The American Stasi

Link to Quote: Durham report: FBI displayed 'markedly different' treatment of Clinton, Trump campaigns (
It belongs to history now. If future generations are not brainwashed, they will know what happened during the era of the left. The Durham Report was delivered to Congress on Monday, and it revealed that there was no basis for the "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation. It found that the FBI's interest in Donald Trump was "markedly different" from their interest in Clinton's campaign. On the one hand James Comey prevented any real investigation of the Hillary Clinton server and on the other hand they investigated the Trump campaign without a predicate (a valid reason).
John Durham delivers his final report.
Nobody was ever held accountable for the FBI's wrongdoing. Even the FBI lawyer who confessed to altering a FISA application was given zero prison time. Andrew McCabe was restored and was able to get his pension. The liar and leaker James Comey was never charged with perjury or conspiracy or anything else. Peter Strzok who headed up both the Clinton investigation as well as "Crossfire Hurricane" landed a job as professor at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service. The complicit media won Pulitzer Prizes for the leaked lies they published and are now ignoring the story. It is a crime to knowingly hand over false information to the FBI, yet nobody from the Clinton campaign was ever charged.
Here was the FBI response:
The FBI reacted to the report Monday in a statement: "The conduct in 2016 and 2017 that Special Counsel Durham examined was the reason that current FBI leadership already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time. Had those reforms been in place in 2016, the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented. This report reinforces the importance of ensuring the FBI continues to do its work with the rigor, objectivity, and professionalism the American people deserve and rightly expect."
Durham report: FBI displayed 'markedly different' treatment of Clinton, Trump campaigns (
In other words, they admit that they did wrong and claim the new safeguards will prevent it from happening again. Yet it has happened again. We now know they put pressure on social media to suppress the Hunter Laptop story. More recently the FBI is being accused of protecting Hunter Biden. Whistleblowers are being threatened and intimidated. Since the 2020 election they have set their sights on parents, the pro-life movement and the Catholic Church. We can be certain that they will try to interfere in the 2024 election as well.
What can "We the People" do now?
The House Committee can't really prosecute any of these leftist thugs in the FBI. They can't even seem to get the FBI to hand over an unclassified document. Yet, there is only one thing the House of Representatives can do it:
It can cut or deny funding to what has become a totally political & corrupt organization.
For anyone interested in reading the report:
Read: The Durham report | CNN Politics
Tonight William Barr will be interviewed on the report by the best TV News man in the business at 6PM on Fox News.
So, does that mean that before 2016 the FBI had no rules on integrity or ethics?
So Obama and Biden were briefed about the Hillary Clinton campaign plan to create a false story linking Donald Trump to Russia back in August of 2016?
And they let all that shit happen?
To belabor the obvious, Durham could have indicted all of these people and didnt, because they broke no laws.
I think it's human nature to try and put lipstick on one's own pig, so I dont disparage the way the right is trying to pretty this up. But Durham and his fanboys promised major indictments against both FBI and Democrat political figures and there was none, and now Durham is done. What we are left with is Durham's opinions. It is what it is.
Yet, the FBI and CIA investigations (plural) into Trump's secretive relationships with clandestine agents of Putin's Russian State Intelligence Services were legally predicated and predated the Presidential election by years. Beginning by at least 2014 and continuing right up to Election Day in 2016 Trump was in negotiations with Vlad Putin to build a Trump Tower in Moscow and lying about it. Trump got himself investigated by seeking out, meeting with and establishing long term relationships with Russian spies. Every Intelligence agency in the word was monitoring Trump's interactions with Putin's operatives. The CIA and FBI would have been derelict of their duties not to have been investigating Trump's Russian dealings in the leadup to the 2016 Presidential election!
During most of 2016 American intelligence agencies were aware that Trump was lying about having no business with Russia. In itself, his lying was cause to scrutinize his campaign . Then there is the infamous ask for Russia to find Hillary's emails, and the Jun 6th meeting at Trump Tower where Don Jr and Jared Kushner hoped to get dirt on Clinton from a Russian government source. The idea that the Trump campaign was bathed in innocence is laughable.
So you agree that Biden should be investigated by a special counsel for his ties to China then.
It also brings up the question that If lying to the public makes someone a subject of an FBI investigation, are there enough agents/lawyers in the country to investigate Joe Biden?
That you still lie about this is all the proof anyone needs to understand that even you know that collusion was a hoax.
Bidens alleged ties to China are being investigated, by partisan actors in a Republican congress. What Democratic congressional committees were investigating Trump in 2016?
No they weren't. Why keep lying about it?
Beginning by at least 2014 and continuing right up to Election Day in 2016 Trump was in negotiations with Vlad Putin to build a Trump Tower in Moscow
That equals Russian collusion? Before running for President Trump was a businessman who built things such as hotels all over the world. Where was that silly allegation in Crossfire Hurricane?
Trump got himself investigated by seeking out, meeting with and establishing long term relationships with Russian spies.
Another outrageous lie
The CIA and FBI would have been derelict of their duties not to have been investigating Trump's Russian dealings in the leadup to the 2016 Presidential election!
The American Stasi.
Trump lied about this, repeatedly, during 2016. Why wouldnt the FBI find that lying a reason to investigate him and his campaign?
That hardly equtes to an FBI investigation or a Special Counsel investigation.
What Democratic congressional committees were investigating Trump in 2016?
You had all the forces of the FBI investigating Trump hoping to find something. Obama and Biden knew it was BS and they allowed it to go on. The FBI should not be above the law.
SO you believe Mueller and the FBI should never been appointed/stopped investigating once Congress got involved.
Equating a Congressional fact finding investigation to a federal criminal investigation is a new one for me.
Is lying a federal crime?
They have had every Trump hating partisan hack in DC investigating Trump for over 6 years and the same people investigated Hillary and are now investigating Hunter Biden. They've done all of it. Merrick Garland never recused himself from Biden investigations.
Whether they did or not, they acted with malice.
Do you remember when some of our members here posted the penalties for submitting a fraudulent FISA application?
What we are left with is Durham's opinions.
You are left with the truth, which you will never accept.
Vic, where is the expose of the criminality of the deep state you promised everyone?
Durham is criticizing procedures . Where is the deep state revelations? Face it, you are stuck with a dog.
I promised everyone? I think you're full of shit John.
I have yet to hear any of you admit that a FISA warrant was fraudulently submitted. I think we'll start there.
You repeatedly made grandiose predictions of the Durham investigation outcomes, remember your old avatar ?
Predicting that Durham would get to the truth is not grandiose.
remember your old avatar ?
I certainly do and he didn't let me down.
Since you invoked me, I'll do the same for you. Here is where those with YOUR midset are left:
"The establishment media is being accused of journalistic "negligence" after rushing to dismiss Special Counsel John Durham’s report that reiterated one of its beloved talking points – that the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election – was bogus all along.
Despite the liberal pundits and other members of the press pushing the collusion narrative for years, Durham’s 300-page report indicated the Department of Justice and FBI "failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law" when it launched the Trump-Russia investigation that never found any collusion to begin with.
DePauw University journalism professor Jeffrey McCall believes the lack of interest in the Durham report by the media is "quite disturbing, but not really surprising."
"The establishment media were so fully gulled and in the tank for the Russian collusion story for so long that they now just can't acknowledge Durham's report without also having to eat crow at the same time, something they clearly aren't willing to do," McCall told Fox News Digital.
Fox News contributor Joe Concha said the media rejecting Durham’s report is "as predictable as the sun rising in the east," and feels it reiterates that many MSNBC and CNN pundits simply have no shame.
"John Durham, who has as much credibility as anyone in Washington, concludes the FBI should've never launched that investigation, and that the evidence such as the Steele dossier, was limp to begin with," Concha told Fox News Digital.
"Of course, all of those who insisted the Steele dossier was so credible are the same people now saying you Durham’s conclusion is nothing burger," Concha continued. "These people have no shame and will never hold themselves to the type of high standards we should expect from those in journalism."
It must really suck for those who believed the hoax.
Have a good one.
I like Hallux's analogy "you were asking for a fully dressed burger and all you got was the bun".
A good what ? A good laugh ? Thanks, I've had plenty.
All I wanted was the truth and I got it. So did future generations.
A good what ? A good laugh ? Thanks, I've had plenty.
Don't hurt any defenseless animals.
When the Mueller report came out and he wasnt indicted, Trump said he was "totally vindicated". So I guess Comey, McCabe and Strzok are totally vindicated today.
You live by Trump's ethics at this point.
He has the same mindset as Peter Strzok: Anything is ok if it means defeating Trump.
TDS is a very ugly, heinous problem.
It is our problem too. We can't have Trump as the nominee because he attracts them.
I disagree.
We should have whoever who makes it through the process. If you don’t like what that process produces then modify the process.
A deranged mob deciding who will and won’t be a nominee, is the last thing I want to see.
The last thing.
They couldn't even defend the State Legislatures sole right to make election law.
He was vindicated the moment the Hillary campaign hatched the plot.
So I guess Comey, McCabe and Strzok are totally vindicated today.
They are untouchable. Nobody can touch them.
Was Hillary behind Trump asking Russia to hack into her computers ?
Another lie!
Give us the real quote John
When you lack integrity and put party over country, that is what you are left with.
A lot of very undiscerning people claim Trump was joking when he asked Russia to "find" Hillary's emails. First of all, if he didnt know it was wrong why would he or anyone else say he was "only joking"?
Second, we can KNOW he wasnt joking because he did the same thing two more times, in 2019 when he asked Zelensky to help him out politically by investigating Biden, and in 2022 when Trump asked Putin to release some mysterious dirt on Biden.
He was never joking.
Russia didnt think he was joking. They tried to hack Hillary's computers that same night.
SO what? Even if you lack the ability to detect a joke, the FBI was publicly looking for the emails Hillary destroyed after they were subpoenaed. Asking a country to help the FBI is not a crime. Other countries cooperate with our law enforcement all the time, just because its bad for Hillary doesn't make it wrong. John's literally arguing party over country.
He wasnt joking. Even a minimal amount of thought about it leads to the conclusion he wasnt joking. Was he joking in 2019 or 2022 ? Of course not. Was he joking when he asked Raffensberger to find 11,800 votes for him? Of course not. Trump doesnt joke about such things.
Maybe he said he was joking because it had already been reported that the server she used was in FBI custody for a year and her server had been wiped clean before they confiscated it even thou it was under subpoena. So you would have to be joking about it at that point because there was no way anyone was getting her emails at that point, but the undiscerning party hacks keep mentioning because they have nothing but lies about what was going on.
That's better.
First of all, if he didnt know it was wrong why would he or anyone else say he was "only joking"?
Do you really believe that he would make a public statement asking Russia to "hack into" Hillary's e-mails? Let us return to planet earth and the topic. The greatest political diabolical plot in American history has finally been officially exposed and even your FBI had to admit it. I took the time to post the FBI response in Post # 2. If the perpetrators can admit it, why can't you?
Russia didnt think he was joking. They tried to hack Hillary's computers that same night.
Any foreign government would try to hack Hillary's computers simply because they were not secure, not because Donald Trump mentioned it. What are we children here? BTW that was another fraudulent investigation. Hillary violated the law, obstructed justice and destroyed subpoenaed evidence, yet Comey only wanted to clear her. Anywhere you look the FBI was biased and dirty and they still are. The US has a Soviet style police force presiding over the country.
He jokes about everything. It was a laugh line at a campaign stop.
But again, so what? He was asking for Russia to help the FBI to find documents it was looking for.
Lies? You mean like this from your article:
And now it's official.
Any other lies you want to tell?
Read the report.
I have.
Care to disprove it?
from the report:
You stated: " basis for the "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation..."
The existence of this evidence was certain. The veracity and level of the intelligence, ie. the fact that it was unevaluated is what was under question.
From the report:
“Raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated.”
Yes. I know you will be surprised that I have the ability to read. Do you have the ability to recognize when you are wrong?
Here is more for you to read:
"The FBI had at least four open criminal investigations into Hillary and Bill Clinton that were suddenly dropped in the months before the 2016 presidential election, special counsel John Durham’s recently released report shows.
The bombshell report released by Durham — which concluded that the bureau’s probe into former President Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia was “seriously flawed ” — also shed light on the quashed probes.
The feds had been looking into claims that foreign countries and other individuals were trying to influence the Clintons through donations to their namesake non-profit and Hillary’s presidential campaign.
Three of the FBI’s four investigations that were launched in early 2016 were looking into allegations that the Clinton Foundation has a hub of “criminal activity.”
And what do we do with this liar?

"I can certainly say with confidence that there is significant evidence of collusion between the campaign and Russia"
Nominate him for president for the demokkkrats. That’s what they do with incompetent serial liars.
What of the deep state Stasi?

Former US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin was handling President Donald Trump as an intelligence "asset."

“Although there is evidence of potential violations regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”
“Honestly, I never thought these words would come out of my mouth, but I don’t know whether the current President of the United States was with prostitutes peeing on each other in Moscow in 2013.”
"Describing how it is usually done, Comey said, “If the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official, you would work through the White House counsel, and there would be discussions and approvals and who would be there.”
"Recalling his decision to bypass those steps, Comey said, “I thought: ‘It’s early enough, let’s just send a couple guys over.’”
“It didn’t dawn on me, originally, that there might be corroboration for our conversation [there] might be a tape, my judgement was I needed get that out into the public square and so I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter.”
Jim Jordan: Congress Must Consider Going After the FBI’s Budget
Many on the left have sold their souls to the deranged devil of their preferred narrative.
No matter the cost, push that narrative.
I'm going to need proof that they had one in the first place.