World Stage Conflict

Yesterday Nancy Pelosi departed for a tour of Asia that could include a controversial stop in Taiwan.
What makes it controversial?
First: It was most likely Biden's handlers who leaked Pelosi's intention in order to force her to change her mind.
Second: Chairman Xi & the CCP doesn't want Pelosi going to Taiwan. This past week a bold threat was issued to our weak & confused leader. “Resolutely safeguarding China’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity is the firm will of the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people,” foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said Friday. “Those who play with fire will perish by it.”
A Ministry of Defense spokesperson said ahead of Thursday’s call that Washington “must not arrange for Pelosi to visit Taiwan.” He said the ruling party’s military wing, the People’s Liberation Army, would take “strong measures to thwart any external interference.”
Experts are concerned:
"Author and China expert Gordon Chang explained why Chinese threats to shoot down House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's plane on her potential Taiwan trip "may not be bluster" Friday on " The Ingraham Angle ."
JASON CHAFFETZ: You know an awful lot about what's going on here. What's your response to this blustering by China ?
CHANG: This very well may not be bluster. It's inconceivable to us that the PLA - People's Liberation Army - would shoot down Pelosi's plane. But you got to remember: At this very instant, there are four Chinese warships in Japanese territorial water in the Senkakus in the East China Sea. There are Chinese troops deep into Indian-controlled territory in Ladakh, in the Himalayas. A few weeks ago, the Chinese provoked a crisis in the South China Sea with the Philippines. China is lashing out. It might be Taiwan , but it might be someplace else. This is an extremely dangerous regime at this moment.
Unfortunately, Pelosi already announced her intention to go to Taiwan. If she changes her mind now it will mean the US Speaker of the House would have backed down to Chinese threats. On the other hand, if she does go it's on the Chinese to either back up their threats or back down. Could this lead to an accident or a confrontation?
Accident maybe. Confrontation No.
One thing I'm sure of:
Joe Biden is not going to do a thing.
Some obscure CCP official can now threaten the 3rd in line to the US Presidency?
Is this where all these decades of "MAD Policy" have left us?
gee, you'd think that china dropping pelosi into the drink would be a trumpster's wet dream ...
Gee you think the weak incompetent president sitting in the Oval Office would be of concern to leftists.
You would also think that being proven wrong for the last 7 plus years counting that Russia isn't the #1 threat to the world would finally sink in to leftists. But it is Russia, Russia, Russia with the left. Brandon might start WWIII with Russia. Which would be hilarious after 5 plus years of leftists wringing their hands over Trump starting WWIII; if it weren't so damn serious.
Maybe China dumping Pelosi into the drink will wake the left up finally who the real #1 threat to the world is.
it sure would be, with all the russian sympathizers walking around in america...
Only idiot leftists find nuclear war hilarious; but party over country and the world it seems.
With all of the leftist China deniers; it won't be any surprise when China takes Taiwan and goes looking for more.
make sure that AR, bugout bag, and 5 gallon bucket of mac/cheese mix is close to the front door.
I'm more concerned about the CCP buying up hundreds of thousands of acres land in the US that's near military bases.
There are NO winning propositions in MAGA world, eh?
That can't be right..
China is all for peace and their favourite operation...
Or our old favourite we are constantly being told..
It's not in our best interests...mmhh whatever..
Our response was basically "get stuffed"..and then watched the "hissy fit"..
Funny after our change of government China came sniffing around thinking we would met their list of 14 demands..
Not happening Xiyy...🤣🤣
Old saying..
The bigger they are, the harder they fall...and that can apply to Russia too..
So far, the Biden administration has revived the terrorist threat in Afghanistan, re-established the stalemate on the Korean peninsula, attempted to reignite Middle Eastern tensions with Iran, and has fostered a war with Russia. The obvious next step in reviving the status quo is to piss off China (using Japan and not Taiwan).
Biden's progress in fully reviving the status quo means we should expect another genocide on the African continent and an unknown number of coup attempts in South and Central America.
That's just 'Negative Nermism.' (See what I did there?)
So, what's the good news?
Your government is still one you can argue about and defend. It has not been turned over into the hands of autocrats and other oppressive influences. As for the world and its 'stubborn' problems, . . . these are dynamic. If the world does not have problems in need of fixing, it is not a productive place! So buck up and smile as often and as best you can!
That Pollyanna erudition defies reality. Which government are we supposed to defend? The decentralized government of the United States is many layered.
The Biden administration really is trying to revive a status quo that created the mess were in, both internationally and domestically. Biden really has destabilized the world by orders of magnitude more than did Trump. Biden has dramatically increased the need to defend the United States -- while selling out the United States. The American people are being expected to make sacrifices to address problems that Biden has revived.
Biden is reawakening more old conflicts and problems than the American people can address. How are we supposed to defend that?
That's untrue. Most of the world hates Donald Trump because he is a seriously deranged old fool who does not know how to leave well enough alone. But, here you are, desperately wanting to malign Biden as being evil and I can't begin (nor am I allowed to) to tell you just how . . . . that is! It is clear to me, you have inclined yourself to thinking that you should hold sway over people who are not of your worldview. Somehow, it is your private worldview that should damn all other worldviews in this country. I don't feel that way. I can co-exist with MAGA crazy as long as it stays in its place.
But MAGA wants to subjugate all!
I will not accept that. I will not appease MAGA. In the deepest recesses of my heart I will fight MAGA with my last breath! Try to subjugate that!
How? You've made an assertion so it's up to you to defend that assertion.
What did MAGA (or Trump) impose on the American people? What did MAGA (or Trump) impose on the world? What has MAGA (or Trump) done to subjugate all?
“What did MAGA (or Trump) impose on the American people? What did MAGA (or Trump) impose on the world? What has MAGA (or Trump) done to subjugate all?”
Perhaps one of your shortest missives and perhaps one of your most obtuse. Just what are you defending, nerm?
So no answer.
MAGA has this routine where they ask "impossible" questions and then sit back and expect liberals to 'labor' long and write treatise in defend of the obvious.
Start with moving abortion off the national stage, move over to Justice Thomas signaling to MAGA to bring cases against SCOTUS precedents, and end with MAGA support and enabling of a 'mad' insurrectionist wanna-be.
The simple answer is that it is conservative in scope. Nothing more and nothing less. That in itself is anathema to much of the liberal left.
Apparently, questions are more challenging for some NT's than for others regardless of the source.
The assertion was MAGA wants to subjugate all. How?
How is moving abortion off the national stage an attempt to subjugate all?
You know, SCOTUS could have outlawed abortion by declaring that the unborn have rights protected by the Constitution. And there isn't any way to overrule the Supreme Court other than by the court overruling itself or by amending the Constitution. SCOTUS wields absolute power absolutely. And abortion lovers want to control that absolute power.
Which brings us back to Biden attempting to revive an international status quo where the United States seeks dominance over all. Biden is leading gun loving gun-haters toward global conflict that pits US power against those who resist a return to the status quo. Everyone in the United States is being required to pay for guns just to keep the United States on the world stage.
Pelosi wants to go to Taiwan for what purpose? What will Pelosi achieve? Pelosi doesn't have any national authority on the international stage. The only thing Pelosi can do is stir up conflict, proclaim that the United States has dominance, and require the American people to pay for guns to fight the conflicts she starts.
And the assertion is that MAGA wants to subjugate all?
That is nonsense. SCOTUS and MAGA controlled and influenced think-tanks decided to pursue a strategy of states rights. Local governance over federal leadership and limiting of the court which MAGA disparages as "unelected officials." Signifying the importance you place on MAGA-controlled statehouses which operate with a disdain for Rule of Law! MAGA only respects MAGA rules.
So cut the untruth telling out! I, we, see you with clear eyes.
And your silly quip about "abortion lovers" shows MAGA depravity at attempting to displace the liberties and privileges of others by limiting and ending their choices in this country where the only hindrances to liberty, rights, and freedoms is MAGA conservatives at this point!
These statements coming from you are actually distasteful to me, because it is an attempt to waste precious time with untrue and delusional opinions. I suggest MAGA get some serious policy 'counseling' from paid psychiatrists.
Liberals don't care that MAGA chooses to delude itself that conservative girls and women can be happy/iest giving birth to excess amounts of babies. Although, we are all aware that MAGA reserves the right to bend the rules in its favor any time it chooses and play the 'fool' in the process. As a result conservative girls and women will be sent 'abroad' - secreted away to have their little "accidents" discreetly removed and erased from fruition.
But, of course, MAGA sees the poor, destitute, and rank and file, as 'load beast' and so will multiply their numbers for purposes of exploitation. There can be few other explanations for why MAGA who is dead set against unions, living wages, and aid for families would want to expand the birthing of poor children-especially of color unless it is for the single purpose of exploitation.
It's a disgusting thing. MAGA is disgusting. It is very clear or should be to everybody that it is MAGA that is uncaring, not compassionate, has a chip on its shoulder, and is willing to lie, cheat, and steal in order to subjugate liberals.
Call a spade a spade!
The rest of your comment, is beyond the pail! I will not dignify it.
Not sure, but a possibility might be an effort to diplomatically cease some contracts for purchasing chips from Taiwan, and the US manufacturers possibly going into competition with Taiwan chip manufacturing in the future.
I know America wants jobs, but this is a really bad move for our environment and a huge waste on our water resources. Another consideration is the potential for enegy blackouts caused by the factories excessive draws on an area's energy plants.
With the huge draws on water, why are these plants being built in Arizona?
Also, take into consideration the necessity of acquiring rare earth minerals in chip production. Where are the resources and how will they be acquired?
Rare earth mining cause severe pollution, but what the Hell, who needs water and farmland in the US?
Article below from 2012.
That summarization is mostly correct. The 'originalism' argument is that the Constitution established decentralized government that is required to share governing authority between local, state, and Federal governments. And judicial appointments are not elected officials who are accountable to voters which is why SCOTUS wields absolute power absolutely.
How is requiring local, state, and Federal governments to share power an attempt to subjugate all? How is limiting the absolute power of SCOTUS an attempt to subjugate all?
Those who attempt to endow the Federal government with absolute authority over everything in the United States really are attempting to subjugate all. Those who attempt to control the absolute power of SCOTUS to impose their desires onto the United States really are attempting to subjugate all. Only those with clear eyes see that pursuing absolute power will corrupt absolutely.
How does your argument demonstrate that MAGA attempts to subjugate all? What your summary actually suggests is that MAGA seeks the opposite of subjugating all. That's the spade which is really a spade.
Liberals have framed the issue of abortion as an all-or-nothing proposition. But elective late-term abortion is morally indefensible. When a woman's life can be protected by inducing labor or delivering the unborn by cesarean section then there isn't any moral or ethical justification for killing the unborn.
Liberals have created the requirement that ending that unjustifiable and indefensible wrong can only be accomplished by prohibiting all abortions. Liberals all-or-nothing demand really has required fighting for all or nothing; there isn't any in-between. SCOTUS did not outlaw abortion but SCOTUS did reject the absolute power to force society to accept a morally and ethically indefensible wrong. Liberals are outraged that they have lost control over the absolute power of SCOTUS.
Liberals are fighting for control over absolute power. Abortion has only been an excuse. And liberals pursuit of absolute power to subjugate all extends well beyond the issue of abortion. That's the spade which is really a spade.
“Liberals are fighting for control over absolute power.”
No, nerm…the fight is for individual rights. Something a conservative should comprehend.
What an individual woman chooses to do is of absolutely no concern of yours, just as your decisions should be of no concern of hers.
Unless, of course, you wish to interject your own political, religious, and/or moral objections. If so, be willing to have those same standards equally applied.
Pelosi doesn't have any authority to make international commitments on behalf of the United States. Pelosi doesn't have any authority to conduct diplomacy. All of that is well above Pelosi's pay grade.
NIMBY environmentalists don't want chip manufacturing in their backyards. California already has a number of Superfund sites created by chip manufacturing.
Chip manufacturing requires purified water. So, any water source is going to require purification. And the interesting thing about water is that it can be easily recycled. Solar stills have been around for a long time and they really do work without the need for anything other than the sun to operate. The downside for solar stills is the need for a lot of land area which shouldn't be a problem in Arizona. Water shouldn't be an issue unless the facility design cuts corners.
Location anywhere around the world won't change the necessity of acquiring rare earth minerals. The United States is the world's second largest producer of rare earth minerals. And the United States could increase the amount it produces. What has held back US production of rare earth minerals has been environmental regulations and profit demands.
Mining practices are the same anywhere around the world. If the United States consumes rare earth minerals then that entails the potential for environmental damage somewhere. Just because that environmental risk isn't located in the United States doesn't make the rare earth minerals we consume any more environmentally friendly.
We expect the availability of rare earth minerals and don't care about the environmental impact as long as it's not in our backyard.
Unless that individual woman chooses to do something that is morally and ethically indefensible.
If that individual woman chooses to seek an abortion from someone other than a doctor, then that individual woman has engaged in illegal activity. A woman that ends a pregnancy by means other than doctor provided abortion has committed a crime. Someone other than a doctor killing a fetus has committed the crime of feticide.
MAGA is pro-ject-ing." And, I won't even dignify that throwback to late term abortion further. EXCEPTION: It does speak to the volume of old talking points MAGA conservatives carry about them on a yearly basis. It never gets too old for repackaging and rehashing, eh? One can only wonder if it addresses why some of you seem so out of touch.
Liberals stance on abortion isn't very different than Biden's revival of the international status quo. The issues are only an excuse to pursue dominance over all.
It's always interesting to see who is outraged when the status quo is questioned. Autocrats defending individual choice seems to be a contradictory argument. And the United States promoting free democracies with threats of violence requires suspending disbelief.
Liberals are reality-fluid. And Biden has gotten his policy prerogative's from La La Land.
“Unless that individual woman chooses to do something that is morally and ethically indefensible.”
And therein lies the debate.
Is the individual woman allowed the freedom in our society to choose what is best for her? Or is she subject to having a decision made for her, by total strangers that have no understanding of her individual circumstance?
Liberals are not debating the moral and ethical implications of abortion. Liberals have simply declared that a woman's right to choose outweighs any and all objections. And liberals have relied on the absolute power of SCOTUS to deliberately avoid debating the moral and ethical implications of abortion.
That has been Biden's approach for reviving the international status quo. Biden has simply declared that the dominance of the United States in international affairs outweighs any and all objections. Biden has simply declared that any objection to US hegemony is undemocratic. Anyone that questions US hegemony are enemies of the international order.
What is best for the individual seems to be the motivations for a lot of immoral, unethical, and criminal behavior. Those individuals do not engage in immoral, unethical, or criminal behavior to benefit society.
You've been proven temporally incorrect. Absence is not acquiescence.
The answer is that the article's World Conflict implications of Pelosi's plans to visit Taiwan demonstrates the same pursuit of uncompromising dominance as does the liberal's stance on abortion.
The only rational explanation for Pelosi to visit Taiwan in an official capacity is to deliberately stir up controversy and conflict while simply declaring that anyone questioning US hegemony are enemies of the international order. Pelosi has no authority to engage in diplomacy or to make commitments on behalf of the United States. Pelosi has no national authority to act as an international representative of the United States. That's not in Pelosi's job description.
Pelosi is claiming a fictitious right and is simply declaring that right outweighs any and all other considerations. That's the same thing liberals have done on the issue of abortion.
Liberals are reviving and protecting the status quo by relying on autocratic declarations imposed by institutions possessing absolute power that is unaccountable to the people. The international and domestic status quo was not established democratically. Congress has delegated its responsibility to represent people to autocratic institutions. The President has assumed more and more autocratic power. And SCOTUS has never been a democratic institution of government. The sum total of liberals' efforts has been establishing Federal dominance over every aspect of society and using autocratic institutions to enforce that dominance.
Tearing down autocratic institutions and limiting the absolute power of undemocratic institutions doesn't seem to be an effective way to subjugate all. Liberals are actually the ones trying to subjugate all. Not MAGA. Liberals are outraged that MAGA threatens their control over absolute power used absolutely. Liberals demand that autocrats defend democracy which says more about liberals' desire for autocratic power than liberals' belief in democracy.
And that's really why Pelosi is planning to visit Taiwan.
I will agree that the constitution wanted share power across the three branches of governance in the United States. I won't go into their function as that is beyond the scope of this discussion. However, the founding fathers did not anticipate how "ass-backwards" looking and acting their heirs to the majority would be!
The reason citizens, not illegals, citizens turn century after century and decade after decade to the Courts for authority (aid) is due to the IMMATURITY of some stubborn, selfish, greedy, and oft-times violence conservative—democratic conservative or republican conservative who will not allow the rest of the citizenry in rise to normalcy.
And that is as far as I care to go into this for now. If you don't have the commonsense to see that minorities don't want to live without human and civil rights (the same as the majority) in a country that lies to them when it says there is equality and we are hard-pressed to find it and keep it, then you "present" with more pressing issues and need to get some 'sense' before you continue with your academic "discussions."
I accept no duty to humor you or play nice with "impossible" questions asked just to delay or just to create protracted gaps in getting answers to the tragedies taking place in our lives everyday!
Do get out of your "gilded cage" of a mindset and climb down from your "ivory tower" and see that minorities have legitimate problems which MAGA has no willingness to involve itself. Thus, the issues persist today as they did in the past!
And MAGA is out of its damn minds. MAGA is 'mental' in the worse ways possible.
That is one of the craziest, non sequitur posts I've ever read!
That is an obsequiously robust statement which is completely disassociated from reality. The reality is that every elected office in the United States, with the one exception of the Presidency, represents local and state populations. Only state governments can modify the Constitution through amendments. Only state and local governments conduct elections. State and local governments have the authority to regulate commercial, financial, and social aspects of society within their jurisdiction that the Constitution specifically denies the Federal government.
The foundation (and founding principles) upon which the Constitution was built required shared governing authority between local, state, and Federal governments. That's why statehood has been an important part of American history. That's why the Constitution, itself, deliberately denies the Federal government the authority to change the Constitution.
I am a member of a global minority. I'm a redhead, a ginger. And I won't be your red haired stepchild.
I am at a loss as to why you bothered to supply me with a lesson on this. Because, I pretty sure you are aware that some of the more IMMATURE states assed up their 'ranking' and the academic debate over states' rights and entitlements when they seceded from the Union and fought against the United States in a civil war. And now the same and similar states are foolishly giving off taunts, insinuations remarks and "grab ass" activities of leaning in to a repeat of a past break with the whole of our union.
MAGA needs to grow up; put "Mr. Meathead" politically 'down' and start behaving like it has commonsense and love for the citizenry; the people MAGA has known all its damn lives in this country because we are all around you, supporting you, and lifting MAGA sorry asses when the chips are down!
The non-MAGAs want to get along with MAGA conservatives, but we have no intention of kissing MAGA asses or feets. If all MAGA conservatives see when it looks at run of the mill liberals in our country is somebody to disdain, lie to, and cheat out of human and civil rights, then all that remains for this country is internal strife till "kingdom come"!
Here we go again. When reality intrudes, the kneejerk response is to return to the Democrats' insurrection and civil war while completely denying Democrats were involved at all. How was the international affairs of the Democrats' confederacy different than what Pelosi is trying to do?
How many cities has MAGA burned and plundered? How many CVS pharmacies has MAGA liberated? How has MAGA used uncivil disobedience to achieve political objectives?
Liberals are who really want to subjugate all. Not MAGA. The only way to 'get along' with liberals is to accept anything and everything they want. And liberals will readily employ uncivil disobedience to impose anything and everything they want onto everyone.
You're done wasting my time for now. Go shout at the sky somewhere else, because ultimately it is LIFE itself that is creating problems for us all! See if "the Sky" cares about, nevertheless! Best try to find freedom and liberty where you can and then go tell others where to find it!