Clowns Debate Who Will Be Elected Next King Of The Clowns
WASHINGTON, D.C. — According to reports, a group of clowns has gathered at the Capitol Building to debate over who should be the next king over all the clowns.
"Ok guys, quit clowning around!" said Clown Dan Crenshaw as he attempted to calm down the other clowns. "It's time to get down to clown business and figure out which clown should be Top Clown! Stop laughing guys, this is serious!"
Crenshaw then "honked" a giant red nose on his face and made a sad face.
Bob Latta, the honorable clown from the state of Ohio, concurred. "Kevin McCarthy is the right clown to be king of us clowns," he said. "Let's meet the clown challenges we were elected to tackle and get this clownery done for the United States of America." Latta then dove off a tall diving board into a tiny pool.
At publishing time, voting was further delayed after a clown brawl broke out.
hey GOPers, how do you like all them teabag retreads now?
Says the clown party
Republicans would rather be "right" and conservatively "pure" than winning elections
Look at it this way. They aren't in a rush to destroy the country; unlike their mighty mental midget Democrat counterparts- that had no problem lining up behind a new leader.
Don't kid yourself. McConnell and McCarthy had as much to do with Republicans not winning at midterms as the Democrats and their media shills. When they conceded the battlefield and didn't support Trump candidates either financially or by campaigning for them. Getting outspent; and having former Republican Establishment candidates come out in support of Democrat opponents (like they did in Michigan for the House race)- is beyond galling.
Seems that Establishment Republicans would rather have Democrats in charge; than risk losing power.
I do agree with you that the 20 Republicans should drop their opposition to McCarthy. In return McCarthy agrees to let any of the 20 sucker punch him once w/o any repercussions every time he sells them out to get a bill passed. The comedy of McCarthy constantly ducking and weaving; and sending aides to scout around every corner would be worth it. I am sure McCarthy can afford some good looking running shoes that would go along with his suits.
People like to claim that Democrats can never agree. Trump did one thing very well. He brought Democrats together; and allowed their radical leftists to take over the party. They are now nearly all straight party line voters. Republicans on the other hand; seem to have a real problem between the Establishment (who think everything is business is usual and will sell out anyone to make sure it continues); and the hard core conservatives- who want to pull Republicans back to the right- and their principles.