Wray to be held in contempt of congress

Link to quote: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-oversight-committee-taking-steps-to-hold-fbi-director-wray-in-contempt-of-congress-over-biden-document
What is contempt of Congress?
Congress can vote to hold a person "in contempt" if that person refuses to testify, won't provide information requested by the House or the Senate, or obstructs an inquiry by a congressional committee.
Congress' power to hold someone in contempt may be used to "coerce compliance" with its demands, punish a person or remove an obstruction to the inquiry or proceeding, according to the Congressional Research Service .
The authority is not specifically laid out in the Constitution, but it is considered an implied power of Congress, according to the CRS. Congress can pursue a criminal or a civil contempt citation.
Under a rarely used doctrine known as "inherent contempt," the House or the Senate could send members of its security force — the sergeant at arms — to arrest and detain the witness. This power, however, hasn't been used since 1934, when William MacCracken, a former member of President Herbert Hoover's administration, was arrested and held under a warrant after he declined to appear before the Senate. According to The Washington Post, the Senate sergeant at arms did not have a place to hold MacCracken, who was later put up at a nearby hotel.
This would be the first and only FBI director to be held in contempt. The issue is an unclassified document that potentially ties Joe Biden to a bribery scheme. The FBI under Wray has been little different from the FBI under Comey. It is ideologically driven and is clearly protecting Joe Biden. It has also been accused of sitting on the Hunter Biden laptop "investigation." This is all part of a pattern or wrongdoing by the FBI going back to two investigations of a legitimately elected President without a shred of evidence to launch such investigations. The agency ran a scam to allow Hillary Clinton to destroy evidence and most recently the bureau has targeted parents, Catholics and Pro-Life activists.
The House oversight Committee, which oversees the FBI, it is not the other way around, is finally taking action:
"The FBI’s decision to stiff-arm Congress and hide this information from the American people is obstructionist and unacceptable," Comer continued. "While I have a call scheduled with FBI Director Wray tomorrow to discuss his response further, the Committee has been clear in its intent to protect Congressional oversight authorities and will now be taking steps to hold the FBI Director in contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a lawful subpoena," he explained.
FBI Director to Face Contempt Charges for Refusing to Turn Over Biden Bribery Document (townhall.com)
Director Wray must know that any Republican elected President will fire him, but I think Wray is confident that democrats have found a way to prevent Republicans from winning the White House. That is just a gut feeling based on how smug both he and the dumb ass in the White House have been.
Here are some facts for those who don't accept facts:
The FBI was complicit in a Russia/collusion hoax.
The FBI has sat on the Hunter Biden Laptop.
The FBI was part of the effort to censor the Hunter Biden Laptop story.
The FBI is refusing to turn over an unclassified document to the House Oversight Committee.
republicans have rendered congressional subpoenas useless. too fucking bad, huh?
then maybe they should attempt to clear the backlog first...
It is not their job, That falls to Garland and the DOJ. Take your complaints to him directly.
That is if you can pull his ass away from going after Jan 6th rioters; PTA parents taking an interest in their child's education; GOP politicians that Democrats want removed; or slow walking/impeding the Hunter Biden charges.
Also, for the record Garland had no problem prosecuting Republicans for not obeying Congress subpoenas. Google Steve Bannon and educate yourself.
It would be Garland's job to prosecute Wray- want to lay bets he isn't even going to look at the contempt request?
democrats have made defiance of a subpoena translate into actual jail time, including a statutory minimum of 30 days in jail and thousands of dollars in fines. I'm not sure a DC jury is up to leaving ideology outside the courtroom. That is why in this case I'm just glad to have the reputation of Christopher Wray permanently stained. He goes down in the history books as one who tried to cover up for FBI wrongdoing and the protection of a president who most likely is guilty of taking bribes & influence peddling.
And we are supposed to believe the FBI isn't biased in any way.
We are supposed to believe that the FBI simply holds a different point of view according to some here.
Is Chris Wray a Democrat?
Oops. Sorry about that.
Wray is a Republican and a member of the Federalist Society . [56]
When is this insanity going to end?
And that means what?
Seven Justices appointed by Republicans were responsible for the Roe decision.
Or are you saying he can't be woke? The complaint is that he is only interested in protecting the bureau.
After the last seven years of Democrat bullshit you have the temerity to even ask that question?
You should be.
All that "research" for something that has nothing to do with the situation. Good job.
Then they turn around and start crying and accuse you of trolling.
Please stop the divisiveness, John. Rational, educated people don't care what he belongs to. What matters is that Wray refuses to obey a congressional subpoena to hand over unclassified information. By doing this, he's showing that he's trying to hide something about the Biden Administration from Congress and the American public.
Rational, educated people don't care about the right wing witch hunt of the FBI.
Everyone should. They may be next in line for whatever someone wants to investigate them for. And I know supposedly rational, educated (hehehe) people jumped all over 6 plus years of witch hunts in "other cases" that didn't affect them or theirs in the slightest...........Well there was this for them when it all took a dump.
The only time that this would matter to those like John is if it were withholding information about a particular person living rent free in his head. In their "minds" there is nothing here to see.
How interesting that you cherry-picked only 5 words of my 4 sentence comment 4.2.10 and ignored all of the facts.
No one on this earth, let alone on this forum, can explain why the FBI, a conservative institution, would be motivated to be prejudiced against conservatives. It is ridiculous on the face of it.
Not necessarily prejudiced against conservatives. Covering their rather smelly asses for past transgressions because they hated Trump and thought the dems had enough clout to do said covering. They, Wray, couldn't be more happy that the dems still have the senate. AND the DOJ on their side. Everyone...........EYES OPEN PLEASE.
John - I don't believe you'll understand what I'm gonna say - as you usually don't - but
Where in the document/thread/seed does it say that the FBI is withholding the requested document. Wray, the head of the FBI, an individual and not an organization, has been listed/cited as not responding the a legal, constitutional request for information which he is denying to provide?
Which in and of itself is hilarious 'cause the document IS NOT CLASSIFIED and he, unless he was the originator, can't block the request in any formal way or fashion. It ain't his document.
I didn't know that you've been elected as the spokesperson for over 8 billion people, John. That is quite an accomplishment!
Why do you keep acting like it matters as far as giving unclassified documents to Congress?
Any proof of that? Without it the rest of your comment is caca.
Fucking prove it. After squashing two Clinton investigations. Comey deciding not to charge Hillary for mishandling classified information- in fact allowing her to destroy hard drives, cell phones, and tablets with classified emails and documents on them.
Using the Steele Dossier- that they already knew was fake- to illegally spy on a political opponent. Raiding Mar-a-Lago- and taking pictures of classified documents they arranged across the floor- and leaking it to the press. Not conducting a single raid of any Brandon owned property after it was proven he had classified documents in multiple locations- with thousands more that haven't been checked stashed at a college.
They can't seem to prosecute Hunter after 5 years and an orgies worth of evidence; maybe because they first said the laptop hard drives were Russian disinformation- and then sitting on them for a couple of years until the truth finally came out. Yet they had no problem gathering evidence and bringing charges on a Republican House member Santos in record time.
Even more recently audio tape from the leaking of a Trump interview on classified documents supposedly with damning information against him. Illegal in every respect; but we all know Garland and Wray will do jack shit to investigate it. Meanwhile you couldn't even tell the investigation into Brandon's illegal handling of years of classified information, including from his time in the Senate, is even going on.
Yes, your claim is. Yet here you are making it yet again.
He is a Republican appointed by the man you are obsessed with. Unfortunately, Wray is more interested in protecting the FBI than cleaning it up. Therefore John, he must be fired.
Ron DeSantis already said that would be priority # 1,
I don't think so. Just another crooked asshole who has puppet masters just like Mr. Biden..........and obviously he is scared shitless of them AND being under oath..................
Your point?
My point? All this anti-FBI nonsense is right wing hysteria.
The FBI seems normal to you?
Then you explain why Wray is refusing to hand over an unclassified document to the House oversite committee?
In clear violation of the Constitution and precedence.
Is it?
He is an Establishment POS that refuses to release an unclassified document to the House oversite committee. Period, end of story.
If he's going to ignore oversight, cut his pay and take his jet away for starters.
Didn't the DOJ just prosecute someone for ignoring a congressional subpoena? I wonder if Garland is going to prove beyond all doubt that he is unfit to even wipe the ass of current supreme court justices.
Oh ya, that was a bogey man!
Was it Jim Jordan?
Democrats/leftists really don't have a memory.
It was Steve Bannon.
Waiting on Democrats/leftists to demand Garland prosecute Wray for ignoring a Congressional subpoena.
I don't think we are ever going to find out.
Congress doesn't have the physical ability to arrest Wray and hold him. The FBI/DOJ will never allow it to happen. Wray will become better protected than the President.
Though an altercation that might involve firearms by the House Sargent at Arms and the FBI would be hard for the media to cover up or ignore.
Garland will never, ever do anything that will hurt Biden or the Democrats.
If it was a comment, it would have ended in a period (.) as that is how the English language works. If you actually look at what I wrote, you'd see that it ends in a question mark (?), indicating a query.