BREAKING: Video shows reinstated TN State Rep Justin Jones stopping cars and assaulting drivers in summer of 2020
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 2 years ago • 52 commentsBy: The Post Millennial
Footage has been unearthed of disgraced Tennessee state representative Justin Jones stopping cars and assaulting drivers during summer protests outside of the state Capitol in 2020.
Jones had claimed at the time that the narrative that he was violent was false.
The footage proves otherwise.
"They will try to push a false narrative portraying me as "violent" as a way to deflect from their own actions. They will suggest that I am out of order. That is their strategy. However, I'm hopeful for the chance to present our evidence in a transparent manner." Jones tweeted.
Local blog Scoop Nashville featured the violent footage in 2021, writing:
"In June of 2020, Justin Bautista-Jones, better known as 'Brother Jones' locally, was one of the publicly visible (often by design) protestors at the State Capitol. He received a lot of pushback from his own community after it was discovered he was often only making appearances when he knew there would be media coverage, and eventually had a falling out with one of the other most visible female members of the group.
"Throughout the entire time, he has faced over a dozen charges but always denied that he was violent - despite multiple assaults, assault on an officer, and reckless endangerment charges. In the newly obtained video, one of his assaults was captured, and presented to the Grand Jury - and he was indicted on two counts of reckless endangerment."
On Monday afternoon, Jones, a Democrat who was expelled for leading an anti-gun protest into the storming of state Capitol last month, was reinstated to the House.
The Nashville Metropolitan Council voted unanimously to reinstate Jones. All 36 members of the council voted to reappoint him as an interim representative for the 52nd District.
Jones had claimed that his removal was due to a "white supremacist system."
"Though their vote was racist, though their vote was to expel the two youngest Black lawmakers, their attack on democracy hurts all of us, whether you're Black, brown or White, it's an assault on all of us" Jones said to Al Sharpton on MSNBC.
In his incarnation as an activist, Jones was previously barred from contacting certain "lawmakers and visiting the legislative building until April 22, 2020." This was the result of a seperate incident in which he was accused of throwing a cup of liquid at ex-House Speaker Glen Casada.
What a shock! /S
The truth has arrived and it's page 10 news.
Yep, the liberal left will do their best to make sure the MSM buries this. Doesn't fit their agenda.
Two days ago I had a lecture on the rights of those who want to protest.
I wonder where our leading feminist went?
Good analysis of *hero* Justin Jones "peacefully protesting" in 2020:
what a pile of shit
Are you denying that in 2020 Jones assaulted innocent people with a traffic cone and jumped on the roof of a police vehicle during a BLM riot? Think before you reply, because he was arrested for those crimes.
Glad you agree that he is a pile of shit.
I dont defend anyone throwing a traffic cone at a driver.
The video you posted is a fucking whine fest.
GOOD! Should he be reinstated to the legislature????
These are your people John....the punks you support and make excuses for.
Trump says he will run for president from his jail cell if he is convicted. You figure it out.
You only have two cards in your deck.
How sad.
Let everyone see that you would not answer that question. Ya, you'd take that violent extremist back with open arms.
There, I said it for you.
If throwing a traffic cone into a car is the worst thing he did, although I dont approve of it, it is not enough to justify kicking him out of office.
Happy now?
What was he convicted of Vic?
Oh yeah, the charges were dropped, probably because it was deemed to be a relatively minor incident.
To many people's chagrin, it would be perfectly legal for him to do so!
That's not why he was thrown out of office. The cone assault and jumping on a police vehicle happened in 2020. He incited an insurrection in the state capitol building in 2023, and that's why he was booted.
What insurrection? LOL.
The Tennessee State Police said the protest was peaceful and no one was arrested. Are you trying to say there was an insurrection in front of dozens of cops and no one was arrested? Try reading something other than the far right bullshit you look at.
The question was not about Trump.
All they have.
Don't like it? Don't watch it. Easy peasy. Unlike some others, I post on-topic, factual comments that are devoid of personal attacks..
Well, if you didn't see videos of hundreds of people push past police and enter the chamber while it was in session, not see 2 of the "Tennessee 3" with bullhorns egging on the screaming *protesters* ... that rests on you. I've seen those videos, and they were published by left and right media.
If I correctly remember, a sitting US president was *impeached* after he told protesters to patriotically and peacefully protest on Jan 6, 2021. There are no videos of hundreds of Trump supporters violently storming the US Capitol. BUT, there ARE videos of Capitol Police opening doors and letting them in. Many of those protesters are still in DC prison - deprived of proper food, medical care, clean cells, and legal representation.
The Tennessee Three and their gang got off easy!
What nonsense! I know that's all you have though.
What a pack of lies.
I've never seen those alleged facts from you
Comments removed from this thread for no value.
But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!
Trump is no excuse for these leftist insurrectionists; who haven't been held accountable under the law thanks to Soros funded AG/DA's; and Garland.
May your "mostly peaceful protestors" fund their way to where you live!
See if they won't punish you for your privileged whiteness. I am sure showing your apologist posts will save you.
As I usually do, I looked up the source publication for the seed.
It is something called "The Post Millenial"
Let just say it is filled with the usual far right obsessions , which automatically calls the sources credibility into question
Pearson did not storm the state capitol, nor did anyone else for that matter.
There are numerous stories on this site about black people who committed what are local crimes and not national news.
Get the drift ?
[ This comment and another were flagged as off-topic. They will stand. Remember, folks, the seeder decides what is off topic. As the seeder has actually responded to the flagged comments, they are fair game. Such comments cannot simultaneously be off topic for the commenter and fair game for the seeder. ]
The site also contains endless negative stories about trans people.
'I will piss on your grave': Teen trans activist threatens Idaho governor after ban on child sex changes
There are some truly negative stories about trans people. Quite a few people have been killed in the past few weeks.
Did they actually hold their "Revenge rally?"
Well they aren't the subject of this article now are they? Again, you failed.
Again you have failed. Just because they publish factual stories that you don't like, doesn't make them false.
I have an idea for you. Since you get so upset everytime you see the picture of a black man involved in a violent crime, you should preach to those you feel so much white guilt for. Become a preacher and advise all those you view as oppressed to STOP DOING IT!
Vic, I have been looking at this stuff for years and years. We used to have a member here who would post news stories of black people committing crimes. Always with photos to emphasize the point. He would even post you Tube videos of black teenagers fighting one another on the street. There have been actual websites dedicated to showing black criminals. There is no mystery as to why this happens.
Maybe the problem lies with you. I know the member you are talking about. He also posted many stories & pictures of the 2020 riots. As you know, most of the perpetrators in the 2020 riots were young whites.
Try it without the racial lense.
You dont know what you are talking about.
Sadly, I do!
Hilarious that you tell Vic to stop seeding articles from far right sources when you routinely post articles from far left sources like The Atlantic, MSNBC, NYT, HUFFPO, and others.
What is hilarious is that you think those are far left sources.
Not me, that comes straight from the ALLSIDES MEDIA BIAS CHART. Read em and weep.
When you start 3 miles left of Bernie, those sites you listed appear moderate/right. It is about perspective.
Good luck finding intelligent people who think The New York Times and The Atlantic are far left.
The All Sides Chart doesnt have a category for far left by the way.
Doesn't make a difference. They still list all the way to the left on the chart, so quit cherry picking. Your problem is that you think all the intelligent folks are solely left wing liberals.
Makes no sense. A left leaning source = Truth/Reality unlike any of the right-wing sources used here.
Domestic terrorist
He should have been expelled and this is more evidence that he does not belong in the legislature. City council made a mistke sending him back.
No, the mistake they made was expelling him in the first place which they are going to pay for dearly.