The teaching of history at Cornell

Link to quote: Cornell professor who called Hamas attacks ‘exhilarating’ takes leave of absence | The College Fix
If anyone still wonders why we now have people graduating from the university who are basically ignorant of subjects like history, I once again have the answer. Today our focus is on Professor Russel Rickford who believe it or not, teaches history at Cornell University. When Hamas attacked defenseless Israelis and raped women and chopped the heads off of infants and took hostages as human shields, the history professor said that he found the attack exhilarating and energizing.
“It was exhilarating. It was exhilarating, it was energizing,” he was seen telling the crowd, claiming “you would not be human” into to feel the same.
“I was exhilarated!” he said to a smattering of applause.
Cornell professor who found Hamas attack ‘exhilarating’ and ‘energizing’ now on leave of absence (
How many examples do we need of radical left teaching in higher education? Why is the federal government giving money to these universities?
Today we learned that he is taking a leave of absence from his duties (of indoctrinating impressionable young minds).
Cornell issued the following statement:
“We learned yesterday of comments that Professor Russell Rickford made over the weekend at an off-campus rally where he described the Hamas terrorist attacks as ‘exhilarating,’” Pollack Kayser wrote.
“This is a reprehensible comment that demonstrates no regard whatsoever for humanity,” they continued. “The university is taking this incident seriously and is currently reviewing it consistent with our procedures.”
Cornell professor who found Hamas attack ‘exhilarating’ and ‘energizing’ now on leave of absence (
It is as if the Cornell faculty had no idea what Rickford's views were. Rickford after first standing by his remarks, apologized...sort of.
Now you know why so many college grads (indoctrinated & undereducated) vote democrat.
Good morning

A lot has happened overnight. Later today Joe Biden will hold a news conference on the middle east situation. The Defense Department has revealed that there have been over 14 attacks on US bases in the past week with at least two dozen injuries. The UN is about to cease operations in the Gaza strip. Israeli jets have hit the air base at Aleppo in Syria.
24 American soldiers injured in drone attacks on US bases in Iraq, Syria: reports (
The truth is slowly trickling out.
The truth of what?
Give it a little thought, I am sure you will get there.
I wish I was surprised.
"The Biden administration says it will respond if Iran attacks US troops. But, since October 17, Iran has attacked our troops at least 13 times. Biden did nothing. Don't those attacks count? No more excuses, Mr. President. This is your red line."

John Bolton (@AmbJohnBolton) / X (
Problem is, he learned about red lines from his former boss, Barack Hussein Obama, and they are movable it seems.
Something tells me that the one who drew red lines in the sand and christened the "JV team" is still at the helm.
I have a feeling you are least in frequent contact.
There are a lot of clues.
Just my two cents (and I could be wrong) but personally I don’t think that is starting a war with Iran is such a great idea.
Chill the fuck out dude.
Poisoning the minds of our youth student by student.
No surprise universities are hotbeds of Hamas support.
And to all those people who tried to ignore it: It isn't going to go away unless we put a stop to it.
We stop it by boycotting such institutions. I stopped giving to my college several years ago. Stop donating your money and your kids.
Hit em where it hurts. Their pocketbooks.
Actually IMO that is a good idea. Demonstrating in the streets & debating online probably won’t have much actual effect— but I do agree that stopping donations will be much more effective.
Dumbshits don’t know what they don’t know yet. Useful idiots …. Nothing more.
While true, they're also hotbeds of stupidity. I've seen videos of a woman calling for boycotts of corporations like Nike as she wore Nike sneakers. Another video showed a "professor" carrying a hand-printed sign that included the word Apartheid ... except he spelled it Apartied.
MAGA is so petty.
When did it become "MAGA" to factually call out blatant stupidity, hatred, antisemitism, and hypocrisy, CB? Once again, you are bizarrely accusing me of being MAGA. Yesterday, I politely asked you to stop harassing me and accusing me of being what is not true. Today, I am again politely asking you to stop, but this is my last warning.
You asked a question so I will try to respond to it: Spell out what is antisemitic in this situation.
You can't just HARRASS whole swaths of people with a label without making an argument (case) for why it should stick to those you label. Here is space: Make your case for improper discrimination of Jews on student campuses and improper support of the Palestinians as a people.
"The two men who ran over and killed a retired white police officer were laughing in the court room today and mocking his family. If the races were reversed this would be a national news story!"

Matt Wallace (@MattWallace888) / X (
White people are so oppressed.
Another stupid comment, thanks John!
John thinks they are entitled.
To what?
To loot and steal. They were oppressed so it is considered reparations.
It is the soft racism of low expectations, nothing more.
It is a form of racism.
Yes, but we all know that the MSM is run by liberal democrats, and they don't expect as much from certain segments of society, it is the soft racism of low expectations. like this.
Because we all know, Math and English are racist.
Progressives don’t even try to hide how little they think of minorities
We should waste no tax dollars on turds like this. Well, except for the cost of two bullets.
Easy peazy ….
While Iran uses drones to attack military bases, Biden called out B-7 hoping to hit their battleship.
Lol …. good one
Are you sure you "know" history?
There are very few people who argue for justice for both sides, it is always you are totally pro Israel or totally pro Palestinian , and one result of that is that all of the Palestinians grievances come under a forced umbrella of "terrorism". The history of the region is much more complicated than that.
Let me make it plainer, the "history" of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict goes well beyond "terrorism" on the part of the Palestinians.
The author of the following article , is by the way, Jewish.
So you get your opinions from a self loathing coward who failed to protect the women in the office he worked at because he was afraid it would affect his career.
I get my opinions from people who demonstrate they know what they are talking about.
You get your “opinion” rationalizing that the end justifies the means. Nothing, I mean nothing, can justify the actions of Hamas and Hezbollah over the years.
Thinking otherwise is just obtuse.
You get your opinions from people who tell you what you want to hear. It's confirmation bias. nothing more. a lot of close minded people do it.
I'm not sure which is a larger driving force, their hypocrisy or antisemitism, We were attacked unprovoked and destroyed 2 countries, but somehow Israel has to follow different rules concerning their attackers? is it straight up antisemitism or are they just hypocrites?
I have never justified Hamas or Hezbollah or any other terrorists. I am pointing out that the history of the conflict is not what right wingers think it is.
Some of both I suppose
A massive sweeping generalization
I just posted a long article about it. I read it, did you?
Yup, if I had nickel for every time someone less educated than I, bagged on my education, I’d be a much wealthier man ….
I read it and it didn’t point out anything I didn’t already know.
You underestimate people’s intellect here every day John. One of your faults.
I'm waiting, and been waiting for years for the right wingers on Newstalkers to substantively engage the material seeded here.
I see only one two of you who do that, Sean and Nerm. Ronin did to some extent too but he appears to be gone.
Nice, a “sweeping” Ad Hominem attack but fair enough.
They got their marching orders from their chosen one early November 2016 and like good useful idiots, they persist still to this day.
You missed it John. The Palestinians are no longer part of the equation. It is called the Trump Doctrine.
and you claim to know history
They voted for Hamas
either copy or paste a sentence of mine where i either support or make excuses for hamas or shut the fuck up. i flagged your comment but i guess the moderators are letting it stand
so copy and paste a sentence of mine where i support or make excuses for hamas or shut the fuck up
“Many House Democrats decline to directly criticize Rep. Tlaib after she doubles down on Gaza hospital blast misinformation”
As party leaders and the professor demonstrates, this isn’t your father’s party of FDR and JFK who believed in America, this is a party of radicals who hate the west.
Well, the UN is sounding the alarm. I will not support the deliberate killing or mass killing of civilians on either side. Israel needs to take it to heart that support for its position will wane with each civilian death from one individual to another adding up against their 'judgement' on Gaza.
Go after terrorist (see U.S. response to Afghanistan/Iraq); 'liberate' civilians or at least protect their access to safe living conditions, or face an international protest storm.
NOTE: I have not verified it yet, but there is a real-world rumor in my area that upwards to 4,000 civilians in Gaza have been killed by bombings (and the ground invasion has not begun). I will not support the death of innocent people.
And conservative who 'SAY' they love life and the Unborn shouldn't either. As some of the Gaza suffering is happening to pregnant girls and women.
I’ll side with the women and children Hamas murdered, raped and slit throats.
The UN can kiss my ass.
Who is reporting the numbers? How do you identify a dead, adult male civilian from a Hamas soldier? How do you attack Hamas facilities when they are beneath a mosque or mixed into an apartment building. Why did Hamas try to prevent civilians from leaving northern Gaza?
Locally, a Palestinian neighbor. I have no reason to dispute his knowledge, because he is intricately involved in his people's. . . plight "back home." As to what happens to/for Hamas. That is not a concern of mine (or his). Civilian deaths have to be limited to civilian participation in the acts of terror, not "wholesale slaughter" of any/all on the ground. Or Israel will face a backlash. For Israel can not complain about civilian deaths. . . if they expand on the number of civilian deaths as an act of revenge!
Of course you would. Revenge is a dish best served up cold - the saying goes. It's shortsighted however. As these people, both sets of them, are bound to the land together. Truly revenge is not something either Palestinians and Israelites should wish for in the larger scheme of their lives. The Middle East 'eternal' episodes of "Hatfields and McCoys" should end now.
Locally, a Palestinian neighbor. I have no reason to dispute his knowledge, because he is intricately involved in his people's. . . plight "back home."
Is this an answer to a question? Are you serious?
How can you or he have an informed opinion while not being concerned about Hamas?
Again, how does anyone decide which are adult male civilian deaths versus Hamas deaths.
They always do regardless.
Hamas must be wiped off the face of the earth.
Full stop ….
... every religious extremist.
Look! If you want my statements, then receive them. You don't know a damn thing about it other than what I tell you. So listen and stop wasting time feeling around for something to dispute! Therefore, do NOT misunderstand me and then turn around and change the content of my statement.
I support the terrorist be taken down and out. That is easily implied by further reading what come after, "That is not a concern of mine (or his)." Hamas is on it own for what it did to Israel on its own!
It does not need 'extra time' to give it the proper meaning! The meaning is 'inside' the two sentences.
You changed it into something other, because that is the BS you pursue on a daily basis here. So, I should ask you: Are you serious?
As for civilian deaths versus Hamas deaths . . . let me put it to you in a way you might understand: When kids are killed, when people attest that their elderly ones and young adults who are not affiliated (proven to not have any connection) to Hamas (including a lack of insignia or head coverings, or 'colors') are found dead en-masse or alone the U.N. and other countries have intelligence operators who can (and will) determine those persons 'condition' and state through investigation.
BTW, the people in the region know the differences between terrorist and ordinary citizens.
You don't have to know. . .since you are here. All you have to do is read and accept what the experts on Hamas/Israel/Palestine are conveying to us.
As to what happens to/for Hamas. That is not a concern of mine (or his).
Exactly, a completely separate issue, hard to believe that someone would try to link them.
Sorry, it seems to happen a lot with your statements.
‘Extra time’?
Are they counting the bodies? Did they get it way wrong at the hospital?
Uh huh and they would never lie.
Naivety must be comfortable for you.
I have no ideas WHAT you are chiming in about this time. Can't take "Yes" for an answer, eh? Have to be snarky—just because. I guess. Anyway, you comment didn't "connect" and this is my comment about it.
Well, we know MAGA lies on a daily basis, so why would I trust any of you? Besides like me, MAGA's here, sitting on our fat 'butts,' MAGA likely doesn't have any more of a special insight than any other commenter here. As for those extremely tired little 'digs' that MAGA writers like to insert into their comments. . . I'm not petty like MAGA and I won't corrupt myself to think I have to be petty to get my point across. If MAGA are that DESPERATE to try to be somebody at the expense of good and meaningful discussion that's just pathetically weak. Continue being weak and anemic in your "responses."
What does that have to do with me?
Perhaps MAGA has learned, like I, of the difficulties of having a good, meaningful with you. You rarely answer questions and frequently write in a style that makes it difficult for me to interpret your point.
Please. Try to be less contrarian and you would get a lot more out of these exchanges.
Personally, I think your "conversational" banter is over the top, but I don't make a point to keep breaking your peace over it. You and your conservative friends like to make attempts to tell others how we have to come up (or down) to your 'standards' of discussion. I can't/won't do it. I have no interest in forsaking what I know to be a right course of action simply to be popular or CONSERVATIVE.
Finally, I will clear it up for you: I am definitely a liberal. I definitely and deeply care about right and wrong in our society. I am not here to be popular or worse—a conservative who believes that as long as I am in the majority I can use that position to keep others from living the American dream on their own terms. I write the last because it strikes me that conservatives take the stance that if they can get the voting consensus (numbers) behind their cause/s—might makes right. That's incorrect.
Right is right because it serves the good for some or all; wrong is wrong because it can not be misconstrued to be good in the sense of good for some or all.
And all Atheistic extremists. Especially Atheistic extremists since they have reaped such carnage in the world throughout the years …..
“UN ‘expert's’ ”?
Who declared them to be “experts”? And what was their criteria?
I was not an expert until now. By I hereby proclaim myself to be an “expert”.
So there ya go—as of this moment I am a verified expert so no one here should even bother arguing with me because as an expert I am always right!
We can self identify our race and gender so why not our expertise? I think that you’ve made the wise decision, Krishna, as only an expert would.
Krishna, you're kidding right. Experts have credentials. Do you have ME or internationally respected CREDENTIALS? Well, you asked and I have responded.