Mob and Rob

The link to the above quote:
In a city, that only a few decades ago wouldn't be considered part of the USA, such a city was the recent scene of a flash mob that completely looted a Seven-Eleven store. Video clips show a mob of thugs, many of whom didn't bother to cover their faces. Who can blame them. The shithole that is currently Los Angeles allows for a certain amount of theft. It has a woke DA who has been protected from any recall by the people. It's police department, once on of the best in the nation has been completely emasculated. When they weren't looting or vandalizing the store, members of the mob were throwing merchandise at the traumatized employees.
The reporter mentioned that the mob entered the store as part of a street takeover. That's another thing that happens a lot in LA - "street takeovers!"
What kind of people would do such a thing, you ask? Look at the film.
Why is all of this allowed in LA? It's called "Social Justice." It's actually a tenant of Marxism.
Who is ultimately responsible?

And democrats seem to believe that the voters are going to vote on Trump in November.
Voters across the board will be voting on Trumpism ... do keep up Vic. Other than that, 'Citizens for Sanity' are thrilled to see you use "woke" ... now if you were a Latino, they'd be ecstatic.
Only in your dreams. The radical left viciously attacked the man for 4 years. This November he won't be on the ballot.
Biden's policies and the shit many swallowed in college will be.
Sigh ... Trumpism's advocates! Luis Miguel comes to mind: “Under my plan, all Floridians will be able to shoot FBI, IRS, ATF, and all other federal troops on sight,” Miguel tweeted. “Let freedom ring.” Even Mitch knows the current GoP is full of rank morons who are turning the 'Big Red Wave' into a Liddle Pillow Ripple.
For me, it's the only honest progressive, Sam Harris, who comes to mind:
A 1-1/2 hour podcast? At my age far too long for someone I find to be of little interest.
(What is it with you and a pantheon of guys with the same facial hair?)
Bitter much?
You have a problem with men with beards?
Where was the bitterness in his comment?
I agree. Although, I am 45 minutes (at speed 1.75) already. Harris does not like Trump at all. Wokeism is just getting started.
With any luck it will die a swift death
CB probably is referring to “the shit many swallowed in college”.
Come on, arkpdx! Come on now! Vic, is bitter against liberals who do not wish for white male conservative dominance. We can not and will not bow down to just forgetting about the fraud that is pervasive in conservatism today. For all the reasons involved. Which I shall not detail in digression here.
See? Now that is spin. I mention that I am just getting to the topic of wokeism in the video and you pounce to some quip about swift death of wokeism.
Do you even know what wokeism is? And can you explain it to me?
That is because you got nothing
If you have something instructive or disturbing to say to me, this is your opportunity. I am waiting. Other than that, why should I be interested in shit ingested in college? Or, are you being clever with insinuation?
No not a quip but a sincere hopeful.desire.
I guess that means you are now talking at me, instead of dealing with 'wokeism'? Why is that? You can't explain 'wokeism' either? So you pick up a virtual rock and chunk it at me?
Well, you have not established that you even know what you are death-wishing over. But do you' arkpdx. Let your freak flag fly.
What "fraud would that be? Be specific. If you can't be or won't be specific I'll just call bullshit. If fact I will call bullshit now because I know you got nothing.
Many thanks CB.
“Do you even know what wokeism is?”
The question was not directed toward me, but let me give you my take, if you will with my thanks.
It seems today’s ‘wokeism’ is akin to the ‘red scare’ of days passed. An easily uttered phrase and yet difficult if not impossible to quantify. Meant only to separate and enrage, but with no solution to the perceived injustices attached, as the injustices are self-imposed and thus self-fulfilling. McCarthyistic in thought, deed, and ultimate demise…with the end not coming nearly soon enough.
I never really thought of myself as a freak. But, I love to freak.
Not a bad answer my friend.
Myself I’m not much for black dominated victimhood. Stop expecting freebies and handouts. Stop whining, get off your ass and do something about it.
Many have.
Why not you?
I tried answering the question since you hadn’t.
You can call anything you wish. As the saying goes: "You are not the boss of me." You're the member swiftly death-wishing wokeism. Surely you can explain what it is you wish to see die, right? No?! You dislike something you can't even explain? That's screwed up. Makes me question who told you to be offended by it.
Tell me what 'wokeism' is to you understanding (however weak) and I may start a dialogue with you about the fraud in conservatism today.
Surely you can explain what you meant with that sentence, right?
Gee how old are you? Six? That was how old I was when I last used that line.
Thanks. So you suggest it is a 'throwaway' phrase used to galvanize combative conservatives to come out and join the 'battle' against liberals. Here is some more offshooting done by conservatives. I saw this one at CPAC this year:
CPAC to kick off under banner of 'Awake not Woke'
They asked their leaders to speak on matters like. . . get this: "Unwokeness."
Of course, the 'new' soul of conservatism seems locked on whatever a group of liberals want for the country. . . run against that very policy or group of policies.
Do you have anything relevant to wokeism or 'mob and rob' to add to this discussion, Drinker? I'm waiting to comment on something with some value. Anything?!!
Your age is irrelevant to this.
I liken many of the conversation here to conversations with raging hormones teenagers
The parallels are striking ......
I said nothing about how old I was. I just said how old I was when I last said " you are not the boss of me" as you did. I assure you I am much older that that now
Sparty On, sure you are for freebies. You just like them to come packaged in the 'majority' or in trashing capitols without accountability. Or throwing out conventional conservatives who won't let you 'win' when your co-conspirators shit and piss and bust windows in the capitol building that will be memorialized in history book for all times. I can hear the complain now: No 'capitol insurrection' in school text books! Hide our stupid conservative acts of shame from our grandchildren!
And don't get me started on how you want somebody else daughters or wives to have babies they don't want and that you don't want and that conservatives damn well don't want! Or homosexuals who can't catch a break from conservative freaks who are all up in their 'grills' -cheesing and grinning, while planning to send them back to suckin and fuckin in the woods and bushes out back because you can't handle two people of the same sex having sex the same way many heterosexuals do!
Free?! MAGA socialpaths can't stop using their liberty to call and threaten their fellow Americans to give in to their 'demands' to takeover the country. Even though we now know conservatism is losing the battle for the hearts and minds of the people of this country.
Black victimhood? You're one to talk friend and co-conspirator of "Crybaby" Trump the embodiment of entitlement and representative of what you stand for and look to gain.
Whatever. Still not sure how I am supposed to care???
I rest my case .... always the victim .....
And you: Always a 'colonialist.' We know MAGA-ites want to take the country from its destiny ahead back to a time long gone!
Lol .... you never disappoint.
Thx for the laugh!
You only need the first five minutes where Harris admits that the media censored the Hunter Biden story in order to defeat Trump. He agreed wiith it because Trump had to be defeated.
(What is it with you and a pantheon of guys with the same facial hair?)
I have that down as your 499th personal attack.
Oh it's true. It's true. LOL all you want. Our nation's aspiration is towards diversity. MAGA-ites are living relics. Old ones at that! There is a theory, y'all won't be able to mass copy yourselves in time.
Yes it is true, sad but true .... some here are just perpetual victims. Nothing more.
Yes because Making America Great is such a bad thing. No one really wants to live in the greatest country on the planet. Everybody wants to live in a country that is just mediocre like the others in the world. I am sure that is why all those illegal aliens are trying to come here.
So tell me CB, why do you hate America so much and what shit hole country are you going to move to so you can be happy?
Lol ..... they want their MAMA ..... make America mediocre always.
347th according to the Ninja folks.
And some are just perpetual meddlers and colonialists (always hiding in the folds of their shrinking political majority) trying to appear more in control of the country than they actually are.
Foreigners of all stripes are trying to come here for the good this country accomplishes. But, don't get it twisted. MAGA is not making America great when it is 'molesting' the rights, liberties, and privileges of its people. You can imagine anything you want (lucky 'you'), but not everybody here desires to be conservative and shouldn't have to be conservative-just to make you all happy.
This one. How about that? I am going to stay at home and give you permission to take the conservative shit show on the road!
Add delusions of grandeur to their victim complexes.
Quite a one two punch to the old psyche for those folks .....
You can bitch and moan all you want. My best advice to you is stop making victims out of your fellow Americans and then you won't have to complain about us. Otherwise, we are here (and "queer") and having abortions, and asking for their native lands back, and telling present day, "colonialist" to piss off! Conservative rights are no much entitled than anybody else!
Where are your native lands, CB?
Exactly, those damn colonists fuck everything up.
You are projecting again CB ..... badly.
Same place as yours, I'd think. But feel free to clarify this. Not that I am asking.
Colonialists should know a fuck up on sight.
Exactly, those poor bastards came here trying to get ahead - like today’s immigrants.
Mine are in England, same as yours?
So I told you England, is that the same as yours. If you didn’t want to discuss it, why bring it up?
That's your best advise, huh?
What part of "Not that I am asking" is too difficult for a contrarian like you? I am from right here (now figure out where that is). Hint: It's easy for ordinary and regular American folks to figure out!
You seem to frequently bring up discussion points and then abandum them when asked a question
In 1.51.1 you wrote, "and asking for their native lands back, and telling present day, "colonialist" to piss off!" So I asked you where your native lands where. Did someone, a damn present day colonialist steal your land in California?
Looks like he has left the discussion, such convictions.
That would be the left making victims. They cry and moan because they won't be allowed to kill their healthy baby still in the womb just because they don't want to be inconvenienced by a child and it would disrupt their career or mess up their bikini line. It is too bad that you can't have you boys nuts cut off because he is mentally ill and thinks a girl. ( No he was not assigned as a boy by the the doctors in the hospital. He was conceived as a boy and will always be one same goes for little girls. They can not be boys) no men can not get pregnant and have babies. Not now not ever. Marriage is between a man and a woman and only between a man and a woman. It has always been that way to and always will be. I have not made you a victim. You did that all by yourself.
When they come here legally according to our laws good! I will welcome them with open arms. They come here illegally and just cross the border whenever and where ever they chose they should be driven back using every and all methods needed to repel foreign invaders up to and including deadly force.
Relic. I don't need to say more.
I recognized Biden and Harris for what they are right away. See I know two without even trying to
You want people to not have rights and privileges you don't personally approve: You're a colonialist. Someone who wants to make rules for other people to live by and under your (conservative) control.
Now can we get back to the topic?
Hmm tell me what colonies do we have? I don't know of any.
If you provide a shipping address, I'll send you a dictionary.
What is your question about your comment?
I want people to have the rights as enumerated.on the US Constitution. Those rights do not include killing your babies or mutilating your children and their genitals. Marrying a person of the same sex is also not in the Constitution either. Having your genitals rearranged by using taxpayers money is not a right either. Foreigners do not have the rights to enter and live in this country against our laws either.
I don't want people coming here illegally either, arkpdx. But, I will never support killing people just for showing up unannounced. I don't know what it says about you that you would suggest such a thing be carried out?
So would you treat these people like those who use AR-15's to hunt and destroy feral hogs?
Texas Hunter Eliminates Hundreds of Feral Hogs with Military-Grade Sniper Scope
If that is something you are going to call me it will be something I will hold on honor just like when I have been called deplorable and I'm redeemable. If it is something the left is going to call me I am sure it is a badge of honor
It means that I think invader should be treated as invaders. Coming here and crossing the border when and where they want against our laws makes them invaders period. They need to be treated as such.
Well feral hogs are invasive and detrimental to the country also. The hogs do have a useful benefit though. You can eat feral hogs.
Oh gay men have the same rights I have to marry any woman that they like and agrees to marry them.
Somebody is imagining a comment. Wonder who?
You want people to obey the established course that conservatives set for other people's lives. You won't vote for a constitution change that does not meet your 'control' over the lives of others standard. Just admit it.
Brutes can eat humans as meat too. Why not? If you kill it: eat its meat.
Precisely. You're a colonialist at heart. Wanting all life around you to be. . . 'you.' Constitution be damned if it gets in the way of conservative control issues.
First of all I don't get to vote for a constitutional change. The ability belongs to Congress and the state legislators. ( Look it up it is in the Constitution)
Second why would I want to change it? It has been doing a fine job for over 230 years with only a few changes. I see no need to change it now.
What part of the Constitution have I damned.
So you are in favor of cannibalism to huh?
I wonder about your wondering.
Just like I stated: You won't SUPPORT a constitutional change. It's easy enough to know what I meant without the 'play.'
When was the last or first time that you read the US Constitution?
What Constitutional change are you supporting?
None, as long as it suits your conservative purposes! Just for giggles, conservatives don't get we don't want to live like you. We don't have to. We won't. So it must be nice we have all this "free time" on our hands as a nation free of the draft: Let's just make like miserable for everybody here instead!
They should restrict themselves to eating parasitic fetuses. That would be more politicly correct.
Abortion, adults marrying other adults of either sex, national voting rights without (flaky) state controls, for starters.
Again, this is not the topic of discussion: It is mob and rob.
Is that how you speak in real life or just here?
says the guy who only a day or 2 ago stated that he purposely writes his posts to leave some things to the imagination.
which has a way of being an out , meaning you can always claim thats not what you meant , a rather disingenuos form of discussion designed for "gottcha" moments just to argue .
with that , i bid you good day or evening whichever applies .
Apparently, Sandy doesn’t like me replying to your comments.
No what Sandy doesn't like, and for the record, neither do I, is giving non-answers and taking a few words of a comment out of context. That is not a discussion.
Well if you wish for me to treat a comment board like it is a graded paper, you're be waiting and missing out. I do know how the constitution is amended and only a petty individual would try to make something out of the word, "vote" -without additional indicators that I was suggesting that a Tom, Dick, or Harry can alter the document. But, we have a bunch of petty people who like their games.
I did know I was one. I figure that if CB is going to call me one it must be a good thing.
(holds up mirror reflection side out and goes back to sauteeing a freshly harvested antelope heart thin shaved ,with a sweet onion being carmelized , just waiting for some shredded motzarella for a western version of a philly cheese steak).
If heaven isnt like this sandwich , im not going .....
as the wheels of justice slowly roll over the cult of criminality, and their many criminal participants, voters will use the ballot box to demonstrate their attitudes towards the available candidates. candidates endorsed by trump or candidates that continue to support trump will face more difficult campaigns as the multiple criminal investigations spill out into the arena of public opinion in the lead up to the midterms. notice how the party faithful are now back peddling on the once popular slam-dunk red-wave rhetoric so popular mere weeks ago. their alt-hero is in free fall.
I'm not back peddling. I'm not buying the media's fantasy narrative of all is now well, nor am I buying their BS polls. When we hear them talk about Civil war and ending the electoral college, I know I've got 'em right where I want them.
Exactly, no one any longer buys into that right to a speedy trial crap.
Free? You discount the effects of all that dark money in the process and voter denial?
Sort of like Hillary supporters can't accept that she lost in a free and fair election.
Yep and they know the EC will never get “legally” constitutionally amended.
Now if the HFM tries to do it via executive decision .... well ..... he’ll really have a tiger by the tail then.
Ok, but you have to give devangelical credit for his consistency.
Yes but he is consistently wrong.
Desperation much, Vic? These people who looted this store will be rounded up and [prosecuted.deleted]
Why would you pretend that’s true?
Just what has he done that mugged the country?
Started the border wall? Kept illegal aliens out of the country? Deported more illegals than Biden has? Put America interests first in negotiating with other countries? Make the US energy independent? Making US a net exporter of energy?
Please tell me what he has done? Be specific!
Has he stranded hundred of American citizens and legal US residents in Afghanistan for over a year? Did he go to our enemies and shaky allies to obtain oil? Is he trying to negotiate with a avowed enemy on obtaining nuclear weapons and using another enemy as our negotiator? Did he preside over the highest inflation rate in over 40 years then try try shit us by telling us there was zero inflation in July? Did he sit by as gas prices hit the highest cost in history?
Nope all that happened in only 18 months of Biden. So tell me what did Trump do to "mug" us ?
Why do you think they will not be? Are you channeling Negative Nancy? They have footage. They ask for the public's help in identifying faces. The states have recognition software on the area cameras. It is highly probable that 7/11 and its insurance provider will file charges. And, it is just wrong for upwards of 100 people to loot a merchant facility-even in a poor neighborhood.
Not sure how you jump from Trump mugging this entire country, which he does by not putting forward documents that alleviate any stresses in our political system and constantly throwing out 'red meat' to MAGA-ites who then formulate and activate campaigns of terror and doxxing against his frenemies and enemies.
Mug 'you'? Now why would Trump mug. . . you?
Because no one has been arrested yet, the crime closure rate is lower and their prosecution rates lower.
I don’t know her.
Okay, I held your hand, but you still have to push it.
As to the flash mob taking over a store. My understanding is this jusst occurred Friday, August 19, 2022. The looters still have not digested or properly stowed their ill-gotten gains. Maybe we can get Durham-Special Prosecutor on this case or will he slow the effort down to lesser than a snail's pace?
Seriously, this can not continue. This is quite unfortunate for 7/11.
As it was for Walgreens and Rite aid and Target in the San Francisco area. The DA at the time would not prosecute even those caught in the act. The DA in LA is no better to and maybe even worse. If the perpetrators are not punish even when caught they will continue to commit similar crimes and others will join in.
So what do you want me to say? That the whole city of LA is doomed because one or two stores are looted? Don't overstate your 'case.' Let the situations play themselves out. And get off the blame liberals 'dime.' I have no idea what is causing this lawlessness. . . and I won't bother throwing Trump's combative ass under the bus for his portion in calling the country to conflict!
It is a problem. Let us fix it and get back to the hot, mucky, days of summer!
No, almost 6 days ago.
Okay. And? What's your rush? Do you get police arrest briefs or something from LA? You do realize that 'arm chair' policing and paying lip service is easier that doing the hard work of building a proper case?
And what? You don't want to be accurately informed?
I'm not rushed, why did you think that?
No, I just remember the news that I've read.
Of course but I've done neither. What is the LAPD closure rate on cases like this? Maybe the will get some productive tips from the neighborhood.
We are informed one way or the other. We will have to be patient to watch this case or cases, plural, play out. Elsewise, chain stores will have to hire and maintain private security forces on a scale to meet any challenge from a flash mob!
usually they will just close up shop once the level of loss reaches a certain point , so how does that help a neighborhood ? and that is what usually happens they just leave .
Starbucks just left Union Station in DC citing safety concerns.
Union Station is the busiest commuter facility in this are. Marble floors and 96-foot coffered ceilings house AMTRAC's 2nd busiest station. It also a Metro (subway) and bus hub and last stop for commuter trains
The combination of changing commuter patterns due to COVID, a growing problem of homeless using the facility and a rise in high-profile incidents around the station hub caused several business inside to close.
Another thing to not forget, is most of those "chain" stores are actually franchises , working under contract to corperate but owned individually by someone else that paid the franchise fee for the right to use the name . so unless security is in the frqanchise contract as corperates responsability the cost falls to the franchise owner .
Yes, Starbucks is an exception the the franchise rule.
Why are you asking me? I support the flash mob being arrested. As for the 7 Eleven moving out. It's a free country . . . so move. Stores quit or relocate all the time.
Exactly, move out if you’re not wanted.
Such a great line from Ghost, I don’t when is the last time or anytime that I saw it used off screen.
just a general question thrown out there , it was simply added to my opinion that stores would be likely more to close shop than hire additional security once a certain point was reached , wasnt directed at you alone , more of a anyone could answer if they chose .
Yes, but few could answer as well as CB.
LOL, [Deleted]
LOL, Democrat and [Deleted]
This kind of anti social behavior will stop when there are consequences for it. Right now there is not.
And Vic is right. Democrats are generally the ones enabling it.
I wonder when they will use facial recognition software to if and arrest these perpetrators/ criminals. My guess is never since most are minorities and probably democrats. Both are protected from prosecution in LA and other liberals areas.
The dems will never allow it to be used. They especially don't want it used at polling places.
yeah, the jail's are already over crowded with J6 insurrectionists that need to be tried, convicted, and incarcerated.
Overcrowed? It’s only been a few dozen in pre-trial here in DC. Where is the overcrowding?
be tried, convicted, and incarcerated unfairly.
They are being hunted down and tried while those that participated in the riots after Clintons loss and those involved in the BLM riots are not sought or tried. They were given a pass for doing much more violent things and causing greater disruption in people's lives as well as more injuries to LEO'S and other government workers.
But, but, but the BLM/Antifa riots were different!
They were "mostly peaceful protesters"!
The last one is especially funny. The officers should have walked away and left CNN to the tender mercies of the "mostly peaceful protests". Bet their tune would have changed had their building been looted and burned; and their reporters and staff assaulted.
I don't like to call attention to anyone, but. . . this guy should know he is conspiracy and as good as caught (large man with facial hair in gray top front and center). He should just call himself a detective and request an interview.
Why should he. He already knows the DA won't prosecute
Okay. So if the elected official won't prosecute, then what is your problem. Do you have 'standing' or stock in this 7/11? Tell Sparty On about it. He loves to go on and on about people who whine. He can issue you a sob cloth to help dry up those crocodile tears you got going!
So calling Democrats that support lawless criminals and their acts is wrong?
Treat these asshole mobs looting stores the same way the Jan 6th rioters are.
I agree. The only real difference will be 7/11 looters won't make history books (with pictures and documentation)! Oh, and furthermore, 'knocking over' a 7/11 is not considered an attempted insurrection!
For one I want to be able to go into a 7-11 and get a Slurpee without having dozens of thugs rush in an tear the place apart. I want my elected officials to take the law seriously especially the District attorney. I want a DA that actually puts criminals in prison for the crimes they commit instead of making excised for the because of their socioeconomic status or skin color. I have no interest in that seven eleven but someone does and h or her and their employees worked hard to keep it up and profitable ( yes I know words like profit and profitable are evil to you) and lost a lot because these things decided they were entitled to the stuff in the store. I want the customers, owners and employees to feel safe going into the store. Tell me why you think those criminals had more rights to the goods they stole than the store owner. Tell my why you think that they DA should ignore or lessen the crime.
The only reason the Jan 6th protest and riot in called an "insurrection" is because that is what the left wing propagandists and their media collaborators though it sounds worse than the riot it was.
Exactly, and this 7-11 is probably owned by an immigrant while the looters were natural born Americans.
I don't know what the "h" you are presuming. And people in "h" want cold water, the saying goes. As for what you want in LA-who cares? You are not even on the West Coast, right? It is one 7/11 not the chain that is affected in any case. Go get a slurpee and a "Trump water" too if you can find one that is! As for the reporter in the newscast: She is reporting from an open store already back up and doing business with its public.
You cover their asses with your conscience. The courts are 'assigning and filing' their asses to a proper outcome, nevertheless.
Again with your 'instant' narrative. "Probable immigrant" "American attackers." Tell us, why do you need it to be 'just so'?
I don't live on the coast. It is about 80 Miles to the west. Is that close enough for you? I also grew up in Los Angeles. Does not living there mean I can't have an opinion of the idiot DA they have? What different does it matter if it was part of the chain or not? Would you feel different if it was an independent mom and pop store. There is still a franchisee and employees that were terrorized by the mob. Why are you sympathizing with the thugs and ignoring the owner's? Were you part of the mob and afraid you will get caught?
Really? From what I hear most of the thugs like those at the 7-11 are released without bail and either have the charges drastically lowered or dismissed all together.
My sympathies are with the store owner, his employees and any innocent customers that were in the store at the time.
Again why are you sympathies with the criminals?
What kind of lame reply is that? I told you here:
Now can you see my support for the store/property owner? These people are in the wrong, plain and simple. Everybody can see it. They should pay!
You seem to need a victim on NT: I ain't it. I support prosecution of everyone who participated in disrupting the order of this store. Fines for everybody involved. Justice for the store owners who did nothing to these people.
Now, who you going to throw under the bus, arkpdx? —Not me!
First, you'll have to tell me what you mean,
Yea, I seem to remember Joe Biden saying something about 7-11 and Dunkin Donuts owners and immigration but maybe he meant only in Delaware.
The whole street takeover thing is bullshit. They just let this crap go and I don’t understand it. They should be loading these people into the back of a van to be taken jail en masse.
A few weeks ago, LA opened a brand new 6th street bridge, replacing an aging urban icon with a new one. There was lots of enthusiasm for the new landmark. Immediately, these mobs took over the bridge for burnouts and racing. The cops do nothing to stop it. Finally - rather than arrest wrongdoers - they closed the bridge so no one can use it; not even law abiding citizens.
This kind of crime will continue as long as people understand there is little or no chance that they will pay a price for it.
It's coming. All "good things" come to an end. The saying goes. All "bad things" come to an end too!
Not with Democrats in charge! The bad things will go on forever.
Now, you're just being indulgent.
Fortunately things will start getting better on November 8 and even better on Jan 20 2025.
Yep, spot on.
Words of wisdom CB, words of wisdom as all things come to an end.