Journalists Call For Some Sort Of Constitutional Amendment That Would Protect Free Speech
U.S. — After journalists this week experienced the terrible ignominy of a brief suspension from Twitter, the media has begun calling for some sort of constitutional amendment that would protect people's right to speak.
"As journalists, we have discovered in the past thirty-six hours that social media must remain a free marketplace of ideas where no one is shadow-banned or suspended," said CNN correspondent Donie O'Sullivan. "Twitter being a private entity obviously does not give it the right to choose what speech to host on its platform! If we're unhappy with its decisions, it's not like we can go out and build another Twitter, right? Free speech for all!"
After spending the past six years attempting to crush all dissenting speech, the media reportedly experienced a change of heart after realizing that they might have to play by the rules they have created. "After being suspended from Twitter for doxxing a man right after his child was threatened, I now know what it was like for doctors who were kicked off Twitter for disagreeing with the government's COVID narrative," said Aaron Rupar. "I never spoke up for all the other people banned from Twitter the past few years - but having now basically experienced imprisonment on Alacatraz, I am going to right those wrongs."
At publishing time, the journalists were surprised to learn that, unlike a truck driver or mailman, no one missed them during their suspension.
Truth through satire. Well done!
Twitter remains free to exert its rightful editorial control of it's content the same as every other web service. Fox News will not let me go on their programs and express my personal views. The New York Times is not obligated to publish Trump's lies. Facebook can and does censor postings deemed false news, rank disinformation or racist content!
Get Over It! So what if both sides complain? They can find someplace else that will oblige them or start their own sites or just shout it from the roof tops! Whether broadcasting or publishing or operating a web site, the other half of Freedom Of Speech is that neither businesses nor individuals may be forced to broadcast, print, speak or in any way communicate what they do not want to. And yes, that goes for both sides...
But never with government collusion.
How do you figure that?
By reading.
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