Delegitimizing the Supreme Court

Link to Quote: Schumer warns Kavanaugh and Gorsuch they will ‘pay the price’ | The Hill
Most Americans recall the day when Sen Chuck Schumer threatened the Supreme Court. We also recall what democrats tried to do to Justice Kavanaugh in particular. Eventually we had the spectacle of illegal protests outside of the homes of Justices and then the attempt on the life of Justice Kavanaugh. This past week the Supreme Court handed down 3 decisions that had the American left in a world of hurt. One was an affirmation of the First Amendment, the second was an affirmation of the Equal Protection Clause in the 14th Amendment and the third was an affirmation of the separation of powers. All of which should have been unanimous decisions. We still have 3 activists on the Court, and as usual, they voted on their feelings, not the law.
There is a greater concern here (by decent Americans) than a simple disagreement with a decision of the High Court. The real problem is that we have a very powerful political party that has been taken over by the far left which now wants to delegitimize the Court. Note the responses:
Democratic "Squad" member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , D-N.Y., slammed the U.S. Supreme Court for what she called an "abuse of power" Sunday, following landmark decisions this past week rejecting affirmative action and Biden's student loan debt plan. She proposed impeachment and subpoenas be put into play in order to limit the justices' powers.
"The Supreme Court is far overreaching their authority," Ocasio-Cortez said on CNN's "State of the Union,"
"And I believe, frankly, that we really need to be having conversations about judicial review as a check on the courts as well," she added.
The Supreme Court issued the last decisions of its term this past week, among them rejecting the use of race as a factor in admissions, ruling in favor of a Christian web designer who refuses to make a same-sex wedding websites, and striking down President Biden’s student loan debt cancellation plan. Democrats have considered the rulings to be attacks on the left, denouncing the court as "illegitimate."
AOC proposes subpoenas and impeachment to limit SCOTUS justices’ power following landmark decisions (
The moron-in-chief made this statement right after the decisions were made public:
President Biden declared on Thursday that the Supreme Court “is not a normal court,” delivering an extraordinarily critical assessment of another branch of government shortly after the court’s conservative majority ended nearly a half-century of affirmative action in college admissions .
Biden Slams Supreme Court Ruling on Affirmative Action - The New York Times (
So, the response of democrats is to delegitimize the Court itself? How about the Constitution itself? Or the separation of powers? Or the electoral college? All of those things get in the way of their ideology. Don't think for one minute that the Constitution isn't now in jeopardy. We have seen what they have done since 2020. Many of the agencies of the US government are now politicized & weaponized against the people. We witnessed incredible violence throughout the country in 2020 with over two dozen killed and millions in property damage. All of it was condoned by local democrat governments. We have seen the democrat party prosecute its political opponents. Let us not forget that someone who will never be caught leaked Justice Samuel Alito’s draft opinion in Dobbs (the overturning of Roe.)
If you don't know by now, they mean business. That is really what's on the line when we vote in elections.
The transformation is almost complete.
All that talk about protecting democracy and our institutions progressives love to employ when attacking trump is revealed for the hypocrisy it is.
this is extortion. Rule as we demand regardless of the law, , or progressives, will threaten, smear and even try to assassinate justices While destroying the courts legitimacy as a independent institution by packing the court with servile progressive justices or threatening to ignore court rulings.
All progressive congressional terrorists like AOC have to do is their job, pass laws implementing the policies they desire.
So, the democrats are "outraged" (again / still) and making BS claims like this every time they lose. It's just another day that ends in "Y".
If the court “overruled congress” why did both houses of congress vote otherwise?
if congress actually wants student loan relief, all it has to do is pass a bill saying so. An easy democratic solution that progressives oppose.
They didn't overrule congress. Congress never waived student debt.
What we can easily glean from these two articles is that the SCOTUS ruling on the student debt relief issue was a political decision by a conservative court, not a dispassionate decision based on judicial restraint.
The Trump administration used the Heroes Act to suspend student debt payments, and the Biden administration used it to forgive some of the debt. Both uses were based on the decision by those administrations that COVID harm to the economy constituted a "national emergency" covered by the Heroes Act. The difference was the remedy.
So instead of requiring Congress to clarify the parameters of the "response" that would be in compliance with the Heroes Act, the conservative Supreme Court decided that it should be taken out of Congress hands and be decided by themselves.
These are the types of reasons why people are losing faith in the Court.
Brandon the Human Fuck Up Machine's second verse is the same as the first.
Nothing in the 1965 Higher Education Act gives him the right to cancel student loan debt.
Does the Supreme Court have to stamp it on his damn head so that it will sink in?
The real witness before the Court was Nancy Pelosi. Obviously she didn't see what some are now claiming was in the "Heroes Act.' LOL
It's amazing. Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden agree that Congress didn't delegate the authority. Under political pressure, the President tries anyway and does everything in his power to structure the relief to avoid giving any party standing to challenge his abuse of power because he knows it's indefensible on the merits. Congress than votes specifically to reject the idea it delegated the power to Biden.
The Court does what Pelosi and Biden ruled as it believed it should and suddenly its "political." A more dishonest argument one would have to look far and wide to find.
Oh, look.... an adult behaving responsibly...
That's something you don't see every day.
Seems both you and the NY Times can't tell the difference between pause and cancel.
Why don't you ask Nancy Pelosi.
Unless Nancy Pelosi is now a Republican?
They didn't.
You, Khanna, and now Pelosi are all wrong.
Brandon isn't Xi, and this isn't China.
End of story.
A minute ago Pelosi was right, according to you.
If that was true, Biden's handlers would have simply had dumb ass amend it.
Who knows, maybe he will turn it into a law when he goes to South Carolina this week. He just made the announcement of going there after Donald Trump just drew 50,000 people at a rally there. It is an odd state of affairs that a president who can't draw flies at an event got a record 80 million votes.
She was against it before she was for it,
What do you think would happen if Biden actually submitted a bill forgiving student debt to congress?
Your argument is nancy pelosi is so dumb that she doesn't understand the bill she passed? That she and the democratic caucus passed a law without a basic understanding of what it meant and needed someone else to explain to them what they voted for?
That's some party you support. "Vote Democrat We are too dumb to read or understand what we are doing!"
She was right the first time- wrong the second time.
Which is why I said "and now Pelosi are all wrong."
She shouldn't listen to charlatans like Khanna. Maybe she really is putting herself out to pasture.
That would definitely be my argument. That's certainly what happened with the Affordable Care Act, so the precedent is there.
Oh please, as if some conservatives don't whine; just look at that 'loser' of a party ticket leader who dreams three years out that he is still a proper president. Even uses his presidential stationery yet rumor has it.
Indeed! It is some conservatives who either coined but most definitely vocalized the phrases: "Unelected judges" and "activist judges" for the high court - as if we don't remember it being so just because we don't belabor it.
Even in some conservative projection, on a deeper level the projecting itself is a bit of a whine (and trivial to a point).
They just can't get used to a Court that follows the Constitution rather than feelings.
Some conservative wish so much so that they could live in a country/world where people are not the main thing; I will remind them as often as I can that this is not that world. Keep hurting people and people will strike back. Indeed, it has already began.
I read conservative authors and writers on a variety of subject matters. Even read books written by former justices of the supreme court ( Very enlightening. BTW, did you know that neoliberalism is what the ideology of no feelings that count (publicly anyway) in society. It is that we should go with capitalism (raw/pure/lightly deluded) in every situation? The end result being disaffection for people who are not part of one's political ideology?
Though this may be beyond the scope of this discussion, nevertheless.
Not really. Conservative writers should carry some sway with you. If not so, who does? Anyway, if one tries to live a so-called "pure" ideology on any political subject one will soon find themselves heaved up on the trash heap of life. For life is truly lived in the exchanges of realities ("give and take") that people, citizens trade between themselves!
And you; do you insist?
Now that's digressing. Of course we all want people to make sense.
Women lost reproductive freedom when the SC struck down Roe vs Wade. Then minorities lost Affirmative Action. The LGBTQ community lost their expectation of equal treatment in public accommodations. Young adults struggling to recoup after Covid lost promised debt relief...
So, who is happy with Trump's Supreme Court?
The hell they did. The court gave the decision back to the states. California, New York, and other leftist bastions of stupidity still have some of the weakest/lax abortion laws around. Don't like the abortion laws in the state you live- then move to another one with more lax laws.
Are Asians a minority? Considering the lawsuit against Harvard's enrollment policies was brought by an Asian- you are 100% wrong. Blacks and Latinos outnumbers Asians in the US. Guess Democrats only care about minorities they can buy off.
Wrong again. What else is new? This ruling is the same as the cake ruling. Businesses can't be forced to make a product that goes against their business model. I would love to see a LGBTQ+ business that prints nothing but pro LGBTQ+ t-shirts be forced to print "God hates gays" for a client. The left would lose their shit. The ruling states the web designer cannot discriminate against LGBTQ+ clients. If they want to buy a straight wedding website design- then she is bound to sell to them. Just like the LGBTQ+ business that prints pro LGBTQ+ t-shirts must sell their product line to straights or anyone else that wants it. They don't have to create anything special for clients.
Tell Brandon to obey the fucking law. Not even Pelosi said he had the power to forgive student loan debt. Only Congress does.
Minorities only mean black people now. White progressives are perfectly happy discriminating against asians and attack them as white supremacists
Forget Native Americans, subcontinental Asians, Hispanics, Arabs, Jews, Athiests, Muslims, Aboriginals and the LGBTQ?
What about all of the cultural minorities?
You think affirmative action applies to atheists, muslims, etc?
I have a Cuban born friend that always considered and listed himself as Caucasian until he applied to law school, then he became Hispanic.
Woment didn't lose a goddamn thing. All the SC Decision did was put it on the states and not the federal government.
Are you implying that minorities can't do anything without special accommodations?
So you support the fascist idea that everybody should make thing for everybody? This was a win for the 1st Amendment. And it's not the first time it's been brought up and the left lost.
You ask tough questions.
Let us see what happens.
We know what will happen. There will be no answers.
Yes, they did lose something. Before the SCOTUS decision abortion was legal in all 50 states now that is changed and in some states it's not legal or so very restricted it's a joke.
In the history of the Supreme Court only 48 times since the 1700s as SCOTUS overturned one of its own decisions, this is one of them.
That, of course, isn't at all what is implied. The facts of the matter is that when AA was removed in the California school system the number of minority students dropped dramatically and even with millions of dollars spent by the schools to improve the numbers of minority students they have never reached the same number as before the ban on AA in 1996. If, instead of making blanket comments regarding minorities actually getting the facts and speaking to us since we are the ones that are affected by the decision would give you a better idea of the whole dynamic.
As noted in numerous articles since the SCOTUS decision last week schools are working on ways to keep minority students attending. The schools see something that SCOTUS didn't/doesn't nor to non-minorities see it the same way.
IMO, The plaintiff didn't even have a business when the suit was filed and then the supposed person that sent the ''request'' states that he did not send it, isn't gay and has been married for 14 years. What we have is a decision on a case that never existed, which is BS.
I'll broaden my question for you, is it abortion 100% illegal ANYWHERE in this country? The answer is NO, it is not 100% illegal. While there are differences from state to state it is not illegal. Hence, women didn't lose a goddamn thing. Now if you have issues with it in your area, then this is where the SCOTUS decision is important, you take it up with the politicians in YOUR AREA.
From my POV, it IS implied that the person who wrote that believes that minorities cannot succeed without special accommodations. According to this person, and apparently you, there would be no black, Asian, Hispanic, Native American's or anybody else "non-white" in the position they are in without help. It's wrong and flat out racist.
The progressive / liberal / left have been crying for years about equality. Now, the SCOUTS has ruled in favor of equality, and they all are crying that they still want that special treatment but to be equal.
What percentage of your freedoms are you willing to forfeit as long as there is an angle to claim they were not completely removed? If you can still own a gun but only after taking/ safety classes, passing a background check, passing a written exam, passing a psych test, getting a permit, registration and insurance?
All American women lost reproductive freedom, no matter how you spin it...
I would agree with you but then we would both be wrong. Also noted you are refusing to answer my questions in 5.2
The mistake you are making is abortion isn’t a right protected under the constitution.
How bout no guns for those over 65?
Keep it up so voters will hate the gop!
Two out of three support roe v wade...
The difference in some states is the gestation period. If there is a six week ban a large per cent of women don't know they are pregnant in that time period. Hence women have lost much of their rights which is plain to anyone that can read.
I never said or implied any such thing. I said and gave you a backup on the situation in CA. Of course, there are still minorities going to college but many are not able to or have to take a school that isn't elite. As far as wrong and flat-out racist as you said, actually being a minority I have personal experience with it and did ask you in my previous comment to actually get some facts and speak to us (minorities) to get a better understanding of the dynamic which you seem not to be interested in.
Don't generalize, I've actually protested for civil rights and it has cost me but I guess that is beyond your pay grade. If that's the best you've got, hang it up since you have no idea what the hell your talking about.
Wasn't Biden 70 when he told Jill to fire his shotguns of the VP residence deck if she was scarred.
And what does that have to do with ANYTHING I ask you in 5.2? But, hey, I'll entertain you for a brief moment. It appears you are willing to take away somebody's 2nd Amendment right. How very fascist of you. Like you said in 5.3.2:
The difference you are ignoring is, the right to bear arms is right there in the Bill of Rights. What you are crying about, well, not so much. You're obviously ignorant enough to not realize what recent Roe v Wade decision did. And instead of taking the time to figure it out, you are going right along with the rest of the parrots who don't know and chirping right along with them.
The termination of AA gives you the equality that you all on the left have been demanding. Now that you have it, you all are crying that you lost the special treatment. Can't have both. Welcome to equality.
Your idea that the cake maker was in the wrong displays the fascism you have blamed the GOP and the right of for quite a while. Again, there is the 1st Amendment that you are trying to reduce. And again, your claim in 5.2.3. Does the demand that somebody make a cake out weigh a person's 1st amendment right to NOT make it? How about in the NHL when players opted not to wear pride sweaters for practice? The short answer is - NO. People don't have to support anything if they don't want to. No matter how much you cry about it.
Does a person have the right to cut their hair, trim their toenails or have their tonsils removed?
Blah, blah, blah. Abortion is NOT illegal in the US. No matter what articles you provide. It. Is. Not. Illegal. Like I said, if you have issues with it in your area, then you take it up with the politicians in YOUR AREA. It's no longer something the federal level is no longer part of.
Because Ca is a good example of, NOTHING.
I'm not generalizing a damn thing. You wanted equality. This SCOTUS brings more of that equality you protested for. Now you are crying because the special treatment is gone. Sorry, can't have both. This decision doesn't only affect a specific demographic. You need to get that nonsense out of your head. It affects several demographics. It's time to put the victim card away.
Welcome to equality.
equality. that means both men and women have the right to be Not pregnant and child free
Sadly, you can't grasp that it is illegal. More willful ignorance on your part.
It is probably much too difficult for you to grasp.
Once again with the ''crying'' nonsense, it seems to be way beyond your capabilities to express a thought without resorting to childish nonsense.
Nowhere did I say it affected only specific demographics, quit making shit up since he destroys what little cred you have on this subject.
Never played a victim card, I leave that up to the ''replacement theory'' whiners.
“Welcome to equality.”
If only a court decision, or a piece legislation, or a signature could make it so.
What this court has done is rollback efforts made decades ago to protect our rights. We are always going to have to face our struggles with the inequality inherent in our society. These decisions are ignoring that fact, as is everyone who trumpets them as some sort of victory.
It's not hard to grasp that Ca is a Democrat run shithole. It's actually common knowledge to those with functioning brains.
Yes you did.
If you weren't trying to play the victim card you wouldn't have felt the need to bring that up.
A shithole as you call it that far exceeds anything NC can offer. As for common knowledge to those with functioning brains, I'd say that would leave a lot of NC out.
LOL, so asking to speak directly to someone with the knowledge and experience is playing the victim card...OMG, that's about as stupid a comment as I've seen on NT.
You're right it does. Homelessness, illegal immigrants, drug problems, crime. Those are always something I would promote.
Your meme doesn't seem to take into account the 6 don't always vote in a block while the 3 seem to.
You forgot they are rarely (never) original.
Far right wingers who have rarely earned even a high school diploma?
But you cheered when the majority sided with the minority and stated the feds can basically refuse to deport any illegal, even if they are deportable and are criminals.
Women lost reproductive freedom when the SC struck down Roe vs Wade.
No they didn't.
Good thing old white men are majority voters...
Oh, they aren't?
Trump and the gop need a few more Justices!
So fasten your seatbelt & raise seatback table.
Your gop is in for a very bumpy election cycle...
Don't count your Brandon's before they hatch.
Democrats have a lot of problems of their own creation to overcome. Inflation, high fuel prices, crime, rising interest rates, Ukraine (the pit that just keeps on taking money and resources), and their absolute disastrous foreign policies (Afghanistan, China, North Korea, and Iran).
Brandon cannot hide in his basement this time.
The only chance that Democrats have is if Trump is the Republican nominee. Then it is a toss up.
People are sick of living in Democrats land of perpetual victimhood.
Oh I know, how about we put them all in camps?
Would that solve it?
"The HEROES Act would've extended the scope and period of student loan forbearance established under the CARES Act. All federal and private student loans would be given forbearance through September 2021. The Treasury would pay the loans up to $10,000 per borrower during this forbearance, and $45 billion is appropriated for this purpose. After that period any amounts remaining of the $10,000 per borrower would be provided to fund student debt forgiveness. "
Pelosi who helped get the mostrous inflationary package passed said that only congress could do what Biden promised and that "Act" wasn't it!
Trump extended or postponed student debt during the COVID crises. Biden tried to replace student debt with US debt after COVID and during a wonderful economy that he has built.
So, how do we combat the two party stranglehold on our politics and our democracy? Both parties have been taken over by extremist ideology that is being rejected by the electorate.
Nope. [deleted Most liberals are moderates.]
A perfect way to encourage readers to dismiss your entire article as biased partisan bitching.
Yes, be critical of Biden; there is plenty of legitimate criticism to offer. But emotive hyperbole never works in the author's favor (except to gain attaboys from like-minded partisans).
Funny how the far right and moderate leftists use a completely different language.
Trump does the school-yard bully thingy and liberals don't make up derogatory names.
Reminds me of elementary school where the bullies taunted with made-up names.
Trump has never graduated from grade school in his mind.
A worse problem is that we have a once powerful political party that has been taken over by Trump empowered by a strong MAGA minority who are incapable and/or unwilling to think for themselves and simply believe whatever the narcissistic liar states.
The real problem is that MAGA folk have mostly sub 80 IQs.
That is why they are so easily led and used by fascists giving them a voice.
Hitler used his ignorant easily manipulated populists in the same way.
Hitler just gave his low IQ fools somebody to hate and blame for everything.
In Hitler's regime it was Jews. In the US far right regime it is now liberals.
Trump and his fascist crew can't stand equal treatment under the law.
The best way to get back into a game you are losing is change the rules of the game. All kids (and apparently most democrat politicians) know that.
So the far right lost the midterms due to Trump. The hits will just keep coming.
Seems real Americans are tired of far right wing Hitler fascism.
But the Russian bots here do seem to love the conflict.
Yea, 80 some years ago.
This is ridiculous. This "opinion" reads like something madmen and women would write: As though the bulk of this country is behind drawn battle lines and hunkered down in bunkers doing trench warfare. Well, I have news for all of y'all:
Stop the fear-mongering and demonizing!
Work for peace.
Shit like this is getting this nation's citizens a big fat nowhere.
Why should I trust your legal judgment any more than your psychiatric judgment?
I am commenting on this opinion article, not any court!
Which words struck you as psychotic?
The twisted thinking which goes into writing fear-mongering and demonizing opinion pieces. Now I will leave room for your analysis as to which words ↑ fit the bill.
I don’t have a clue at what set you off.
That's not a sufficient excuse!
Thread @5.4 cleaned up and locked for slap fighting.