Georgia Senate race by the numbers

Link to quote:
For the second time radical democrat Raphael Warnock won a close Senate runoff race which was decisive for democrats controlling the US Senate. This time the runoff was forced when neither Warnock or Walker was able to win over 50% of the vote. Warnock won by 98,000 votes in an election in which saw 1.3 million voters cast ballots on Election Day and an overall turnout which surpassed 3.4 million, topping all expectations. Nearly 4 million Georgians voted in the Nov. 8 general election.
"As of mid-afternoon, approximately 800,000 Georgians had visited polls on Election Day, according to a Georgia Secretary of State's office official. Before election day, Georgia had accepted about 175,000 absentee ballots and 1.7 million people had voted early in person – a total of 1.89 million ballots, or 27% of registered voters.
White voters had the highest number of votes among early voters, but Black voters had slightly higher early voting turnout at 29.5% - a full percentage point higher than white voters. About 10% of voters under 30 voted early, while 49.5% of registered voters 65 and above had already voted by election day."
"Overall in this runoff, Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., and Democratic allies have outspent Walker and Republican outside groups over the airwaves by more than a 2-to-1 margin, $52.5 million to $25 million, according to ad-spending data from AdImpact from Nov. 9 to Dec. 5."
And of course Warnock benefited from all the early voting which helps democrat organizers target possible democrat party line voters and getsthem voting. This marks the third election that democrats have successfully concentrated on places they needed to win. Notice the difference in the GA Governor's race? Stacey Abrams was clearly defeated and she may not ever run for office again. Then again, the RNC ran a very weak candidate and was narrowly defeated. Why couldn't they find someone better? Would it have made a difference?
Without any shadow of a doubt it was a national election in which, once again the democrats pulled out all the stops.
What does it mean?
Warnock's win now gives Democrats firm control of the Senate. Joe Manchin becomes less important. It gives them complete committee control and Schumer won't have to share power with Mitch McConnell. McConnell loses a lot of procedural ploys. Democrats will now have an extra seat on every committee.
Once again the democrats used all their advantages to win.
Most important of all the democrats will need every Senate seat they can grab before the 2024 election, which leaves them with an even more difficult Senate election map than the Republicans had this time around.
Which state Biden won in 2020 is trending towards the gop for 2024?
Keep with the wishful thinking.
Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot by removing the most useful tool they have in Trump. Go ahead, get Trump "at all costs". Once he is gone (which the GOP Establishment desperately wants) what will the Democrats have left to run on?
Inflation, high gas prices, recession, immigration, crime, or foreign policy? Brandon and the Democrats are losers on all of them.
No Trump and voters will be reminded what Brandon the human fuck up machine and Democrats have done to this country; and they have no intentions of fixing it!
It's a light blue these days, for sure.
Don't despair, Trump is not the only right wing nut job in the Republican Party. There are many others for you to get behind.
You remind me of the kid who only got a ton of horse shit for Christmas, who believed that this is proof he also got a pony!
Precious optimism, "There has just got to be a pony in here"...
Calling Georgia light blue is hardly a sign of optimism.
Stop putting words in my mouth.
You think I like Trump? Can't stand the man, he reminds me of my father.
The only reason I voted for Trump in 2020 is that I went straight Republican ticket for the first time ever. Democrats don't deserve to be in charge of anything with the shit they have put this country through for the last 7 years.
Brandon and the Democrats haven't proven me wrong yet. They have run this country into a ditch in two short years; and have divided it further than ever before. There is no end in sight. They will keep pushing until shockingly they push too far; and then they will bleat about how unfair it is when it all comes crashing down around their ears.
If the Republicans had taken the senate they would have had a larger input into what kind of federal judges Biden can appoint. Now Biden can put more ideological balance into the federal judiciary. That is the big achievement of the Democratic win in the Senate. It doesnt mean much for legislation because the GOP has the House majority and can block any legislation the Senate proposes.
Democrats should be rejoicing- they can tip the scales even further on their two tier justice system.
Sooner or later Democrats will go after the wrong person(s); then they will be held accountable in ways they never imagined.
True and very sad.
Trump's endorsement is the Political Kiss Of Death for republicans!
Is that what people are voting on?
That and abortion.
Reality is lost on the TDS driven.
Guess Democrats haven't caused enough pain yet for some slow witted voters to hold them accountable. Maybe two more years of suffering will finally do it. Especially if Democrats finally "Get Trump!"
I guess not. Das Leader will have another two years and in the meantime the GOP had 4 shots at beating Warnock and they failed every time!
“…the TDS driven. “
And yet here we are…in yet another post, citing the stale ‘tds’ trope for every bullet point.
Enjoy the moment, for he is no longer relevant and the attention will need to be turned elsewhere. Looks like Hunter, in desperation, will be the next deflection.
god forbid, the party look upon their own shortsighted shortcomings in betting on the wrong horse. Or horses ass if you will.
Is that all it was?
Yet democrats won with a Marxist.
CTE from years of pro football doesn't exactly help.
Yes. Walker has gone from being a football victor and hero to a buffoon. As a football celebrity, his history of bad behavior stayed behind the curtain. Now it's all in the open. I'm sure that he never would have thought of running if he hadn't been talked into it by his old friend, trump.
Some people dont have the level of self-awareness to realize they are a buffoon . Thats Walker.
The thing he most reminds me of is a punch drunk boxer.
“…hero to a buffoon…”
He was used.
He had no business being a candidate for a Senate seat, other than being a token for the powers at be as a wink, wink, nod, nod attempt to sell themselves as inclusive…when exclusion is the primary plank in their dated, jaded platform.
I agree.
If you mean Trump, then again I agree.
Sadly, yes.
If they actually do it. Gotta give credit to Mitch, he went straight away to putting judges anywhere he could. The Dems seem to be dragging their feet.
Question from the Hill:
"Did Herschel Walker just end Trump’s presidential hopes?"
Frankly I wish Trump would just disappear; but Democrats will never let that happen. Even if he shuts up right this second (never going to happen) and withdraws from his 2024 run; Democrats are going to press ahead with "Getting Trump at all costs". They have to keep him in the news 24/7; otherwise people will take a look at how bad Democrats have made things for them.
If Democrats can nurse Trump through the Republican primaries; so he can slash and burn all of his challengers (the media will give him all the free coverage he could ever want, like they did in 2016). Then they can have their partisan FBI/DOJ take him down for being in possession of "classified documents" and possibly Jan 6th. It would tear the Republican Party apart as they would name their favorite Establishment candidate; and lose the majority of the Trump supporters. It would also destroy Republicans chances down ticket. Hell it might even cause a riot or two- which would bring no end of joy to the Democrats.
There is no question about it: Trump is now a liability and it is going to get worse.
People like me can praise him for being such a good President and sympathize with him for what he has been put through, but we must defeat him in the Presidential Primaries of 2024. We have the much younger and more capable candidate in Ron DeSantis. It is a terrible position to be in, but we are dealing with an evil ideology and we have to stop them at some point.
There is no question that democrats want him to be the GOP nominee, but they may have shot themselves in the foot in the midterms. It is quite clear to the GOP that the media has caused more than half the country to hate Trump. That was the democrat's fatal mistake. They went too far, as usual. The GOP now sees Trump as the third rail.
The delusion connected to this analysis is that MAGA diehards will abandon Trump.
I could see Trump losing to someone in a one on one primary fight, but as soon as you get to multiple candidates the better it is for Trump. John Bolton said recently that he may run. Seriously, who will Bolton take votes from, DeSantis or Trump? Hint: he's not going to take many from Trump. MAGA thinks Bolton is some sort of loser traitor. Much the same goes for Haley, Hawley, Cruz, Pence, Pompeo, Hogan, and the other cast of characters. The presence of any of them in the field can only help Trump win with 30-35% of the primary vote. The Catch-22 is that when these other politicians see Trump "weakened" they take it as a signal for them to jump in. Won't work.
Look at it like this, you're going to have Trump, DeSantis , and everyone else. Who is the "everyone else" going to take votes from, DeSantis or Trump? Come on.
Neither. Bolton like Pence or Mike Pompeo is an establishment Republican. The kind that the Mitt Romneys of the world vote for. The kind that are easy to defeat.
I think that if DeSantis throws his hat in the race, nobody else will run. It will be a two man race. Two men promising the same things. One who has been totally demonized and one who is young and devoid of baggage.
That is extremely unlikely.
“…one who is young and devoid of baggage.”
Devoid of baggage = presidential material?
He’ll take Florida, but not sure how his trumpian message will play out in the remaining critical swing states, given the midterm results.
I disagree.
Any thoughts on the DNC Primary?
We shall find out.
JUST IN - Ukraine's Zelensky named TIME Person of the Year.

The new king of the grift. Long may he rule!
Ashraf Ghani is upset that someone has usurped his crown! He would also have liked to have made the cover of Time as Person of the Year. Guess his millions in US taxpayer money will have to keep him happy.
What kind of grifter wants bombs and missiles falling around him?
I'll never forget the missile exploding in the distance as Biden told Zelensky "We are with you!"
An obvious choice.
A leader of a sovereign country attacked by a hostile force who has rallied his citizens and worked with like minded governments to repel the instigators and preserve their independence at a horrific cost. How soon we forget history.