Kamala Harris skewered over latest 'word salad' gaffe: 'Incapable of speaking normally' | Fox News
Category: News & Politics
Via: sparty-on • 2 years ago • 62 commentsBy: Kristine Parks (Fox News)

Laura Ingraham: Kamala Harris 'slipping into a different dimension' with latest word salad
Vice President Kamala Harris was mocked by Fox News host Laura Ingraham after she made another incomprehensible statement during a speech at Howard University on abortion rights.
Vice President Kamala Harris was brutally mocked for puzzling comments she made during a rally for abortion rights at Howard University in Washington D.C. on Tuesday.
Harris delivered her remarks at her alma mater, in her first speaking engagement since she and President Biden announced their 2024 re-election bid.
The VP was urging liberals to "stand and fight" against what she deemed a "national agenda" by the GOP to limit abortion rights, voting rights and LGBTQ rights, NPR reported. At one point in her speech, she gave a rambling description of the importance of the moment.
"So I think it's very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders for us at every moment in time and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future," Harris said in video shared by the Republican National Committee and others on Twitter.
US Vice President Kamala Harris announced her reelection bid with President Biden on Tuesday.(Leigh Vogel/Abaca/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
Conservatives like Steve Guest, adviser for Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, roundly ridiculed the latest verbal blunder as a "word salad."
Talk radio host Buck Sexton joked, "Every Kamala speech somehow sounds like the most brutally boring corporate HR seminar imaginable."
Republican strategist Matt Whitlock accused the VP of being unable of speaking "normally."
"It's pretty striking that she is simply incapable of speaking normally. Is she actually smoking weed before grabbing the mic? It would explain so much," Whitlock tweeted.
Vice President Kamala Harris was ridiculed on social media for her latest verbal blunder.
Fox News Radio host Guy Benson responded with a grimacing emoji to the awkward speech.
PJ Media senior columnist Stephen Kruiser teased, "She speaks like James Joyce would have written if he'd had no talent and been even more drunk."
Freelance security analyst Kyle Orton likened Harris to the satirical political character Selina Meyer from "Veep,"
"Pure VEEP stuff," he remarked.
The Vice President has frequently been mocked for her word salads and awkward stories at public events.
Last month critics ripped Harris after she honored "women who made history throughout history" in a speech for Women's History Month.
Kristine Parks is an associate editor for Fox News Digital. Read more.

Our second in line.
Doesn't inspire any confidence does it?
As criticism of Kamala Harris, that video is absurd. Three examples of her speaking are given, under the banner of "Kamala Harris Fumbles Through Her Speeches".
Two of the three examples given are not speeches at all and third contains obvious ad libbing.
There is something wrong here, but its not Harris, it is the people who think all this nonsense means something.
OMFG where is our resident genius with the "defending the indefensible" comment?
There are a number of people, here on Newstalkers, that suck at expressing their thoughts in a coherent way. You'd think they would have sympathy for a politician who speaks repetitively.
Exactly, anyone trying to find meaning in her nonsense is just wrong.
You would think a person who speaks repetitively would be able to speak coherently. But this is what happens when you pick a VP based solely on their skin color and gender.
Like the reference to James Joyce - cool.
From Biden’s perspective she was a great pick. If she seemed halfway competent the pressure to stand down would be immense.
Which was interesting consider how hard Harris attacked Biden while running against him.
Biden picked her for two reasons. 1.) she’s African American. 2,) she is a she
And she isn't even African American..............
he VP was urging liberals to "stand and fight"
Wait a minute...
Isn't this very similar to what our leftist friends here claim that Trump said where he "instigated" Jan 6?
I wonder when democrats will begin their own impeachment inquiry and file charges of incitement against her s/
Don't call out their hypocrisy. It hurts their feelings. And we've seen how they get with hurt feelings.
"So I think it's very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders for us at every moment in time and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future," Harris said
That is alot of words to say absolutely nothing
This ...
is a word salad.
Big deal.
I understood her. Maybe its you.
She meant that she, along with many present and historical leaders, believes it important to understand our present role in context of the past and in consideration of the future.
Even more succinct: consider lessons learned and act properly today considering our impact on the future.
How many times must someone explain to you how a forum works. This is not a private discussion. We all can chime in.
Too bad. You asked "What in the heck did she mean then?" so I gave you my interpretation. Everyone is free to answer your question; again, that is how forums work.
Parts of this thread were cleaned up for a slap fight. Knock it off. Only warning.
This is what these people are losing their shit over.
There is no doubt that her sentences here are quite repetitive, but other than that, what is supposed to be the big deal with this?
The idea that no one can understand what she meant is bizarre. She is saying that we need to put the present into a historical context at times and do so in a way that helps us in the future.
I dont know what the topic she was discussing was so I cant say if what she said was really meaningful or not. Nor do I care at this particular moment. This entire controversy surrounding her "speeches" is ridiculous.
The right is making a concerted effort to denigrate Kamala Harris, that is quite obvious.
It is not a big deal (to me). It is, however, clearly a word salad. And that does not surprise me with Harris.
Her AI commentary that was deemed a word salad was NOT a word salad. I made that clear (although the confirmation bias at play is strong). In this case, it IS a word salad.
It is a big deal to the Rs because anything negative regarding a D is a big deal to them. They are apparently on a mission to win the presidency and they are stuck with Trump as their nominee.
Look, she made a convoluted sentence. Our right wingers pretend that she sounded like an idiot, which is nonsense. She sounded like someone who was speaking off the cuff and got her presentation of her words out over her skis.
Like I said, big deal.
So its a word salad, WGAF ?
Exactly, wgaf?...
Not sure what else I can say here John.
Oh, that's an interesting concept...
So, what they actually do is more important than what they say?
Thank you, John.
Kamala Harris appears to want to over explain or keep talking until she thinks she has made her point. Thus she has had episodes of repetitiveness.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with intelligence, or competence.
The political right is on a crusade to discredit Harris and scare people into thinking a vote for Biden is a vote for this horrible person Kamala Harris. It is absurd, but par for the course for the MAGA party.
I kind of agree with that.
The political right is on a crusade to discredit Harris
I wonder where they learned that?
Alot of her "speaking" engagements remind me of a Tommy Chong ramble.
She's just high on life, dontcha know...
The difference is Tommy Chong is wasted. She's stone sober.
Yeah, ok. I think I get what she was going for. She's trying to get people to focus on historical context. She's just really not smooth about it, though.
Speaking of context, one of the problems with these clips is that we get just the bad sentence or two. Probably if we had to sit through the whole thing, we'd get her meaning. But that's not how news is done, these days.
It's really easy to not like her.
She doesn't come off as genuine at the best of times.
The seeded article is 4 1/2 months old. If that is her "latest" gaff she's not doing too bad.
If you look at the video of this
It is clear that Harris was not giving a speech. She was making unscripted remarks . So she had a slight brain freeze 4 1/2 months ago and we are supposed to make hay over it today.
I'm sure she gave an inspirational speech over there,..
That’s just one example of many.
Harris’s biggest gaff of all is the job she is doing as VP. Which is to say. What the hell is she doing? She’s Biden’s border czar ….. DOH! I could go on but there’s really no point to it since the triggered masses will continue to give her the “partisan pass” they are programmed to give Dems like her.
And some of those same people hammered Quayle for misspelling potato …… hilarious!