Indigenous Filipino Woman Becomes Vogue Cover Model At Age Of 106
Category: News & Politics
Via: perrie-halpern • 2 years ago • 93 commentsBy: Samantha Kubota (TODAY. com)

Link copied April 1, 2023, 4:58 AM UTC / Source: TODAY By Samantha Kubota
The newest cover model of the latest issue of Vogue Philippines is making history. Apo Whang-Od, also known as Maria Oggay, is an indigenous Kalinga woman and legendary tattoo artist. She's also 106 years young.
Hailing from a small mountain village called Buscalan, the centenarian is known for her traditional tattooing technique, called batok. Using a sharp stick and charcoal soot, Whang-Od has been practicing her art since she was a teen, the magazine reports.
The story outlines how Whang-Od's popularity helped keep her town on the map, drawing tattoo fans and tourists to her rural outpost. She's also trained her grand-nieces — Grace Palicas, 26, and Elyang Wigan, 23 — to follow in her footsteps as a mambabatok.
"Apo Maria 'Whang-Od' Oggay symbolizes the strength and beauty of the Filipino spirit," Vogue Philippines wrote in a tweet. "Heralded as the last mambabatok of her generation, she has imprinted the symbols of the Kalinga tribe signifying strength, bravery & beauty on the skin."
Though Whang-Od nowadays only gives her three-dot signature sign-off on her grand nieces' tattoo work, she told Vogue she plans to keep up her art as long as she can.
"When visitors come from far away," Whang-Od she told the outlet in the Butbut language, "I will give them the tatak Buscalan, tatak Kalinga for as long as my eyes can see."

she looks amazing for 106 years old.
She is truly amazing.
"Apo" means great-grandmother in the Ilocano language, which she apparently understands along with her native Butbut Kalinga language. Kalinga Province is adjacent to the provinces where Ilocano is spoken.
I forgot to mention that in Tagalog, which is the most widely spoken language in the Philippines, "apo" means grandchild, grandson or granddaughter. The contrast with Ilocano is interesting.
a friend of mine retired and moved there several years ago. he used to email me and beg me to sell out and join him. he told me then it's the best thing he ever did and he lives like a king. whatever that means from a retired school administrator.
It means that he can afford to hire servants to take care of him, probably more than one. There are millions of very poor people who can be hired cheaply. Poverty is a big issue in the Philippines.
another friend's brother has a coffee bean export business in vietnam and another friend's BIL does media consulting in thailand. he has a business making sure that thai to english translations don't read or sound goofy.
he does it for english language TV stations too. american slang throws them for a loop.
You're lucky if have the opportunity to travel without being limited to the usual tourist thing. There is nothing better when you travel than having a local friend. You will get so much more out of your trip. I was in Vietnam and Thailand in 2018. They are both very interesting countries and great places to visit.
I probably need to wait for a few people in my family to die off before going to vietnam...
We seem to be back to normal with our usual host back.
A few questions regarding the title:
How many know that Vogue magazine still exists?
Outside of generation Z, how many care about tattoos?
Vogue, an American fashion magazine owned by Conde Naste with a monthly publication of 1.2 million, has been in print over 130 years.
I did.
I'm gen X and I like tats. My best friend from Army Basic Training owns his own shop with multiple employees. Even my 77 year old mother was thinking of getting a small tattoo not long ago. I doubt she'll do it, but she was talking about it.
Me, too. I currently have 2 and am considering a third on my ankle where I have a huge scar from breaking it
I also have 2 and considering a 3rd. I want a 3/4 sleeve... so it's not having a 3rd tat, but the cost of one.
I only have 1. And only my hubby gets to enjoy it.
Oh my!
... er, ... no comment...
Well, this is hardly a scientific approach, but most of my doctor's offices have it and circulation is up world wide when I checked.
I know a lot of Baby Boomers and Gen X who now have tattoos. Again, not scientific.
all of my kids have tattoos, I don't. maybe it's because all the tattoos that I saw on guys when I was a kid were green and unrecognizable. ... not a big fan of needles anyway.
You may want to check at where their circulation is at these days...which is mostly free copies. Our friend had to google it to tell us how long it's been around.
Here are the humbling numbers:
Most people would not know that it is still around.
I know a lot of Baby Boomers and Gen X who now have tattoos. Again, not scientific.
I know of drug addicts too. Again, the same generations are involved. (there must be a link there!)
Rather than trying to contradict my initial observations, can you tell me why this magazine cover is "historic?"
try reading the first two paragraphs of the article again...
according to wikipedia, vogue has a circulation of
which puts it very much in line with most other magazines. (It is right below Vanity Fair and right above Car and Driver.) 57th of the top 100.
Your incorrect information pertains to the UK version of Vogue.
These are people I know and they are all professionals. And if you are looking for a link:
1. I didn't try to contradict you. You asked and I politely answered
2. It is historic because there has never been a woman of that age or indigenous on the cover of Vogue.
(the struggle is real)
You do realize that those humbling numbers are just for the UK, right?
In your opinion which of course means little.
A lot of military people have tats that cover many generations you wouldn't know anything about that, but you know about drug addicts, strange.
Since your information regarding Vogue is incorrect and personal opinion it's best to set the record straight. As for being ''historic'' I'd say that having a 106-year-old woman that is still a very handsome woman that keeps her village on the map for decades and is an indigenous legendary tattoo artist is ''historic''.
For the life of me, I can't figure out why somebody wouldn't just appreciate the fact that this lovely woman is still alive, looking lovely, and keeping her culture alive. It really boggles my mind that anybody would feel the need to downplay or criticize this.
It could be that they aren't holding their age well, can't compete with what this wonderful Indigenous lady brings to the table and can't even get their google information correct. That is the trifecta.
indigenous - woman- elitist magazine - minority accomplishment , take your pick
Or all of the above.
I'm not your friend and my # was correct!
Yes it is my opinion. And I'm very confident that most people would not know.
If you didn't have your computer, you wouldn't know.
More assumptions on your part and you do know what they say about assumptions, don't you?
Well, it can be said that I know how to use my computer when I google information, you, on the other hand, have not masted that simple task.
You have a computer and were still wrong!
that rwnj search engine never gets the correct results...
meh, maybe stating that she had the world's oldest living tramp stamp would've registered. /s
Is there now something trashy about tattoos? Coz I missed that memo or maybe I used it to start a fire
apparently some poster equates it to representing drug addiction. my statement was trying to bring her fame down to his level of comprehension. you know, lowest common denominator for the walking lowest common denominators...
Well that's just stupid equating tattoos to drug use. I know quite a few non drug users who have tattoos
One would have to know the meaning of common denominator to understand the point of your comment
meh, I've smoked weed for 50+ years and I don't have any tattoos.
... maybe a burn scar on my lip from smoking roaches a long time ago...
gee, he never wants to discuss the topic...
Good for her.
What a beautiful woman.
I was thinking how beautiful she is, too. She certainly doesn't look 106. I hope her secret is that she drinks a six pack daily and smokes 2 packs a day
Nope, her secret is that she is Indigenous, we age well much like a fine wine.
That I believe
This is a photo of me when I turned 81 years young.
this is an AI generated image of me when I turn 81...
there's something missing like a skeleton of a long burnt out blunt
... blunts are for kids.
ok then...on old rusty pipe
brass or stainless steel doesn't rust, and you can't swallow them when the cops stop you.
look at me. does it look like I would care if I spilled my coffee or ashed randomly? wtf?
Yes, cats are fastidious animals, [removed]
I'm aging like milk.
potato salad at a summer picnic...
a great character.
hey wait a minute...
I think this is super cool in so many ways.
Here is a link to the history of the Kalinga people. Known as fierce warriors the name Kalinga has a few meanings such as fierce and headhunters. In the 300 years, the Spanish controlled the Philippines they were never able to conquer the Kalinga who was feared by both neighbor tribes and the Spanish. When the Americans took over the country the Kalinga fought as guerillas against the Japanese in WWII.
A truly fascinating people and culture.
oh yeah, you know how much I like it when the natives go all primitive on vatican proxies...
The rest of thread #6 was removed for off topic nonsense & trolling
LOL, my fan club...