An incident in Baltimore

In a May 4, 2015, interview on Fox News, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said that he believes Mosby overcharged the officers in an attempt to satisfy protesters and prevent further disturbances.[35] Former Baltimore Prosecutor Page Croyder wrote an op-ed in The Baltimore Sun in which she described Mosby's charges as reflecting "either incompetence or an unethical recklessness". Croyder said that Mosby circumvented normal procedures "to step into the national limelight", and that she...
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Unfortunately I have to use this video because it is the only one I have. There is a narrator, who is trying to teach people how to de-escalate confontation. Unfortunately, this doesn't work with thugs. If they had the ability to reason, they wouldn't need instruction. At any rate here is the narrated video of the incident, which is an all too common occurance in a city like Baltimore:
The little guy who eventually uses a gun to defend himself is still at large, the Baltimore Police being demasculated and barely functioning.
Thus, the question: Is either of these people a victim?
I'll leave it to our readers.
In Baltimore you may get away with punching someone once, but I wouldn't advise you to try it twice in the same day.
Baltimore, a Blue city success story in a Blue state.
The dude was home free if he just kept driving but the aggressor didn’t need to pursue either. They are both at fault.
About what one would expect from a liberal shithole like Baltimore though.
One of the online services I use asks, for a security question, which city would you never want to visit. My answer is Baltimore LOL
Does the NAACP have a travel warning for Baltimore?
Do you think anyone will listen to that travel warning? I wouldn't want Florida to become overly crowded.
The actual killings of blacks in liberal cities/states is nowhere near as important as the made up scenarios they have for Florida.
To the NAACP and other "civil rights" organizations, black lives really do not matter.
And how much does it cost to have them issue one for Phoenix? We have too many people moving here now. Would love to change the state motto to "We don't have enough water, just stay away"....
The extremely disproportionately high Black homicide rate is of little concern to most NT, a NYC white PA or a whacked preacher in WA state is of far more interest to readers here.
I haven't read about one yet. My wife and I are very glad that we took our kids on a Baltimore area vacation long before the area became a dangerous cesspool. We really enjoyed Ft. Mc Henry, the aquarium, museums, and Inner Harbor.
The area of land between Johns Hopkins Hospital and Bocek Park is called the Down the Hill hood.
The violent crime rate there is 858% greater than the national average.
It must be terrifying to the kids that have to live there.
They have a great baseball park and Johns Hopkins saved my life.
Pimlico makes it 3 positives.
Anything else?
They have a great old theater, built in 2014, the Hippodrome. When my daughter was young we saws some great performances there.
B&O Railroad Museum
Ok, fair enough.
That's 5 positives.
How do those things stack up against this:
According to the most recent data from the FBI , the total crime rate in Baltimore is 6,169.9 per 100,000 people. That's 162.99% higher than the national rate of 2,346.0 per 100,000 people and 207.01% higher than the Maryland total crime rate of 2,009.7 per 100,000 people.,total%20crime%20rate%20of%202%2C009.7%20per%20100%2C000%20people.
No problem. Just put your flack jacket on, pack a little pepper spray and you’re good to go .....
My wife kept the doors locked and wouldn't get out of the car until we were at John Hopkins. With a squeegee man at every intersection, we had very clean car windows though.
Don't forget the Sherman tank to drive around in.