Stating the obvious

Link to quote:
Joe Biden has found himself in a unique position after refusing to meet with Speaker McCarthy over a bipartisan deal on a spending/budget ceiling deal for 97 days, then agreed to negotiations after McCarthy did what democrats thought impossible: putting a spending cut deal together and getting the House to pass it. Biden, who is obviously an empty vessel representing the democratic party othodoxy of Obama-Sanders-Rice, thought he could simply run out the clock and have Republicans blamed for a government shutdown. The House Bill forced Biden's handlers to at least pretend to be negotiating in good faith. This past week Biden attended the G-7 Summit and said he would allow staff to negotiate, but he would be back Sunday night to maybe add to the process.
Here is Biden speaking at the G-7 Summit. There will be questions following this video. Please follow the facts presented herein very carefully.
Let us break down the facts of this so called debt ceiling crisis:
So far the government has been blessed with $2.69 Trillion in revenue. The problem is that the Biden regime has spent 3.61 Trillion. The current national debt is $31.46 Trillion. Last year the US government collected $4.90 Trillion, but Biden's regime spent $6.27 Trillion. It is not like we were in the midst of a world war. That is primarily all social spending. The government's interest payments on the debt in the next ten years will be $10 Trillion. Biden has been telling us that he cut the defecit by $1.7 Trillion. Every fact checking site (and they are all leftist sites) call it a lie. One of his handlers evidently figured out that the $1.7 Trillion equals the covid money that congress has no longer re-authorized. They are clever that way.
Here is my question:
Does anyone think it is time to really limit spending?
One final note on the people who contol Biden:
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) claimed that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is having an outsize influence over President Joe Biden during debt ceiling negotiations.
"The house speaker doubled down on comments he made yesterday when he alleged that Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) had a "real effect" on Biden in debt ceiling negotiations. In an appearance on Fox News's Sunday Morning Futures , McCarthy pointed to a press conference from Sanders as the definitive moment when negotiations on the debt ceiling reversed.
"He really wags the dog," McCarthy answered when asked if Sanders was the one leading the shift in the White House's debt ceiling negotiations. "I mean, when Bernie Sanders or AOC says something, the White House shifts the other way."
The press conference that McCarthy believed shifted Biden's willingness to negotiate was a Friday press conference of Democratic Senators led by Sanders, during which he said that accepting Republican demands to make spending cuts would cause "incalculable harm."
"Yesterday, Senators stood together to urge President Biden not to cave to Republican demands to make cuts that would cause incalculable harm to the American people. Instead, we believe he should prepare to use the 14th Amendment," Sanders said."
Evidently the man whom many democrats feared could never win a presidential election believes that the 14th Amendment was written to allow a president to go around congress. The section that the lefties keep pointing to was written so the post Civil War Republic could clean up it's debts.
Today's civics lesson.
Biden tried to answer a real question:
Its comical to watch right wingers disparage Sanders and AOC when they have certifiable lunatics like Taylor-Greene and Lauren Boebert in their midst.
The difference is that MTG and Boebert aren't running the country.
The democrats sabotaged the Sanders campaign in two successive primaries because they feared he could not win a general election, yet we seem to have got his policies anyway.
[Deleted] Biden's policies look extreme to you. And people like MTG in the Republican congress are the reason we are having a debt ceiling crisis right now.
so Biden's policies look extreme to you.
And shutting down American energy, openning the southern border and trying to appoint moronic radicals seems moderate to you?
And people like MTG in the Republican congress are the reason we are having a debt ceiling crisis right now.
No John, those stats I put up are the reason. Remember many months ago when you wrote that $Trillion budgets were now the norm? That's the problem.
To any sane human being Brandon the Human Fuck Up Machines policies look extreme. In case you didn't notice Democrats have run this country into a ditch already. Now they are trying to take it off a cliff.
Republicans passed their bill for the debt ceiling increase in the House. Where is the Democrat's bill from the Senate? Democrats are responsible for this entire mess. They played chicken and lost. Now they don't have a clue or a plan.
All your rants are beginning to sound the same.
[Deleted][]] You are constantly complaining about Marxists and leftists and communists, none of which are any kind of threat to America. [[][Deleted]
I'm none of the above, nor should I be a topic on this site.
As for the regime controlling the country, I'd have to say it is using Marxist ideology, based on race rather than class to keep the country divided.
Coming from you- that is comical.
Joe has been Brandon for quite some now- try to keep up.
As I remember, someone never did come out to correct anyone on the left when they used the various misspellings for Trump or just flat out called him names. Perhaps memory is short?
The gop are being Econo-Terrorists, to the World!
Where is the Democrat bill from the Senate on increasing the debt limit?
Clock is ticking Democrats. Quit holding the world hostage.
BTW any agreement would have to be written up, which also takes time. As you say the clock is ticking.
It's almost like Schumer wants the US to default. He's sure not even bringing the bill to the floor but just leaving it on his desk buried.
Garnering public support for spending cuts wouldn't be very difficult. The only thing that's needed is to tell the public what the money buys. If the public really knew how pubic money was spent then both Democrats and Republicans would be called on the carpet over their spending habits.
Imagine that, the problem is the Democrats. To avoid default, all they have to do is pass the bill.
Some Senate democrats very likely would and that is why Schumer won't let them vote on it.
In the meantime Biden can negotiate a deal. Will he at least concede on clawing back the unspent covid money?
Maybe if they didn't send all that money to Ukraine this wouldn't be an issue. But then again, it would reduce the chances of them blaming somebody else.
When you take a good look at where money went it is quite shocking. I don't expect Biden to bend on all the Green energy tax incentives, but at least get back some of that money given to the Teacher's union that we never spent. As for all the money given to Ukraine, it should never have been at a sacrifice to US defense. There are plenty of places to trim the budget.
I wonder if the two sides have agreed to a single cut?
There are hundreds of items where cuts can be made. 1st should be their salaries. Then move on to all their pet projects. That should save BILLIONS.
What a concept!
Biden also doesn't want to require unemployed, healthy, single people to get a job before qualifying for additional welfare assistance. It seems he wants to keep poor people dependent on government handouts instead of giving them a hand UP so they can be independent and successful in life.
Did Weingarten ever allocate any of that Covid money meant to improve schools' ventilation? I heard she's greedily now asking for MORE money because she suddenly discovered that due to her draconian Covid lockdowns, students are illiterate in reading, writing, math, science, and suffering from a plethora of mental/psychological illnesses.
"American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten asked for billions more in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) funding, despite reports some of it was used to push critical race theory (CRT) curriculum in schools across the country.
The group One Nation discovered last month that several blue states used billions of dollars of American Rescue Plan funds intended for COVID-19 relief to push CRT in schools.
The law provided over $122 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER), which helped multiple states implement "implicit bias" and "anti-racism" training, among other programs, according to research from One Nation shared with and verified by Fox News Digital."
Finding out about the money is almost impossble.
Gee, I wonder why?
That's the main stumbling block for the left. They don't want certain people working.
Claiming the 14th Amendment gives the President the power to raise the debt limit is more indefensible than Trump's election scheme.