DNC, Media Collude To Suppress Story About DNC, Media Colluding To Suppress Story
U.S. — This weekend, Twitter CEO Elon Musk directed the release of documents and emails showing collusion between the media and the DNC to suppress a major news story. The DNC and media have responded to the DNC/media collusion story by colluding to suppress the story about their collusion.
"It's important to understand this story of how we colluded with the DNC to suppress important information about Presidential candidate corruption is a big nothingburger," said a member of the DNC, reading several talking points given to him by the media. "We have been assured by our partners in the media that they will not be covering this story, exactly as we requested."
The DNC spokesperson then shouted the word "Democracy!" before turning and running headfirst into the glass door of the DNC headquarters.
Insiders with both the DNC and the media announced they will continue to collude with each other as long as they get away with it, or everyone stops listening to them — whichever comes first. "We will not stop doing this as long as it benefits us, and also we're not doing it," said the DNC spokesperson.
At publishing time, the media and DNC had confirmed they would also be suppressing the story about their collusion to suppress the original collusion to suppress the news story.
In the nothing to see here category, The democrats love child Avanatti gets 14 years, Democrats still insisting trump will go to jail any day now.
The "twitter files" were a dud.
That is the party line. I prefer to wait for a full investigation.
Seems some people really wanted to see Hunter's dick pics...
Like those Moscow Trump pee pics?
While we are violating Hunter's constitutional rights let's also get a peek at all the Trump Klan's personal computers and cell phones!
What constitutional rights of Hunter has been violated and what is DoJ doing about it?
If Brandon's fucking stupid son left his hard drives at a repair shop when under the influence; and never went back to pick them up- all information on them is fair game.
If Hunter had a brain left in his skull he would have returned and paid his damn bill! Instead the computer and hard drives became the property of the repair shop who did the proper thing and turn the information over to the FBI; but since they are a fucking tool of the Democrat Party- Rudy received a copy of them as well.
No one illegally spied on Hunter; his rights have not been violated in any way shape or form!
So, if Donald Jr leaves his wallet in a stall at a XXX Video Arcade he is fair game?
Hunter signed a release that property left with repair bill remaining unpaid for 90 days become property of the repair shop. Guess you could fault the owner for not submitting Hunter to a drug test to verify that he understood what he was signing.
See post 4.3.9
Since you can't seem to understand the damn difference.
Also stop confusing Donald Jr with Hunter Biden. They are two completely separate individuals. Hunter is the sexual pervert.
The left and Democrats have no problem on throwing money into investigations. Then lets investigate it and make it official.
So you are going to spam this all over the place like the Trump "investigations" starting in 2014?
When a simple "yes" / "no" question baffles you - use memes.
5-1 nothing, I'm going 100-1
Let's be clear. You and Tex are making me the topic. I'm Not!
You mean like this?
Waco has suburbs?
What do they call that New Jersey perfume you wear? Exit 13?
Does The Waco Beautification Committee fine you if your house is missing a hubcap?
Actually stupid people are what we've been talking about. Now if you feel that's you that's on you, not us.
In your wildest memes.