AOC's Climate Change Documentary Flops

AOC's bid to become a star has failed tremendously. The documentary known as "To the End" has bombed in theatres. It was billed as the story of "four young women (4 climate fanatics) fight for a Green New Deal, and ignite a historic shift in U.S. climate politics." And of course we know it as the tragedy of the senile Joe Biden being manipulated by leftist radicals.
Here is the trailer:
It brought in less than $10,000 during it's openning weekend. Evidently the 80 million fans of the green policy haven't heard. It must be wonderful to be aprogressive in these deranged times. The danger is when such a narcissist as AOC puts it all out there as she did with this so called "documentary" and faces this level of rejection. For the woman who showcases her entire life on social media it was a wake-up call.
The other three women in this farce are Rhiana Gunn-Wright, Varshini Prakash and Alexandra Roja, but then again, does anybody care?
And let us never forget:
‘The World is Going to End In Twelve Years If We Don’t Address Climate Change’
And how many times have we heard that in the past.
Many....going back to Al Gore.
Did they ever find his "lock box?"
I think Tipper got it in the divorce.
Although there is some disputable evidence of some kind of climate change supposedly coming years from now, there is no immediate threat from it. Humans will have to learn to adapt and adjust to whatever future effects there will be. Global cooperation and coordination on the subject is not possible....when China is considered to be a developing nation. Alternative sources of energy are unreliable and insufficient to supply the planet's energy needs, and phasing out fossils fuels is a fantasy.
And as long as that is the case, trying to turn America green may be a waste of time & money.
Clearly debatable.
Or go extinct like so many other species.
Doing nothing is not an option.
Was the electric light bulb a fantasy? It started out with just two people having the same idea.
Was the American Revolution a fantasy? It started out as an idea by a few people and was accelerated by essays like John Adams's in local papers.
The climate change crowd, exemplified by fools like AOC, seem to forget that practically all cars, trucks, planes, trains, and ships are fueled by some kind of petroleum product. That's not going to change much in the foreseeable future.
Not only fueld by petroleum but many of the components (tires, gaskets, seals, seats, etc.) are made from it as well. They didn't think that far ahead.
If, (when), all cars are electric, the US will import 1.5 Billion gallons less because the ill not be manufacturing much motor oil, transmission fluids and gasoline. Recyling and air polution will be positively impacted.
In the "beginning" everyone thought electricity itself was an unsafe fad like light bulbs.
Now look at us. Slaves to electric dependency.
Not only fueld by petroleum but many of the components (tires, gaskets, seals, seats, etc.) are made from it as well. They didn't think that far ahead.
That would require thinking.
That sounds all nice and gives everybody that warm and fuzzy but we are still dependent on oil.
A mere 125 years ago, everyone was dependent on horses, raising hay and oats and timber for the wagons and tools. Automobiles were a fad for the rich.
When the world runs out of oil, we will find another way.
Military burn pit injuries are real but just a concentration of what has been happening
very slowly for 255 years.
We are the frog in the pot, sooner or later we have to jump out of all of this industrial pollution to survive.
That day will very likely come. Physical reality seems to escape you
Just maybe....we could provide all the world's energy needs with nuclear, hydrogen, or fusion power.
But how would we lubricate the machines?
There are plenty of synthetic lubricants.
Yes but............
But yes. It would cut down on oil usage.
And they continue to use private planes instead of communicating via technology less the travel.
Her documentary is not the only flop. AOC is a big flop herself!
When you don't have facts, you settle for personal insults?
I think you just made a personal attack.
So flag me and find out if a question can be considered a personal attack...
It was flagged by someone and allowed to stand. Move on FFS
In case you didn't notice, a lot of the comments in this thread have been deleted. It goes from 4.1.1 to 4.1.11
Part of 4.1 removed for endless meta and off topic taunting
Continued meta met with more deletions. Next time big points will be handed out to all. KNOCK IT OFF.
I have always said AOC would never have cut it as an online content creator.
She doesn't have the looks, personality, or the brains.
For a politician she is considered a social media guru. But when she tries to go purely social media influencer she flops badly. Her part in this movie was proof of that.
I think I'll put on a back pack and take a hike in the woods.....for climate change!/S
Death Threat?
"Can America survive two more Biden years?"
Do you actually think our destiny is based on a single individual, President or not? If you do, you discount the strength of our entire system of governance. And you should know that.
That's a strange question. I think it has thus far been based on the 3 horsemen of the left.
For one man, he sure is doing a lot of damage.
“That's a strange question.”
And that’s a typical response, ignoring your question posed in 7.0.
So now three people can bring down this country? Don’t bother inflating the number any further, vic…your intent is painfully oblivious.
“…with Trump.”
…tds sighting……hypocrite
“What's good for the goose is good for the gander...................”
Some geese have nothing but to raze the bar.
The three horsemen of the left are: The media, the arts and the Deep state.
Where the hell have you been for the last seven years!
It has been non stop TDS rampant lunacy from the left.
Trump was going to single handedly bring down the entire American way of life!
Take that line and repeat it to every TDS driven Democrat, leftist, ex Republican, and ex conservative as many times as needed until they return to reality!
What? No mention of the crt preaching, trans grooming, parent hating cabal that is our educational system…thought you’d have them #1 on your paranoia list.
... he tried. he failed.
I hate to break it to you. That is part of Academia.
You didn't know?
You've become sort of a late in the day cat. How is that working out for ya?
Part of 7.1 removed for endless meta.
fuck off
Only in TDS driven minds.
Don't worry, I am sure the partisan POS Garland will have the two investigations he has going on Trump drag out until midterms are over before filing charges. They have to make sure Trump is the nominee first.
In the mean time the never ending (we don't want to press charges against Hunter Biden; because it will release evidence indicting his human fuck up machine father) investigation will be shut down again well before primaries begin. Garland can't have it influencing the general elections. Hypocritical Democrats and media that blast Durham for slow walking an investigation are completely ignoring the Hunter/Brandon slow moving shit show. No leaks from it either, I am sure the same will not be said about the Trump investigations.
Do you actually think our destiny is based on a single individual, President or not? If you do, you discount the strength of our entire system of governance. And you should know that.
Based on comments about Trump for the last several years, many on the left believe exactly that.
If we survived 7 years of Trump we can survive anything.
Prosperity and law & order was so hard on you?
Brandon and the Democrats are really putting that to the test.
We will see in another two years just how much pain Americans are really willing to stand being inflicted on them by Democrats.
Trump was only president for 4 years.
Ex-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey insists there was 'no ill intent or hidden agendas' amid fallout from Twitter Files

From the CEO who looks like he could be arrested for vagrancy at any time!
The released files indicate otherwise.