The GoP nominated Trump and they need to own it. Just like the Ds need to own the fact that they nominated Biden. The Ds seem to own their nominee and the Rs should do likewise.
Another source in today's news.
This goes back to the 2016 when Clinton was handed the Democrat nomination before the primaries began. This could have allowed Democrats to vote in Republican primaries to influence the GOP nomination of whom they viewed as the weakest opposition.
I don't know all of the ways that Trump secured the GOP nomination. I doubt that anyone does. But I do remember it was extremely difficult for me to believe that there wasn't some underhanded stuff going on in order to have two of the least liked, least trusted people in politics, securing the nomination for POTUS.
At the beginning of 2016, I was expecting the fix was in for another replay of the 1992 election where there was another Clinton, another Bush and Trump standing in for Perot to split the vote.
In fact, I remember Trump spent most of his time saying he wasn't going to be the GOP nominee and was going to run as an Independent. The stale GOP nominees were not sure what to do and made a pitiful showing promising the same stuff that they never delivered on. Clinton acted as if she was just waiting for her crown to be delivered.
Since I didn't have a dog (candidate) in the fight, I was horrified that the US considered either nominee to be the type of person they wanted on the world stage. I thought the GOP insiders had scraped the bottom of the barrel with selecting Palin. But at least those were GOP insiders. I still have difficulty understanding how either Trump or Clinton had that many supporters in the general public.
After reading about how Democrats are spending tens of millions of dollars to try to nominate their approved opponent, it is definitely more than likely that the same thing happened during other elections.
The GOP could be doing the same.
Hopefully, we'll be seeing more information on the people selecting the nominees that they allow us to vote for.
No doubt some of that happened.
The GoP establishment, if you recall, was doing their best to stop Trump from gaining the nomination. Trouble is, the GoP voters gave him more votes than the other candidates and the GoP establishment was stuck.
As I noted, I fully expect foul play by political parties. They will push their advantage any way possible. One can see this by simply observing the dishonesty at play. 'Winning by any means possible' is the theme of both major parties.
Doesn't that mean that most, if not all, of our political leaders are unethical people who shouldn't be in charge of our government?
The Democrat establish should have been doing the same with Clinton instead of rigging the nomination so she was the candidate before the voters had a say.
Why ignore the fact that Clinton was one of the least liked, least trusted political candidates in US history?
I think it boils down to 'it was her turn'. She had built a machine and base of supporters that would drive her nomination. She was nominated as a result of force and being, essentially, next in line. Same with Bob Dole and John McCain (in terms of 'it is their turn' thinking).
I was unaware that I was ignoring that fact. By the same token, I am not ignoring the fact that Trump was an asshole well before he ran for PotUS.
Try reading it one more time and tell me what part you didn't understand
Trump was, is and probably always will be an asshole. The same is true of Clinton. They are basically the same side of the same coin.
This is why I don't understand how anyone (other than a partisan) attacks one side for their piss poor choices for political office.
Is it any wonder that so many people are apathetic when it comes to politics? Where is the motive for them to become involved as long as they are told they must choose between Asshole (R) and Asshole (D) because their lives depend on it?
Isn't most legislation, in the US, written by corporate lawyers? Our reps pass bills with 100s or 1000s of pages. Do they even read the proposed legislation, or do they just receive their instructions from their corporate sponsor?
The only way the voters have any power is if enough of them unite. So far, the main job, of our politicians, seems to be to keep that from happening. It is a very easy job because they have heightened our fears of "others", painted "others" as the problem, then attacked us for segregating ourselves to feel some level of safety.
What is the job of our government leadership? Are our leaders doing what is best for our citizens? If so, are there any people in government that stand out as leaders who understand enough of the complexities of running a country as large as the US for today's needs with an eye to the future?
The nominees seem to grow worse each year.
Unfortunately I do not believe your comment is cynical.
They are looking out for themselves (reelection to cushy jobs with less than ethical fringe benefits) and their parties (support for reelection).
The graft that is happening in our government would have never been possible on this level if bills were broken down into scrutable sizes that anyone could be held accountable for anything.
In other news, I am reading that Russia and China may have enacted a deal to move from using the US dollar as a reserve currency. I won't pretend that I understand world banking, but our government leaders don't impress me as understanding it either. Maybe, they do and have a plan on what to do when China, Russia, India, Brazil, etc. form a new banking system that is not based on the US dollar.
from April 2022
The USD falling out of favor has been the key risk. Our national debt is sustainable only as long as the USD is sustained by our 'full faith and credit'.
What options does the US government have to counter an economic alliance that doesn't use the USD?
The USA has no control over the preferred currency. We must make the USD appealing. It is much like selling a product ... one cannot make a customer buy, one must convince the customer that buying the product is best for them.
This is a key area where a competent, charming PotUS is critical. Biden does not have the sophistication to deal with such matters and Trump would literally be a bull in a china shop (plus not having the sophistication). If we keep on this path this is another area where our inability to elect good leaders hurts everyone.
China product is going to compete with US product.
I guess it will depend on the whether the history of the benefits of using the USD outweighs the possibility that China's product might be better or just preferable because of the instability in US government and society.
The immediate advantage of the USD is that it is familiar and has an entrenched infrastructure. There would need to be quite a good reason to overcome that.
I agree.
However, my agreement is based on not understanding the system in the first place. So I will have to go with the limited info I know.
I remember watching hearings in Europe after the 2008 financial fiasco in the US. European leaders were outraged and did everything except call the US banking system fraudulent.
It will be interesting to see if that has an impact on which system various countries choose.
Also, countries may have to choose to support the currency used by the countries they import from.
Could this be a bloodless coup of the world banking system?
That is what I am thinking. I couldn't have worded it better myself.
Another thing, China and Russia (circa former USSR) are not sterling world citizens.
I completely agree.
However, these decisions are made by people I don't know, who have reasons for their decisions that will be based on factors that I know little, to nothing, about.
The instability, in the US society and government, would be a factor that I do know about.
Can the Chinese government be trusted? The US government said so when it moved so much of our manufacturing to China and then encouraged other countries to do so or to buy goods manufactured in China.
Can the US government be trusted? Our government has made so many missteps on the world stage that the answer has become "maybe" depending on whom is in charge of the government from year to year.
Note: I am seeing China in control with Russia as their puppet - now and in the future. There is no way I can view the leadership of Russia in the same category as the leadership in China.
Also, what bad timing for China. Russia is certainly not held in high esteem in the world today.
Probably why the articles I have read have emphasized Russian membership.
I didn't even know the following existed. It seems that China has already been more of a power player in the world banking than I was aware of.
What is the purpose of Pelosi's trip to Taiwan at a time when China is gaining influence on the world stage?
Can the US government afford to saber rattle at China?
I don't see that claim being made. However I do see an opinion on why Trump was elected. A familiar one....
Yes, I agree that much of Trump's original appeal was his anti-career-politician theme.
Okay. And what would you say Biden’s original appeal was the last election?
He was seen as the best candidate to beat Trump.
For the same reason Trump was seen as the best candidate to beat Hillary. The established procedures elected both of them.
Do you think those established procedures have more to do with why a nominee is selected than their appeal to voters?
I do not know, that was not my position.
I suspect that his win in SC —which gave him major momentum— translated in D minds into the notion that he was the best to beat Trump.
Who knows? Biden had the most experience and was considered moderate (not extreme). He was a name brand. Probably factors like that. Do you know?
I do not. My opinion of why aligns with the seed, in that he was a moderate career politician who would calm the stormy Trump seas.....
Okay, so were you going somewhere with your questions?
No... simply asking for your opinions about subjects pertaining to the seed.
The voters are part of the procedure in Primaries. Granted, the RNC and DNC manipulate the process to some degree during and before that but in the end, it is the voters.
There goes that "freewill" thing they are always talking about
Yup mass mind control in play. Awesome!
The strange things people dream up when desperately attempting to defend a political party.
I didn't go anywhere, I'm right here. And who is always talking about me?
I will say that I did find it strange after the primaries, how some of the other R candidates jumped on the Trump train after the way he treated them in the primary debates and on the campaign trail. He was about as un-presidential a candidate as I have ever seen. As those debates wound down and it was clear that Trump was likely going to be on the R ticket, I parted ways with the GOP who I felt had lost their collective minds. I don't know if that all came about via a grass roots effort or not, and I did not entirely disagree with his "drain the swamp" rhetoric, but there is no way in hell I could in good conscience vote for such a man. As it turned out, he made the swamp even swampier and I don't understand how so few in the GOP didn't see that coming. I don't care how odious Democrats had become, or how they were drifting to the extremes in their own party, there was no reason for the Republicans to swing it the other way by backing a man like Trump. The party needed to contrast with the D's on rational/reasonable policy, but also on rational/calm demeanor, temperament, and intelligent focus. Trump represented none of those things, yet still won the backing of the party. Until that changes I will remain an independent.
How can anyone not understand that? Even I have pointed out the Trump was elected to deliberately and maliciously break status quo politics in Washington. And that's the only reason Trump was elected.
So let's take your assumption as fact:
⛬ The GoP was forced by 'liberals' to elect Trump
Someone needs to learn propositional logic.
Not the GoP. That's the flaw in your propositional logic. Trump was elected by the grass roots and not by the Republican elite. And the grass roots was motivated by a deep, abiding hatred of what liberals have been imposing onto the county. The grass roots wasn't listening to the GoP.
Liberals are so entrenched in autocratic thinking that they cannot even consider that the grass roots elected Trump to repudiate the GoP. Trump groin kicked the Republican Party before he even had a chance to run against Hillary Clinton.
So, yes, the GoP was forced to accept Trump because the grass roots has a profound hatred of liberals. Trump was nominated by a bottom up grass roots movement which is such an alien concept for liberals that they can't wrap their heads around that reality. Liberals are trapped in their world of top down politics. Which is one of the reasons the grass roots has such a deep hatred for liberals.
I did not specify GoP elite, I stated GoP which translates into Republican voters.
Your argument is invalid. It makes no sense.
The GoP elite being forced to accept Trump was not your contention. I would have agreed with that because it has been my position that the GoP establishment resisted Trump's nomination (and even resisted him as PotUS for the first 18 months or so). You are moving the goalposts.
And your new syllogism also make no sense (is invalid):
⛬ The GoP was forced by 'liberals' to elect Trump
Good grief man, major league non-sequitur.
Slicing, dicing, twisting, and misdirecting won't change the reality of what happened. Apparently you cannot understand how the GoP was forced by 'liberals' to elect Trump because that reality is too alien to fit liberal conventional wisdom.
So you have given up trying to defend your nonsense argument and instead resort to simply declaring you are right.
I think you are the only one here who doesn’t see the pattern of your most your debates tig.
Once again someone you simply disagree with is spot on and you insult their comments as nonsense.
You must be a hoot at parties .
An argument that is unsound is not 'spot on', Sparty. A syllogism that is logically not valid per propositional logic is nonsense by definition.
His argument is spot on. Just because tig sez it isn’t, doesn’t automatically make it so.
That’s the part of your “logic” that is failing you but ..... nothing new there.
Because you say so? You offer no explanation but just declare. I offered an explanation based on formal propositional logic. You just 'say so'.
Futher, Sparty, are you unaware that your comments have a propensity to make things personal ... attacking the person instead of the argument? Focus on the content instead of the person. Make an argument.
Why would I need to add to the excellent job Nerm has done outlining the position. I don’t and anything more on the matter would just be “liking the sound of my own voice” a little too much. Nothing more.
Not everyone has that problem here tig.
Of course, you deflect. Snarky bullshit is not an argument. You are simply trolling.
Defend? You're so-called logic is premised upon the GoP electing Trump. So, where do independent voters fit into your so-called logic?
I am not the one who posed the argument, you did.
It is up to you to attempt to explain (fix) your logic:
⛬ The GoP was forced by 'liberals' to elect Trump
This is a perfect example of a non-sequitur.