
'We Need Brain': Top 10 Funniest Politics Videos of 2020


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'We Need Brain': Top 10 Funniest Politics Videos of 2020
Nobody know more about [whatever] than I do

A reminder of how extreme is the pathological lying and narcissism of Trump.    This is prior to and during his presidency.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  TᵢG    last year

In the past, someone like this would not be taken seriously.    Today, tens of millions are going to vote for this abysmal character for the most powerful office on the planet.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  TᵢG @1    last year
"Today, tens of millions are going to vote for this abysmal character for the most powerful office on the planet."

P. T. Barnum is reputed to have explained that best.

I suppose there is no text that accompanies that youtube that I cannot open. 

Professor Principal
1.1.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1.1    last year

Its a 24 minute video Buzz. I dont think they have transcripts for videos that long. 

Professor Principal
1.2  devangelical  replied to  TᵢG @1    last year

I don't know anyone that is sane, or wishes to keep their sanity, that could watch that all the way thru.

he knows more about obstruction of justice by a serving president, than anyone

he knows more about conspiring to commit election fraud, than anyone

he knows more about instigating an insurrection by a sitting president, than anyone

he knows more about the peaceful transfer of power, than anyone

he knows more about illegal willful retention of classified documents, than anyone

he knows more about federally indicted ex-presidents, than anyone

Professor Principal
1.2.1  devangelical  replied to  devangelical @1.2    last year

hopefully soon, he'll know more than anyone about a disgraced ex-president serving a prison term.

Professor Quiet
1.3  mocowgirl  replied to  TᵢG @1    last year
In the past, someone like this would not be taken seriously. 

I believe it might be time for a reminder on who we did take seriously when our nation invaded Iraq on the premise that there were weapons of mass destruction. 

How much did that mistake cost the US?

Evidently, the voters weren't too upset because the foolish one was re-elected and then led us to the Wall Street Meltdown.

I just watched 10 minutes of this debate in 2004.  Looking back, this ineptitude and posturing seems pretty standard for what poses at leadership in the highest offices of the US even today.  If it wasn't standard, then Trump would not have ever been taken seriously. 

Our leadership has made ridiculous choices that they would have been fired for if they were not in elected office in the US.  Instead of being fired, their incompetence is usually rewarded with another term of office.  Not to mention the appearance of out and out corruption.  Corruption that can be ignored or swept under the rug as long as the corrupt remain in power.  How do our ex presidents manage to make hundred of millions of dollars after leaving office?  It may be legit, but someone needs to explain this to the average voter in the US how our politicians are making millions of dollars while "serving" us.

People, who vote for Trump, are voting for border security, US jobs and an economy that works for them.  Other politicians have promised similar for decades, but must not have delivered or there would be no Trump.  

It is not Trump's fault, the GOP politicians have made promises and not delivered.  If the run of the mill politicians want rid of Trump, then it is up to them to run on a platform that appeals to more voters.  

Politics is a dirty business.  Want better politicians?   Then ferret out the self-serving and see who is left standing.  How many would be left?

Professor Principal
1.3.1  seeder  TᵢG  replied to  mocowgirl @1.3    last year
People, who vote for Trump, are voting for border security, US jobs and an economy that works for them. 

Why do people assume that no other candidate can promise border security, jobs and a good economy?

That's the problem.   There are many GOP members who support core GOP policies such as the above.   Why is the GOP going with such an abysmal character who has demonstrated that he will throw the nation and the CotUS under the bus because his ego cannot handle being a loser?

Professor Principal
1.3.2  seeder  TᵢG  replied to  mocowgirl @1.3    last year
I believe it might be time for a reminder on who we did take seriously when our nation invaded Iraq on the premise that there were weapons of mass destruction. 

As a side note.   Notice the difference between these two men and Trump.   These are serious individuals who both deserve the honorific 'statesman'.

Per my point @1, look at how low our standards have dropped in just 20 years.

Professor Quiet
1.3.3  mocowgirl  replied to  TᵢG @1.3.1    last year
no other candidate can promise

Isn't the problem the promises are to gain votes and then forgotten - as some should be.

I remember when Texas and maybe Louisiana were going to secede if Obama won in 2012.  The governors had to explain why that was not going to happen.  

Who has promised to secure the southern border and actually worked to do it?  Anyone?

Professor Quiet
1.3.4  mocowgirl  replied to  TᵢG @1.3.2    last year
Notice the difference between these two men and Trump.

Forgetting Trump.

You are honestly saying that GW Bush spearheading the invasion of Iraq based on faulty intel and against the wishes of the United Nations makes him deserving of the title "honorfic statesman"?

I honestly think that GW Bush is one of the worst presidents in US history for corruption and ineptitude.  Eww!

I don't know a lot about Kerry except I voted for him because I did not believe our country would survive another four years of Bush.  What year will our taxpayers pay off the cost of the Iraq invasion?  How about the Wall Street debacle?  Not to mention funneling taxpayer money to churches and the No Child Left Behind legislation that starved public schools of money.

I really don't know of a single thing that Bush ever did that made him worthy of holding any elected office.  If you do, then please enlighten me on why Bush was qualified to be POTUS.,

Professor Principal
1.3.5  seeder  TᵢG  replied to  mocowgirl @1.3.4    last year
You are honestly saying that GW Bush spearheading the invasion of Iraq based on faulty intel and against the wishes of the United Nations makes him deserving of the title "honorfic statesman"?

I stated that Bush and Kerry are serious individuals who both deserve the honorific 'statesman'.   This was in direct comparison to the anti-statesmanship of Trump.

I did not state nor imply that Bush’s errant invasion made him a statesman.

Further, a failure in judgment does not in itself mean that someone is not a statesman.

Professor Principal
1.3.6  seeder  TᵢG  replied to  mocowgirl @1.3.3    last year
Isn't the problem the promises are to gain votes and then forgotten - as some should be.

I intentionally used ‘promise’ rather than ‘do’ because the electorate typically does not get what they voted for.

Remember Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.   He made some progress on the wall so he gets some credit, but reality fell far short of the promise.  

Also, if that miserable human being is re-elected I predict that he will NOT continue work on the wall but rather use the presidency to pursue his personal desires and vengeance.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.3.7  Trout Giggles  replied to  TᵢG @1.3.6    last year

He will use the DOJ and all other the alphabet agencies to hunt down and persecute his "enemies"

The republicans talk about weaponization of the agencies? We ain't seen nothing yet

Professor Principal
1.3.8  Texan1211  replied to  Trout Giggles @1.3.7    last year

Mere projection.

Professor Quiet
1.3.9  mocowgirl  replied to  TᵢG @1.3.6    last year
Also, if that miserable human being is re-elected I predict that he will NOT continue work on the wall but rather use the presidency to pursue his personal desires and vengeance.

Interesting prediction.  

I really have no idea what you are talking about here because to the best of my knowledge the POTUS does not have absolute power.   Nor do I have a clue on Trump's internal or external thinking.  I don't watch Trump or read about him so I am relying on your input to try to understand what is known about Trump's agenda.

What are Trump's personal desires?

Who is Trump seeking vengeance on?  What will he do to them as POTUS that would be allowed and legal?

Professor Principal
1.3.10  seeder  TᵢG  replied to  mocowgirl @1.3.9    last year
... to the best of my knowledge the POTUS does not have absolute power.

Why do you write of absolute power?   I spoke of presidential power, not absolute power.

What are Trump's personal desires?

Does one need to know the specific personal desires of a narcissist to know that same will pursue his/her personal desires (at the expense of others)?

Who is Trump seeking vengeance on?  

All those who Trump believes are disloyal to him or enemies of his.

What will he do to them as POTUS that would be allowed and legal?

Scrutiny by the IRS.   Disfavor verbally using the bully pulpit.   Use cooperative, loyal operatives to cause harm (the specifics depend on the situation).

The presidency brings with it the power of influence.   Surrounding oneself with loyal operatives extends that influence.   

Professor Quiet
1.3.11  mocowgirl  replied to  TᵢG @1.3.10    last year

So Trump has no more power than any other POTUS.  He just has more grass roots voter support than the status quo acceptable politicians.

Presidents have a history of appointing people who support them.  

I completely support having the IRS audit all federal politicians and have their tax returns open to the public every year they hold office and for at least 5 years after leaving office.  

US politicians have a history of using lies and smear campaigns against their opponents.

I am all for banning lying campaigns.  How does that happen? 

What if the lie turns out to be true?

Is it even remotely possible that there is corruption in our federal government that needs exposed and addressed?

People know how they are living throughout the US.  They may not know exactly who is to blame, but they do know that their bills and taxes are continually rising due to either the ineptness or corruption of their government and absolutely no one is being held accountable. 

Whether it is ineptness or corruption, it is time to elect representatives to address the needs of the citizens of the US instead of making excuses or blaming the citizens.

Professor Principal
1.3.12  seeder  TᵢG  replied to  mocowgirl @1.3.11    last year
So Trump has no more power than any other POTUS. 

Of course.   All PotUS' are constitutionally limited.   The question is how they make use of their power.   The CotUS does not limit the PotUS from using the influence of the office to serve his personal needs; even if those needs are not (judgment call) in the best interests of the nation.

Presidents have a history of appointing people who support them.  

Yes, so an abysmal character like Trump will wind up appointing sycophants who will expand his abilities to influence reality.

I completely support having the IRS audit all federal politicians and have their tax returns open to the public every year they hold office and for at least 5 years after leaving office. 

Sure.   But I bet you do not support working the system so that select people are scrutinized as a result of indirect dynamics which emanate from the PotUS.

US politicians have a history of using lies and smear campaigns against their opponents.

Yes.  Some use this more than others.  Best to not do this.   Worst to do this at every opportunity.   

I am all for banning lying campaigns.  How does that happen? 

It is supposed to happen by a combination of exposure by the 'free press' with consequences from an informed, engaged electorate.

What if the lie turns out to be true?

Then it was not a lie.

Is it even remotely possible that there is corruption in our federal government that needs exposed and addressed?

There is, IMO, vast corruption in our federal and state governments.   It should all be exposed and addressed.   Again, we need honest objective media exposure and an informed, engaged electorate acting responsibly.   Wishful thinking thus far.

People know how they are living throughout the US.  They may not know exactly who is to blame, but they do know that their bills and taxes are continually rising due to either the ineptness or corruption of their government and absolutely no one is being held accountable. 


Whether it is ineptness or corruption, it is time to elect representatives to address the needs of the citizens of the US instead of making excuses or blaming the citizens.


Professor Principal
1.3.13  Texan1211  replied to  mocowgirl @1.3.11    last year

I really think that Democrats are just afraid the GOP will do as they have done.

Professor Quiet
1.3.14  mocowgirl  replied to  Texan1211 @1.3.13    last year
I really think that Democrats are just afraid the GOP will do as they have done.

My thoughts are that the US citizens have been badly served by entrenched narcissists at the highest levels of our government for decades.  They work together with the illusion of having social differences, but work the same economic policy for the benefit of the 1 percent.  They have a few token fights to try to frighten the voters into voting against the other party because it is somehow socially evil and rarely mention their deplorable economic policies that are detrimental to US workers.  This has worked well because our economy is so unstable and few people have any economic security.  The reps, who have engineered this system, have successfully convinced the voters that their fellow citizens are to blame for social/economic instability and should be feared and hated.

Even if there actually was government transparency, few citizens have the time or interest to do all of the monitoring on who is doing what to whom.  So, we are left with an uneducated electorate who base their votes on whichever sound bites appeals to their personal morals, ethics or economic interests.  Most people don't have a clue where their reps are spending trillions of dollars of taxpayer money because I have my doubts that the reps do either - hence the sound bites.  How would any rep (even if they wanted to) have the time to read and explain hundreds of pages of legislation to the voters?  Where is the media breaking down the hundreds of pages of legislation so the US citizens are informed on what our reps are doing?  

I am hoping that in 2024, the voters ask questions and demand answers on budget proposals from all candidates.  The social issues are secondary and largely a distraction.  The governors and mayors will be answering to their voters on what their communities demand.  Otherwise, the most important social issues will be decided by the US Supreme Court.

We need economic visibility and accountability.

Trump is not a threat because he is a narcissist.  I don't know if anyone can name a US president that wasn't.  Trump is a threat because he is not a member of the team that has been entrenched in the US government for decades and could alter their economic plans that usually involve being entrenched in conflicts and wars across the globe.

Didn't Bill Clinton's strategist (James Carville) say something about "it's the economy, stupid" in 1992?  Voters must focus on discussing the who, what and why of the US economy, before supporting any candidate for office in 2024 if we want social change.

Professor Principal
1.3.15  Texan1211  replied to  mocowgirl @1.3.14    last year
Didn't Bill Clinton's strategist (James Carville) say something about "it's the economy, stupid" in 1992?  Voters must focus on discussing the who, what and why of the US economy, before supporting any candidate for office in 2024 if we want social change.

We as voters are not holding anyone responsible for our staggering debt, which can only but grow at this point.

There are no financial conservatives in DC with the power to do anything.

But common sense things (or at least what I would consider common sense) like perhaps having a balanced budget requirement and cutting back massively on spending so we can apply that money towards the debt are two things I think would help. There is no chance of those happening, though. Neither party is willing to forego giving away money to their districts and states (by way of projects backed by the feds).

We do tend to vote our own finances, and no doubt many vote based on who they think will benefit them personally. Someone once said that the downfall of a democracy starts when the electorate realizes it can vote itself a share of the treasury, and it seems that may turn out to be true for us, too.

Professor Principal
2  JohnRussell    last year

A lot of that video was very funny. 

But seriously, we see in this video Trump saying dozens of idiotic things. I couldnt help but wonder what would be made of Joe Biden saying 'I know more about _________ than anybody' , not just once or twice about something, but over and over and over. The right wing would being going nuts. But Trump does it, its "big deal". 

Trump is, easily, the most embarrassing , buffoonish public figure anyone alive today has ever seen. This video gives immense proof of that. Yet someone wants him back in the presidency. It is inexplicable. 

Professor Principal
2.1  devangelical  replied to  JohnRussell @2    last year

 the people that own the republican party need a cult strongman with a cheap price and limited shelf life.

Professor Principal
3  Kavika     last year

A reminder of what a total buffoon Trump is.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
4  Trout Giggles    last year

I really liked "The Liar Tweets Tonight"

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
5  Hal A. Lujah    last year

That was painful to watch.  Incidentally, the surest sign that someone is ignorant on any particular subject is when they have to tell you that they know more about it than anyone in the world.  Now I feel like I need to go rewatch the entire Curb Your Enthusiasm series.

Professor Principal
6  JohnRussell    last year

and now for a musical interlude

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
6.1  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  JohnRussell @6    last year



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