All things are not equal

Link to Quote: Donald Trump Predicts America is ‘Doomed’ If He Doesn’t Win 2024 Election (
I think it's time to dispel this unique view that "both sides do it" or that somehow "all things are equal." They seldom are and in the case of US politics or US law in 2023 they couldn't be much more unequal. Currently there are 4 cases pending against former President Donald Trump and none of them are based on law. The first to likely be presented is based on a prosecutor who ran against getting Trump putting his prime witness on the stand knowing that he will lie. There is no precedent for any such political prosecution in US history. Without a doubt if the defendant's name wasn't Donald Trump there wouldn't be any cases at all. This morning on "This Week," Maggie Haberman finally had to admit that it was her fellow democrats who have "broken all norms." Even Howard Stern has had enough of it.
Everywhere we look we see the obvious signs of what Donald Trump recently described as America being transformed into a third world banana republic. He is obviously right once again. We have a completely politicized & weaponized FBI that spied on a political campaign and launched investigations without pretext of a President based on opposition research from the dirty Clinton campaign as well as conducting a faux investigation of Hillary Clinton and the suppression of a real investigation of Hunter Biden. The highly politicized DOJ has brought all the forces of the FBI vs parents who attended school board meetings. The civil rights of American citizens have been flagrantly violated as big city DAs refuse to enforce the law against violent criminals. There is no precedent for any of it. There is nothing equal to it.
By the way, has anyone noticed the changes in our election laws since beginning in 2020? How did we end up with massive mail-in balloting in battleground states? How did Mark Zuckerberg get to use local election boards as DNC get out the vote organizations? Has anyone heard from the women who suddenly came out with scandalous claims against Herschel Walker? It seems that they disappeared right after that very close election. How about the way our leftist media covered the highly partisan Jan 6th Committee? Or how they haven't covered the current House Committee investigations? How partisan and dishonest has the media been? This madness has come to fruition with the election of Donald Trump, but it has been going on in various forms since Ted Kennedy destroyed the character of Robert Bork. Since then, two other Conservatives Justices have had outrageous claims made against them. Where are the similar tactics being used by "the other side?"
This is a discussion group. There is nothing personal about questioning a strongly held belief. I have made my case, so if anyone thinks that what has been done to people such as Donald Trump or Brett Kavanaugh or Carter Page is somehow like the Clintons being investigated for Whitewater or the way the 2020 rioters, (who actually did commit murder) were treated, please make your case. Otherwise say nothing and I'll understand.
It has now become obvious across the political spectrum.
Oh well, you at least have 'obvious' Leonard Leo on the other side of the spectrum.
No, that hardly equates to what was done to smear 3 Jurists or having a Senate leader openly threaten the SCOTUS.
Try again.
Why don't you and especially when it comes to linking to one of the furthest far-right 'news' organizations on the planet: ussanews. You are smart enough not to need linking to crap sites like that.
Call it what you want, it's an allowed NEWS site.
as with far left sites, I'm not impressed by 'allowed'.
... that usually triggers a chorus or two from the george soros!!! choir.
It must be really hard to be a Republican. Life is just sooo unfair to them.
'I don't understand why Bragg is putting such emphasis on this case,' Cuomo said.
'A person breaks the law I get it, but on the state side this is a misdemeanor case. It's really a federal case because he needs it to be a campaign finance fraud case which is a federal case and that's what Bragg is going to have to do to get a felony out of this,' he explained.
'I think it's all politics and that's what I think the people of this country are saying,' Cuomo continued.
'It just feeds that anger and that cynicism and the partisanship. It's a coincidence that Bragg goes after Trump and Tish James goes after Trump and Georgia goes after Trump? That's all a coincidence? I think it feeds the cynicism and that's the cancer in our body politic right now.'
Former Empire State Governor Andrew Cuomo says rumored indictment is 'all politics' | Daily Mail Online
The notion that a political adversary would bring charges is not too surprising. What matters is if there is a legitimate and relevant case. I personally would prefer the Stormy Daniels case go away and have the focus be on Trump's Big Lie actions while PotUS.
Really? I can remember when that wasn't so. Left-wing democrats did that.
What matters is if there is a legitimate and relevant case.
At this point, it may not mean much. So much has been unleashed against Trump. Between Trump, the FBI and the Soros DAs the justice system has lost credibility.
I personally would prefer the Stormy Daniels case go away and have the focus be on Trump's Big Lie actions while PotUS.
We both had hopes of him taken out of the coming election, though for different reasons.
Like Ken Starr?
Do you want to take on that argument?
What was the Whitewater investigation about?
Yeah, Vic, really. People have been using whatever means at their disposal to achieve political ends for as long as politics has been around (and that is as long as societies have been around).
My reason for wanting Trump detached from the GOP is to allow general voters a choice and to start the process of the GOP healing itself from the infection.
My reason for wanting the DoJ case is to hold Trump accountable for his action/inaction as PotUS regarding the Big Lie campaign since he has set a historic and terrible precedent that will stand until he is held accountable.
Since there is no answer, I'll answer myself.
"The key witness against President Clinton in Starr's Whitewater investigation, was banker David Hale who alleged in November 1992 that Clinton, while governor of Arkansas, pressured him to provide an illegal $300,000 loan to Susan McDougal, the partner of the Clintons in the Whitewater deal."
Whitewater controversy - Wikipedia
And if you think it was bogus:
"These records, including a computer printout of her billings performed on behalf of Guaranty, were under subpoena by both Congress and the independent counsel. They mysteriously materialized on a hallway table in the White House residence in January 1996 — conveniently after the statute of limitations in the case had expired."
Clinton 'Destroyed' Whitewater Records Long Before Benghazi | Investor's Business Daily (
So much for the idea that the Clintons were persecuted!
Look, I know you'd rather everyone forget about Republicans doing exactly what you accuse Democrats of doing, just like you conveniently forgot it, but tough beans.
Clearly, nowhere to the extent the radical left has used and abused American law in the past few years.
My reason for wanting Trump detached from the GOP is to allow general voters a choice and to start the process of the GOP healing itself from the infection.
You are worried about the GOP? Ok, I'll accept that.
My reason for wanting the DoJ case is to hold Trump accountable for his action/inaction as PotUS regarding the Big Lie campaign since he has set a historic and terrible precedent that will stand until he is held accountable.
You need a direct line to him inciting a riot and his very words that day contradict that. If Hillary Clinton got to say the 2016 election was stollen, so can Trump.
You forgot a bit from your link:
Starr couldn't pin anything on the Clintons, so he went after a non-criminal consensual affair, instead.
I'm using my article above for the examples. Can you show equality of deed by both sides?
Ultimately people are basically the same. Rabid partisans operate on "ends justifies means" philosophy and it does not matter what party they belong to.
And you ignored my second link.
You see, that is where our little Hillary first learned the benefits of destroying evidence.
They also had people in their orbit who were willing to go to jail for them.
That won't do. Can you equate anything "the other side has done" to the egregious acts I have outlined?
Pretty much the one-sided view I expected from you.
How many times have I stated that in this forum? It would be a disaster if our nation had, in effect, a single dominant party. We need variety and real competition. Either we rid ourselves of all political parties (my preference, but that has never been the case) or we get diversity (at least three major and relevant parties).
Now that is an example of extreme confirmation bias if I ever saw it. You take one tiny sliver ... a claim that Trump incited the insurrection ... and then argue that since he said peaceful words along with his incendiary words that all is well. You ignore all the other factors where Trump attempted to overturn the results of the election using the authority of his office and against the Constitution:
Nothing will 'do' to persuade you, Vic.
Am I being partisan again? It's right up there in the article.
You ignore all the other factors where Trump attempted to overturn the results of the election using the authority of his office and against the Constitution:
Good luck with it. We both want him out. The worse it all looks the better.
Then why do you make excuses for him?
I'm not making excuses. I'm defending the equal justice principle in the law!
You missed the "scare quotes", didn't you?
She didn't destroy evidence. That's why the words are in quotes.
The author of your second link also conveniently forgets (there seems to be a lot of that going around) that the loan they mentioned, by Hale to the McDougalls, was made without him mentioning pressure by Bill Clinton, which he conveniently only remembered when he was under indictment, himself.
The author also tries to link Hillary Clinton with Webster Hubbell, when she was one of the victims of his actions.
Unlike the lynchpin of Braggs' case, right?
" have the focus be on Trump's Big Lie actions while PotUS".
What actions are you referring to. Be specific
Uh oh...
Here comes the cut and paste again.
The ones that he wants you to agree to or you are a Trump defender.
Given the request, what should be the response other than provide my list?
See this is the feeble game you, play. You ask questions, ignore the answers and then ask the same question.
Who do you think you are fooling?
Who, Michael Cohen? The guy who has already plead guilty and completed his sentence?
Yeah, unlike him. One was under investigation at the time he tried to roll. The other no longer is.
Yeah, the guy who changed his story to receive a favorable sentence. You understand Cohen was under indictment when his story changed, right? Or weren't you aware that what's happened?
Also you conveniently forgot (there seems to be a lot of that going around) that Jim McDougal was willing to corroborate Hale's testimony, but died first.
But by all means, make Michael Cohen's integrity and honesty the hill you want to die on.
I don't think Michael Cohen has integrity. I think if he did, he wouldn't have broken the law on Trump's behalf to begin with.
But Bragg is depending on Cohen's testimony NOW about crimes in which Cohen already participated, and for which he has already served sentence.
Hale, at the time, was under investigation and had not been either convicted or sentenced.
So, yeah, "all things are not equal", but not the way you and Vic would have everyone believe.
Oh yes please.
time, was under investigation and had not been either convicted or sentenced.
Exactly like Cohen, he plead guilty and offered to testify for leniency in sentencing. He was literally the first person convicted and then testified against others.
So, you are aware that Cohen is testifying NOW about crimes to which he has already confessed, and has served sentence?
That there is no legal benefit to him from testifying now? I mean, they're not going to send him to jail again, right?
Also, you've painted yourself in a bit of a corner here. If Cohen is not a credible witness due to his past crimes, well, we all know on whose behalf those crimes were committed, don't we? Those crimes that lots of folks say didn't happen. The investigations with no "basis in law". If they didn't happen, Cohen would have had nothing to which to confess.
Not that time. Later she did with the server. The fact that Hillary did work for Guaranty turned up later after the statute of limitations had expired.
The point is not whether the Clintons were guilty, but that there was a predicate to the investigation, which there never was in the case of Trump. Right now, we have no less than 5 Grand Juries assembled during a Presidential election all aimed squarely at Trump. There is no comparison to it and Whitewater.
I appreciate both you and TiG giving it the old college try, but you just can't say they are the same.
No, and we don't try. Trump is much worse than the Clintons were even ever accused of being. They didn't attempt to overturn an election. They didn't foment attempted insurrection.
And saying that there is no predicate for an investigation into Trump is just, at best, wishful thinking.
Because everyone is entitled to equal protection under the law. Not just Democrats who seem to think they can pick and choose not just what laws to enforce and when; but what the definition of those very laws are.
There is one set of laws for Democrats; and those they favor. And as second set for everyone else.
Some seem to think it is your fault if you run afoul of Democrats; so everything that happens is justified.
I want Trump to go away. But not by the current two tier justice system being run by the Brandon Administration, the most partisan POS AG ever Garland, and the FBI who has become an arm of the Democrat party.
At the same time I want Brandon, the Clintons, and the Obamas held to the exact same standards under the law. They haven't been, period. No amount of "But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!" will ever change it. Just like the Summer of Love rioters and Jan 6th rioters have been held to different standards under the law.
Not even going to bother to read your emotional rantings.
How can you justify claiming that none of these cases are based on law?
I presume the four cases are:
What special meaning do you ascribe to the phrase "based on law"? Are you suggesting that these are all frivolous lawsuits that will be tossed out since they lack legal standing (i.e. no legal charge is filed, no credible evidence/argument to support charge, ...) or are you misusing that phrase to simply mean that these lawsuits come from political adversaries of Trump?
Wishful thinking.
Has no basis in law because paying hush money is not illegal.
Like most if not all businesses and organizations do?
Like the democrats do in almost every election ,especially the close ones. Even Hillary tried.
The DoJ claimed it could find no crime committed by Hillary for doing the same thing (even though Comey said she did at the beginning of his news conference). Biden has also has been found to have classified material from when he was VP should he be prosecuted and imprisoned to
There you go again defending Trump at every turn.
You even play the "they do it so Trump can do it too" card without even caring about what is right or wrong.
It is sickening to see people like you excuse wrongdoing because it suits your partisan desires.
But it is ok for you to excuse wrong doing because it suits your partisan desires. And don't try to give me you are not partisan. I don't buy that crap anymore. I have never once seen you do anything else but take the liberals/ democrat side.
Quotes of TiG doing so?
More childish taunts.
Then you do indeed do not know what you are talking about. I definitely am more critical of the GOP and conservatives nowadays because of their insane support for Trump. But if you have not seen me make critical comments about Biden and have not seen me argue that he is too old and that the Ds need to give us a better option, then I suggest you just keep your ignorance to yourself.
In short, you do not know what you are yapping about.
I am not going back through every comment he/she ever made.
BTW he/she is a big enough boy/girl to defend his or her self.
A certain set of members have no problem just inventing 'facts' in lieu of an actual argument.
Just cease making claims when you have no clue WTF you are talking about. And in this case (my positions) you most definitely are clueless.
So, you made an accusation you can't back up? That's not very honest.
I have my memory which is why I said
I don't see him or her providing anything other than claiming he or she said that Biden was too old and provides no proof of that either.
What you want me to prove one of the positions that I just stated in a comment? You think I would simply invent something that I do not hold to be true just to satisfy you? Think!
I suggest you pay attention in the future before making claims out of ignorance.
Are now going to try and tell us that Hillary did not unlawfully keep classified documents and that she also destroyed many of those same documents? Are you going to say that shy did not compromise classified documents by having her lawyers sift three them?
Are you going to tell me that Biden did not retain classified documents from his days as VP? Are you going to say he is not complicit in the wrongs committed by his son?
Again you demonstrate that you are absolutely clueless on my positions.
This little corner of Newstalkers is a fantasyland, similar to the content on Newsmax or OAN. Its too bad there is no end in sight either.
They lose the argument every single time, and then double or triple down. That is the state of "conservatism" in 2023.
Hilarious coming from someone that has posted literally hundreds of "we got him now" Trump seeds, none with any evidence of the allegations in that day's accusations.
When the argument is lost, doubling and tripling down is only the beginning of more "we got him now" Trump seeds.
That is the state of the TDS riddled leftists that can't let Trump go.
The only person who has 'TDS' is Trump.
Is that anything like the ODS we saw for 8 YEARS when Obama was in office?
No, the T in TDS stands for Trump, not Obama.
Your deflection that went nowhere is odd.
Well, the term has his name in it, so.............
Are you Cliff or Norm? Or is Tex Norm or Cliff? I'd ask Vera but she's still scraping pie off her face.
It's a really pretentious partisan seed ... just trying to lighten it up.
I thought that you believed Trump supporters to dislike postal workers, not be one.
That's a polite way of putting it.
What is ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ – and do you have it?
Many of you are at Stage 3.
Pshaw, I reached stage E=mc2 the first time 'The Apprentice' aired. The man has not stopped dribbling drivel since.
I never saw it. Did it reveal how the media helped to enable and give rise to Trump, the politician?