Mayra Flores, Who Got Musk's First GOP Vote, Loses Seat After 5 Months
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 3 years ago • 10 commentsBy: Mia Jankowicz (Business Insider)

Elon Musk (L) and Mayra Flores (R) Muhammed Selim Korkutata/Getty Images / Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images Redeem now
- The GOP candidate whom Elon Musk says got his first Republican vote lost her race.
- Musk said he voted for Mayra Flores in the June special election she won in Texas.
- Flores lost to Democrat Vicente Gonzalez in the midterms, giving her less than a year in office.
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The GOP House Rep. who got Elon Musk's first Republican vote earlier this year was booted out of Congress in the midterms just five months later.
Texas GOP Rep. Mayra Flores lost her seat in the state's 34th Congressional District to Democratic Rep. Vicente Gonzalez by a wide margin. As of early Wednesday, 96% of the votes were counted, leaving Flores trailing by almost nine percentage points.
Flores had held the seat for just under five months, having flipped it red in a special election in mid-June after it was vacated by Democrat Filemon Vela. The district includes the SpaceX base in Boca Chica.
When Flores won in June, Musk predicted big gains for the Republicans that failed to materialize as results came in late on Tuesday.
"I voted for Mayra Flores - first time I ever voted Republican," he said in June, adding: "Massive red wave in 2022."
—Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 15, 2022
On Tuesday as polls opened, Flores echoed Musk and the mood of many GOP supporters by tweeting a picture of a red wave with the comment: "TODAY'S FORECAST." Within 24 hours she had been proved wrong.
As of early Wednesday, results nationwide were still being counted and both the Senate and the House of Representatives still hanging in the balance — though Republicans may still make significant gains, nobody claimed a decisive "red wave" had come to pass.
It's unclear who Musk voted for in this election, though on Monday he tweeted to advocate voting Republican in Congressional races. He followed this by saying: "To be clear, my historical party affiliation has been Independent, with an actual voting history of entirely Democrat until this year."
In May, he had been less definitive, saying that he has voted "overwhelmingly" Democrat in the past, but added: "Like I'm not sure, I might never have voted for a Republican, just to be clear."
He described himself as a "moderate" who leans towards neither party.
After her loss, Flores raged on Twitter about supporters not showing up for her.
—Mayra Flores (@MayraFlores2022) November 9, 2022

Weren't we just told that the gop dream hispanic Mayra Flores was more popular with Hispanics "who knew her" than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?
Yes, we were. Yet, Mayra Flores still got whooped badly in her South Texas district while AOC won again, and this time by forty points, in The Bronx!
With Musk's support, both financial and with Twitter, Trump should form his own MAGA party. His narcissism and with Musk's support he might well dream that he could take the cake, but in reality it would divide the Republican party and guarantee a Democrat dominance.
Ala Ross Perot in 1992...
I guess not many Hispanics "know" Mayra Flores...
Since those who do like her WAY better than AOC!
So the new Hispanic heroine of the RW on NT took a fall from grace.
You know who studiously avoided this article?
I most certainly do, the one that was telling everyone on NT how she was the new face of the Republican Hispanics..
Does he have residence in TX? I don't know where he actually resides.
I don't know, but the resident Trump deadenders were sure Flores signaled a Hispanic landslide for the gop in south Texas, which never materialized!
I just thought it was odd. Either he has official residence in TX or he is a liar.