Biden's lunatic bid to pay 'poor nations' for 'climate reparations'
Category: Op/Ed
Via: vic-eldred • 3 years ago • 11 commentsBy: Post Editorial Board (New York Post)

In a pathetic bid to "show results" from the latest global climate-change confab, the Biden administration followed Western Europe's hysterical lead by signing on to a lunatic "climate reparations" scheme.
It's beyond outrageous. It won't even bring any progress in reducing global carbon emissions, the supposed goal of the COP-27 meetings. If it works as promised, it's just another wealth transfer from wealthy nations to the (largely corrupt) governing class of poor countries.
The just-ended climate talks in Egypt brought few if any new commitments to reduce emissions; too much of the developed world is racing to find new sources of gas, oil and even coal in the energy crisis triggered by Russia's war on Ukraine.
So, instead, the "we need some progress" crew opted for vows from wealthier countries, supposedly the biggest climate-change offenders, to fork over funds to poorer ones claiming to have suffered "losses and damage" from climate-triggered natural disasters. (The United States had resisted the deal but caved after the European Union signed on.)
World leaders hope to finalize the fine print (i.e., who pays what to whom, and how) over the next year, but America will surely be squeezed for the biggest sums of all. Meanwhile, China — which spews more CO2 than United States and Europe put together — is exempt because UN climate-change rules consider it a "developing" nation.
No matter that Western nations already ship billions to poorer ones, in the form of general economic aid and to promote climate measures. Nor are most of the Third World "climate-caused disasters" clearly that: It's just that global media, fully on board with the hysteria, refuse to check the favored narrative.
Nor will average citizens of countries that get funds likely ever see a cent of the new aid themselves: The narrative demands ignoring how their kleptocratic leaders behave. These countries count as "victims," so no questions can be asked.
Americans have suffered enough thanks to green-agenda idiocy at home: Limiting fossil-fuel production, despite a lack of viable alternatives, has energy prices skyrocketing, while most green subsidies amount to nothing more than corporate welfare.
Republicans, who now narrowly control the House, need to block any US money from being shipped out to fund "climate reparations." Biden & Co. will likely offer US dollars anyway, via the World Bank and other international entities that US taxpayers already help support. But that's just another reason to vote out the president and Democrats like him in 2024.

This is what 80 million people voted for.
The believed all of Brandon's and the Democrat sycophant media lies.
Guess they stopped mean old Trump; who wasn't even running!
They can feel good about themselves in the coming recession while they struggle to pay for food and gas; and watch their housing prices drop into the shitter while interest rates on their home loans sky rocket.
I am sure Democrats and their media lemmings will do everything they can to pin this on Trump and Republicans as well.
So we are sending BILLIONS to Ukraine for nothing, now the party of fiscal irresponsibility wants to pay other countries for...shits and giggles. All the while the country they are supposed to be running is coming closer and closer to being another Venezuela?
Less fortunate countries.
Marx would have been so proud of Joe.
The ghost of Marx is probably laughing his ass off!
It wasn't for nothing! Democrats laundered millions into their campaign funds from it. The only ones that lost out were the US taxpayer; and anyone that invested in the fraudulent companies involved. For Democrats is was well worth it! I am sure several prominent politician family members and friends will profit from the money that will flow into Ukraine for rebuilding the country once the war is over as well.
It is so they can virtue signal their radical eco nut jobs that they are doing something. It is only going to cost US tax payers- what do Democrats care? I am sure millions of dollars will again find their way back into Democrat campaign coffers. They just need to set up another disposable slush fund daddy.
I always thought that the Democrats wanted to turn the US into their version of China. They just need to figure out how to set up reeducation camps for their political opponents that is acceptable to the majority of the voting sheeple. They have already turned Public Schools into their indoctrination centers; so they are off to a decent start warping the minds of future generations.
Not sure Xi will want to be associated with a United States completely controlled by Democrats. Doubt he could stomach trying to learn thousands of new pronouns; dissecting the twisted and gnarled Democrat race and gender tree of power; or try and even begin to understand why US citizens are allowed to refuse to work- and millions of illegal immigrants are brought in to try and replace them.
Isn't that normally the case when it comes to Democrats?
The left and Democrats seem to virtue signal a lot. Yet the end result is their inactivity for what they "support" that particular day.
They could fall back on their history of slavery and discrimination. The real problem is they can't decide on what they will "reeducate" people to believe. They have an extensive library of fiction to chose from.
China, who pollutes more than the rest of the developed world combined, is exempt.
Stopping this almost religious anti American self flagellation would be a great achievement for Republicans.
You are assuming Brandon won't just ignore Congress like he did with his unConstitutional student loan reparations.
Dumb idea. If we have done damage, we could go to the site of the damage and make repairs. That would be justice. Simply throwing money at countries is pointless, and I guarantee it won’t ever be used to actually repair damage or help the people most in need.