
Dystopian nightmare! FBI obtains warrant, conducts search!


Category:  Satire

Via:  hallux  •  2 years ago  •  11 comments

By:   Alexandra Petri - WaPo

Dystopian nightmare! FBI obtains warrant, conducts search!

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

This is the kind of thing that could only happen in countries run by “tin-pot dictators” conservatives  fumed   on Twitter upon seeing that the FBI had  searched former president Donald Trump’s Florida home . “If this is what they’re able to do to the former president of the United States, think about what they could do to you,” Lara Trump warned on Fox News.

It’s true! If this is what investigators will do to the former president of the United States — follow all the steps to obtain a warrant from a judge to search his home for documents that they (and the judge) believed probable cause suggested were there, then leave without arresting anybody — imagine what they will do to you! You might also have to deal with a search warrant from a judge! You, too, might receive due process when suspected of committing a crime!

Imagine! The next time it appears that you have run afoul of the Presidential Records Act by taking classified documents home, the FBI will obtain a warrant from a judge to come to your combined residence and country club to search your safe — with cooperation from the Secret Service! There are millions of Americans out there right now reasonably saying to themselves, “All this time I have been storing classified materials pertaining to the office of the president, some too classified even to be described (which sounds like a koan), as I thought was my right as an average citizen. And now, I see what kind of hell scape I am living in! One where the former president is subject to laws, just as I, an average citizen, am subject to laws!”

It is a well-known fact that federal law enforcement exists solely to make miserable the lives of civil rights leaders, to bury in a deep hole all allegations against Brett M. Kavanaugh and to investigate Hillary Clinton, root of all evil. What it is   not   for is this. Next, you are going to tell me that if somebody tries to keep themselves in power by force, they ought to face consequences for it!

Well may the Republican congressional minority rend its garments and wail. Well may House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy threaten retribution. What are we coming to, when law enforcement agencies enforce the law against the president? Against average citizens, sure. Against   troublemakers , an ill-defined category that I refer you to Trump speeches to better understand — naturally! But against our god-king? Our cherished former president?

A state governed by laws is no state for me. I wanted a state where some people are above the law and some people are below the law. I wanted one where Trump specifically was above the law and also got to use the apparatus of the state to harass his political opponents. That is apolitical and just. This is — just awful!

“No former president is safe,” tweeted Matt Gaetz, (R-Fla.) Too true! Too true! John Adams sitting there on his trove of documents. Benjamin Harrison, inciting all those insurrections. William Henry Harrison, being there! Any one of us could become a former president, if we play our cards wrong, and we must first ask ourselves: If the most powerful are not above the law, who can be? Is anyone? Shouldn’t  someone   be?


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Hallux    2 years ago

          “No former president is safe,” tweeted Matt Gaetz, (R-Fla.)

Good, Matt Gaetz 2024 or Bust(ed)!

Professor Principal
1.1  devangelical  replied to  Hallux @1    2 years ago

inconvenient truth - FBI director chris wray was appointed by trump. oops.

Professor Principal
1.1.1  seeder  Hallux  replied to  devangelical @1.1    2 years ago

Hey, Donald hired the best!

Professor Principal
1.2  Ender  replied to  Hallux @1    2 years ago

And here I thought Gaetz was tweeting to underage girls...

Professor Principal
2  devangelical    2 years ago

the treasonous POS could have avoided the "raid" by simply turning over all the documents the national archives wanted when he left office. instead he prolongs and stalls to rile up his legions of the mentally defective with this DOJ action of the inevitable. unfortunately, his supporters would have you believe that he probably handled and secured these classified documents a lot better than any of his brainless insurrectionist sycophants would have.  everyone of them deserve to have their tongues pruned whenever they mention the constitution in the future. go ahead and cross that rubicon, unamerican losers. make my day.

Professor Principal
2.1  seeder  Hallux  replied to  devangelical @2    2 years ago

The 'gods' have a sense of humor, 99% of suckers are reincarnated as suckers.

Professor Principal
3  Kavika     2 years ago

The sounds of a toilet fushing just as the FBI comes through the door. 

Professor Silent
4  SteevieGee    2 years ago

Long before they ever planned this raid they actually asked Trump nicely to give back what belongs to the National Archives.  He even gave them some of them.

Professor Guide
5  MrFrost    2 years ago

Rumor has it that Hunter Biden watched the raid on his laptop. 

Freshman Participates
5.1  Revillug  replied to  MrFrost @5    2 years ago

At least Hunter Biden doesn't stand a chance of becoming president.

I'm not oblivious to the fact that Hunter Biden is a problematic family member. But Trump is a Putin asset to an order of magnitude that should make everyone piss in their pants a little bit.

I prefer presidents who don't get caught sucking Putin's dick. 

How about you?

Freshman Participates
6  Revillug    2 years ago

I think Alexandra Petri was in rare form on this one.

She isn't always this great, but when she is, she knocks it out of the park.

I hope you all saw this one:

Opinion: I tried the Elizabeth Holmes schedule, and here is how it went


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