'Biden will likely die...': Republican Nikki Haley makes this shocking prediction - World News

Washington Edited By: Abhinav Singh Apr 29, 2023, 08:56 PM
Republican presidential contender Nikki Haley made the prediction days after Biden announced his re-election campaign Photograph:(Reuters)Follow Us
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With concerns rising over Joe Biden's age, Haley did not waste a minute and launched a direct attack on the Democrat leader
Days after US President Joe Biden announced his candidature for re-election next year, Republican presidential nominee seeker Nikki Haley has launched an attack on the Democrat leader. Haley said Biden, who is currently 80 years old would likely die and that voters will have to count on Vice President Kamala Harris if he wins the re-election.
"He [Biden] announced that he's running again in 2024. I think that we can all be very clear and say with a matter of fact that if you vote for Joe Biden you really are counting on a President Harris, because the idea that he would make it until 86 years old is not something that I think is likely," Haley was quoted as saying by Fox News.
Haley's rather direct attack on Biden's old age rubbed the White House the wrong way as Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates said, "As you know, we don't directly respond to campaigns from here. But honestly, I forgot she was running."
According to various polls, Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor as well as former vice president Mike Pence are currently third on the list of presidential nominees - polling around four per cent votes. While Haley announced her campaign earlier this year, Pence is yet to jump in. The other two contenders are former president Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
Biden officially announced his re-election campaign earlier this week with a video, asking voters to give him more time to 'finish the job' he started.
"When I ran for president four years ago, I said we're in a battle for the soul of America, and we still are," Biden said. "This is not a time to be complacent."
"Every generation has a moment where they have had to stand up for democracy. To stand up for their fundamental freedoms. I believe this is ours. That's why I'm running for re-election as president of the United States. Join us. Let's finish the job," Biden wrote on Twitter.
The announcement likely sets up the stage for a repeat of the 2020 elections when he faced off against Donald Trump. However, it may be an uphill task for Biden who is currently polling his lowest approval rating since taking over the job.

Yet Nikki Haley is polling at zero percent. ZERO!
But what she said if very likely. But truthfully, would you want "Giggles" Harris as your president?
Rational humans shudder at the thought.
Let's see the one between DeSantis and Biden.
Ronda Santis is not a serious contender...
Neither was Obama at this time in 2007 when running against the chosen one.
Doh, ya missed that one too!
Biden may have won the election in 2020, but he has failed miserably as president and further divided this nation.
I say the same about Trump, in truthfulness!
That does not surprise me in the least. We are each entitled to our opinions.
Hard to believe someone would do that more than Obama but he’s accomplished it.
Proving once again leftists are looney tunes posing as human beings. So, no unfit for office? Being forced to resign due to advanced age or medical reasons? Just jump straight to death- that is the ticket!
Ignore what she really said. "A vote for Biden is really a vote for Kamala Harris!". Harris, who no one wants to see anywhere near the presidency on either side. Harris, who is polling lower than Brandon or Trump. Harris, who makes Brandon look cognate every time she speaks.
Truth hurts doesn't it lefties? So make shit up; and spin, spin, spin!
I still can't see or reply to comments on articles!
A picture is worth a thousand words…sadly a thousand empty words is just another empty day for some hereabouts…
Her campaign is going nowhere and she is cracking up mentally.
I think she is actually campaigning for Trump's VP choice, nothing more.
Cool, then according to folks who voted for Biden she is qualified to be POTUS.
She will probably end up as DeSantis' vice president. Or maybe Ted Cruz, whose popularity is growing.
LOL, where?
Resort hotels in Mexico.
Lol .... his approval rating is higher than Biden’s ...... Lol ....
yeah, among maga morons...
Nope, that includes libtards as well. Only the most TDS ridden fools approve of the fucked up job Biden is doing. .....
The irony of a Biden supporter saying that....
If I am on some new kind of restriction somebody needs to communicate with me why and under what terms because I am unable to either see or reply to any comments, even on my own seeds...
JBB, I have the same issue on my phone it is a Iphone maybe androids work, i can see comments but when i click on them the articles has none, but my laptop works fine, there may be a issue with phones and this website, i'm sure the crack team that keeps this place functional is working on it........
They did some maintenance on the site over the weekend....might have caused some kind of glitch.
Part of this thread was removed for no value.
Any president could die, of course, but with Biden or Trump we are getting into the extreme end of human longevity. Haley is speaking to the probabilities, ya know? I know people don’t like this kind of thing, but she’s not really wrong.
So it’s fair to consider the consequences. Does anyone really think Kamala Harris would make a good president?
I think life expectancy for men right now is something like 77. And that average includes men who die young. I'm not so sure 80 is quite the "end" anymore.
You’re also talking about people who don’t have to be president.
Very true.
We're also not talking about failing mental capabilities. Joe is clearly already a bit senile, and that's only going to get worse.
A bit senile? He is far off the end of the senility scale. Dead people have more cognitive ability than he does.
Kamala Harris hasn't even made a good border czar. How could anyone think she should be anywhere near the presidency?
Absolutely amazing! We invest 18 months in primary campaigns and only 4 months on the election, itself. And we're supposed to believe the election ain't rigged?
Haley is correct. Kamala Harris is a large factor in the election (when and if it happens). At Biden's age, a trip & fall or a common cold could end his Presidency. Biden is a member of the most vulnerable population that Anthony Fauci talked about. Apparently Democrats believe that as long as Biden can wield a rubber stamp then everything will be fine.
It's true, Biden will likely die. But then so will l. And so will Nikki Haley. In fact so will every one of us. I'll bet Lincoln didn't expect to die while POTUS, nor did JFK. A POTUS can still be young and still die, so does that mean a younger person should not run for POTUS? None of us is immortal I'm 86 now, the age that Biden will be at the end of a second term if he serves it. Even though I'm 86 I sure as hell don't expect to die, and I don't think I'm suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's - I'm still lucid and I don't need Depends. I do forget some things though. The classic case of my forgetting something was when I was looking for where I put my glasses, asked my wife if she knew and she told me I was wearing them. LOL
When we die we do not leave a president Harris in our wake.
What is the possibility of his choosing a different VP?
Almost nil at this point.
The D party would have to engineer an excuse that allows Biden to gracefully change his mind.
If she knew she was a detriment to Biden's re-election she could voluntarily step down and leave the position open for another possibility, but then who is there? Anti-vax RFK Jr.? LGBQT Buttigieg? A Latino to try to get back the Latino support?
I doubt Harris views herself as anything less than spectacular. There are plenty of better choices.
You are correct! We agree for once! There are some 300,000,000 better choices.
Who would you choose?
Harris's huge over inflated ego does not allow her to see herself as anything else.
How about Tim Walz?
Tim Walz is a very good man.
I never heard of him so I did some research and agree that he would be an excellent choice.
Agreed that he would be a much better choice, but he's white, male and Minnesota is already fairly solid blue so he doesn't bring any of those to the ticket. Susan Rice would bring all those things to the ticket to help out in the national vote and is already a known entity in the Biden Admin.
Isn't there an immigration issue there - don't know if it's positive or negative.
I don't know who he is but unless his birth name was something like Tammy and he identified as a black man and is a lesbian, he will not be qualified for a roll in biden's administration
We have a systemic problem given we clearly have quality individuals who would likely make excellent chief executives yet they will not (or cannot) run for the office.
Instead we get Biden | Harris and Trump.
What is the solution?
A third party candidate.
Money and power is the real root of all presidential candidates because you got to have lots of money and lots of power behind you to get nominated and run! When was the last time in recent history we saw a poor man become POTUS?
One who has the 'magical' ability to actually win as a 3rd party candidate.
Totally agree with you. I would add connections to your list.
Ultimately, a connected candidate who can convince donors that s/he can win has got a chance.
Mitt Romney should run as an indie if the gop is stupid enough to nominate Trump!
Too bad Romney cannot seem to get the votes. I think he would make an excellent PotUS.
Someone profoundly stronger than Romney would have to be the 3rd party candidate. Offhand, I am not sure who has a chance to pull it off.
If the GOP nominates Trump (now likely) they will simply triple down on stupidity (continuing the damage to the integrity of the party) and wind up again losing the presidency.
Not quite true - he should run as a Dem if the Dems are stupid enough to nominate Biden.
Not sure what you mean. If you mean Susan Rice, she was born in Washington DC.
If you mean is Minnesota a foreign country, well I grew up in Wisconsin so I would definitely say that Minnesota is. hehe
You wish.
Andrew Yang is thinking of doing it
I don't know but Jill Stein stood up for green energy and human rights!
You are not Biden . He is!
Biden is not!
Do you have a degree in Psychology or Psychiatry? Sometimes I think I'm losing it, but the fact that I'm aware of it means that I'm not.
Biden is losing it and us not aware of it so that means he definitely is.
And what is your prognosis, Dr. A?
You are not in an olde folk's home either...
Like some people round here already are!
You don’t need to be a Doctor to simply recognize dementia. I’ve got about ten years experience dealing with friends and family member who have/had it.
Biden shows many of the symptoms.
Biden has many of the signs if you’re paying attention. Has for some time. I recall a time when the left was ruthless with Reagan on dementia when he wasn’t nearly as bad as Biden is.
Oh the partisan winds of change ….
Can’t we count on Jill to take over and cover for her husband like President Wilson’s wife did?
more like nancy reagan did...
Is she an option? I'd much rather vote for her than either Joe or Don.
Maybe we could roll Michelle Obama or Laura Bush out of retirement.
True, dat.
No problem, the Easter bunny has Joey’s back.
What's with you guys. Why haven't you accused him of being a devil worshipper yet? At least he's not being charged with criminal offences and having the ass sued off him.
I suppose the truth does hurt when it’s laying a bitch slap on one of your hero’s.
One of my hero's what? Or did you mean one of my heroes? Biden is no hero of mine. As a matter of fact, at the moment I can't think of anyone who IS my hero.
No but I am not blind either.
Caretakers in the locked dementia wards of old folk homes attest that blocking Fox News reduces incidents of elder rage...
Really? And what exactly have you seen with your own eyes that is evidence sufficient to have Biden charged with a criminal offence?
Yes, those may be our choices in 2024, senile or a liar.
I personally refuse to vote for either one, but that's just me.
I forgot one.
Yep. But but but Truuummmppp....
If there is one thing I could ever agree with that Nancy pelosi said during her career, it's regarding the voting habits of the left. You could put a glass of water with a D next to it up for election and the left will vote for it. She said that back when AOC tried show her up back in the day. Funny stuff and rings true even on the presidential scale.
You know what, what do I need football and basketball for? I can sit back and enjoy the battle between right and left, between conservative and liberal, between Republicans and Democrats - America's REAL sport. The only problem is that all it really accomplishes is what it DOESN'T accomplish - getting things important for the American people done, fixing and modernizing the decaying infrastructure, ending homelessness, providing universal healthcare so nobody goes bankrupt paying health/hospital bills or simply can't afford them. Hey, keep it up - it's entertainment. .