A return performance

Link to Quote: https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-save-america-rally-in-ohio-09-17-22-transcript
He was vulgar and divisive. They had him and the political party he represented boxed in. The media had thoroughly demonized him and constantly lied about him for over 6 years. He had been impeached twice, once as a private citizen. He had been blamed for both a pandemic and an uprising. Social media all but had him censored and he was about to be replaced by those who most appreciated his policies as President with the Governor of Florida. Yet, ironically, his worst enemies have given him the perfect stage upon which to launch his reelection campaign.
Two weeks ago a freight train carrying toxic chemicals, such as vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate, ethylhexyl acrylate and ethylene glycol monobutyl derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. Those chemicals were released into the environment causing health concerns. Very little has been done by federal authorities to address those concerns. FEMA has refused to provide assisstance. The Transportation Secretary has played it down and neither he nor the president have taken the time to even visit the town.
So what's left for the people of East Palestine?
Former President Trump let it be known that he will travel to East Palestine, Ohio next week. It makes sense, of course. These are his people. They are the forgotten people through which he launched his first campaign. Back then and even to this day Trump was unpretentious. He is what he is and one thing he is happens to be the representative of people just like those in East Palestine Ohio. There was always Trump's unique way of showing empathy for them which they alone detected. It was always, in the words of Trump, "our" country and "our" troops and will they ever forget when he went to West Virginia and spoke of his love for "big beautiful Coal?"
Just when we thought he had diminished chances at the GOP nomination, the nation's leftist rulers have given him another opening and a real MAGA revival.
"Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine requested HHS and CDC assistance on Feb. 16, after being denied aid from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA told DeWine Ohio isn't eligible for disaster assistance, even amid the derailment."
let's see, an antiquated national rail system propped up with lavish federal rail subsidies for decades, corporate elimination of rail jobs that ensured rail safety. no more conductors, no more firemen, what could go wrong?
meh, going by trump era EPA guidelines for air and water purity, I'm sure it's safe to breathe and drink there. but just in case, let's get the kids, health compromised, and elderly out of the area. when that's done, then we can hand out dixie cups to the local trumpsters. /s
conservative pundits are claiming this is all biden's fault and the reason there's no federal attempts to help out is because this part of ohio is a trump political stronghold. gee, I wonder who the ptb on this RR voted for in 2020?
Biden is president, remember?
you should've been repeating that out loud to yourself over and over for the last 27 months...
No need, the people feel it.
The dreadful optics of the Biden government's lack of response and concern for these people is simply devastating for them.
It will just add to the American people's mistrust of the Dems, coming after a complete absence of clarity about China's aerial spying, and of course, the ongoing disaster at the southern border.
don't forget the other 2 issues the sedition party ran on in 2022 that will now be ignored because it would also cost the owners/benefactors of that party billions, the price of groceries and gas.
It would have been a lot easier if FEMA had granted assisstance.
So what assistance has FEMA provided so far.
They still don't seem to think it's a disaster.
I heard that a few FEMA people will go there sometime next week. I'm not sure why, because there isn't any formal FEMA plan in place.
The Federal response has focused attention on Norfolk Southern. The people affected by the accident in East Palestine have only become a means to an end.
The Federal response has been to cast blame, feed litigation, seek criminal prosecution, and call for more regulation. The Federal response has not been community oriented or people oriented. The Federal government is placing the cart ahead of the horse.
Has Norfolk Southern been trying to dodge its responsibility for the accident? The Norfolk Southern has been placed in the position of having to defend itself from the Federal government. That's obviously going to influence Norfolk Southern's response to the accident; the people of East Palestine are caught in the middle.
Norfolk Southern didn't produce any of the chemicals on the train. And Norfolk Southern won't use any of chemicals on the train, either. The Norfolk Southern only hauls freight; that's all they do. But Norfolk Southern has been handed the dirty end of the stick because they haul the chemicals. The Federal response is going to let a lot of people off the hook.
Trump can use the situation for his advantage, too. Trump's response isn't that different from the Federal response. Thoughts and prayers aren't what the people of East Palestine need. Casting blame won't clean up the mess. And since Trump's involvement is entirely political, Trump will actually make the Federal response more political than it already is.
Send sand to East Palestine. The affected people can pound it into rat holes. Won't accomplish anything but it's something to do.
Where are our world's most vocal environmentalists?
Hellllooooooooo -- Al Gore? Michael Moore? Cate Blanchett? Greta? Leonardo DiCaprio? Natalie Portman? Emma Watson? Taylor Swift? Gavin Newsom?
Shouldn't you all be doing something constructive to help the citizens of E. Palestine, Ohio?
Oh, wait ... their pain and plight has nothing to do with EVs, solar panels, electric stoves, windmills. Their pain involves human necessities - clean air, clean soil, and clean water - and that doesn't suit your agenda.
There is nothing they can do. A train carrying a bunch of hazmat derailed, what exactly do you expect them to say or do?
It took mega-wealthy politicians and celebrities mere hours/days to set up charities and other help to aid 9/11/2001 victims and families.
We're over 2 weeks into this toxic multi-chemical train wreck with ZERO help from POTUS, VP, FEMA, Buttigieg, or even the Red Cross delivering bottled water.
I really don't like tying politics to this, but it could be a reason why the Biden Administration has ignored these folks. The majority of residents are white, and their salaries are quite low. Also, the majority of voters voted for Trump.