New emails show Fauci commissioned paper to disprove Wuhan lab leak theory
Category: Op/Ed
Via: vic-eldred • 2 years ago • 28 commentsBy: Miranda Devine (New York Post)

New emails uncovered by House Republicans probing the COVID-19 pandemic reveal the deceptive nature of Dr. Anthony Fauci.
They show he "prompted" or commissioned — and had final approval on — a scientific paper written specifically in February 2020 to disprove the theory that the virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China.
Eight weeks later, Fauci stood at a White House press conference alongside President Donald Trump and cited that paper as evidence that the lab leak theory was implausible while pretending it had nothing to do with him and he did not know the authors.
"There was a study recently," he told reporters on April 17, 2020, when asked if the virus could have come from a Chinese lab, "where a group of highly qualified evolutionary virologists looked at the sequences … in bats as they evolve and the mutations that it took to get to the point where it is now is totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human.
"So, the paper will be available. I don't have the authors right now, but we can make it available to you."
New emails uncovered by House Republicans revealed Dr. Anthony Fauci's nature during the COVID-19 pandemic. Greg Nash - Pool via CNPIn a press conference with President Donald Trump and Dr. Fauci, both men cited the paper's theory that a lab leak was implausible. Getty ImagesView this document on Scribd
That paper, titled "The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2," was sent to Fauci for editing in draft form and again for final approval before it was published in Nature Medicine on Feb. 17, 2020.
It was written four days after Fauci, and his NIH boss Dr. Francis Collins, held a call with the four authors to discuss reports that COVID-19 may have leaked from the Wuhan lab and "may have been intentionally genetically manipulated."
The House Oversight subcommittee published emails Sunday in which the paper's co-author Dr. Kristian Andersen admits Fauci "prompted" him to write the paper with the goal to "disprove" the lab leak theory.
The paper, titled "The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2," was allegedly sent to Fauci twice before it was published in Nature Medicine on Feb. 17, 2020. Getty Images
On Feb. 12, 2020, Andersen submitted the paper to Nature Medicine with a cover email: "There has been a lot of speculation, fear-mongering, and conspiracies put forward in this space. [This paper was] Prompted by Jeremy Farrah [sic], Tony Fauci, and Francis Collins."
Farrar, then head of British nonprofit the Wellcome Trust, which has historic ties to the pharmaceutical industry and the Gates Foundation, was rewarded with the plum role of chief scientist at the World Health Organization last December.
On the day the "Proximal Origin" paper was published, emails show Farrar pushing through a crucial change: "Sorry to micromanage/micro edit! But would you be willing to change one sentence?"
Farrar's change was to replace the word "unlikely" with "improbable" in a statement about the lab leak origin, so it would read: "It is improbable that SARS-CoV-2 emerged through laboratory manipulation of an existing SARS-related coronavirus."
Improbable means having a probability too low to inspire belief; unbelievable, even ridiculous.
That's what Fauci and friends wanted us to think of the lab leak theory that looked probable from the get-go, as one dissenting scientist said at the time, and looks more probable by the day.
The question of why Fauci went to such an effort to obscure the origins of COVID-19 is a major focus of the GOP-led committee.
China has long denied the virus was a result of a leak from one of its laboratories.AFP via Getty Images
While they're at it, they should quiz the Biden administration's new "US negotiator for the pandemic accord" at the WHO, Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto, a former campaign bundler and Hawaii schoolmate of Barack Obama.
Last month she sided with China to keep deliberations around this new international pandemic treaty secret.
What are they trying to hide?

One of the key reasons why it was so hard to get an investigation going.
The war on Science by Mr. I am Science.
More like the war on the world's humanity.
Like moths to a flame, the nay-sayers will be drawn in to dispute this story by attacking the source.
One more fallen hero of the left.
Except the left refuses to admit he's fallen and continues to support him. Makes me wonder at the quality of education these days...
Hard to break from a hive mentality like that.
Admitting that their favorite science grandpa is really a liar, would be a massive blow to their fragile egos.
He did crawl up Biden's ass. He knew where the power was.
Why would Anthony Fauci want "power"?
The things people say sometimes when their worldview is created by conspiracy nonsense. I really fear for this country and things are only getting worse.
He needed the powerful to protect him.
In the 2012 paper, Fauci acknowledged the risky research could lead to serious lab accidents but the chance is rare and the work is “important” because it helps the scientific community prepare for naturally occurring pandemics. Fauci said “the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks.”
The things people say sometimes when their worldview is created by conspiracy nonsense.
Get a new talking point!
Why does anyone want power? Fauci enjoyed his Sunday talk show routine and didn't want to see it end. How about commenting on the rest of the article and not just dismissing it as a conspiracy, that is getting pretty old and is no longer something the left can continue to hide behind since they no longer control Congress.
He was everywhere wasn't he?
As soon as people began to ask if he had given the ok to gain-of-function funding for the Wuhan Lab, he suddenly associated himself with the incoming Biden administration.
"The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2," can be read here:
Fauci used the controversy over the source of SARS-CoV-2 as a distraction to hide the institutional flaws and inadequacies of the institutional response to any pandemic. Had the virus been contained to Wuhan then it would have been a COVID outbreak. The pandemic was directly caused by infected people travelling out of Wuhan and spreading the virus. Recall that Fauci declared that travel bans would not be effective and adamantly opposed travel restrictions and bans. Fauci's expert opinion was to allow an outbreak in Wuhan to become a global pandemic. That was the expert opinion of the World Health Organization, too. The institutional imperative was to protect international travel rather than the health of populations.
Viruses jump from animals to humans all the time. But in the overwhelming predominance of cases, the virus doesn't persist because it has not adapted to a human host. A naturally occurring virus must go through several iterations of mutation to establish itself as a human pathogen. Only after going through that evolutionary process can a virus become contagious in humans. A bat virus may make someone sick but that virus must mutate and evolve to become a human pathogen that can be spread by humans. That's the point of gain-of-function research. Originally gain-of-function research was intended to study how an animal virus evolves into a human pathogen. The laboratory research was intended to mimic (and speed) the natural evolutionary process by exposing human cells to animal viruses in a controlled manner and determine how iterations of mutation allowed the animal virus to become a human pathogen.
A wet market or a laboratory being the source of the SARS-CoV-2 depends upon exactly the same evolutionary process required for an animal virus to become a human pathogen. Genetic sequencing will not be able to distinguish between the two sources because both depend upon the exact same evolutionary process. Both sources require an animal virus coming into contact with a human host and mutating to adapt to the human host. It really doesn't matter if that process occurs in a market stall or a petri dish; the process is exactly the same.
What we know for certain is that a COVID outbreak occurred in Wuhan and that inflected people travelling out of Wuhan spread the virus and created a global pandemic. The pandemic was a direct result of international travel bringing infected people into contact with uninfected populations. We also know that the institutional response was to protect international travel rather than protect the health of populations. Fauci told us, with certainty, that travel bans would not be effective and should not be imposed. The rest, as the saying goes, is history. Fauci's opinion was absolutely the worst thing possible to prevent or control a pandemic.
"What are they trying to hide?"
In keeping with her record, Ms Devine is "suggesting" something nefarious and Fauci's bandwagon of detractors are jumping all over it as being factual as 'proven' by the replacement of 'unlikely' by 'improbable'.
The memorandum by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Majority Staff whose goal is to satiate the Fauci vigilante bloodlust:
You know what they say about "2 + 2 ?"
Something trite?
So what was the animal host?
One has never been identified.
Probably a Chinese dragon.
Be careful asking questions.
They'll call you a conspiracy theorist.
Genus speculitus.
Why a Chinese dragon? They are, unlike western dragons, symbols of wisdom, goodluck, health etc.
Because they are hard to catch.
Sort of like Nikki Haley diving into an elevator ...
Probably not her greatest decision to attend what CPAC has turned into.